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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

Smoking gun or... smoking engines

Indeed, a mysterious image was posted on the instagram page of aeroview.blogfa.com on 6th March 2020, of a two nozzles configuration, confirming the hypothesis on the Safir-3 family, where the first stage would be powered by a set of two 80-tf to 100-tf engines (Paektusan-1D) fully gimballed, without the need of any additional set of vernier, totaling a liftoff thrust of 160 to 200-tf: Safir-3A(Sepehr), Safir-3C(Sarir).

Although the image is that of the Antares rocket with a liftoff thrust of 3,844 kN, of the class of the Safir-4, and that would be twice that of the Safir-3, it is a clue at the Safir-3's architecture.

An architecture shared with another launcher, and with the same class of thrust with the Safir-3, the dual nozzles Titan-II SLV. Thus confirming the existence of an Iranian Gemini-Titan-II class launcher, the manned Sarir.


http://archive.vn/ZJ1kl/305540bde3d4c5285ed2d9143804238040c9dd10.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ZJ1kl/b74c13df5ce93cf94401eb527c7e0f44e5459982/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200421005802/https://instagram.fqls2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/89072970_260025351655758_9119121042531280076_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fqls2-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=GGck5Yl9OSMAX_pR26y&oh=17b4d85c1a348e3af166ee91eb1c0f1b&oe=5EC7FEB3 ; https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Y6JimB9Rf/
1. Hint on the aeroview.blogfa.com instagram account: the dual nozzles Antares rocket.



Ten pages of this rigmarole all started due to an initially terribly wrong assessment by the OP.

We now have refuted that the Safir-3 SLV could be a solid propellant launcher.

Moreover the 5th picture posted by the OP is now positivelly identified as a wind tunnel test model of the Safir-4 SLV also known as Soroush, and known to be a liquid propellant launcher. Its 3.7 meters diameter is much larger than the 2.4 meter Safir-3 SLV.

After all this fuss, at least there has been one lesson learned.

Indeed, the Tatmadaw now leaks its most prestigious strategic project in state television interviews in the same way as Iran, and without ever mentioning the mysterious new rocket, which figures nonetheless prominently on the screen!

Covering over half the screen width for the Iranian Soroush in the 2017 interview, one third of the screen width for the Tatmadaw's new space launcher!


http://ipic.su/7yt8fO.jpg ; http://gallery.military.ir/albums/userpics/10314/1_28229~8.jpg ; http://www.military.ir/forums/topic/22141-مسیر-توسعه-فناوری‌های-فضایی-در-کشور-ما-چگونه-خو/page-28 ; http://www.military.ir/forums/topic...مه-فضایی-ایران/?do=findComment&comment=507373
1. Screen capture of a 2017 Iranian Wind Tunnel Model of a New Heavy Space Launcher, from Iranian Space Research Institute. The first stage core booster has also four new strap-on boosters, and a new second stage of 3.5 meters diameter.


https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/a2cc5ecdbc08e959075c3e8aa26a2794a7759852.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/ba9646456e65df03853e0fa04cbfb6d5cd5b7ae0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200827233521/https://i.imgur.com/KAYt5Bl.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200821235952/https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3299040 ; https://archive.vn/dkCFC
2. A 14th August 2020 television interview leaking the first ever image captured from an unknown space rocket of the Tatmadaw.
The picture is also showing both a manned spacecraft (simply a scale model of the Chinese Shenzhou) and a manned space launcher (the Chinese CZ-2F), hinting at the Tatmadaw's manned and lunar space ambitions.

Notice that it is the Moon and not the rocket that occupies half of the screen in this case.

But who's the real copy cat? Why would Persians even enjoy flat 'round like the Moon' facial features? Isn't it typically oriental? Well, just like the origination of all rockets perhaps.


http://archive.vn/HHqiC/bbc3aaf1d34d4deb61759f2197b2cbeac48ad3a8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HHqiC/2674b54625259bde821464ed75566eaed82c49e4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200617213329/https://i.imgur.com/aBlvUUy.jpg
3. Persian or Siamese cat?



3 years and a half later, after 37 replies, many pages wasted due to unhindered vicious trolling, finally the first ever Iranian official depiction of the Safir-3A: behold the long-hyped and overdue Sepehr SLV!

Sepehr: the new generation of rocket with more power and accuracy than Simorgh

23 January 2020

The next generation of satellite carrier Sepehr, will be able to deliver 700 kg satellites to 1'000 km orbit.



And the first ever scale model of the Safir-3A/Sepehr-1A «سپهر» space launcher:


https://archive.vn/4WvGK/d70bcef1bb7861ef967fe0c18158eb6d4f5b788e.png ; https://archive.vn/4WvGK/f93857ca0510dc64285c986402fe902afa1a8ac8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200928063924/https://i.imgur.com/63oLjvp.png
1. Possible scale model of the Chabahar SLC with the Safir-3A (Sepehr-1A) SLV.


http://archive.ph/5q1F3/384e9473d6906c5bdc4ef3900e0d6dc4926d49e1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/5q1F3/f919bfce759c1b86edabb67685d2fa339ab0c8fa/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200204114950/https://i.imgur.com/8GaxK4b.jpg
2. Safir-3A SLV speculation. As of 4th February 2020.

Again, also correctly predicted back in February 2020:


http://archive.is/Niz3N/d77f7f62b227ecddcbbc36bc852baf0e640e2039.jpg ; https://archive.is/Niz3N/caf2442ef373cd749dc8f0b55b9775a9b8e0781c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200209135856/https://i.imgur.com/FzyjwiL.jpg
3. Safir SLV family speculation, as of February 2020.

Please note that the augmented version with two additional liquid propellant strap-on boosters should be named Safir-3B or Qoqnoos «ققنوس» (Sepehr-1B) !


http://archive.ph/xXlEC/d7a7fc67c8b4d78aebd355960804c8b11ea4056f.png ; https://archive.ph/xXlEC/03f4d45d36655a4c252d0a6ba5ac2fb9c4f25fcc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200103031814/https://i.imgur.com/JpdqGph.png
4. Screen capture from video of an Iranian Safir-3A augmented with two strap-on rocket boosters and seemingly called Safir-3B or Qoqnoos.



It's IKSLC ...

Why it is Chabahar SLC LC-1

Why it must be Chabahar SLC and not Imam Khomeini SLC? A thread.

It seems that the scale model is most likely from the Chabahar SLC LC-1:

Note the many differences with the existing Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2:
• Imam Khomeini SLC's LC-2 movable launch tower is about 18 m x 14 m in section. The one in Chabahar SLC LC-1 seems obviously more elongated!
• Imam Khomeini SLC's LC-2 service road located North West of the launch pad, but is located on the opposite side for the Chabahar SLC's LC-1!
• The faces of the 4 lightning towers are parallel to the Imam Khomeini SLC's LC-2, but rotated 45 degrees, facing the flame bucket and the rocket in Chabahar SLC's LC-1!
• There is an asphalt road accessing the exit of the bottom flame trench of Chabahar SLC's LC-1, none can be seen in Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2!
• Chabahar SLC LC-1's road intersection is X-shaped, but right-angled in Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2!
• et cetera.


https://archive.is/tPT9L/8b9bc2463ab8dc9c0b03e1093c69360c08db5e35.jpg ; https://archive.is/tPT9L/1e67bda92988585ae27d51abb838e16e42bcc3d3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200928063733/https://i.imgur.com/l9Rtlxp.jpg
1. Imam Khomeini SLC.

And the first ever disclosure of Chabahar SLC LC-1's:


https://archive.vn/4WvGK/d70bcef1bb7861ef967fe0c18158eb6d4f5b788e.png ; https://archive.vn/4WvGK/f93857ca0510dc64285c986402fe902afa1a8ac8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200928063924/https://i.imgur.com/63oLjvp.png
2. Possible scale model of the Chabahar SLC.


Sepehr: the new generation of rocket with more power and accuracy than Simorgh

23 January 2020

The next generation of satellite carrier Sepehr, will be able to deliver 700 kg satellites to 1'000 km orbit.


This is typical of SSO orbit missions with observation satellites.

It can only mean that the Sepehr SLV will primarily be used for Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO), that is heading South-West. Absolutely impossible from Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2, only deserving inclined orbits, due to first and second rocket stages reentry!

The Sepehr rocket will first fly off the coast, east of Oman, then Somalia and Madagascar. First and second stages will fall in the Indian ocean.


https://archive.vn/vjAVw/a8a413d97d69c3ea132484a6ae1545f35a828044.jpg ; https://archive.vn/vjAVw/af25fc69f31b39526c43771b15a3d1c2f0e582bc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200929...age/1399/01/09/13990109133612468200058010.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200329...والجناح-ماهواره-برهای-ایرانی-را-بیشتر-بشناسید ; https://archive.vn/XNxkq
3. Chabahar SLC suitable for both various inclined orbits, SSO and GEO launches!


As previously reported on 9th February 2020:

9 February 2020

The head of the Iranian space agency pointing to the launch of two telecom satellites in 99 said:
These satellites have been in the final stages and we have begun designing the Chabahar satellite launch center, and the satellite will be launched by Sarir and Soroush SLV from Chabahar SLC.


The Chabahar SLC will have to host a dedicated launchpad for the man-rated Soroush (Safir-4) SLV, with a flame bucket much larger than all the previous ones (~7 meters).

No smaller than 10 meters in diameters!


https://archive.is/V78GG/c0be5737da1765a05c089442821e753f556aee23.jpg ; https://archive.is/V78GG/59631fb07948a59bf44bbf79aaf27dc0ca09d41c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201002095617/https://i.imgur.com/U695c4K.jpg
6. Tonghae SLC LC-3 flame bucket of 10 meters diameter for the new Soroush-class SLV!



@Galactic Penguin SST

Check my lastest revised analysis in the space thread:

Sarir is Irans equivalent to the Russian Kosmos-3M without the need of any complex, expensive technology it will achieve >1,5t LEO.

@PeeD, do you realize that the old vintage Russian Kosmos-3M uses the most obsolete German low-tech WWII-era graphite jet vanes?

Only seen in the Safir-1, but a feature that even the Safir-2 did no longer share, but extensively propagated by enemy nation's propaganda machine to belittle and ridicule Iran's scientific capabilities.

This 1960s era Russian Kosmos-3M's static rocket engine with single turbopump and dual nozzles, can in no way be compared to the most advanced 80-tf engine that will power the Safir-3, fully gimballed, with a single nozzle!

With such a generation gap, it is highly expected that the Safir-3's engine efficiency will be light years ahead.


http://archive.is/ap8rg/27890dfc210890000af1896d81bfb04569d6bdfc.jpg ; https://archive.is/ap8rg/dd8b534408c142a30c4c04522f4f8a48bfe41506/scr.png ; http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/East_Europe_3/Kosmos_3/Gallery/Kosmos3.htm ; http://archive.ph/LwJYf
1. Vintage Russian Kosmos-3M using the most obsolete WWII-era graphite jet vanes.

The Safir-3 being a possible evolution from the Soviet Kosmos-3 SLV's lineage, is indeed a theory not invented by @PeeD, but likely by Charles P. Vick from the Federation of American Scientist's website.

This website is probably the source of the so called Shahab-6 or IRSL-X-4:

The following information was provided from the July 16, 1999, The Washington Times article. Iran's Kosar launch vehicle was suggested to be the Iranian variant of the North Korea's Taep'o-dong-2 booster. The new missile was said to be undergoing design development with assistance from Russian aerospace technicians and state-run entities. It was suggested that it could be powered with a version of Russia's storable liquid propellant RD-216 closed cycle two engine cluster in its booster first stage. The RD-216 is an Energomash engine originally used on the Skean/SS-5/R-14, IRBM, Saddler/SS-7/R-16, ICBM and Sasin/R-26 ICBM missiles developed during the cold war. It is still used on the C-1, Kosmos/SL-8 Russian space booster. This does suggest fairly strongly that Iran has acquired through elicit means the designs of both the SS-4, RD-214 and the SS-5, RD-216 storable liquid propellant rocket engines and the SS-4 missile body production technology. This is questionable but gives some insight into the Taep'o-dong-2 first stage design. It was based on new information suggesting there had been another rocket engine technology transfer from a Russian rocket engine entity Energomash. (2) No further clarifying information on this has since surfaced.

On February 9, 2000, The Washington Times, disclosed the following information, "The [12] engines arrived in Iran on Nov. 21, (1999) after they were spotted being loaded aboard an Iran Air Boeing 747 cargo jet that left Suinan International Airfield about 12 miles north of-----Pyongyang (North Korea)". These are the same engines used in No-dong MRBM.

Again, the engines that will power the next Safir-3 space launchers family and Safir-4 family are not at all the same that power the Safir-2!

We will have the first visual confirmation of my analysis in a few hours, by sunday at the latest, on the occasion of the military parade expected to take place on Saturday to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the ruling North Korean Workers' Party, presented as the largest ever military parade organized in the history of this nation!

This new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) should be MIRVed similar to the Chinese DF-5B.


https://archive.vn/d2E6M/156eb115c9de1332a493696470caa730688f618f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/d2E6M/f03e7da66aaecb773b7cba386f24f0d980a38bd1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201004103515/http://p9.pstatp.com/large/2dd450000477b1f0a7c5a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/WAY6m/de5c527fb8e2753b0f9962e657d4a6556c223f3a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/WAY6m/33365b9a9e96ba8522fbd5d34b7459a1a8c0a307/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201009180524/https://i.imgur.com/3Scd2Cx.jpg
2. Safir-4: similar to Chinese DF-5B ICBM.


https://archive.is/yGN8B/43c39fa433a4f3a1a642688e38adaea26c35f19a.jpg ; https://archive.is/yGN8B/9c1beaefbc4301cdf7df199adc913140a3b4beca/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201004...ckets_1/Rest_World/Unha-X/Versions/Unha-X.jpg
3. Hwasong-16 ICBM as envisaged by german internet fanboy.



The Safir-3 being a possible evolution from the Soviet Kosmos-3 SLV's lineage, is indeed a theory not invented by @PeeD, but likely by Charles P. Vick from the Federation of American Scientist's website.

This website is probably the source of the so called Shahab-6 or IRSL-X-4:

The following information was provided from the July 16, 1999, The Washington Times article. Iran's Kosar launch vehicle was suggested to be the Iranian variant of the North Korea's Taep'o-dong-2 booster. The new missile was said to be undergoing design development with assistance from Russian aerospace technicians and state-run entities. It was suggested that it could be powered with a version of Russia's storable liquid propellant RD-216 closed cycle two engine cluster in its booster first stage. The RD-216 is an Energomash engine originally used on the Skean/SS-5/R-14, IRBM, Saddler/SS-7/R-16, ICBM and Sasin/R-26 ICBM missiles developed during the cold war. It is still used on the C-1, Kosmos/SL-8 Russian space booster. This does suggest fairly strongly that Iran has acquired through elicit means the designs of both the SS-4, RD-214 and the SS-5, RD-216 storable liquid propellant rocket engines and the SS-4 missile body production technology. This is questionable but gives some insight into the Taep'o-dong-2 first stage design. It was based on new information suggesting there had been another rocket engine technology transfer from a Russian rocket engine entity Energomash. (2) No further clarifying information on this has since surfaced.
On February 9, 2000, The Washington Times, disclosed the following information, "The [12] engines arrived in Iran on Nov. 21, (1999) after they were spotted being loaded aboard an Iran Air Boeing 747 cargo jet that left Suinan International Airfield about 12 miles north of-----Pyongyang (North Korea)". These are the same engines used in No-dong MRBM.

Again, the engines that will power the next Safir-3 space launchers family and Safir-4 family are not at all the same that power the Safir-2!

We will have the first visual confirmation of my analysis in a few hours, by sunday at the latest, on the occasion of the military parade expected to take place on Saturday to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the ruling North Korean Workers' Party, presented as the largest ever military parade organized in the history of this nation!

This new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) should be MIRVed similar to the Chinese DF-5B.


https://archive.vn/d2E6M/156eb115c9de1332a493696470caa730688f618f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/d2E6M/f03e7da66aaecb773b7cba386f24f0d980a38bd1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201004103515/http://p9.pstatp.com/large/2dd450000477b1f0a7c5a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/WAY6m/de5c527fb8e2753b0f9962e657d4a6556c223f3a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/WAY6m/33365b9a9e96ba8522fbd5d34b7459a1a8c0a307/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201009180524/https://i.imgur.com/3Scd2Cx.jpg
2. Safir-4: similar to Chinese DF-5B ICBM.


https://archive.is/yGN8B/43c39fa433a4f3a1a642688e38adaea26c35f19a.jpg ; https://archive.is/yGN8B/9c1beaefbc4301cdf7df199adc913140a3b4beca/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201004...ckets_1/Rest_World/Unha-X/Versions/Unha-X.jpg
3. Hwasong-16 ICBM as envisaged by german internet fanboy.



well North Korea is going to unveil something big soon let see what it is Iran already has soiled fuel engine we need liquid fuel engines only.
well North Korea is going to unveil something big soon let see what it is Iran already has soiled fuel engine we need liquid fuel engines only.

The newly paraded ICBM is not the larger diameter 3.35 meter DF-5 ICBM equivalent Hwasong-16 ICBM (aka Safir-4).

But it seems that it might be very close to the Safir-3C aka Sarir-1A! The total thrust should reach 160 tons at liftoff, with 2 nozzles only!

This ICBM is 24 meters long and 2.4 meters in diameter, probably with a mass of 120 tons.

Read today the commentaries of all the self-styled western OSINT analysts, and their absolute embarrassment, shock and dismay!

No RD-250 engine fallacy anymore!

Thanks to Galactic Penguin's (known as the Voice of Korea) tireless teaching, all the readers of PDF knew that already, after 3 years of free aerospace engineering tuition received on these pages.

Next question, as for solid propellant, the Pukguksong-4A SLBM is the first to reach the 5000 km range, thus qualifying as a first true ICBM!

More here:

Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM And Pukguksong-4A SLBM

AS promised, the new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin), with improved transporter erector launcher (TEL) with 11 axles, versus 9 axles for the Hwasong-15A previously.

Range should be same as Hwasong-15 ICBM, but with increased warheads and penetration aid decoys, possibly up to 10.

Also the brand new Pukguksong-4A SLBM, with range of 5'000 km, while no hint has been released to date about the associated strategic submarine (SSBN)!


https://archive.is/Rsp3A/84a89b7a338551731595d19cfa620be6b2489049.png ; https://archive.is/Rsp3A/a801794759b4201a7f4afb80a96bd7cb429beb49/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010201338384.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010152710/https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_10_10_567683.shtml ; https://archive.vn/2BcDL
1. The new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin).


https://archive.vn/401cB/6ae8dda81b43aa4f2d246db99288a6af831dd9c1.png ; https://archive.vn/401cB/ce057165f1e37cf55023a53e9ad035367621672d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010201325634.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010152710/https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_10_10_567683.shtml ; https://archive.vn/2BcDL
2. The new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin).


https://archive.vn/bIb8K/b8192c39d8bcfcee55b98e43f55cfb62671271f4.png ; https://archive.vn/bIb8K/f76214005fbc30421530347aba896fa71839ac18/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/external/2020/10/10/20201010201353145.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010152710/https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_10_10_567683.shtml ; https://archive.vn/2BcDL
3. The new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin).


https://archive.vn/p0Jd6/b818952e66337b2822ee252d79889267f25b3c88.png ; https://archive.vn/p0Jd6/c15d3fac2fbb6e448f92a9f32d7212f8a4377ebb/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/external/2020/10/10/20201010201408549.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010152710/https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_10_10_567683.shtml ; https://archive.vn/2BcDL
4. The new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin).


https://archive.vn/TvYBS/8184d21755dee32cdd24b7b469b08e506c5c09c5.png ; https://archive.vn/TvYBS/e935675214054bbc1f91b0e6ab410f65ac11f3b0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010201419199.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010152710/https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_10_10_567683.shtml ; https://archive.vn/2BcDL
5. The new liquid propellant Hwasong-15B MIRV ICBM (provisional naming by Galactic Penguin).


https://archive.vn/H7ElG/b42d04e26c5560874a0cc0eae9deba539b64f675.jpg ; https://archive.vn/H7ElG/cf45cf157a862af4b025e543e095e6b5026f3475/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010203512318.jpg ; https://www.guancha.cn/internation/2020_10_10_567684.shtml ; https://archive.vn/If79j
6. The new Pukguksong-4A SLBM, with range of 5'000 km.


https://archive.vn/9xzH4/7eebb68727e21c8558a945c898a0204e4c561e9d.png ; https://archive.vn/9xzH4/1e57bc9f323482588ff32d66921b8187204a4434/scr.png ; https://i.guancha.cn/news/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010203524629.png ; https://www.guancha.cn/internation/2020_10_10_567684.shtml ; https://archive.vn/If79j
7. The new Pukguksong-4A SLBM, with range of 5'000 km.


https://archive.vn/56RBD/01a7659b04fbe0f30ed5de117243e3779e600804.png ; https://archive.vn/56RBD/ef5e9afc67cc87b30bc1f76f42cd5855b20d1a10/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201010...ews/mainland/2020/10/10/20201010203535281.png ; https://www.guancha.cn/internation/2020_10_10_567684.shtml ; https://archive.vn/If79j
8. The new Pukguksong-4A SLBM, with range of 5'000 km.

[록화실황] 조선로동당창건 75돐경축 열병식 Military Parade on 75th Founding Anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (Pyongyang Oct 10, 2020) : 2 hours 16 minutes

102 views •Oct 10, 2020 KanccTV 722 subscribers

Alternate longer Video:

North Korea Military Parade 2020 - Livestream & Analysis : 2 hours 42 minutes

29,721 views •Streamed live 5 hours ago NK News 4.62K subscribers




Last edited:
well North Korea is going to unveil something big soon let see what it is Iran already has soiled fuel engine we need liquid fuel engines only.

Iran doesn't have this caliber of solid fuel engine: 1.8 meter in diameter!

In a last year's censored post, my measurements of the Qaem 3rd stage indicated a 1.7 meter diameter and a 4.5 meters length.

But the Pukguksong-4 has a composite Kevlar Aramid wound filament airframe unlike the decade-old metal frame Qaem. From now on, consider the Qaem program dead.

Iran will automatically switch to an all composite casing too.

Bro, the real good news are in the debrief!

The new Hwasong-15B ICBM (provisional name) seems to have a longer nose cone than the previous Hwasong-15A ICBM.

This allows to add a Penetration Aid Carrier (PAC) needed to increase the survivability of the multiple Re-entry Vehicles (ReB) and defeat the U.S. Alaskan missile interceptors bottleneck.


https://archive.vn/ckNck/bf9657177f58ecc63971c00a753ed4d92c3331b1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ckNck/72b406633748da2cd6f89d40ad34d227363357b2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201012201256/https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/chevaline3.jpg
1. Penetration Aid Carrier (PAC) and multiple Re-entry Vehicles (ReB).


https://archive.vn/7Rp5c/6314fc270a83c662718c3f189c7114217835a17e.png ; https://archive.vn/7Rp5c/574c8a43a97cdff56a597886e0e2d9d18556801d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201012201405/https://rodgersericv.neocities.org/chevaline.png
2. Deployment sequence of Penetration Aid Carrier (PAC) and multiple Re-entry Vehicles (ReB).

Meanwhile first photogrammetric measurement of the Pukguksong-4A suggest a 1.8m diameter and a length of about 9.8m, based on the Howo A7 tractor's wheel base as a baseline.


https://archive.vn/SQIwB/70b88a550b502efde498993381a6d841e9ba5c02.jpg ; https://archive.vn/SQIwB/1e5c5edd66014918e4d35330fe4bb196f69c3ca9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201012200221/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkJpfQ6X0AI2UQF?format=jpg&name=medium
3. First photogrammetric measurement of the Pukguksong-4A suggests a 1.8 m diameter and a length of about 9.8 m.


https://archive.vn/mqn62/5c10051969d5f1fe0ebdd1650ca42911d3d9c753.jpg ; https://archive.vn/mqn62/13cc6dceb1fbd79104c565fded7b5c2ecb049181/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201013194817/https://i.imgur.com/PUwBIks.jpg
4. First photogrammetric measurement of the Pukguksong-4A indicates that the 1.8 m diameter is slightly bigger than a standing KPA soldier of ~1.70 meters.

Obviously, the range is above 5'000 km.

This range is of course of little military use. As the 13'000 km threshold is imperative in assuring an effective military deterrence against the U.S.

The Pukguksong-1 SLBM, Pukguksong-2 GLBM, Pukguksong-3 SLBM, Pukguksong-4 SLBM were only the first incremental developmental steps, each with an increased diameter: 1.1m, 1.4m and 1.8 m.

The next step will allow to finally reach the critical level of a M51-class SLBM, as the ultimate Pukguksong-5 SLBM. The one that will be carried onboard the North Korean strategic submarines (SSBN):

•Diameter: 2.3 m
•Length: 12.0 m
•Mass: 52'000 kg
•Warheads: 6 to 10 MIRV with penetration aids.
•Engine: three stage Solid-fuel rocket
•Operational range: 8'000–10'000 km
•Maximum speed: Mach 25
•Launch platform: Orca-class SSBN

Finally, Post Boost Vehicles (PBS) are a key technology that share obvious similarities in function with the Saman-1 kick stage in its ability to control all the 3 kinetic vectors in roll and attitude, and only once mastered will allow to develop the E1 manned spacecraft.
Since the E1 manned spacecraft should soon be delivered to the Iranian Space Agency, it is expected that the new Hwasong-15B might be tested this year.




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New estimation for the diameter: about 3 meters. That makes the new ICBM closer to the 3.35 meters DF-5 ICBM and 3.7 meters Safir-4.


https://archive.is/P6iQS/46ad0f55379cf8b25d3d5e5dcc0bb8a8cfa2c653.jpg ; https://archive.is/P6iQS/39d78f355ec738c9f21ed04e8bbca0e6308c3180/scr.png ; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkDOdvvVcAE7MPi?format=jpg&name=large
1. A diameter of about 3 meters.

Moreover, the Safir-3 series is fitted only with a two chambers engine, with total thrust that reach 160 ton-force at liftoff.

And new pictures shows 4 nozzles in the new Safir-4-like ICBM!


https://archive.vn/uDCui/e685c6b8331cc63789708de7a658619613f89518.jpg ; https://archive.vn/uDCui/034452d253eca95d27232e89f2e72c46371013f7/scr.png ; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkQMKx7WoAAiijQ?format=jpg&name=900x900
2. New pictures shows 4 nozzles in the new Safir-4-like ICBM.

The question is can the 4 nozzles of the alleged two RD-250 engines, that develop only 2x 80 ton-force thrust or 160 ton-force at liftoff possibly lift the future Safir-4A (Unha-9) SLV rated at more than 210 tons?

https://archive.is/2rPhx/d3e1f4db0a5443566f69dbd4707d8086a08c01ae.jpg ; https://archive.is/2rPhx/5da0c6571f30c780fd5185838827460e930f7775/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201015031542/https://i.imgur.com/5pANfDm.jpg
3. The Safir-4A (Unha-9) with mass of 210 tons at liftoff, powered by 4 engines of 80-tf.

It would never take off!

The only possibility is therefore 4 nozzles of 80 ton-force each developing a total liftoff thrust of 320 ton-force!

After 8 years, the RD-250 fallacy totally collapses.

Leaving room for the Paektusan-1D engine of 80-tf with single chamber.

Confusion for the western media's professionals in explaining this contradiction: "4 RD-250 engines" :rofl::omghaha::lol:


https://archive.vn/dU6pa/852d2713d588df003bf6de8172c5a32ed9208057.png ; https://archive.vn/dU6pa/d33f7c43858993013e560c8af2dc954a30342191/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201015031608/https://i.imgur.com/0cMmnl0.png
4. RD-250 fallacy collapsing.

And indeed, the Unha-9 was from day one intended to be the direct competitor with the South Korean KSLV-II launcher, of 200 tons. Also powered by 4 main engines of 75 ton-force! As both will be launched next year.


https://archive.vn/91yEL/e836cf89073be21597f74d15d80e9805a28cfee4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/91yEL/34f1f4cd565f30f0aecc78dedff394b4efb67503/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201015204641/https://i.imgur.com/9dBgppW.jpg
5. Unha-9 and KSLV-II both of 200 tons powered by 4 main engines.




Iran's Atlas-Mercury SLV: Sarir-C

New hint from Iran, indicating that the I.R.I. is not only still running in the manned space race, but already actively working on its first orbital single-seater launcher, the manned Sarir (Sarir-C, an unofficial name by Galactic Penguin for more clarity), equivalent in its role to the U.S. Atlas-Mercury launcher!


https://archive.is/asJhr/2f7eba979d5aa310c27d840ab1c4a63df52feb58.jpg ; https://archive.is/asJhr/7bfc34f80350ac96a0c8236a7923ddb7e72545a2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201217081416/https://rasekhoon.net/_files/userfiles/1398/11213.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201217...allery/show/1556177/بیانیه-گام-دو٠; https://archive.vn/C3Nr9
1. New image published in Iran representing a space shuttle. December 2020.

Indeed, the image published is representing a space shuttle, indicating its role in manned missions.

But this is not new from Iran. An Iranian Space Shuttle has previously figured prominently in a huge graphic that was displayed during the month of January 2019 in Tehran's Valiasr Square.


2. An Iranian Space Shuttle has figured prominently in a huge graphic that is currently (January 2019) displayed in Tehran's Valiasr Square. The billboard is running in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.
Note that Sardar Shahid Hajj General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the father of Iran's space program is depicted bringing a treasure trove of [NK] blueprints to his fellow countrymen!
The letters IRGM indicating that the project is run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Missile Force?). 17 January 2019.

This second iteration signals the near fruition of the Iranian manned space endeavour, that is, enough to reach the disclosure to the public:

• It is fitted with two strap-on boosters, similar to the Sarir-C.

• The core booster is larger, and painted mainly in white color.

• The shuttle itself and the other rockets show also partly a new color scheme never used before by Iran. The reddish orange has only been displayed once before: during the parade of the North Korean Hwasong-16 ICBM.


https://archive.vn/uDCui/e685c6b8331cc63789708de7a658619613f89518.jpg ; https://archive.vn/uDCui/034452d253eca95d27232e89f2e72c46371013f7/scr.png ; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkQMKx7WoAAiijQ?format=jpg&name=900x900
3. New pictures of the North Korean Hwasong-16 ICBM with reddish orange color scheme.

Itself, an evolution from the pinkish color scheme displayed on the North Korean artistic representation of a new rocket with strap-on boosters on 2020 New Year's Eve!


http://archive.is/G56CH/bf276af4075a893f1bfc1d6cca49baefc2bd2bd7.jpg ; https://archive.is/G56CH/827e4fec08826ce3ca1a1d98a8b2b81eaa9b6414/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200103025453/https://i.imgur.com/U9qSP8n.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200102014311/https://dprktoday.com/view/42/17477/0/0/0/k ; http://archive.ph/cHDrX ; https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49313486836_5a5cf8c6b7_c.jpg ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/dprktoday/49313486836/ ; https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49313693962_434dd6d9cc_c.jpg ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/dprktoday/49313693962/
4. Third occurrence of a depiction of a launcher with two strap-on rocket boosters. Seen in the performance of schoolchildren "Snow Falls with Blessing by Mt Paektu on New Year's Day" for Juche 109 (2020) that was given at the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace on Wednesday.

Only once before did both North Korea and Iran display the same color scheme: a lighter orange painted both on the Safir-2 SLV and the North Korean environmental shroud of the Sohae Space Center's gantry tower.


https://archive.is/2rPhx/d3e1f4db0a5443566f69dbd4707d8086a08c01ae.jpg ; https://archive.is/2rPhx/5da0c6571f30c780fd5185838827460e930f7775/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201015031542/https://i.imgur.com/5pANfDm.jpg
5. North Korea and Iran displaying the same color scheme: a lighter orange painted both on the Safir-2 SLV and the North Korean environmental shroud of the Sohae Space Center's gantry tower.

This can not be mistaken, as the strong message sent to the world is that both nations are continuing to cooperate in developing more powerful space launchers, such as the first Atlas-Mercury-class rockets (Sarir-C), and beyond, the Long March 2F-class 3-seaters manned rocket (Safir-4)!


http://archive.is/Niz3N/d77f7f62b227ecddcbbc36bc852baf0e640e2039.jpg ; https://archive.is/Niz3N/caf2442ef373cd749dc8f0b55b9775a9b8e0781c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200209135856/https://i.imgur.com/FzyjwiL.jpg
6. Safir SLV family speculation, as of February 2020.




Didn’t know this was the North Korea space thread

Thank you for your extremely good-faith criticism. I will give it the attention it deserves.

Indeed, all my contributions as a dedicated OSINT are based on well documented and proven hard facts.

Glad that serious readers might find it helpful and enjoy my posts.

The Iranian-DPRK Strategic Partnership

The Operative (2019) is the most recent French movie to be released with the aim to disclose both to its domestic audience and international public how in the past decade, Western intelligence agencies including CIA, SDECE, MI6, Mossad, etc, have worked together to undermine the Iranian strategic development.

This, as the advent of the Internet of Military Things (IoMT), a class of Internet of things for combat operations and warfare has superseded this old-school Cold War-era doctrine totally obsolete, as demonstrated in the most recent assassination of Iran's Head of Research and Innovation Organization of the Ministry of Defense Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on 27 November 2020, made possible by the U.S. Starlink orbital weapon system entering operational phase I.


https://archive.is/IfdM6/32ff5b1892d288905121f08b294d563137f4a4fc.jpg ; https://archive.is/IfdM6/2d7de127df8c587ebb49a31d7a22883dc4d56f7e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201224143918/https://i.imgur.com/CmBlq7m.jpg
1. The Operative (2019) is the most recent French movie to be released and disclosing how in the past decade, Western intelligence agencies have worked together to undermine the Iranian strategic development.

Senior Lawmaker: Clues Found on N. Scientist Assassination

2020-December-24 18:29

“Mr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a prominent nuclear and defense scientist of the country, was martyred by criminal and cruel mercenaries. The unique scientific figure gave his dear and precious soul in the way of God for his great and lasting scientific efforts, and the high position of martyrdom is his divine reward,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in his message on Saturday November 28.

While condemning this gross violation of international law, the Islamic Republic of Iran also expects the Netherlands to explicitly demand for accountability of perpetrators of this terrorist attack, the statement said.

Martyr Fakhrizadeh's car was targeted by an explosion and machinegun fire in Damavand's Absard 40 kilometers to the East of Tehran on Friday November 27.

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said that electronic equipment has been used in the “highly complicated” assassination of Fakhrizadeh,

“Unfortunately, the operation was very complicated and was carried out by using electronic equipment and no one (terrorist) was present on the scene. But some clues are available, and the identity and records of the designer of the operation has been discovered by us,” Shamkhani said on Monday November 30.

In a nutshell, the U.S. no longer needs to dispatch ground operatives with visas.

It would be naive to think that the European powers have the monopoly of cooperative team work!:lol:

Iran is the partner of North Korea. All the know-hows are common.

R&D departments are located in both nations.

Iran is the financial department of the team, as it is less subjected to sanctions after the JCPOA accords, and it has quasi infinite reserves of oil.

Meanwhile North Korea is the testing ground of the team, to thwart enemy terrorist operatives that plague Iran with acts of sabotages, bombings and a sprea of assassination of targeted key scientists.

Therefore Iran already possess the blueprints for the Hwasong-15 ICBM, Hwasong-16 FOBS ICBM, Pukguksong-4 SLBM and all the nuclear designs including thermonuclear and EMPs one!

Iran has the facilities to produce the hardware, as it only requires CNC and softwares. What it might be lacking is enough Plutonium or higly enriched military grade Uranium, but it is catching up very fast with the latest underground cascade enrichment plant.

Why can Italy develop solid propellant ICBM under the guise of the Vega space launcher, Japan its Epsilon SLV, South Korea its solid fuel GEO satellite launcher, and Israel test a post-boost vehicle for ballistic missile with two warheads under the guise of Beresheet-2 lunar landers?

This is called double standard practice.

Any nation can do it. That is why Iran has developed the solid propellant Qaem satellite carrier back in 2011s, with size equivalent to the Vega, and a FOB ICBM as a manned space program.

Yet, Western powers are parts of the plot, being sycophants of the Dystopian Empire in blindly obeying the Secret Master of the World's instructions.

This is exactly why repeated false flag "unpleasant events" are regularly organized by the western powers, to convince the targeted people to accept the tremendous sacrifice needed to develop the military forces including the WMD components, and at the cost of civilian development.

It used to be China, Iran and North Korea, for several decades, making them backward in all fields as a consequence.

Now it is targeting Ethiopia and Burma!

Here the regular and latest "booster vaccination" offered by the western powers, just to make sure the people of Burma don't forget that they live under a constant existential threat:

Myanmar Condemns UN Rohingya Resolution

Myanmar has condemned a United Nations draft resolution on human rights for the Rohingya, backed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the European Union, saying it is “intrusive” and “politically motivated”.


As a result to these so called "external threats", again not imaginary but really and craftily engineered by the Dystopian Empire since 1945 and its founding by the U.S. putschists, as playing the divide and conquer is the key to the U.S. military junta's survival, Ethiopia went to launch ... an indigenous "space program" with the aim to develop a space rocket able to carry satellite into orbit.

The Ethiopian government said it plans to build both the satellites and launch rockets locally with minimum reliance on foreign partners. In November 2015, the Mekele Institute of Technology in Ethiopia launched a rocket called Alpha Meles 30 kilometers into space. The rocket cost an estimated U.S.$2.3 million to develop, build, and launch.

The next step was to reach the Von Karman line delimiting the boundary with outer space, but there have been no reports of subsequent launches, until 4 years later, when in 2019 Ethiopia dropped the mask, as time was running out with its indigenous effort, disclosing its ambition to ... possess strategic missile of 5000 km range and nuclear warheads!

Indeed, Ethiopia asked France for the provision of thirty M51 SLBMs (!) with nuclear warheads.

The context was Ethiopia's ongoing dispute with Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Will France arm the Nobel Peace Prize?

Modifié le 18/11/2019 à 14:32 - Publié le 17/11/2019 à 15:00 | Le Point.fr

Two months before being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the Ethiopian Prime Minister sent a letter to “His Excellency” President Emmanuel Macron. On July 22, 2019, Abiy Ahmed asked France to help him "to strengthen the Ethiopian air force" by providing him, on credit, with a state-of-the-art arsenal detailed on three pages. This list includes: 12 combat aircraft (including Rafale and Mirage 2000), 18 helicopters and 2 military transport planes manufactured by Airbus, 10 Dassault drones, electronic jamming systems and, even more surprisingly, around thirty M51 missiles with a range of over 6,000 kilometers… and with a nuclear warhead! A request at the very least extravagant (and illegal) knowing that both France and Ethiopia have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.


https://archive.vn/fAvPA/73cb2de6888141160627697206ad07909f8b1ca2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fAvPA/4352dea8cb16747c8e3ef1f9061743bd8622d596/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201120224131if_/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Em0ZO1-W8AAMuvy?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201114230136/https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/la-france-va-t-elle-armer-le-prix-nobel-de-la-paix-17-11-2019-2347906_24.php ; https://archive.vn/nl7fw
2. This list includes: 12 combat aircraft (including Rafale and Mirage 2000), 18 helicopters and 2 military transport planes manufactured by Airbus, 10 Dassault drones, electronic jamming systems and, even more surprisingly, around thirty M51 missiles with a range of over 6,000 kilometers… and with a nuclear warhead!

And why should Iran be the only nation in the world to seek civilian space rockets when the military purpose is the norm for all space powers?




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