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S300 to be delivered to SAA in 2 weeks

If 'hotheads' still prevail, here is a likely scenario. America, France, and Britain could launch a saturation cruise missile attack, ensuring all S-300 batteries around the target area are spent and then quickly follow it up with areal attack.

The reality is that there is an inherent asymmetry in air defence today. Attacking with cruise missiles is cheaper, and a cruise missile attack can be continued for longer. Whereas, air defence missiles are costlier, and once spent, cannot be replaced easily during the attack itself. Let us see if Western forces will utilize this asymmetry. The likely result of such a step would be full out war, because Russia will be looking for blood after this.

If they think they can occupy Syria they are in for a shock. It'll be way bloodier than Iraq.
if russia want war she will get
why bluff? Only country capable of starting war with Russia is US. Low intensity conflict in Syria is probably making you fatigued already.
The day Russian spy plane was shot I said Syria will now get advance missile system. Now it is happening. :)
PAF will be monitoring this closely since India is next potential, or may I say confirmed buyer, of similar system(S-400). If Israel and Turkey manages to sneak into Syria, despite of S-300 shield,than surely it will be a good lesson for other air forces of the world as well that how to beat such an advance air defense system.
Bolton says it's a mistake by Russia. I wonder what he's trying to say.
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