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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Would love to see the same scene updated with a Su-35 in PLAAF colours and FC-31V2. :-)

Indeed. Well, I joined the thread late so tough to tell if some of these pics have been posted, and far be it for anyone to cycle through 227 pages lol.

Can't wait to start seeing China produce this jet. Depending on what the eventual cost would be and how the Chinese will price this aircraft as well as what the total count for China would be, will determine the numbers of this machine in the foreign market. I'm sure everyone is thinking that this thing will be sold like hotcakes and that the Chinese will have to make several production lines just to handle orders. This has the potential to make the F-7 sales look like child's play.
How many more prototypes and Test will FC-31 need to enter the production line

So many Flight test recently did it find the customer?
How many more prototypes and Test will FC-31 need to enter the production line

So many Flight test recently did it find the customer?
It still need at least 4-5 prototypes to speed up the whole test. Rumor claim Pakistan has funded the project but I believe more funds are needed to speed it up.
It still need at least 4-5 prototypes to speed up the whole test. Rumor claim Pakistan has funded the project but I believe more funds are needed to speed it up.
Pakistan had to fund J-10B program but back then we had the super thief on the throne, Asif Zardari who persistently gobbled up 40% of PAF budget throughout his 5 year tenure.
Pakistan had to fund J-10B program but back then we had the super thief on the throne, Asif Zardari who persistently gobbled up 40% of PAF budget throughout his 5 year tenure.
J-10B dont need PAF funding. It is a fighter jet endorsed by PLAAF. China military are well funded, government endorsed projects basically needs no funding from foreign countries.
Hmm, you are absolutely right but in the mean time Pakistan desperately needs a heavy fighter, so what can be a quickest ops for PAF, in Your opinion !!!

Can you continue this discussion in the PAF section please? Here it is irrelevant and off-topic.
Guys ... :offpost::offtopic: STOP this off topic-discussion: The PAF and its future fighters (if any) especially J-10B/C, Su-35 or any other fifth generation type besides the FC-31 are irrelevant in this thread. There are others in the PAF-section to continue.



Should be made a poll here whether or not this aircraft will come into realization within some reasonable time frame knowing some highly sceptical opinions here do exist on its eventual progress into a final product :D:P include as well its probability for a navalized version. Must be interesting :enjoy:
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