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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle


@SOHEIL what he is talking about????

https://archive.is/wI7WC/de0435e2150e62eafc3654afcca9aa2085a58c67.png ; https://archive.is/wI7WC/bd8e7cd096509946ae9abc7d8a4d12996538b4c9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020201448/https://i.imgur.com/JZgpvyf.png
1. Good riddance, ever more trolls biting the dust under the relentless hard work and vigilance of the moderator!

Thanks again moderator @Serpentine for your swift and decisive action in banning these pesky paid professional trolls!

Indeed, time has demonstrated that inaction will only encourage more sabotages from these international governmental agencies.



Now back to the topic.

After a week-end of endless waiting, as expected, hinted by the previous days Kim Jong Un's Climb on Mt Paektu, finally the first ever proof of concept has been revealed officially by North Korea. In the latest 18th October 2019 youtube video, a space launcher is illustrated with a first stage showing 4 rocket engines. By symmetry the total can therefore be numbered to 8 main engines.

The flame in the central part is longer and of larger diameter than the lateral ones, indicating a clusters of engines or less likelly, more powerful ones.


https://archive.fo/eoqB7/97391dd9a7ba8252b2d00e359add5c1acc2c6104.jpg ; https://archive.fo/eoqB7/491dfd5dda6b679abe8c2b270020a857ddabb92a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020201549/https://i.imgur.com/e5ts4RT.jpg ;
"5점", [소개편집물] 최우등생들은 말한다 평천구역 부흥초급중학교 [Introduction edit] Top class students Pyongchon District Elementary and Middle School [介绍编辑]一流的学生说平川地区复兴中小学, 조선중앙TV 1.46K subscribers , 109 views •Oct 18, 2019, https://youtu.be/Gzv19dSQYS0?t=56 ; T=56s / 9m44s

2. The Unha-X launcher as hinted in a 18th October 2019 video.

Although the rocket does not show any strap-on booster, but a clusters of rocket tanks similar to the Saturn-IB, the real design should resemble that of the Chinese CZ-2F.

But the reference to the Saturn-IB means that it is powered by eight main engines, and that it is supporting the manned space program.

The S-IB stage was built by the Chrysler corporation at the Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans.[5] It was powered by eight Rocketdyne H-1 rocket engines burning RP-1 fuel with liquid oxygen (LOX). Eight Redstone tanks (four holding fuel and four holding LOX) were clustered around a Jupiter rocket LOX tank. The four outboard engines were mounted on gimbals, allowing them to be steered to control the rocket. Eight fins surrounding the base thrust structure provided aerodynamic stability and control.


https://archive.fo/1VFR8/4dd200d9b248afa5f5aefb4871bfac2fe418feda.png ; https://archive.fo/1VFR8/f2eda974c86e157bb5611b4fb105b47a5b6d1226/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020210429/https://i.imgur.com/KGZ8GE7.png
3. Saturn-IB's eight main engines.

And the real Safir-3D design:


https://archive.fo/YtfGw/5ef245dc8eb820893b268a4ab1b5e966b69bb9d0.jpg ; https://archive.fo/YtfGw/70e7d0952be36848092c078fbe2e83c3f884476d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006203918/https://i.imgur.com/PpeqDJq.jpg
4. The Unha-X launcher with the dual/three seaters spacecraft.





https://archive.is/wI7WC/de0435e2150e62eafc3654afcca9aa2085a58c67.png ; https://archive.is/wI7WC/bd8e7cd096509946ae9abc7d8a4d12996538b4c9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020201448/https://i.imgur.com/JZgpvyf.png
1. Good riddance, ever more trolls biting the dust under the relentless hard work and vigilance of the moderator!

Thanks again moderator @Serpentine for your swift and decisive action in banning these pesky paid professional trolls!

Indeed, time has demonstrated that inaction will only encourage more sabotages from these international governmental agencies.



Now back to the topic.

After a week-end of endless waiting, as expected, hinted by the previous days Kim Jong Un's Climb on Mt Paektu, finally the first ever proof of concept has been revealed officially by North Korea. In the latest 18th October 2019 youtube video, a space launcher is illustrated with a first stage showing 4 rocket engines. By symmetry the total can therefore be numbered to 8 main engines.

The flame in the central part is longer and of larger diameter than the lateral ones, indicating a clusters of engines or less likelly, more powerful ones.


https://archive.fo/eoqB7/97391dd9a7ba8252b2d00e359add5c1acc2c6104.jpg ; https://archive.fo/eoqB7/491dfd5dda6b679abe8c2b270020a857ddabb92a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020201549/https://i.imgur.com/e5ts4RT.jpg ;
"5점", [소개편집물] 최우등생들은 말한다 평천구역 부흥초급중학교 [Introduction edit] Top class students Pyongchon District Elementary and Middle School [介绍编辑]一流的学生说平川地区复兴中小学, 조선중앙TV 1.46K subscribers , 109 views •Oct 18, 2019, https://youtu.be/Gzv19dSQYS0?t=56 ; T=56s / 9m44s

2. The Unha-X launcher as hinted in a 18th October 2019 video.

Although the rocket does not show any strap-on booster, but a clusters of rocket tanks similar to the Saturn-IB, the real design should resemble that of the Chinese CZ-2F.

But the reference to the Saturn-IB means that it is powered by eight main engines, and that it is supporting the manned space program.


https://archive.fo/1VFR8/4dd200d9b248afa5f5aefb4871bfac2fe418feda.png ; https://archive.fo/1VFR8/f2eda974c86e157bb5611b4fb105b47a5b6d1226/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191020210429/https://i.imgur.com/KGZ8GE7.png
3. Saturn-IB's eight main engines.

And the real Safir-3D design:


https://archive.fo/YtfGw/5ef245dc8eb820893b268a4ab1b5e966b69bb9d0.jpg ; https://archive.fo/YtfGw/70e7d0952be36848092c078fbe2e83c3f884476d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006203918/https://i.imgur.com/PpeqDJq.jpg
4. The Unha-X launcher with the dual/three seaters spacecraft.




I always have hard time reading ur posts, I don't know about others, but ur tags and links makes ur post a gardbage one, if u can't make it more friendly to read, u better retrain urself from further posting..
Last edited:
But he speak documented and has links to prove his word.....i like it
We don't have to tag unnecessary links unless someone ask for it... it's kind of distraction and reduce esthetics of the post and some people like me always feels daisy haisy and difficulty to read them.
Moreover, if someone fails to understand ur post either u lack of representing skills or reader lacks his part...and I don't think we lack the second part...
Next space launch

In a modus operandi that now seems familiar to the GEOINT/OSINT analysts, the official North Korean KCNA and Uriminzokkiri websites have published on Wednesday 23rd October 2019, more than fourteen years later, nearly the same list of historical claimed milestones, and first posted on 30th May 2005.

And that previous occurrence was just one year before the 5th July 2006 maiden flight, at 05:01 AM Pyongyang Time, of the new Unha-1 satellite carrier, known as Simorgh in Persian or Safir-2.

Therefore it is highly expected that in the coming future, NADA will test its newest satellite carrier, known as the Unha-9. The second stage having already been tested under the guise of the Hwasong-15 ICBM in December 2017.

Launch date (Pyongyang) | Payload | Launch vehicle
31 AUG 1998 | Kwangmyongsong-1 | Paektusan-1
05 JUL 2006 | Kwangmyongsong-2-1 | Unha-1
05 APR 2009 | Kwangmyongsong-2-2 | Unha-2
13 APR 2012 | Kwangmyongsong-3-1 | Unha-3
12 DEC 2012 | Kwangmyongsong-3-2 | Unha-3
07 FEB 2016 | Kwangmyongsong-4 | KWANGMYONGSONG (Unha-4)
XX XXX 20XX | Kwangmyongsong-5 | Unha-9


https://archive.fo/CdpFb/9d4776bce3315c761a29bdc897e945871e3af058.jpg ; https://archive.fo/CdpFb/78b07febfc759a855b1ccf2c55ece7aa9d22086d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191023224733/https://i.imgur.com/JpOMGnZ.jpg
1. CGI illustration of an Unha-9 SLV at Sohae SLC LC-1.


https://archive.fo/8MUj0/5746e1eeabd68c89d76db3e1acc6dd6bb97af820.jpg ; https://archive.fo/8MUj0/a7a893627ed956335390a65d15620af2fb05c961/scr.png ; https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/...2/?temp_hash=d0be8791dce9b7edc2f96aa6827de31c
2. Artistic representation of the North Korean Unha launchers family, 2019.

The first KCNA version published on 30th May 2005:

World's First Rocket Made in Korea

Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- "Rocket" weapons were made and used by Korea already in the period of Koguryo (B.C. 277-A.D. 668). The first "rocket" was very simple but its principle is similar with that of modern one.

A jet-propelled weapon called Kwanghwi demonstrated its might in a battle near the castle in Mt. Pukhan in 661.

People of Koryo (918-1392) made a "rocket" called Hwajon.

Hwajon was 726 millimeters long and its arrowhead 90 millimeters long. The arrow was shot by lighting the cartridge.

According to a historical record, Koryo manufactured lots of Hwajon around 1127 and deployed them in vantage points for national defence.

On the basis of arrows with fire wicks made in the period of the three kingdoms, Koreans developed Singijon, the origin of multistage rocket, in the early 15th century.

There were three kinds of Singijon according to their sizes, types and powder-cartridges.

The small one was a two-stage rocket. The medium one with one more small cartridge than the small one was a three-stage rocket, while the large one with four cartridges and wings was a four-stage rocket.

Having a great firing power, they could strike far-off targets on land and big warships. The weapons were widely used during the Imjin Patriotic War (1592) against the Japanese invaders and other battles against invaders. They were also used as signal means.

They are precious historical relics showing the intelligence and patriotism of the Korean nation.


The KCNA repost of 23rd October 2019:

Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The Korean people made a jet-propelled weapon for the first time in the world.

Kwanghwi, which had the same operating principle with rocket, came into being in the period of Koguryo (B.C. 277-A.D. 668), and Singijon, the origin of multi-stage rocket, appeared in the early 15th century.

Singijon was classified into small, medium and large one according to its size, type and structure of reaction powder-flask.

The small-sized Singijon was a kind of two-stage rocket as it could fly far to a distance by the force of gas emitted from two powder-flasks installed in the tail of an arrow.

The other two weapons equipped with more powder-flasks could fly like three-stage and four-stage rockets.

In the mid-15th century, dimensions of Singijon were standardized on a nationwide scale.

This weaponry was used in the battles of Kyongju and Haengjusan castles during the Imjin Patriotic War (1592-1598). -0-


https://archive.fo/m2OnI/41357dd1b54b90e76e8efd12fa1c26bc9b98b185.gif ; https://archive.fo/m2OnI/700073e33768f86bd1494ab43c51c66ae77d9e8c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191023...ew024/national proud/content/img/singizon.gif ; http://pyongyang.news-site.net/new02/new024/national proud/content/singijon.html
3. Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket


A recap of the most important claimed milestones:

• "Rocket" weapons were used by Korea already in the period of Koguryo (B.C. 277-A.D. 668).
• Jet-propelled weapon called Kwanghwi used in the battle near the castle in Mt. Pukhan in 661.
• People of Koryo (918-1392) made a "rocket" called Hwajon.
• Koreans developed Singijon, the origin of multistage rocket, in the early 15th century.
• Koreans developed winged rockets, as the largest type of multistage rocket and made of four-stages.
• Koreans also developed Anti-Ship versions during the Imjin Patriotic War (1592).
• All these, centuries before the Europeans.






Thanks again moderator @Serpentine for your swift and decisive action in banning these pesky paid professional trolls!

Indeed, time has demonstrated that inaction will only encourage more sabotages from these international governmental agencies.
The person posting hundreds of stupid North Korean photos and fake photoshopped statistics and diagrams (so many photos of children too, weird person!) is calling others "paid professional trolls"... :disagree:
North Korea's upcoming end to its self-declared moratorium on space launch.

Confirmed, the inter-Korean détente of 2018-2019 has officially ended. With the impeachment of Trump, a convenient asset, no economical sanctions relief can be expected as no disarmament treaty can longer be signed.

KCNA Commentary on Military Provocation of South Korea

Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- The military of south Korea has gone beyond the red line in its reckless act of belligerency.

The commander of the missile command of the south Korean army announced at the "National Assembly" that it would conduct a ballistic missile firing drill again this year and regularly stage Hyonmu-series ballistic missile firing drill every year.

This is just an open declaration of war to open fire at the compatriots in the north and an intentional provocation to throw the Korean peninsula into lingering tensions.

As known, Hyonmu-series ballistic missile was developed to target the DPRK and its capacity for preemptive attack has been drastically increased for decades since its introduction.

The military of south Korea has constantly threatened the DPRK, screwing up tensions by ceaselessly conducting ballistic missile launching drills behind the curtains of dialogue and peace.

Billing it as a "missile with a longer range and stronger power than the north's", the military of south Korea has conducted its firing drill more than ten times this year.

Not content with this, it has gone the lengths of openly calling for staging such drill on a regular and annual basis.

Such military provocation will doubtless escalate tensions in the Korean peninsula.

The situation clearly proves who wrecks peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and adds fuel to its tensions.

The hard-won phase of peace on the Korean peninsula is facing difficulties and the north-south relations plunged into deadlock. This is because the south Korean authorities are still seeking their way out in escalating the danger of war, failing to drop their confrontational posture.

It is just the south Korean warlike forces who talked about "reconciliation" in public and staged a north-targeted war games with foreign forces afterwards, touting "unchanged pressure offensive against the north," and lavished a fabulous amount of money on introduction of modern military hardware despite the public opposition inside and outside.

The south Korean regime has gone so shameless as to term the entirely just measure of the DPRK for self-defense "provocation" though it has been crazy about war drumbeats for confrontation with the latter.

Anachronistic confrontational military racket will add fuel to escalating tensions and the south Korean bellicose forces will never be able to endure its consequences.

The military of south Korea should drop its foolish dream for bringing the north-south relations back to the past when the relations were distressed with extreme confrontation and danger of war. -0-

What comes next is a return to the previous north-south confrontation era. With possibly a major space launch within weeks.

Indeed, the first Hwasong-15 ICBM test of 29th November 2017 was preceded by an article titled "Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket" posted on 2nd September 2017.

This year, a similar text sharing the same title but with a modified content has been posted on 23rd October 2019 by KCNA. If this constitutes an advanced launch notice, then a space launch should be expected before three months, that is by the beginning of February 2020.

"Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket" posted on 2nd September 2017 by DPRKToday.com:

주체106(2017)년 9월 2일
다계단로케트의 시원-신기전

위대한 령도자 김정일동지께서는 다음과 같이 교시하시였다.

《우리 선조들은 군사기술분야에서 세계에 자랑할만 한 일을 적지 않게 해놓았습니다.》

신기전은 15세기 전반기에 우리 선조들이 새로 창안하여 실전에 도입한 소이무기(불지르기수단)이다.

신기전은 신묘한 불화살이란 뜻이다.

이전 시기 불화살들의 발전성과에 기초하여 조선봉건왕조시기에 만든 신기전은 다른 사격무기에 의해 발사되는것이 아니라 2개이상의 반작용화약통을 리용하여 자체로 비행하면서 목표까지 날아갔다.

신기전은 전투장에서 목표를 불사르는 무기로 쓰이였을뿐아니라 하늘높이 날아오르면서 불신호, 연기신호, 소리신호수단으로도 리용되였다.

크기와 형태 및 반작용화약통의 구조에 따라 소신기전, 중신기전, 대신기전으로 나눈다.

신기전은 2개이상의 반작용화약통을 가지고있는것으로 하여 이전 시기의 불화살들보다 사거리와 방화력, 살상력이 높았다.

조선봉건왕조실록에는 도절제사 리징옥이 녀진의 침입에 대처하여 급보를 올리면서 신기전은 적을 막는데서 가장 긴요한 무기이므로 이 화살을 만드는데 필요한 종이를 꼭 보내줄것을 요청한 사실이 기록되여있는데 이것은 신기전이 매우 위력한 무기라는것을 잘 말해주고있다.

세계적으로 신기전과 같은 불화살에 대한 력사기록은 17세기에야 보이고있으며 따라서 우리 선조들이 만든 신기전은 다계단로케트의 시원으로 알려지고있다.

신기전은 신기전기라고 하는 발사대를 리용하여 발사하였다.

신기전기에는 100발의 중신기전을 재웠다가 불심지로 련결하여 련발로 혹은 단번에 발사하였는데 그 위력이 대단히 컸다.

신기전기를 보통 화차(신기전기나 총통기를 싣고다니는 전투용수레)에 싣고 움직였는데 화차는 기동성있게 발사진지를 옮기기도 하고 방위각과 발사각을 신속히 조절하여 신기전의 집중적인 일제사격, 련발사격을 보장하였다.

신기전의 위력은 15세기 중엽 녀진의 침입을 물리치는 전투들과 임진조국전쟁시기 왜적이 강점한 경주성을 되찾는 전투, 행주산성을 방어하는 전투를 비롯한 여러 전투들에서 남김없이 과시되였다.

특히 행주산성전투에서는 적과의 력량대비가 10분의 1밖에 안되였지만 성방위자들의 투쟁과 신기전을 비롯한 화약무기의 위력으로 큰 승리를 거두었다.

이처럼 신기전과 같은 위력한 무기들을 창안하여 외적의 침입으로부터 조국강토를 수호하기 위한 싸움에 리용한것은 우리 민족의 큰 자랑으로 된다.



Interesting hint at the the four engines Moksong-3 (Jupiter-3) ICBM for the next space launch, as posted following the Hwasong-15 ICBM test launch of 29th November 2017:

Hwasong-15 Powered By Dual Engines


If North Korea produces a four-engines rocket like the Russian SS-19 Stiletto (RS-18) intercontinental ballistic missile, it will have the world's most powerful strategic ballistic missile. This monster-intercontinental ballistic missile can be equipped with more than 10 Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) warheads with separate guidance and targeting systems.


https://archive.md/8JmFV/aa71712dfd3e8bd134d7413b677b601a2fffc891.jpg ; https://archive.md/8JmFV/989920aa98ea4bf02b66e8ca3a84b462f9832113/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191026...data/jajuilbo_com/201604/2016041328284527.jpg ; http://m.jajusibo.com/a.html?uid=36919
1. Next North Korean space launch: the Moksong-3 four engines rocket, similar to the Russian SS-19 Stiletto (RS-18) intercontinental ballistic missile.


Note that some of the retired Russian SS-19 launchers have since been converted into satellite-launch vehicles. There are two SLV versions, the ‘Rokot’ and the ‘Strela.’8 The ‘Rokot’ adds a third liquid stage to the SS-19 frame in order to send payloads weighing up to 1,850 kg into low Earth.



Confirmed, the inter-Korean détente of 2018-2019 has officially ended. With the impeachment of Trump, a convenient asset, no economical sanctions relief can be expected as no disarmament treaty can longer be signed.

KCNA Commentary on Military Provocation of South Korea

Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- The military of south Korea has gone beyond the red line in its reckless act of belligerency.

The commander of the missile command of the south Korean army announced at the "National Assembly" that it would conduct a ballistic missile firing drill again this year and regularly stage Hyonmu-series ballistic missile firing drill every year.

This is just an open declaration of war to open fire at the compatriots in the north and an intentional provocation to throw the Korean peninsula into lingering tensions.

As known, Hyonmu-series ballistic missile was developed to target the DPRK and its capacity for preemptive attack has been drastically increased for decades since its introduction.

The military of south Korea has constantly threatened the DPRK, screwing up tensions by ceaselessly conducting ballistic missile launching drills behind the curtains of dialogue and peace.

Billing it as a "missile with a longer range and stronger power than the north's", the military of south Korea has conducted its firing drill more than ten times this year.

Not content with this, it has gone the lengths of openly calling for staging such drill on a regular and annual basis.

Such military provocation will doubtless escalate tensions in the Korean peninsula.

The situation clearly proves who wrecks peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and adds fuel to its tensions.

The hard-won phase of peace on the Korean peninsula is facing difficulties and the north-south relations plunged into deadlock. This is because the south Korean authorities are still seeking their way out in escalating the danger of war, failing to drop their confrontational posture.

It is just the south Korean warlike forces who talked about "reconciliation" in public and staged a north-targeted war games with foreign forces afterwards, touting "unchanged pressure offensive against the north," and lavished a fabulous amount of money on introduction of modern military hardware despite the public opposition inside and outside.

The south Korean regime has gone so shameless as to term the entirely just measure of the DPRK for self-defense "provocation" though it has been crazy about war drumbeats for confrontation with the latter.

Anachronistic confrontational military racket will add fuel to escalating tensions and the south Korean bellicose forces will never be able to endure its consequences.

The military of south Korea should drop its foolish dream for bringing the north-south relations back to the past when the relations were distressed with extreme confrontation and danger of war. -0-

What comes next is a return to the previous north-south confrontation era. With possibly a major space launch within weeks.

Indeed, the first Hwasong-15 ICBM test of 29th November 2017 was preceded by an article titled "Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket" posted on 2nd September 2017.

This year, a similar text sharing the same title but with a modified content has been posted on 23rd October 2019 by KCNA. If this constitutes an advanced launch notice, then a space launch should be expected before three months, that is by the beginning of February 2020.

"Singijon, Origin of Multi-stage Rocket" posted on 2nd September 2017 by DPRKToday.com:

Interesting hint at the the four engines Moksong-3 (Jupiter-3) ICBM for the next space launch, as posted following the Hwasong-15 ICBM test launch of 29th November 2017:

Hwasong-15 Powered By Dual Engines


If North Korea produces a four-engines rocket like the Russian SS-19 Stiletto (RS-18) intercontinental ballistic missile, it will have the world's most powerful strategic ballistic missile. This monster-intercontinental ballistic missile can be equipped with more than 10 Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) warheads with separate guidance and targeting systems.


https://archive.md/8JmFV/aa71712dfd3e8bd134d7413b677b601a2fffc891.jpg ; https://archive.md/8JmFV/989920aa98ea4bf02b66e8ca3a84b462f9832113/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191026...data/jajuilbo_com/201604/2016041328284527.jpg ; http://m.jajusibo.com/a.html?uid=36919
1. Next North Korean space launch: the Moksong-3 four engines rocket, similar to the Russian SS-19 Stiletto (RS-18) intercontinental ballistic missile.


Note that some of the retired Russian SS-19 launchers have since been converted into satellite-launch vehicles. There are two SLV versions, the ‘Rokot’ and the ‘Strela.’8 The ‘Rokot’ adds a third liquid stage to the SS-19 frame in order to send payloads weighing up to 1,850 kg into low Earth.




Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- A very important test took place at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground on the afternoon of December 7, 2019.

This can only be interpreted as a never tested before new engine. Meaning the Paektusan-1D engine that delivers a 80-tf thrust for the incoming Unha-9 first stage, a fully-gimballed variant of the Paektusan engine series and with a single turbopump and a single-combustor.

A brief unofficial recap:

Paektusan engines family

• The Paektusan-1A engines has a single-turbopump and a single-combustor. It is static. 80-tf.

• The Paektusan-1B engines has a single-turbopump and a single static combustor plus 4 swivelling verniers. 100-tf, powering the Hwasong-12 and Hwasong-14.

• The Paektusan-1C engine has a single-turbopump with two gimballed nozzles. 80-tf, powering the Hwasong-15.

• The Paektusan-1D engine fully-gimballed with a single turbopump and a single-combustor. 80-tf, powering the Unha-9/Moksong-3.

• The Paektusan-2 engine with a thrust of 150-tf to 200-tf. Powering the Unha-20.



Previous assessment confirmed by military sources:

U.S. sends another surveillance plane over South Korea

December 10, 2019

Though Pyongyang did not elaborate on details, military sources and experts believe that it tested a new high-thrust engine using liquid fuel with a goal to launch bigger, more powerful rockets for satellites or intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).


And indeed, never forget that the two Koreas are currently engaged in the world's number one space race, and of the scale only comparable to the U.S.S.R. Vs U.S.A. one!

Unha-9 Vs KSLV-II Nuri

A first launch for the new Unha-9 seems imminent, following South Korea's KARI first test launch of its pilot launcher, a south Korean equivalent of the Hwasong-12/14, the two stages KSLV-II TLV with a diameter of 2.6 meters and total length of 26 meters, and powered by a single-chamber 75 ton-force engine on 28th November 2018.
The next south Korean launcher, the KSLV-2-Nuri to be launched no earlier than January 2021 will be powered by four 75 ton-force engines, developping a liftoff thrust of 300 ton-force similar to the Unha-9, itself powered by four 80 ton-force Paektusan-1D engines.


http://archive.is/Txu7u/5e97ab96a1063bf1c0b45947e8e1d67f56f45ec9.jpg ; https://archive.is/Txu7u/d52f39fcb96ce86bcf8f73cad7cc5b9edeaa68b0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191210043614/https://i.imgur.com/UUebilW.jpg
1. Unha-9 Vs KSLV-II Nuri SLVs.


http://archive.ph/x23hO/e85941391cc237d76b9ac3b1349ea105a98829e8.jpg ; https://archive.ph/x23hO/1122ff81a30418852acbf64a0ca81fff41460f1a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191210045219/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuQ6eSUVsAAzYtb.jpg
2. Specification of KSLV-II Nuri SLV

All seems going smoothly as scheduled, and God speed for February 2020!



First report of a three stages rocket being prepared. Note that the same source 'chosun.com' was the one that has correctly predicted 6 months in advance the 3rd October 2019 launch of the Pukguksong-3 SLBM. You read it here first. Original source here.

This is consistent with the upcoming Unha-9 launch campaign preparation. And this means it would take more than one month of preparation for this new launcher, as the older and now retired Kwamgmyongsong SLV (Unha-4) requires about a month. Meaning that a launch could be envisaged by the end of January 2020 at the earliest.

December 11, 2019 10:39

North Korea last Saturday conducted what appears to have been a liquid-fuel engine thrust test at [Sohae SLC] Tongchang-ri near the Chinese border.

There are signs that it has already moved a three-stage rocket from a missile factory in Sanum-dong in Pyongyang to an assembly facility at [Sohae SLC] Tongchang-ri.

Military authorities speculate that if [Sohae SLC] Tongchang-ri is chosen for the launch, it will be a rocket carrying a satellite rather than a straightforward intercontinental ballistic missile.

North Korea launched its Unha or Kwangmyongsong-class rockets from the 67 m-high fixed launch pad at [Sohae SLC] Tongchang-ri. But ICBMs have been launched from mobile launchers since 2017.


In preparation for the Unha-9 SLV launch campaign, the U.S. military is even upgrading its surveillance tool too!

December 11, 2019

The United States again flew a surveillance aircraft over the Korean Peninsula, an aviation tracker said Wednesday, the latest in a series of flights to monitor North Korea amid growing concern Pyongyang may be preparing for a long-range rocket launch.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk was spotted over the Korean Peninsula at 52,000 feet, Aircraft Spots said on its Twitter account without specifying the exact time of the operation.

Global Hawk is a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle capable of performing reconnaissance missions in the air for more than 30 hours at a time. It is considered one of the most advanced intelligence-gathering platforms in the world.

In recent weeks, the U.S. has deployed several types of surveillance planes over the peninsula, including its Navy's P-3C maritime surveillance plane, the RC-135U Combat Sent, the RC-135W Rivet Joint, the RC-135S Cobra Ball aircraft and the E-8C aircraft.


http://archive.ph/hdpaF/617e55e41c4902b334f4a61bdfe51c524193670a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/hdpaF/a4a10b4271a339a62ce79b178a2c02b2d90e7fdf/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191211...a/YH/2012/12/25/PYH2012122600220034100_P4.jpg
1. The RQ-4 Global Hawk was spotted over the Korean Peninsula at 52,000 feet.




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