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SAFIR-3 space launch vehicle

TEHRAN, 2012, March 05 -- Information by Mehdi Farahi, Director of the Aerospace Industry Organization:
Safir-2A is the first version of Safir-2 with the name of Simorgh. Length of it is 26 m, diameter of it is around 2.5 m and weight of it is around 86 tons. Thrust of is around 143 tons. It can put 100 kg satellites into 500 km altitude orbits.
The next our step is Safir-3A and Safir-3B that can put 1,000 kg satellites into 1,000 km altitude orbits (Safir-3A). If could add micro thrusters (Saman-1) and some side equipments (SRBs) to it, it can put payloads into 36,000 km altitude orbits.

Your rendering matches the all solid propellant Ghaem SLV. Safir-3 is a liquid propellant SLV.:omghaha:

Safir-3 (Sarir ?) IRILV

Press Release

Except for the strange pictures from a video there are no new statements. The new carrier rocket will probably be equipped with engines like those recently tested in North Korea (like Glushko's RD-250).

Link when accessed: http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Rest_World/Sarir-IRILV/Description/Frame.htm
Backup link (1 Sep 2017 12:08:59 UTC): http://archive.is/CWwwx#selection-417.143-417.149



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Your rendering matches the all solid propellant Ghaem SLV. Safir-3 is a liquid propellant SLV.:omghaha:

Safir-3 (Sarir ?) IRILV

Press Release

Except for the strange pictures from a video there are no new statements. The new carrier rocket will probably be equipped with engines like those recently tested in North Korea (like Glushko's RD-250).

Link when accessed: http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Rest_World/Sarir-IRILV/Description/Frame.htm
Backup link (1 Sep 2017 12:08:59 UTC): http://archive.is/CWwwx#selection-417.143-417.149




Confirmation with the latest representation of the North Korean equivalent of the Safir-3, called Unha-9!


Published on Sep 13, 2017

A national exhibition of experimental apparatus and teaching aids and an educational books exhibition took place at the Sci-Tech Complex in Pyongyang, some days ago. The DPRK has set this year as a year of science and education.
On display at the exhibitions were many experimental apparatuses, educational aids, multimedia programs, simulation experiment and practice programs and educational books presented by education institutions and education publishing houses.
The exhibitions served as good occasions conducive to putting education on an IT and modern basis and bringing up the rising generation to be reliable masters of a talent power.
▲ Video published on Sep 13, 2017, showing Unha-9 model at T=1m47s to 1m52.5s

Confirmation with the latest representation of the North Korean equivalent of the Safir-3, called Unha-9!


Published on Sep 13, 2017

A national exhibition of experimental apparatus and teaching aids and an educational books exhibition took place at the Sci-Tech Complex in Pyongyang, some days ago. The DPRK has set this year as a year of science and education.
On display at the exhibitions were many experimental apparatuses, educational aids, multimedia programs, simulation experiment and practice programs and educational books presented by education institutions and education publishing houses.
The exhibitions served as good occasions conducive to putting education on an IT and modern basis and bringing up the rising generation to be reliable masters of a talent power.
▲ Video published on Sep 13, 2017, showing Unha-9 model at T=1m47s to 1m52.5s


Will see !
Will see !

Only a few month before the maiden test flight of the North Korean Unha-9, next year, with the first ever GEO satellite launch attempt!
A cluster of four single chamber Paektusan-1 main engines of 80 to 100 ton-force each, should power the Unha-9 first stage.

With a total of no less than 8 test flights this year of the Paektusan-1(B) main engine of 100-ton-force or 980 kilo Newtons, in 2 Hwasong-14 ICBMs and 6 Hwasong-12 IRBMs and totaling at least 5 success, as of 15 September 2017, this engine is now rated at no less than 62% success.
The statistic might further improve in the coming weeks, with certainly more Hwasong-12 launches, especially in multiple salvo of four over Japan toward the Pacific, to prepare for the already announced "Guam enveloping fire operation".

Unlike the 75 ton-f engine of the South Korean SLV that has never left the ground static test stand!



  • praying.gif
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Only a few month before the maiden test flight of the North Korean Unha-9, next year, with the first ever GEO satellite launch attempt!
A cluster of four single chamber Paektusan-1 main engines of 80 to 100 ton-force each, should power the Unha-9 first stage.

With a total of no less than 8 test flights this year of the Paektusan-1(B) main engine of 100-ton-force or 980 kilo Newtons, in 2 Hwasong-14 ICBMs and 6 Hwasong-12 IRBMs and totaling at least 5 success, as of 15 September 2017, this engine is now rated at no less than 62% success.
The statistic might further improve in the coming weeks, with certainly more Hwasong-12 launches, especially in multiple salvo of four over Japan toward the Pacific, to prepare for the already announced "Guam enveloping fire operation".

Unlike the 75 ton-f engine of the South Korean SLV that has never left the ground static test stand!


Twin combustor can create 80 t thrust !!!

Not single combustion chamber model ...
80t for single chamber is technically impossible ...

▲ Chinese YF-20B engine developing 814 kN and powering the CZ-2F launcher

The RD-250 engine at the center of an international storm

September 10, 2017

However, the most serious charge in the IISS publication claims that a one-chamber version of the RD-250 had been produced in Russia or Ukraine:
As described above, the Ukrainian space agency spent more than a decade trying to obtain the original RD-250 engine, badly needed for the nation’s rocket program. After spending a decade and almost $400 million, the Ukrainians were still unable to simply reproduce the Russian RD-250 with two combustion chambers, let alone develop and build a brand-new new, heavily modified one-chamber version, which now appears on the North Korean ICBM.


The Paektusan-1(B) rocket engine

since the thrust of Paektusan-1 is 784.5KN, if you build a rocket by attaching 4 rocket engines, you get total thrust of 3,138kN. The 3,138 kN is a tremendous force enough to bring large, heavy payloads of up to 6,000 kilograms into a low earth orbit.
It is noted that the burn time of the Chinese YF-20B is 128 seconds and the burn time of Russian RD-117 is 118 seconds, whereas the burn time of Paeksutsan-1 is 200 seconds. This indicates that the Paektusan-1 has a much longer burn time than the other two by comparison. It can be seen that the new type of satellite carrier rocket to be fitted with the Paektusan-1 is a satellite carrier rocket flying farther over the earth's orbit. It is predicted that the new satellite carrier rocket to be fitted with Paektusan-1 will send a satellite to a GEO of 35,786 km.


▲ The photo shows a table used by Supreme leader Kim Jong Un, who was placed at the observing station installed near the static test stand.
"백두산계렬 80tf급 액체로케트(발동기): Paektusan Series 80 tf liquid rocket (engine)" is written in red. Note, the world "engine" is out of the camera's field!
The title of the explanatory note indicates that the high-power liquid rocket engine developed and completed at this time is 80 ton-force liquid rocket engine. © Ju Shobo and Han Ho Seok

║                        Liquid rocket engines comparison                        ║
║ Rocket engine (Nation) ║  Thrust  ║ Burn  time  ║     Diameter      ║   Mass   ║
║   Paektusan-1 (DPRK)   ║ 784.5 kN ║ 200 seconds ║ ~80 cm(estimated) ║  Unknown ║
║     YF-20B (China)     ║  814 kN  ║ 128 seconds ║       84 cm       ║ 2,850 kg ║


North Korea has spent nearly 20 years to develop this engine


According to a North Korean 1999 rocket engine schematic, which was captured on July 22, the turbo pump, which compresses and distributes fuel, including one main engine and four auxiliary engines, is shown as in the test of March 18, 2017. This schematic was found on the North Korean cargo ship Kuwolsan, which was suspected of carrying missile parts in June 1999 and was detained in India.
Considering that North Korea had already obtained the design in the mid-90s, before the schematic was captured, it means that it took North Koreans at least 20 years to develop the engine.

By clustering four [Moksong] engines, the output may be unstable and the engine efficiency is low," thus "To overcome these shortcomings, North Korea developed the new [Paektusan-1] engine."


▲ Schematics showing a rocket stage powered by a new engine with 4 verniers, taken aboard the North Korean "Kuwol Mountain" cargo ship captured in 1999.


Thrust estimation of the Paektusan-1(B) rocket engine


According to a March 20, 2017 report, Korean military experts analyzing the thrust of the new liquid rocket engine shown in the DPRK photographs, evaluated the liquid rocket engine as a 100-ton-force rocket engine.
The 100-ton-force is 980 kilo Newtons. The 80-ton-force liquid rocket engine appeared on the static ground test on September 19, 2016, and the 100-ton-force liquid rocket engine appeared on the static ground test conducted on March 18, 2017. As a result, it can be seen that, as of September 2017, the Paektusan liquid rocket engine series was developed as an 80 ton-force type in 2016 and a 100 ton-force type in 2017, respectively.


The Hwasong-12/14 ICBM seems to be a missile of the same class as the Hwasong-13 ICBM but with more advanced design, therefore the same thrust of about 100 tons, but with only one main engine and four verniers instead of two main engines and four verniers.
║                      Comparative estimated North Korean ICBMs first stage main engine thrusts                       ║
║   Launchers   │ Thrust of main engines │ Thrust of verniers engines │ Total thrust of first stage │ Estimated range ║
║   Moksong-2   │      4 x 32 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          150 tons           │   >11,000 km    ║
║  Hwasong-13   │      2 x 35 tons       │         4 x 8 tons         │          102 tons           │   >12,000 km    ║
║  Hwasong-12   │      1 x 80 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          100 tons           │    ~6,500 km    ║
║  Hwasong-14   │      1 x 80 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          100 tons           │   ~14,000 km    ║

First description of a North Korean CZ-2F-type rocket


Since North Korea has mastered technologies for developing rocket for a long time, it will not be difficult to build a powerful rocket by attaching to the rocket's first stage, four strap-on boosters powered by four Paektusan-1 liquid fuel engines.
North Korea will be able to complete such a powerful rocket in the next few months.



▲ Chinese YF-20B engine developing 814 kN and powering the CZ-2F launcher

The RD-250 engine at the center of an international storm

September 10, 2017

However, the most serious charge in the IISS publication claims that a one-chamber version of the RD-250 had been produced in Russia or Ukraine:
As described above, the Ukrainian space agency spent more than a decade trying to obtain the original RD-250 engine, badly needed for the nation’s rocket program. After spending a decade and almost $400 million, the Ukrainians were still unable to simply reproduce the Russian RD-250 with two combustion chambers, let alone develop and build a brand-new new, heavily modified one-chamber version, which now appears on the North Korean ICBM.


The Paektusan-1(B) rocket engine

since the thrust of Paektusan-1 is 784.5KN, if you build a rocket by attaching 4 rocket engines, you get total thrust of 3,138kN. The 3,138 kN is a tremendous force enough to bring large, heavy payloads of up to 6,000 kilograms into a low earth orbit.
It is noted that the burn time of the Chinese YF-20B is 128 seconds and the burn time of Russian RD-117 is 118 seconds, whereas the burn time of Paeksutsan-1 is 200 seconds. This indicates that the Paektusan-1 has a much longer burn time than the other two by comparison. It can be seen that the new type of satellite carrier rocket to be fitted with the Paektusan-1 is a satellite carrier rocket flying farther over the earth's orbit. It is predicted that the new satellite carrier rocket to be fitted with Paektusan-1 will send a satellite to a GEO of 35,786 km.


▲ The photo shows a table used by Supreme leader Kim Jong Un, who was placed at the observing station installed near the static test stand.
"백두산계렬 80tf급 액체로케트(발동기): Paektusan Series 80 tf liquid rocket (engine)" is written in red. Note, the world "engine" is out of the camera's field!
The title of the explanatory note indicates that the high-power liquid rocket engine developed and completed at this time is 80 ton-force liquid rocket engine. © Ju Shobo and Han Ho Seok

║                        Liquid rocket engines comparison                        ║
║ Rocket engine (Nation) ║  Thrust  ║ Burn  time  ║     Diameter      ║   Mass   ║
║   Paektusan-1 (DPRK)   ║ 784.5 kN ║ 200 seconds ║ ~80 cm(estimated) ║  Unknown ║
║     YF-20B (China)     ║  814 kN  ║ 128 seconds ║       84 cm       ║ 2,850 kg ║


North Korea has spent nearly 20 years to develop this engine


According to a North Korean 1999 rocket engine schematic, which was captured on July 22, the turbo pump, which compresses and distributes fuel, including one main engine and four auxiliary engines, is shown as in the test of March 18, 2017. This schematic was found on the North Korean cargo ship Kuwolsan, which was suspected of carrying missile parts in June 1999 and was detained in India.
Considering that North Korea had already obtained the design in the mid-90s, before the schematic was captured, it means that it took North Koreans at least 20 years to develop the engine.

By clustering four [Moksong] engines, the output may be unstable and the engine efficiency is low," thus "To overcome these shortcomings, North Korea developed the new [Paektusan-1] engine."


▲ Schematics showing a rocket stage powered by a new engine with 4 verniers, taken aboard the North Korean "Kuwol Mountain" cargo ship captured in 1999.


Thrust estimation of the Paektusan-1(B) rocket engine


According to a March 20, 2017 report, Korean military experts analyzing the thrust of the new liquid rocket engine shown in the DPRK photographs, evaluated the liquid rocket engine as a 100-ton-force rocket engine.
The 100-ton-force is 980 kilo Newtons. The 80-ton-force liquid rocket engine appeared on the static ground test on September 19, 2016, and the 100-ton-force liquid rocket engine appeared on the static ground test conducted on March 18, 2017. As a result, it can be seen that, as of September 2017, the Paektusan liquid rocket engine series was developed as an 80 ton-force type in 2016 and a 100 ton-force type in 2017, respectively.


The Hwasong-12/14 ICBM seems to be a missile of the same class as the Hwasong-13 ICBM but with more advanced design, therefore the same thrust of about 100 tons, but with only one main engine and four verniers instead of two main engines and four verniers.
║                      Comparative estimated North Korean ICBMs first stage main engine thrusts                       ║
║   Launchers   │ Thrust of main engines │ Thrust of verniers engines │ Total thrust of first stage │ Estimated range ║
║   Moksong-2   │      4 x 32 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          150 tons           │   >11,000 km    ║
║  Hwasong-13   │      2 x 35 tons       │         4 x 8 tons         │          102 tons           │   >12,000 km    ║
║  Hwasong-12   │      1 x 80 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          100 tons           │    ~6,500 km    ║
║  Hwasong-14   │      1 x 80 tons       │         4 x 5 tons         │          100 tons           │   ~14,000 km    ║

First description of a North Korean CZ-2F-type rocket


Since North Korea has mastered technologies for developing rocket for a long time, it will not be difficult to build a powerful rocket by attaching to the rocket's first stage, four strap-on boosters powered by four Paektusan-1 liquid fuel engines.
North Korea will be able to complete such a powerful rocket in the next few months.



We are talking about RD-250's combustion chambers !!!
We are talking about RD-250's combustion chambers !!!

First you mistook the Ghaem solid propellant with the Safir-3, now the obviously primitive and totally irrelevant Cold War era and already obsolete Soviet/Russian RD-250 dual chamber engine with the most advanced single engine 80-tf North Korean Paektusan-1 engine!

Note that what you consider near impossible exploit, even the South Koreans can make it, with no prior experience, and in less than five years (North Korea took 20 years to develop the Paektusan-1) with the Ure-1 75-tf engine!

http://7:37 PM - 29 Mar 2017

Video of Kari's 75-tons engine test

From now on the engine can move! This is a video of a test firing of the 75-tons class engine No. 3 conducted at Naro Space Center yesterday.
From the engine No. 3, the thrust vector control system verification test is conducted to control the flight direction of the rocket by moving the engine itself to the north, south, east and west.

▲ Video Published on Mar 29, 2017. Kari's 75-tons force engine test


▲ North Korean Unha launchers family



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First you mistook the Ghaem solid propellant with the Safir-3, now the obviously primitive and totally irrelevant Cold War era and already obsolete Soviet/Russian RD-250 dual chamber engine with the most advanced single engine 80-tf North Korean Paektusan-1 engine!

Note that what you consider near impossible exploit, even the South Koreans can make it, with no prior experience, and in less than five years (North Korea took 20 years to develop the Paektusan-1) with the Ure-1 75-tf engine!

7:37 PM - 29 Mar 2017

Video of Kari's 75-tons engine test

From now on the engine can move! This is a video of a test firing of the 75-tons class engine No. 3 conducted at Naro Space Center yesterday.
From the engine No. 3, the thrust vector control system verification test is conducted to control the flight direction of the rocket by moving the engine itself to the north, south, east and west.

▲ Video Published on Mar 29, 2017. Kari's 75-tons force engine test


▲ North Korean Unha launchers family


What's this © SOHEIL !?
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