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Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

oops... romanian lawyer fail again.

The plight of those who remained was miserable. The number of people killed in action or executed by Romanian authorities is estimated to be up to 15,000.

A nasty genocide you did on ukrainian people.


The Khotin region (=northern part of the Khotin/Hotin County) had acquired a large Ukrainian population during the 19th century by migration from neighboring Podolia

From your own link......So,colonists which migrated there were expelled.Sounds like justice to me.You should have kept the English,since you seem very fond of colonists.Not only that but they've tried to stage an armed rebellion even though the land wasn't theirs.


OH,And about those refugees who were ethnically cleansed.From your own link,still

Most of them returned several months later, when the Romanian authorities, under pressure from local Ukrainian civilians whose husbands fled, declared an amnesty.

So,they were actually taken back.Next.
Ukraine and Syria are strategically unimportant to the West. For them it is a non issue. Putin has "outplayed" no one, the West simply doesn't give a shit.

When will the people of Russia finally realise that Russia is irrelevant?

China is the new guy in town, with an economy soon to surpass the USA. It is China that the USA fears, not Russia.

funny how there is no nato in asia then. Russia is more relevant than any state after US and china stop fooling yourself, Russia can turn china in radioactive ashes just like the US
Thats basicly what our foreign minister said. Russia acts important but it is not. We would never had pulled a stunt like Ukraine in Taiwan for example, but russia is meaningless. What we see there is a local struggle.

Yep, besides China and Europe are pretty close partners actually.

If we weren't, we probably would not have the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" nor the "2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation" together with China.

Ukraine and Syria are strategically unimportant to the West. For them it is a non issue. Putin has "outplayed" no one, the West simply doesn't give a shit.

When will the people of Russia finally realise that Russia is irrelevant?

China is the new guy in town, with an economy soon to surpass the USA. It is China that the USA fears, not Russia.

Russia acts important but it is not.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Sun Tzu

One of the oldest ploys known to man... It's quite efficient though since there are always useful idiots who will fall for the bravado and will (often out of ungrounded, irrational fears) start to parrot the adversary's propaganda ("but I'm just trying to warn everybody !").

Just remember when some American journalists were predicting that Saddam's troops (Elite Republican Guards:o::o::o:) would slaughter the Americans and were *therefore* against the war in Iraq, not because of pacifism or something.

Being against the war in Iraq because you are a pacifist = very honorable.

Being against the war in Iraq because you fear that your own soldiers will get annihilated by Saddam's (5th rate) army = useful idiot = world class stupidity.
Did you actually read the history of the region before saying this ? Do you know it was taken by Russia from Moldova in 1812 (inhabited by 85% romanians-russian census),returned in 1856,taken again from Romania in 1878 .In 1918 the region's Parliament voted on unity with Romania and even this day they have a Romanian majority after executions,deportations of Romanians,and the settlement of russian/ukrainian colonists.

How about the UK keeping parts of India as a colony ? I understand most of Indians are Russian fans but how about using common sense ?

somewhere i read about how aryans from the volga river basin marched southward up to the oxus and then finally settled down in north of india. in that sense india is very much part of russian ancestral inheritance.

didn't moldova face resistance while confiscating the petition?
somewhere i read about how aryans from the volga river basin marched southward up to the oxus and then finally settled down in north of india. in that sense india is very much part of russian ancestral inheritance.

didn't moldova face resistance while confiscating the petition?

Ok than,hope you don't get "polite people" asking for some Indian lands be reunited with Russia.

You mean the petition handed to Rogozin by the Trandsniestrans ? If so,no,but apparently Rogozin claims that he managed to stash some papers away which he will present in Moscow.Don't know if after he shows us "who we are and who they are" or after he rides in here in a TU-60.:wacko:
Ok than,hope you don't get "polite people" asking for some Indian lands be reunited with Russia.

You mean the petition handed to Rogozin by the Trandsniestrans ? If so,no,but apparently Rogozin claims that he managed to stash some papers away which he will present in Moscow.Don't know if after he shows us "who we are and who they are" or after he rides in here in a TU-60.:wacko:

many in india might gleefully welcome them. polite people may have failed to reach the warm waters once with reference to the soviet presence afghanistan but the day is not far when they will give it another try.

may be he had soft copies with him.
many in india might gleefully welcome them. polite people may have failed to reach the warm waters once with reference to the soviet presence afghanistan but the day is not far when they will give it another try.

may be he had soft copies with him.

Never again will they rise to the heights of the SU what you see now is the last twitch before the decline.Ofcourse,this is my opinion.
What is the issue ? I didn't get, does Russia claims land from Romania too ?
What is the issue ? I didn't get, does Russia claims land from Romania too ?

Not really,they're mad because we've enforced a EU ban on Rogozin,their deputy prime minister.We don't have a russian minority.
You're wrong ,the french are doing something.They're selling Mistrals for the BSF so they can use it to land troops in my hometown .:hitwall:
I was responding to the post that russian military is junk and they can be dealth with. There is a reason syrian regime stands and nobody is talking about crimea anymore.
Only two countries that can seriously challenge russia in europe are UK and france, and they know their own limits.
There is little chance that they will confront russia without involving USA.

Romania is not exactly russia's backyard now and I dont really think it will be a flashpoint.

Why care for crimean? We got 95% of Ukraine.
its like saying 'did you just slap me you russian bully. Try kicking me in groin and see what I do to you.' :pissed:
Russia needs to start importing Romanian girls. They're sexy. And if the SHTF and Russia has to erase Romania, at least the world won't have to go without Romanian girls :).
I was responding to the post that russian military is junk and they can be dealth with. There is a reason syrian regime stands and nobody is talking about crimea anymore.
Only two countries that can seriously challenge russia in europe are UK and france, and they know their own limits.
There is little chance that they will confront russia without involving USA.

Romania is not exactly russia's backyard now and I dont really think it will be a flashpoint.

its like saying 'did you just slap me you russian bully. Try kicking me in groin and see what I do to you.' :pissed:

buddy...russia had all of ukraine and a puppet installed. Now we habe ukraine and all russia could hold was crimean. pretty pathetic. And the only country in europe that can challenge russia is germans. We are their meain trade partner. If we start a full scale sanction on them...they would die off.
buddy...russia had all of ukraine and a puppet installed. Now we habe ukraine and all russia could hold was crimean. pretty pathetic.
its premature to say you have rest of ukraine.. :coffee:
the popular sentiment is pro europe, but that can change. Also the chance of ukraine joining EU anytime soon is pretty slim.

btw I dont really support putin's land grab, its pathetic. More pathetic is the way eurocrats handled the fiasco (after precipitating it)
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