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Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

lets face it, europe is scared of russia now, and need USA to do something about it. but I dont really think russia will invade romania.
I like how calm and serious your leader reacts. That he reminds the russian baboon rogozin that romania is part of EU and NATO. The time that russia can bully eastern european countries are over. Putin is still butthurt that we kicked his puppet out of Ukraine. And now romania showed backbone and took care that EU sanctions are hold in place. :)

Well done romania. Keep the south eastern boarder of EU safe.

That's true,it was a EU/NATO decision and we merely enforced it.

lets face it, europe is scared of russia now, and need USA to do something about it. but I dont really think russia will invade romania.

We're not worried about invasion,we're worried about Moldova,they're a target.
lets face it, europe is scared of russia now, and need USA to do something about it. but I dont really think russia will invade romania.

Are you kidding me? We aren´t scared. If we would be scared we would not have kicked yanukowitsch out and put sanction over sanction on russia. :D
funny how this drunk could outplay western leaders in the last 2 years

Ukraine and Syria are strategically unimportant to the West. For them it is a non issue. Putin has "outplayed" no one, the West simply doesn't give a shit.

When will the people of Russia finally realise that Russia is irrelevant?

China is the new guy in town, with an economy soon to surpass the USA. It is China that the USA fears, not Russia.
So ? Russia can sanctions us all they want,it's their choice and they've done it before inventing all kind of pretexts to ban our products in the Russian markets,Moldovan to.Even if the pretexts were flimsy we've ignored them,that's how they wanted to act,their choice.

Now,"Porky" has a ban in the EU ,he can moan and threaten all he wants,that ban will be uphold.I suspect that he was allowed in only to be denied access on his way back,only to humiliate him and force him to take an average flight incognito from Chisinau.That retard threatened Moldova before with all sorts of calamities so it couldn't have happenned to a bigger asshole.Let's see him riding that bomber and show us "how he really thinks of us".

If you would read history you would see that Romania had just cause in entering the war against the SU in 1941.Read about the Soviet ultimatum of 1940,illegal occupation of Basarabia and Northern Bukovina and the crimes the russians did there in the 1 year occupation (1940-1941).When our soldiers came back in '41,saw the atrocities,they were enraged and they've paid the russians in the same coin back.So cry me a river,we lost the war and we're being described as the sole "crimininals" but the Soviets were 10x times worst.

So? Our airspace,our decisions...Russia,Bolivia can close their airspace for us if they want,you won't see me moaning and huffing and puffing.

Well ,Romania took Bessarabia from Russian empire/SU by means of arms in the russian civil war.... Looking at what romania did ,russia was bound to use 'might is right '.Russia is like this,you hit hard them once,they will beat the shit out of you and beat the shit out of you.
Are you kidding me? We aren´t scared. If we would be scared we would not have kicked yanukowitsch out and put sanction over sanction on russia. :D
man, sanctions on russia is like a kid telling a bully he wont talk to to unless the bully behaves and returns the toys. I am talking about brits, there is no bravado, nobody is saying lets have an european army to solve this.
People are mostly mature about it, and more or less accept that not much can be done about crimea.
And I dont see french doing much either. Nobody else matters(militarily) in europe.
Well ,Romania took Bessarabia from Russian empire/SU by means of arms in the russian civil war.... Looking at what romania did ,russia was bound to use 'might is right '.Russia is like this,you hit hard them once,they will beat the shit out of you and beat the shit out of you.

Did you actually read the history of the region before saying this ? Do you know it was taken by Russia from Moldova in 1812 (inhabited by 85% romanians-russian census),returned in 1856,taken again from Romania in 1878 .In 1918 the region's Parliament voted on unity with Romania and even this day they have a Romanian majority after executions,deportations of Romanians,and the settlement of russian/ukrainian colonists.

How about the UK keeping parts of India as a colony ? I understand most of Indians are Russian fans but how about using common sense ?
Well said,let talk to US and it's Nato allies in their own language, that's why i love Putin&Co
man, sanctions on russia is like a kid telling a bully he wont talk to to unless the bully behaves and returns the toys. I am talking about brits, there is no bravado, nobody is saying lets have an european army to solve this.
People are mostly mature about it, and more or less accept that not much can be done about crimea.
And I dont see french doing much either. Nobody else matters(militarily) in europe.

You're wrong ,the french are doing something.They're selling Mistrals for the BSF so they can use it to land troops in my hometown .:hitwall:
Did you actually read the history of the region before saying this ? Do you know it was taken by Russia from Moldova in 1812 (inhabited by 85% romanians-russian census),returned in 1856,taken again from Romania in 1878 .In 1918 the region's Parliament voted on unity with Romania and even this day they have a Romanian majority after executions,deportations of Romanians,and the settlement of russian/ukrainian colonists.

How about the UK keeping parts of India as a colony ? I understand most of Indians are Russian fans but how about using common sense ?

Russia liberated Moldavia/Bessarabia from Ottoman Empire .Not Romania.

In 1918 the region's Parliament voted on unity with Romania

For its part, Ukraine saw the end of czarist Russia as an opportunity. Immediately following the overthrow of the czar in February 1917, Ukraine set up a provisional government and proclaimed itself a republic within the structure of a federated Russia. In January 1918, it declared its complete independence. The Ukrainian government immediately sought control of Bessarabia, or at least its northernmost and southernmost sections, where the majority of the population was Ukrainian.

In January 1918, Romania sent troops to Bessarabia; on March 27, after Russia formally exited the war in early March at Brest-Litovsk, it annexed the region. Ukraine's national council strongly protested, urging self-determination for the Ukrainian population of Bessarabia. Over the next year, however, turmoil and ultimately civil war in Ukraine made taking any decisive action impossible. On November 10, a day before the armistice ending World War I was signed—and with an Allied victory assured—Romania reentered the war, occupying Transylvania
Bessarabia annexed by Romania — History.com This Day in History — 3/27/1918

Soviet and US position On Bessarabia ,both considered Bessarabia under Romanian occupation:

The union was recognized by France, United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan in the Treaty of Paris of 1920, which however never came into force, because Japan did not ratify it. TheUnited States refused to sign the treaty on the grounds that Russia was not represented at the Conference.[10] Soviet Russia (and later, the USSR) did not recognize the union, and by 1924, after its demands for a regional plebiscite were declined by Romania for the second time, declared Bessarabia to be Soviet territory under foreign occupation.[11]

The US also considered Bessarabia a territory under Romanian occupation, rather than Romanian territory, despite existing political and economic relations between the US and Romania.[12]
Bessarabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In legal terms ,the two superpowers considered it occupation.
Did they threaten you with cruise missiles or that soon "they'll show you what's what and who you are" ?

NATO has been poring troops on the Russian border, sending navy ships to the Black SEA, Georgia, ect, dispatching fighters to the Russian border. This has been going on for years but has been intensifying since recently.

Now tell me what sane person does not see this as threats or provocation? Suppose Russia toppled the Austrian government, installed a pro Moscow puppet and then started building up forces around Germany, on top of that Russia would start threatening Germany with sanctions. Who is the bully?

And you have conveniently ignored countries that i mentioned. You label Russia as thug because an official jokingly made as statement on a social networking site. Yet NATO has openly and Officially threatened to bomb countries such as Iraq, Lybia, ect and guess what? They did. Moreover, NATO has threatened to bomb Syria, Iran, ect.

So your logic backfires on you, if Russia is a thug then NATO is a much bigger thug and a violent hypocritical thug at that.

North Korea,Lybia? What's that got to do besides the fact that they're russian buddies ?

Your logic makes zero sense. Again, how is Russia a thug because of a joke on a social site yet NATO is the one that officially threatens countries and then bombs them. The EU, NATO and much of the inhabitants of those countries are living in the twilight zone.

Heck,did you even see Romania badmouthing you like Poland or the Baltics during the whole crisis(apart from the usual condemnation that every EU country issued) ? Did you even hear one single rumour about Ukr nationalists being trained in Romania like there was about the Baltics and Poland ? Did you hear us screaming about more NATO troops ? Did you hear us calling for tougher sanctions on Russia ? No,no,no,the general feeling was that there was no need to be hysterical or antagonise Russia,but,as usual the Russians came like the uneducated twats you always were and started shit around.Thanks alot,another proof that coexistence with you and good relations are pipe dreams,no matter what you do.At least this is a reality call for some of my country men who really thought that Russia could be a partner.I ,personally,knew it all along.

Once again who started the unrest in Ukraine? Russia? The EU threatened Ukraine that it could not not do business with Russia. Basically the EU blackmailed Ukraine, and Russia was obviously alarmed by this considering Ukraine and Russia conduct economic trade.

Furthermore, i was not Russian politicians and FSB agents that were in Kiev supporting the madness, it was not Russian politicians that were wire tapped discussing who they would install in power, which surprise, surprise was who victoria Nuland wanted. The fault of this is 100% with the west, there are even former State Department officials that openly stated in was Washington and Europe that caused the mess in Ukraine.
Ukraine and Syria are strategically unimportant to the West. For them it is a non issue. Putin has "outplayed" no one, the West simply doesn't give a shit.

When will the people of Russia finally realise that Russia is irrelevant?

China is the new guy in town, with an economy soon to surpass the USA. It is China that the USA fears, not Russia.

Thats basicly what our foreign minister said. Russia acts important but it is not. We would never had pulled a stunt like Ukraine in Taiwan for example, but russia is meaningless. What we see there is a local struggle.

man, sanctions on russia is like a kid telling a bully he wont talk to to unless the bully behaves and returns the toys. I am talking about brits, there is no bravado, nobody is saying lets have an european army to solve this.
People are mostly mature about it, and more or less accept that not much can be done about crimea.
And I dont see french doing much either. Nobody else matters(militarily) in europe.

Why care for crimean? We got 95% of Ukraine.
Russia liberated Moldavia/Bessarabia from Ottoman Empire .Not Romania.

Soviet and US position On Bessarabia ,both considered Bessarabia under Romanian occupation:

In legal terms ,the two superpowers considered it occupation.

So,the people have no saying to live in their own ethnic state ? Bessarabia (most of it) was part of the Moldova Principality not the Ottoman Empire,truth,it was a vassal state of the Ottomans in 1812.Look,i'm not going to debate with an Indian cheerleader of the Russians about the land of my forefathers,the land from where all of my 4 grandfathers come from and from where they've fled it in 1940.Cheerlead all you want but don't tell me where MY people and THEIR lands should be! I will not take that BS from you,you stay a colony if you want ,don't impose it which such a shamefull speech on my people.
NATO has been poring troops on the Russian border, sending navy ships to the Black SEA, Georgia, ect, dispatching fighters to the Russian border. This has been going on for years but has been intensifying since recently.

Now tell me what sane person does not see this as threats or provocation? Suppose Russia toppled the Austrian government, installed a pro Moscow puppet and then started building up forces around Germany, on top of that Russia would start threatening Germany with sanctions. Who is the bully?

And you have conveniently ignored countries that i mentioned. You label Russia as thug because an official jokingly made as statement on a social networking site. Yet NATO has openly and Officially threatened to bomb countries such as Iraq, Lybia, ect and guess what? They did. Moreover, NATO has threatened to bomb Syria, Iran, ect.

So your logic backfires on you, if Russia is a thug then NATO is a much bigger thug and a violent hypocritical thug at that.

Your logic makes zero sense. Again, how is Russia a thug because of a joke on a social site yet NATO is the one that officially threatens countries and then bombs them. The EU, NATO and much of the inhabitants of those countries are living in the twilight zone.

Once again who started the unrest in Ukraine? Russia? The EU threatened Ukraine that it could not not do business with Russia. Basically the EU blackmailed Ukraine, and Russia was obviously alarmed by this considering Ukraine and Russia conduct economic trade.

Furthermore, i was not Russian politicians and FSB agents that were in Kiev supporting the madness, it was not Russian politicians that were wire tapped discussing who they would install in power, which surprise, surprise was who victoria Nuland wanted. The fault of this is 100% with the west, there are even former State Department officials that openly stated in was Washington and Europe that caused the mess in Ukraine.

We evry right to push our interests forward in Ukraine. And what is your problem with an EU friedly Ukraine?

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