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Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

So,the people have no saying to live in their own ethnic state ? Bessarabia (most of it) was part of the Moldova Principality not the Ottoman Empire,truth,it was a vassal state of the Ottomans in 1812.Look,i'm not going to debate with an Indian cheerleader of the Russians about the land of my forefathers,the land from where all of my 4 grandfathers come from and from where they've fled it in 1940.Cheerlead all you want but don't tell me where MY people and THEIR lands should be! I will not take that BS from you,you stay a colony if you want ,don't impose it which such a shamefull speech on my people.

Funny, because you were making the same arguements that I am making on the Odessa thread on the eastern ukrainians who wanted self determination and shamefully strutting the ukrainian govt propaganda and NATO propaganda. You are lawyer. I think we should talk on legal grounds only.Bessarabia was on legal grounds ,Russian empire and they took it from Ottoman empire as per the treaty after the russo-turkish war of 1812 .You dont like the facts ,but on legal grounds Bessarabia was Russian . Like the good old law say.
Does russia also has the ability to feed its own people or give them proper healthcare?

What on earth does this have to do with the military? You made a dumb comment that backfired on you and now you are dancing your way around it by completely changing the topic.

And most countries in the EU do have higher poverty rates then Russia :lol:
Funny, because you were making the same arguements that I am making on the Odessa thread on the eastern ukrainians who wanted self determination and shamefully strutting the ukrainian govt propaganda and NATO propaganda. You are lawyer. I think we should talk on legal grounds only.Bessarabia was on legal grounds ,Russian empire and they took it from Ottoman empire as per the treaty after the russo-turkish war of 1812 .You dont like the facts ,but on legal grounds Bessarabia was Russian . Like the good old law say.

Eastern Ukrainians ? More a like a few thousand thugs out of millions.Never saw hundreds of thousands of people like in Kiev.Yes,it was legal for the 19th century terms just like it was legal for Western powers to own colonies but sometimes,in the 20th century you just have to let go of such practices and let people be within their own nations.Just like the English in India.

Why don't you see me moaning about the Turks ? After all,they did occupy us for some 400 years.Because the past is gone,"the dead man ain't coming back from his grave" but Russia has this imperialist policy even today.This is the real problem.
Eastern Ukrainians ? More a like a few thousand thugs out of millions.Never saw hundreds of thousands of people like in Kiev.Yes,it was legal for the 19th century terms just like it was legal for Western powers to own colonies but sometimes,in the 20th century you just have to let go of such practices and let people be within their own nations.Just like the English in India.

Why don't you see me moaning about the Turks ? After all,they did occupy us for some 400 years.Because the past is gone,"the dead man ain't coming back from his grave" but Russia has this imperialist policy even today.This is the real problem.

Few thousand thugs ukraine lol. A few thousand thugs put bessarabia under romanian occupation as per your language and as per legal grounds,it was occupation by romanian army according to USA and Russia. So Russia had all legal right to take bessarabia back and expel the illegal romanian immigrants.

On legal grounds again .
Few thousand thugs ukraine lol. A few thousand thugs put bessarabia under romanian occupation as per your language and as per legal grounds,it was occupation by romanian army according to USA and Russia. So Russia had all legal right to take bessarabia back and expel the illegal romanian immigrants.

On legal grounds again .

What illegal immigrants Dumbo ? We never brought population there,they lived there since....forever.Are you brain dead? Seriously,you strike me as very dumb.

The russians brought colonists in cattle trains in Besserabia.
We evry right to push our interests forward in Ukraine. And what is your problem with an EU friedly Ukraine?

The EU is not friendly to Ukraine nor is Ukraine friendly towards the EU, the austerity package the EU wants to impose in the Ukrainian population is nothing short of a joke and will cause more financial strain on the Ukrainian people.

As for EU's interests, it resulted in an undemocratic power grab, dozens of dead including those protesters burned and shot in Odessa, which the EU ignored, not to mention the EU puppets sending the military to kill civilians.
What illegal immigrants Dumbo ? We never brought population there,they lived there since....forever.Are you brain dead? Seriously,you strike me as very dumb.

The russians brought colonists in cattle trains in Besserabia.

Dumb? As per legalise ,you were occupiers and the illegal immigrants of Bessarabia according to USA and USSR . Are you legally dumb?
Dumb? As per legalise ,you were occupiers and the illegal immigrants of Bessarabia according to USA and USSR . Are you legally dumb?

I can take the "occupier" part but what illegal immigrants? We didn't bring Romanian population there,they lived there,in fact many fled to Romania in 1940,just like my grandparents,altough their forefathers lived in Besserabia.Other Western powers recognised the Union so your legal arguement is on shaky grounds,in fact i don't know what we're discussing,it was a region populated in its majority by Romanians who decided/voted as to the right of nations to unite with Romania.What legality to the SU or US ? Western powers acknowledged it and the people have something called free will.In the 2oth-21st century nobody should live in an Empire "prison of nations".
oops, Bessarabia was oppression of ukrainian people also.

Towards the end of the First World War during the collapse of big empires Romania found itself in the center of ethno-unifying processes. Skillfully balancing between military-political blocs, it used political and international weakness of Ukraine and took over Ukrainian lands in Bukovyna and Bessarabia.

In December 1917 King Ferdinand ordered Romanian army to prepare for the annexation of Bessarabia. The reason for this was the request of the State National Council to Romanian government to send troops in order to protect people from the Bolsheviks’ influence. On January 13th, 1918, Romanian troops commended by the General Bruchanu occupied Bessarabia, in spite of the active resistance of the Ukrainian people and an official protest of Dmytro Doroshenko - the Minister of Foreign Affairs of UPR. On April 9th, 1918, the State National Council of Bessarabia announced the annexation of the region to Romania. The final annexation of Bessarabia was finished by the Romanian government in the end of November 1918. The reaction of Ukrainians to the usurpation of Bessarabia by Romania was the Khotyn Uprising - an organized armed rebellion of people from Khotyn, Byeltsi, and Soroky provinces in January-February 1919. The power was assumed by a newly created 5-member Khotyn Directory (head – M.Liskun, secretary – L.Tokan), which oriented toward the UPR Directorate. But political situation didn’t allow the UPR’s government to provide the rebels with military assistance. After heavy fighting, Romanian army re-took control of the region on February 1, 1919. About 4000 fighters together with 50 000 refugees were forced to cross into Ukraine (to Podillya) through the Dniester river. The plight of those who remained was miserable.

Annexation of the North Bukovyna to Romania was a part of the realization of a large-scale plan to create a “Grand Romania”. After consultations with Romanian National Council of Bukobyna the Romanian authorities on November 8th, 1918, ordered the 8th infantry division to be ready for action to seize the Ukrainian territory. Romanian troopes commanded by Ya.Zadika took over Hlyboka, and on November 11th they reached Chernivtsi. According to the royal decree signed on January 2nd, 1919, Bukovyna was annexed to Romania.

Violent terror , which accompanied the usurpation of Bukovyna in November 1918, was “legalized” by martial law that was imposed in January 1919 and lasted till 1928. It was imposed again in the end of the 1930s. Having proclaimed Ukrainians as “ukranized Romanians”, Bucharest used all possible methods to make Ukrainians believe in their Romanian origin. On the seized territory the government imposed all kinds of prohibitions on the freedom of speech and print, and it also limited travelling from one place to another. Ukrainian territory was divided between the Romanian army officers, and full-scale Romaniazation of the region began: out of 168 Ukrainian schools of Bukovyna almost two-thirds became Romanian during the first two years of occupation, and in 1924 not a single one of Ukrainian schools of the region was left. In the same way Romaniazation of Ukrainian schools and gymnasiums was conducted. Ukrainian family names, names of towns and cities were changed to sound not Ukrainian, but Romanian. The special decree of the Ministry of Education signed on July 24th, 1924, envisaged that “citizens of Romanian origin, who lost their mother tongue, should send their kids to solely Romanian public or private schools”. Ukrainian cultural-educational organizations and societies, publishing houses, media suffered from constant oppression and persecution. Almost all management of the Orthodox Ecclesiastical province was replaced, the Ukrainian language was liquidated from the theological department of the Chernivtsi University. People who weren’t loyal to the government were deprived of their civil rights. Services of counter-propaganda were created in regional and district centers, which consisted of the security, finance and culture sections. Their management was comprised of the representatives of military administration, gendarmerie, prefecture, police, inspection of labor and church, who kept the population under total control.

So sad, even ukrainians have knives to grind against romania .
oops, Bessarabia was oppression of ukrainian people also.

So sad, even ukrainians have knives to grind against romania .

Yeah,i get it,your an idiot trolling.Not surprised,this is not your first account.

On April 9th, 1918, the State National Council of Bessarabia announced the annexation of the region to Romania.

Your own quote.

Provide a link so we know your "sources".
Yeah,i get it,your an idiot trolling.Not surprised,this is not your first account.

Your own quote.

Provide a link so we know your "sources".

n December 1917 King Ferdinand ordered Romanian army to prepare for the annexation of Bessarabia. The reason for this was the request of the State National Council to Romanian government to send troops in order to protect people from the Bolsheviks’ influence. On January 13th, 1918, Romanian troops commended by the General Bruchanu occupied Bessarabia, in spite of the active resistance of the Ukrainian people and an official protest of Dmytro Doroshenko - the Minister of Foreign Affairs of UPR. On April 9th, 1918, the State National Council of Bessarabia announced the annexation of the region to Romania. The final annexation of Bessarabia was finished by the Romanian government in the end of November 1918. The reaction of Ukrainians to the usurpation of Bessarabia by Romania was the Khotyn Uprising - an organized armed rebellion of people from Khotyn, Byeltsi, and Soroky provinces in January-February 1919. The power was assumed by a newly created 5-member Khotyn Directory (head – M.Liskun, secretary – L.Tokan), which oriented toward the UPR Directorate. But political situation didn’t allow the UPR’s government to provide the rebels with military assistance. After heavy fighting, Romanian army re-took control of the region on February 1, 1919. About 4000 fighters together with 50 000 refugees were forced to cross into Ukraine (to Podillya) through the Dniester river. The plight of those who remained was miserable.

Annexation of the North Bukovyna to Romania was a part of the realization of a large-scale plan to create a “Grand Romania”. After consultations with Romanian National Council of Bukobyna the Romanian authorities on November 8th, 1918, ordered the 8th infantry division to be ready for action to seize the Ukrainian territory. Romanian troopes commanded by Ya.Zadika took over Hlyboka, and on November 11th they reached Chernivtsi. According to the royal decree signed on January 2nd, 1919, Bukovyna was annexed to Romania.

Your own quote.

As per romanian govt propaganda ,the state national council did .As per soviet and US diktat,ukrainian diktat ,occupation and false propaganda..

The reaction of Ukrainians to the usurpation of Bessarabia by Romania was the Khotyn Uprising - an organized armed rebellion of people from Khotyn, Byeltsi, and Soroky provinces in January-February 1919. The power was assumed by a newly created 5-member Khotyn Directory (head – M.Liskun, secretary – L.Tokan), which oriented toward the UPR Directorate. But political situation didn’t allow the UPR’s government to provide the rebels with military assistance. After heavy fighting, Romanian army re-took control of the region on February 1, 1919. About 4000 fighters together with 50 000 refugees were forced to cross into Ukraine (to Podillya) through the Dniester river. The plight of those who remained was miserable.

Usurpation.slaughter ,ethnic cleansing of ukrainians .So sad. and against rule of law.
As per romanian govt propaganda ,the state national council did .As per soviet and US diktat,ukrainian diktat ,occupation and false propaganda..

Pls provide the source for your material .Despite propaganda on both sides the territories still had Romanian majority and were part of the Moldova Principality before Russiian/Habsburg anexation.Now,i want a source for all those "crimes" in your link.


Found your "source"...An Ukrainian nationalist site with info not found anywhere else,basically telling unsuported stories.

Here it is.


Obvious troll is obvious.
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What on earth does this have to do with the military? You made a dumb comment that backfired on you and now you are dancing your way around it by completely changing the topic.

And most countries in the EU do have higher poverty rates then Russia :lol:

Come back to reality. What is considered poor in EU is considered middle class in russia. Were you ever in russia? And i´m not talking about the westerneized enclavs. People there live a life so low that it is ashaming.
Pls provide the source for your material .Despite propaganda on both sides the territories still had Romanian majority and were part of the Moldova Principality before Russiian/Habsburg anexation.Now,i want a source for all those "crimes" in your link.


Found your "source"...An Ukrainian nationalist site with info not found anywhere else,basically telling unsuported stories.

Here it is.


Obvious troll is obvious.
oops... romanian lawyer fail again.
The Uprising of Khotin was an insurrection by Ukrainians in northern Bessarabia less than a year after its Union with the Romanian Kingdom, on January 23–February 1, 1919. The city of Khotin (Ukrainian: Хотин, Khotyn, Romanian: Hotin) is located now in the Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine.

In 1918 the town of Khotin was annexed to Greater Romania, along with the rest of Bessarabia, after its representative body (Sfatul Ţării) voted to join Romania. Bessarabia had been part of the Russian Empire since the Treaty of Bucharest (1812). The Khotin region (=northern part of the Khotin/Hotin County) had acquired a large Ukrainian population during the 19th century by migration from neighboring Podolia,[citation needed] and many villages became almost entirely Ukrainian. Before 1713, the region was part of Moldavia, which is why Romania made claims to the region. During the World War I fighting in the region, Austria-Hungary has occupied most of the Khotyn/Hotin county in late 1917 and early 1918. While, the rest of Bessarabia were under Romanian control from the vote in Sfatul Ţării on April 9, 1918, the region occupied by Austrian troops remained under Austrian control. The Romanian troops took control of it only when the Central Powers were defeated. They entered the city on November 10, 1918,[1] and were met with active resistance[citation needed] of the Ukrainian population and the official protest from the Ukrainian People's Republic, which also laid claim on it. The area's swift occupation by the Romanian troops was largely supported by the Entente that considered Romania instrumental for stopping the spreading of Bolshevism towards the south-Eastern Europe.

The Ukrainian population saw the Ukrainian People's Republic whose lands where just across the Dniester River as the solution to their strive for self-determination. However, the UPR was involved at the time in an armed conflict with the Bolshevik forces, while the West Ukrainian People's Republic, another nascent Ukrainian state to the north of the region, was at the time involved in a war with Poland which eventually crushed the Western Ukrainian statehood attempt. Both conflicts involved all of the Ukrainian military forces, and none could be spared to start yet another armed conflict with Romania.

The first task of the Romanian force was to suppress and harass the Ukrainian population who saw little future for themselves in the Kingdom of Romania.[2] Such policies only radicalised the opposition and in the night of January 23 the population of Khotin rose into armed rebellion. By the morning the city was cleared of Romanian forces and in two following days the entire district was seized by the partisans. The power was assumed by a newly created 5-member Khotyn Directory (head - M. Liskun, secretary - L. Tokan),[3]that proclaimed the right of self-determination for the Bessarabians and "overthrowing of the Romanian yoke". The directory of UNR has sent to the uprising its representative I. Maevki, and helped them with weapons. Three regiments were created, centered in three villages: Rukshin, Anadol, Dankovtsi.

Seeing little chance to obtain any assistance from the nascent Ukrainian states they had to rely on their own in an attempt to liberate themselves from Romanian rule. The rebel force quickly grew to almost 30,000 people organized into three infantry regiments, a cavalry squadron and an artillery squadron.[4]

While Khotyn region were regarded as of secondary importance by the Romanian authorities until the uprising, the killing of Romanian general Stan Poetaş in the village of Atachi, a northern suburb of Khotyn, the highest ranking Romanian officer killed during World War I, has awakened them to the importance of the territory. A week later, major forces of the Romanian army arrived to the area in order to quell the rebellion. The rebels could not succeed against the well-organized regular army equipped with the modern ammunition, partly provided by the Entente. The Ukrainians retreated towards the Dniester River still hoping to receive some assistance from the UPR; the latter, however, facing the critical situation in the war with the Bolshevik forces was unable to provide any. Romanian Army re-took control of the region on February 1, 1919. Facing tremendous losses from the overwhelming Romanian force, the guerrillas rushed across the river followed by the refugees. About 4,000 fighters and up to 50,000 refugees crossed into Ukraine during the 12 days of the uprising.[5] Most of them returned several months later, when the Romanian authorities, under pressure from local Ukrainian civilians whose husbands fled, declared an amnesty.

The plight of those who remained was miserable. The number of people killed in action or executed by Romanian authorities is estimated to be up to 15,000.[4] During the reign of terror that followed, dozens of Ukrainian villages in Bukovina were set on fire (Рукшин, Недобоївці, Ширівці, Ставчани, Керстенці та ін.)[3][6] and razed to the ground[citation needed]. The plunder by the Romanian army was accompanied by a large scale maraudering,[6] torture[citation needed] and rape.[citation needed]

Until 1940, when the area was ceded to the Soviet Union following the Soviet Ultimatum to Romania, the authorities implemented a policy of forced Romanianization of the Ukrainian population.

The Romanian historian Ion Nistor ascribed the revolt partly to the Bolshevik agitation, trying to minimize the role of the anti-Ukrainian actions of the Romanian Troops in the region.[7] However, the rebels were separated from Bolshevik forces by the lands of the UPR which was involved in its own armed conflict with the Bolsheviks.
Khotin Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The plight of those who remained was miserable. The number of people killed in action or executed by Romanian authorities is estimated to be up to 15,000.

A nasty genocide you did on ukrainian people.

The EU is not friendly to Ukraine nor is Ukraine friendly towards the EU, the austerity package the EU wants to impose in the Ukrainian population is nothing short of a joke and will cause more financial strain on the Ukrainian people.

As for EU's interests, it resulted in an undemocratic power grab, dozens of dead including those protesters burned and shot in Odessa, which the EU ignored, not to mention the EU puppets sending the military to kill civilians.

And lucrative business contracts for us. Now Ukraine can do business with us. Ukraine signed our contract.


The door is open now for EU investment.

Oh and look here how "happy the russian puppet Yanukowitsch looks after our foreign minister Steinmeier forced him to sign basicly his own decomissioning.


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