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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Stablish j-31 production facility in Pakistan with China just like we have JF-17 production facility...:china::pakistan:

They will most likely, J31/J35 or J?? will be project AZM with Pakistani specs, Pakistan will take the next step from Jf17, Project Azm with chinese, Turkish, S Africa, Italy systems. It will be around 2028-2032 time.
They will most likely, J31/J35 or J?? will be project AZM with Pakistani specs, Pakistan will take the next step from Jf17, Project Azm with chinese, Turkish, S Africa, Italy systems. It will be around 2028-2032 time.

It is likely that FC-31 will be PAF next generation new fighters with at least 2 squadrons or more. China would take the research from the FC-31 testing for their new J-35 navalized fighter development programme. FC-31 is mainly for export market
Via Hyperwarp
Weapons bay of FC-31
I don't know why i think that J-31 will be much better fighter then J-20...
No, it MUST NOT! They must finish development into a capable true stealth fighter, what seems to be underway with the J-35.
No, there is no time for it now j-31 come up on production because time is precious...:china::pakistan:
Is China's next gen jet going to be better than or on par with F35/F22?
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