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S300 to be delivered to SAA in 2 weeks

Army research

Jul 8, 2016
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United Kingdom
The Russian Defense Ministry promised to take "adequate" measures to boost the security of Russian servicemen after the Israeli Air Force used the Russian Il-20 as a shield while attacking targets in Syria, which led to the downing of the aircraft by Syrian air defenses last week.

During a Monday briefing, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow will deliver the S-300 air defense systems to Syria within two weeks as an adequate response to Israel's role in the downing of the Russian Il-20 plane last week.

"The Syrian Armed Forces will be supplied with the advanced S-300 air defense missile system within two weeks. It is capable of intercepting air threats at a range of more than 250 kilometers and simultaneously hitting several aerial targets," Shoigu said, adding that the S-300 would significantly boost Syria's combat capabilities.

READ MORE: Russian MoD: Israel Violated Agreement With Russia to Prevent Incidents in Syria

Furthermore, Shoigu emphasized that command posts of the Syrian air defense forces would be equipped with automatic equipment that would ensure the identification of Russian aircraft by Syrian air defenses.

"Command posts of the Syrian troops and military air defense units will be equipped with automatic control system, which have been supplied only to the Russian Armed Forces. This will ensure the centralized management of all Syrian air defense forces and facilities, monitoring of the situation in the airspace and prompt target designation. Most importantly, it will ensure identification of all Russian aircraft by the Syrian air defense forces," Shoigu said.

Russia to Jam Navigation, Radars of Planes Attacking Syria
The minister stated that Russia would jam satellite navigation, on-board radars and communication systems of combat aviation over the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

"Russia will jam satellite navigation, on-board radars and communication systems of combat aircraft, which attack targets in the Syrian territory, in the regions over the waters of the Mediterranean Sea bordering with Syria," Shoigu said.

Measures That Will Cool Hotheads
He proceeded to say that Moscow had halted the delivery of S-300s to Damascus back in 2013 at Israel's request, but the situation around the delivery has changed "through no fault of Russia."

READ MORE: Israel Can't Get Away With Il-20 Downing in Syria – IR Scholars

According to the minister, an Israeli F-16 jet used the Russian Il-20 aircraft as a shield, which resulted in the downing of the plane by Syrian air defense systems.

"This forced us to take an adequate response aimed at improving the security of Russian troops performing tasks to combat international terrorism in Syria," he said at the briefing.

Shoigu further stressed that if measures taken by Russia following the Il-20 crash over the Mediterranean fail to cool "hotheads," "we will have to respond in line with the situation."

"We are convinced that the implementation of these measures will cool hotheads and prevent ill-considered actions threatening our servicemen. Otherwise we will have to respond in line with the current situation," Shoigu stated.


WATCH 3D Reconstruction of Il-20 Downing in Syria, Released by Russian MoD
Meanwhile, the Israeli Embassy in Russia has so far refused to comment on the statements made by Shoigu.

Addressing the possibility of high-level contacts between Russia and Israel following the announcement by the defense minister, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow would inform if there were any, adding that the decision was not directed at any third country.

Earlier this week, the Russian Defense Ministry accused the Israeli Air Force of providing misleading information about the area of the planned airstrikes on Syrian targets, thereby violating its agreement with Russia. Shortly after that, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that Tel Aviv would continue its military operation in Syria despite the Il-20 incident.

“We won’t let Syria be turned into a main Iranian military facility against the Israeli state. We continue to act… and we have all the necessary means and opportunities to this end,” he said.

Il-20 Downing


Russian Defense Ministry's Statement on Il-20 Downing Justified, Balanced - Russian MP
On September 17, the Russian Il-20 aircraft with 15 servicemen on board vanished from radar screens near Hmeymim Airbase in Syria. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the disappearance coincided with an attack by four Israeli F-16 military jets on Syrian targets in the province of Latakia.

The ministry stressed that the Israeli Air Force used the Russian reconnaissance plane as a cover, thus subjecting it to an attack by the Syrian air defenses, with a Syrian S-200 surface-to-air missile hitting the Russian Il-20 while trying to repel Israeli strikes. Israel, for its part, insisted that Syria was responsible for the downing and that by the time the plane was destroyed, the four F-16 were already on their way home.

What implications will this have ? It will finally prove Russian air defences much touted capabilities wether they are real or not, as before the analysts said that Russians can't use their weapons go shoot israeli jets and the SAA only had old S200,
Will we see the downing of F16s or F35s,
Or more air strikes and the Syrians not able to do anything again and no one buys Russian air defence again ?
Long overdue. S-300 is on par with Patriot. Very advanced phased array radar. VLS good for multiple directions coverage.
Long overdue. S-300 is on par with Patriot. Very advanced phased array radar. VLS good for multiple directions coverage.
S-300 is very good system but not par with patriot system. It has high success rate, more mature platform and decade ahead. Russia is following fast , but not creative like U.S.A, so it will continue to follow Challange instead of overtaking U.S.A.
On topic, Russia already delayed delivery of S300 system to syria. So I will not believe until they deliver. Russia has history of delaying targets.
S-300 is very good system but not par with patriot system. It has high success rate, more mature platform and decade ahead. Russia is following fast , but not creative like U.S.A, so it will continue to follow Challange instead of overtaking U.S.A.
On topic, Russia already delayed delivery of S300 system to syria. So I will not believe until they deliver. Russia has history of delaying targets.

They are getting S300PMU2. The same version Iran got. It is very advanced. Uses the same radars S-400 (formerly called S300PMU3) uses.

This will be a real test for Russian AD systems, and will make or break their reputation around the world. With Turkey, India, and even Saudi Arabia looking at S-400, there is a lot at stake for Russia. This is a bold move, but it also shows Russia's confidence on its AD system. Now let's see the results.
I can't wait for the humiliation bound for Russia after we destroy them all. If they even get into Syria intact.
Then Russia give Iskander to bomb Israel air base. You can't shoot that down. Mach 10 speed.
Of course you can.
Terminal velocity in the second before impact is mach 10. Iskander will be shot down before that. And Mach 10 is a managable interception speed for our David's Sling and Arrow 2-3 missile systems.
I can't wait for the humiliation bound for Russia after we destroy them all. If they even get into Syria intact.
And what fun will be when there will be no Israel and the poisonous jews will be wandering the the desert of sahara and lamenting holocaust..but this holocaust will be real one and not the fake one..
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