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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

BS. Nuclear armed countries only use nukes either against 1) another nuclear armed country(which Iran is not, but your country is) or 2) they are about to get a nuclear attack themselves(which they wont since Iran doesnt have a nuke).

ONCE AGAIN, please recognize that these war scenarios are only in your head(or the video games you play) and not in real life.
Did Japan had a nuke in ww2

Don't called yourself as troll:p::sick:;):enjoy:
is this Iranians space launcher thread or for North Korean, stop samping this thread
@waz @The Eagle @Dubious Please ban @Galactic Penguin SST from this threads, thanks


http://archive.is/5XC8U/92c0c36884bbe4cba54cf018571c872fd2de99b0.png ; https://archive.is/5XC8U/75b7a5994115950baab3bac9104cfcf77e629674/scr.png
1. Troll busted.

Thanks again @waz @The Eagle @Dubious.

Sepehr: the new generation of rocket with more power and accuracy than Simorgh

23 January 2020

The next generation of satellite carrier Sepehr, will be able to deliver 700 kg satellites to 1'000 km orbit.





http://archive.is/5XC8U/92c0c36884bbe4cba54cf018571c872fd2de99b0.png ; https://archive.is/5XC8U/75b7a5994115950baab3bac9104cfcf77e629674/scr.png
1. Troll busted.

Thanks again @waz @The Eagle @Dubious.

Sepehr: the new generation of rocket with more power and accuracy than Simorgh

23 January 2020

The next generation of satellite carrier Sepehr, will be able to deliver 700 kg satellites to 1'000 km orbit.





How recent is news regarding the Sepehr, is it new? Or is it the old articles about it?
do me a favor and get the ** out of this forum or stop posting here so I don't quote you or reply to you. Dont ever ask me to not quote you.

@The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @Serpentine

Can You please remove this person from this thread. Clearly they've yet to learn the art of proper discussion.

Any launch date confirmed for the SLV?

Simorgh has a launch in the next few weeks but I don't know about this Sepehr. @Galactic Penguin SST can give more information.
How recent is news regarding the Sepehr, is it new? Or is it the old articles about it?

Read it today, and the source (YJC) is usually quite accurate.

Simorgh has a launch in the next few weeks but I don't know about this Sepehr. @Galactic Penguin SST can give more information.

Sepehr is the first version of the Safir-3. Feel free to browse this thread. More powerful version will follow, with the ultimate evolution, the Sarir, upgraded by the addition of many strap-on boosters and a high energy second stage.

It can be deduced from the IRANSAT-2 satellite with a mass of 3 metric tonne that is to be placed into a 35,786 km GEO orbit by 2026.
Meaning some 6 tons payload capacity in LEO, enough for the 3 seaters manned spacecraft.

Any launch date confirmed for the SLV?

It is obvious that Iranian authorities would prefer to wait after the launch of the Safir-2 e-Zafar-1 rocket of next week (scheduled before 1st February).

Just to avoid embarrassment if Zafar-1 fails. In case of success, official announcement would be logical, because the Sepehr rocket was originally probably planned to be introduced by 2021.

Therefore a maiden launch maybe by next year, with a 1'000 km LEO satellite. Because time is running out if IRANSAT-1 with a mass of under 1 metric tonne is to be placed into a 35,786 km GEO orbit probably by 2023.

And you know that there is a problem with the allocated GEO orbital slot by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the relevant specialized agency of the United Nations, that Iran can loose if it is unable to place a functional satellite in time!



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Nothing about the Sepehr in the media, but this for the Sarir: 35 meters long, 2.4 meters diameter.


http://archive.ph/0OrxU/9f9a3c1077bdf1cff7beaf81449d713dbde966c9.jpg ; https://archive.ph/0OrxU/6a1203be054bb51064f016976afbc519a507bcac/scr.png ; https://www.mashreghnews.ir/news/1036082/سفیر-رسما-بازنشسته-شد-تا-سیمرغ-مهیای-سفر-فضایی-شود-طلسم ; http://archive.ph/iYTBG
1. The new Iranian Sarir compared to the Simorgh (Safir-2) and Safir-1.

Notice the engine bay of the Sarir, much bigger in height than that of the Simorgh.

Maybe upgraded engines to the 80 tons thrust Paektusan-1 series? In this case 4 engines x 80 ton-forces would produce 320 ton-force at liftoff.

And finally some last moment awakening for someone!

Question: New "Pektusan"engines !?


https://archive.ph/uQzuD/1722a34a241096d96e530f37ec494dd99093fdaf/scr.png ; http://archive.ph/uQzuD ; http://b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Rest_World/Sarir-IRILV/Description/Text.htm
2. Question: New "Pektusan"engines !? 30 JAN 2020

Assuming the affirmative:

Previous erroneous interpretation of the Safir-3, biased with 6 main nozzles, and 4 smaller nozzles for the steering verniers:


http://archive.ph/HtdXu/ea25fbfe8e2af076ed350acd5dda4cc4b59297df.jpg ; https://archive.ph/HtdXu/0f6de522042ca0e606f65eab1bb37419d7294779/scr.png ;

3. As of 23rd January 2019, a previous erroneous interpretation of the Safir-3, biased with 6 main nozzles, and 4 smaller nozzles for the steering verniers.

The corrected Safir-3 as of 30th January 2020, with less than 6 nozzles! (Assuming four)


http://archive.ph/Z8pPr/c84330a8b05623bfbb9c2cb9f385323f305e8bad.jpg ; https://archive.ph/Z8pPr/e11a4ee8303777ae30f4a4ae6c384cffaefa2711/scr.png ; http://archive.ph/iBAXz ; https://archive.ph/iBAXz/a29b362502a4da9c9f6ff72c5669e3a5e70045ce/scr.png
3. The corrected Safir-3 as of 30th January 2020, with less than 6 nozzles!

And is this the end of the needless decade-long controversy?

Apparently not!

Indeed, this german fanboy can't even translate properly!

According to this translator:

2:25 AM · Jan 30, 2020·Twitter

Overview of the new Iranian SLV projects announced by AIO spokesman Ahmad Hosseini

• The next SLV in the pipeline is Sarir, which is based on Simorgh but will have a new upper stage. Overall length will be about 35m with a diameter of 2.4m for the whole length of the missile.

• Soroush is a project planned for the more distant future and will be a liquid-propellant SLV with a diameter of 4m.

• Hosseini also mentioned that they are pursuing solid-propellant SLV technology to 'reduce prices' and stated that he hopes 'this can be published in the future'


Meaning that the 80 tons thrust Paektusan-1 series engine will be fitted on the 4 meters diameter Soroush but neither the Sarir nor Sepehr!





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So a Vega-like, even larger SLV is coming for satellites.

Simorgh evolution to Sarir could have following background: Iran needs a liquid fuel missile for its potential manned program. A liquid fuel SLV can be shut down if a problem occurs, is lower on vibration and most importantly: After 20 years work and production of the original Shahab-3 engine, it may now have reached such reliability levels that it can be safely used in a manned program.
We don't know about the second stage engine but those motors would also need to be very reliable and so much of higher performance that the payload is increased sufficiently to allow for a lightweight single astronaut capsule.
Second stage efficiency defines much of the possible payload and the increase from Simorgh to Sarir would have to be significant.
So best would be the RD-217 the North Koreans use, sure but it could retain the Simorgh first stage engines due to reliability issues. But then it would also need a very high performance second stage that is very reliable too. So I guess the second stage may be a RD-217 variant that is deemed as reliable enough if it is just a single engine and not a cluster of four that must all work flawlessly like in the first stage.
At this point the 9m longer length of the Sarir must be taken into consideration and its uniform diameter: The weight increase is likely to be more than the Simorgh stage-1 cluster can accelerate fast enough. If thats the case, new engines in RD-217 class are needed. Plus at that volume increase even a 3-stage solution becomes a possibility, which would again increase lift capability.

To all of this economy considerations may be made: Those high production numbers of the Shahab-3/Ghadr engine, makes it very competitive.

My speculation on the Sarir:
~100t vehicle weight
~160t lift-off thrust (4 Ghadr cluster)
~40t second stage thrust (Khorramshahr engine optimized for vacuum operation)
~15t third stage thrust (8 instead of 4-cluster Simorgh second stage engine)
~1,5t payload to LEO

In that configuration, proven engines with high serial production numbers that are not too expensive would be employed. Ultimate goal would be to safely deliver a single-man astronaut capsule into LEO.
Heavy equipment haul would be done by the new solid SLV, while liquid only for astronaut transit.

Alas, this speculation simply forget that, according to Iranian practice, a family of moded launchers always share the same generic name.

Safir-1 designates the family of launchers based on the single 32 to 37-tf engine (Shahab-3): Safir-1A, Safir-1B, Safir-1C, plus the suborbital manned Safir-1D

Safir-2 designates the family of launchers based on the cluster of four 32 to 37-tf engines (Shahab-3) plus a 5th made of 4 verniers of 15-tf, totalling ~160-tf at liftoff: Safir-2A (Simorgh)

In this case Sarir can not belong to the Safir-2 family because it was presented as the Safir-3B on 5th March 2012.

Here a better speculation:

Safir-3 designates the family of launchers based on the cluster of two or 3? 80 to 100-tf engines (Paektusan-1D) fully gimballed, without the need of any additional set of vernier, totalling a liftoff thrust of 160 to 200-tf: Safir-3A(Sepehr), Safir-3B(Sarir)

http://archive.ph/bQ1Ml/14178e1ee60b2a0418853c957744ec3608e923fb.jpg ; https://archive.ph/bQ1Ml/a8416f3901f9b6da6094c46c256aa9ca9a5fefb7/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/OUazjYM.jpg
1. Safir-3A Sepehr speculation.

Depending of the place left on the 2.4 meters diameter core stage's engine bay, even a third Paektusan-1D engine of 80-tf should be attached, similar to the Japanese H-3 rocket family's H3-30S. In this case the liftoff thrust would be 3x80-tf totalling 240-tf to 300-tf.

This would even make more sense, as it would not simply develop the same thrust as the old Safir-2 which is totally absurd, but be an incremental step toward the next Safir-4 family!


http://archive.ph/2alBK/fc2bdf2f209dc7a3947043a983275bd31a3355a6.jpg ; https://archive.ph/2alBK/7dd76025b5049929033bd7c5cc0628f9a7b64897/scr.png ; https://global.jaxa.jp/projects/rockets/h3/images/h3_photo1.jpg
2. Japanese H-3 rocket family. H3-30S with 3 main engines.

Finally, for the newly disclosed mysterious 4 meters diameter launcher:

Safir-4 designates the family of launchers based on the cluster of four 80 to 100-tf engines (Paektusan-1D) fully gimballed, without the need of any additional set of vernier, developing a liftoff thrust of 320 to 400-tf: Safir-4A(Sourosh), Safir-4B(Sxxx)

Safir-4A(Sourosh), is the first model. Further improvement with 2 additional strap-on boosters totalling a liftoff thrust of 480 to 600-tf: could be named Safir-4B(Sxxx), while with 4 additional strap-on boosters totalling a liftoff thrust of 640 to 800-tf: it could be named Safir-4C(Sxxx).

And the last detail:

Safir-5 designates the family of launchers with a LEO payload capability of 20 tons: Safir-5A(Sxxx)



@Galactic Penguin SST

Check my lastest revised analysis in the space thread:

Soroush is a distant future 4m liquid SLV.

Sarir is Irans equivalent to the Russian Kosmos-3M without the need of any complex, expensive technology it will achieve >1,5t LEO.
@Galactic Penguin SST

Check my lastest revised analysis in the space thread:

Soroush is a distant future 4m liquid SLV.

Sarir is Irans equivalent to the Russian Kosmos-3M without the need of any complex, expensive technology it will achieve >1,5t LEO.
With the exception that Kosmos 3M uses AK27I/UDMH propellant and Iran has no experience with this combination.

Khoramshahr uses N204/UDMH and according to USA claims in 2013 Iran helped NK to develop a 80ton engine which can possibly be a Hwasong-15 engine based on N204/UDMH
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UDMH/AK27 is the primary Iranian propellant for newer liquids...
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