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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

Then they nuked you with ICBM/SLBM, so what yo gonna do then
buy nukes and ICBM (or make both) and nuke them back, i'm sure russia and china would like to provide both.

Then they nuked you with ICBM/SLBM, so what yo gonna do then
another option is building nukes and nuking Israel and hope their Samson option work.
So my posts are egoistic and yours arent? hmm, i feel like you're projecting who you really are onto me.
Secondly, where did i ever say no country can hurt Iran? this is one of your paradoxical makes-no-sense comments where you say things that reality prove are already impossible. Also evidence you're main goal is to troll.
Your buddy/countrymen @hack hook thinks that, you're trolling i am talking about facts
Azad Kashmir isnt Pakistan airspace? Point is, NUclear India wasnt afraid of Nuclear Pakistan enough to even try an airstrike.
IAF Change their narrative within few days, if you remember, they told media that they didn't cross LOC and didn't venture our airspace but instead they were saying we used stand off Israeli glide bombs (Spice-2000), they will try airstrikes but result will be the same (27/2/2019):p:;):enjoy:
Are you trying to suggest Iran's deterrence is only in theory? You can Look at the reality of the Middle east and persian gulf and you will see what real deterrence Iran has. Answering this question logically will just be feeding a greedy troll.
You're only good land based deterrence, do you know what is deterrence means, that you have multiple option, that Iran currently lacks, go do some research about DETERRENCE than talk

buy nukes and ICBM (or make both) and nuke them back, i'm sure russia and china would like to provide both.

another option is building nukes and nuking Israel and hope their Samson option work.
Ok then Iran annihilated by west as a result, if you will do, then you're in suicide mode
Ok what do you have as deterrence false ego:p:;):enjoy:
Well even before getting into the military stuff we could mention some reasons:
1. Our history & culture, no matters what happens in case of war all Iranians would unite against the adversary. that is why Iran as oldest country that has remained throughout history.
2. The world economy, in case of war Iran could destroy the whole region oil industry which in comparison Saudi oil field attack would be considered as a joke.
3. Existence of israel, in 2006 it took 33 days in recent war 48 hours and just by one front.
4. Security of the EU, Iran is indeed a heavy anchor in whole regional stability mechanism.
5. Our military industry & equipment ,which unlike others whom buy their beautiful weapon, are mostly local and closed book for others ...
6. Our persevere & determination that we get what we want, american sanctions would cause any country collapse.
Well even before getting into the military stuff we could mention some reasons:
1. Our history & culture, no matters what happens in case of war all Iranians would unite against the adversary. that is why Iran as oldest country that has remained throughout history.
2. The world economy, in case of war Iran could destroy the whole region oil industry which in comparison Saudi oil field attack would be considered as a joke.
3. Existence of israel, in 2006 it took 33 days in recent war 48 hours and just by one front.
4. Security of the EU, Iran is indeed a heavy anchor in whole regional stability mechanism.
5. Our military industry & equipment ,which unlike others whom buy their beautiful weapon, are mostly local and closed book for others ...
6. Our persevere & determination that we get what we want, american sanctions would cause any country collapse.
well that will not happen due to our deterrence. ;);)
What deterrence you have for defense against ICBM/SLBM from west/USA/Israel, they already try to built layered ABM systems so these gives them some hope that they have defense to intercept Iranian SRBMs/MRBMs, and if threatening EU and gulf countries is your deterrence than i have a sincere advice for you to google search the word of DETERRENCE
What deterrence you have for defense against ICBM/SLBM from west/USA/Israel, they already try to built layered ABM systems so these gives them some hope that they have defense to intercept Iranian SRBMs/MRBMs, and if threatening EU and gulf countries is your deterrence than i have a sincere advice for you to google search the word of DETERRENCE
our capabilities to attack them, as i said pain or even threat of it is good motivator and inhibitor.
and that defense system is the exact one that didn't help ksa oil industry against Yemen . why it should help them against us .
Then they nuked you with ICBM/SLBM, so what yo gonna do then
Your dream never comes true.....nukes are made to be stored as an axis of power to treathen the enemies(as we saw no one of the countries that have it never used it in real wars,US in vietnam,soviet in afghanistan,india and pakistan against eachother,even if US nukes IR,it will be being used in limited area not in major cities,so,what gonna be the result!we will get the permission to make our own nuke(even the other countries like brasil and korea will be persuaded to be an atomic power)......so no one will use nukes against IRAN
Your dream never comes true.....nukes are made to be stored as an axis of power to treathen the enemies(as we saw no one of the countries that have it never used it in real wars,US in vietnam,soviet in afghanistan,india and pakistan against eachother,even if US nukes IR,it will be being used in limited area not in major cities,so,what gonna be the result!we will get the permission to make our own nuke(even the other countries like brasil and korea will be persuaded to be an atomic power)......so no one will use nukes against IRAN
If you try to destroy USN in Parisian Gulf and succeeded they will raining down ICBMs/SLBMs/CMs armed with nukes if full fledged war will happened

If you try to destroy USN in Parisian Gulf and succeeded they will raining down ICBMs/SLBMs/CMs armed with nukes if full fledged war will happened

BS. Nuclear armed countries only use nukes either against 1) another nuclear armed country(which Iran is not, but your country is) or 2) they are about to get a nuclear attack themselves(which they wont since Iran doesnt have a nuke).

ONCE AGAIN, please recognize that these war scenarios are only in your head(or the video games you play) and not in real life.

And who is the troll, i think you guys:p:;):enjoy:, denying real facts
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