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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

:lol::rofl::sarcastic: this deterrence you have, if they fired few hundred CM/ALCM from Mediterranean sea and read sea what you gonna do cry:cray::cray::cray:
well there is a reason they don't do that but have no problem doing that with others, the pain is a very good motivator , its also a very good inhibitor
:lol::rofl::sarcastic: this deterrence you have, if they fired few hundred CM/ALCM from Mediterranean sea and read sea what you gonna do cry:cray::cray::cray:
If you can really do it then why havent you done it already instead of asking hypotheticals about it? whats stopping you?
:lol::rofl::sarcastic: this deterrence you have, if they fired few hundred CM/ALCM from Mediterranean sea and read sea what you gonna do cry:cray::cray::cray:
I would imagine that within a very short time,probably no more than half an hour to an hour at most,that at a bare minimum you would see the commencement of a similar number of iranian ballistic missile strikes on the larger us bases in the persian gulf,which would likely inflict rather a lot of destruction and death on both the facilities and the personnel stationed there.
At that point the us would then have to decide whether it was going to retaliate for this and thus risk an escalating series of tit for tat strikes that could ultimately spin out of control into a regional middle eastern war,or simply to consider its honor satisfied and leave it pretty much at that.
If you doubt irans deterrence capabilities then perhaps you should ask yourself this question:
Why did pres trump back down at the last minute after iran shot down the global hawk drone?
This seems like a very strange thing to do under the circumstances,especially when one considers his previous tough talk [tweets] about iran making a "big mistake",not to mention the sentiments of vicious war mongers like pompeo and bolton who would`ve been literally salivating at the prospect of a war with iran.Bizarrely he then claims that he had an attack of conscience :haha: because of the potential iranian civilian casualties,which is even more absurd considering that none of the previous us regimes be they democrats ie supposed "liberals" like clinton or obama or republican right wing cold war dinosaurs like reagan or brainless neo cons like bush jnr have ever shown even an iota of concern for the deaths or suffering of the locals as a consequence of us military action,so to expect that a neo fascist like trump would now do so is just a literally sick joke.I do think however that there was an element of truth in trumps final tweet on the issue,in that he was worried about casualties just not iranian ones.I would imagine that his own military would`ve told him in fairly blunt terms the amount of damage that the iranians could inflict on the us forces and its infrastructure in the region.In addition I suspect that they also might`ve pointed out to him that had they wished to the iranians could`ve also shot down the boeing p8 that was flying nearby.....with the loss of at least 35 personnel on board.
You might also want to ask yourself why neither the americans nor the gulfies retaliated for the drone attack that at a minimum knocked out almost half of saudis refined oil production[never mind the military humiliation for the saudis of course] despite publicly naming the iranians as the ones responsible for this attack.
Ultimately credible deterrence is based on three main factors:
1.military capability.
2.the political will to use this capability.
3.The enemies belief that you have the political will to use this capability if necessary.
The only real question is whether the us believes that iran lacks any of these things.;)
I would imagine that within a very short time,probably no more than half an hour to an hour at most,that at a bare minimum you would see the commencement of a similar number of iranian ballistic missile strikes on the larger us bases in the persian gulf,which would likely inflict rather a lot of destruction and death on both the facilities and the personnel stationed there.
At that point the us would then have to decide whether it was going to retaliate for this and thus risk an escalating series of tit for tat strikes that could ultimately spin out of control into a regional middle eastern war,or simply to consider its honor satisfied and leave it pretty much at that.
If you doubt irans deterrence capabilities then perhaps you should ask yourself this question:
Why did pres trump back down at the last minute after iran shot down the global hawk drone?
This seems like a very strange thing to do under the circumstances,especially when one considers his previous tough talk [tweets] about iran making a "big mistake",not to mention the sentiments of vicious war mongers like pompeo and bolton who would`ve been literally salivating at the prospect of a war with iran.Bizarrely he then claims that he had an attack of conscience :haha: because of the potential iranian civilian casualties,which is even more absurd considering that none of the previous us regimes be they democrats ie supposed "liberals" like clinton or obama or republican right wing cold war dinosaurs like reagan or brainless neo cons like bush jnr have ever shown even an iota of concern for the deaths or suffering of the locals as a consequence of us military action,so to expect that a neo fascist like trump would now do so is just a literally sick joke.I do think however that there was an element of truth in trumps final tweet on the issue,in that he was worried about casualties just not iranian ones.I would imagine that his own military would`ve told him in fairly blunt terms the amount of damage that the iranians could inflict on the us forces and its infrastructure in the region.In addition I suspect that they also might`ve pointed out to him that had they wished to the iranians could`ve also shot down the boeing p8 that was flying nearby.....with the loss of at least 35 personnel on board.
You might also want to ask yourself why neither the americans nor the gulfies retaliated for the drone attack that at a minimum knocked out almost half of saudis refined oil production[never mind the military humiliation for the saudis of course] despite publicly naming the iranians as the ones responsible for this attack.
Ultimately credible deterrence is based on three main factors:
1.military capability.
2.the political will to use this capability.
3.The enemies belief that you have the political will to use this capability if necessary.
The only real question is whether the us believes that iran lacks any of these things.;)
They have lots of ABM system that you don't have
and you have no 1st point to deter US in Gulf countries (Military capability) Full deterrence:p:;):enjoy:
They have lots of ABM system that you don't have
and you have no 1st point to deter US in Gulf countries (Military capability) Full deterrence:p:;):enjoy:
Stop saying nonsense......the senarios that you are supposing just happen in your dream and everybody will lose to US in your dream....
:lol::rofl::sarcastic: this deterrence you have, if they fired few hundred CM/ALCM from Mediterranean sea and read sea what you gonna do cry:cray::cray::cray:
in a full escalation case Iran can launch 5000 missiles per day, i can't remember who said this number but it was an american authority if i'm not wrong.
They have lots of ABM system that you don't have

according to this figure almost 32 percent of Yemeni missile attacks on Saudi Arabia was successful, this performance was against an enemy that in most of times attacked enemy with single ballistic missile.
Iran has the ability to launch more in single strike, and the errors of ABM systems will increase in such cases.
and you have no 1st point to deter US in Gulf countries (Military capability) Full deterrence
well accourding to US sources we have almost 130-150 boats like these:



these boats are armed by cruise missiles with 35, 140 and 300 km range and 30, 130 and 190 kg warhead or torpedoes like hoot.

these boat have stealth characteristics and are really fast (more than 120 km/h). so they can easily overwhelm enemy fleet in sea due to their low observable profile, spherical shape of earth, their heavy long range missiles and higher speed.
combined with our surface and sub fleet i assume in the Persian gulf and Arabian sea we have upper hand.
in a full escalation case Iran can launch 5000 missiles per day, i can't remember who said this number but it was an american authority if i'm not wrong.

View attachment 594347
according to this figure almost 32 percent of Yemeni missile attacks on Saudi Arabia was successful, this performance was against an enemy that in most of times attacked enemy with single ballistic missile.
Iran has the ability to launch more in single strike, and the errors of ABM systems will increase in such cases.

well accourding to US sources we have almost 130-150 boats like these:
View attachment 594349
View attachment 594350
View attachment 594351
then they nuke you with ICBM/SLBM so what you gonna do then
these boats are armed by cruise missiles with 35, 140 and 300 km range and 30, 130 and 190 kg warhead or torpedoes like hoot.

these boat have stealth characteristics and are really fast (more than 120 km/h). so they can easily overwhelm enemy fleet in sea due to their low observable profile, spherical shape of earth, their heavy long range missiles and higher speed.
combined with our surface and sub fleet i assume in the Persian gulf and Arabian sea we have upper hand.
OK Ok kid carry on your egoistic post that no can hurt Iran from East and wet,
So my posts are egoistic and yours arent? hmm, i feel like you're projecting who you really are onto me.
Secondly, where did i ever say no country can hurt Iran? this is one of your paradoxical makes-no-sense comments where you say things that reality prove are already impossible. Also evidence you're main goal is to troll.

and by the way IAF didn't cross Pakistani airspace and used stand off glide bombs which achieve nothing but hits some trees and what happened next day, tell me,
Azad Kashmir isnt Pakistan airspace? Point is, NUclear India wasnt afraid of Nuclear Pakistan enough to even try an airstrike.
And what a deterrence you ave against USA/EU please tell me, i asking you sincerely
And these EMP WARHEADS IS REAL DEAL, google is your friend
Are you trying to suggest Iran's deterrence is only in theory? You can Look at the reality of the Middle east and persian gulf and you will see what real deterrence Iran has. Answering this question logically will just be feeding a greedy troll.
in a full escalation case Iran can launch 5000 missiles per day, i can't remember who said this number but it was an american authority if i'm not wrong.

View attachment 594347
according to this figure almost 32 percent of Yemeni missile attacks on Saudi Arabia was successful, this performance was against an enemy that in most of times attacked enemy with single ballistic missile.
Iran has the ability to launch more in single strike, and the errors of ABM systems will increase in such cases.

well accourding to US sources we have almost 130-150 boats like these:
View attachment 594349
View attachment 594350
View attachment 594351
these boats are armed by cruise missiles with 35, 140 and 300 km range and 30, 130 and 190 kg warhead or torpedoes like hoot.

these boat have stealth characteristics and are really fast (more than 120 km/h). so they can easily overwhelm enemy fleet in sea due to their low observable profile, spherical shape of earth, their heavy long range missiles and higher speed.
combined with our surface and sub fleet i assume in the Persian gulf and Arabian sea we have upper hand.
Then they nuked you with ICBM/SLBM, so what yo gonna do then
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