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Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'

I hope turkey attended this event then and made them happy. ;) If not, we are in the same boat ;P Party busters

Mate, it's not to make them happy. It's about diplomatic manner. And yes we attended with Vice health minister and commander of navy.

Diplomatik Gözlem

We also attend EU diplomats receptions.... i think we are only not attending Israel's .
And i guess it's ok to treathen a country like a common street thug,huh ? Afterwards Russia acts surprised as to why its EE neighbours are wary of her.

Isn't this ironic, the EU and the US has been threatening Russia for months now, prior to that countries such as Lybia, Iraq, Venuzuela, Cuba, North Korea, Ukraine, Iran, and Syria have been or are still threatened.

We know who the real thugs are :lol:
Mate, it's not to make them happy. It's about diplomatic manner. And yes we attended with Vice health minister and commander of navy.

Diplomatik Gözlem

We also attend EU diplomats receptions.... i think we are only not attending Israel's .

Sinan with all respect. Did you ever had to participate in such an event? The EU sends many million € each year as help to Bangladesh. That shows that we take care for them. But as the article states, the security was not there so our diplomats did not go.
What are you worried about romania? Russian military is in such a bad shape, that their airplanes are barely able to withstand a rollout from hangar

Russia has more operational aircraft then Italy and Germany put together not to mention no one in Europe has heavy strategic bombers, or come anywhere near Russia in terms of aerial rufuelers, strategic transport, helicopters, attack aircraft or fighters.

But please keep convincing yourself otherwise.
Russia has more operational aircraft then Italy and Germany put together not to mention no one in Europe has heavy strategic bombers, or come anywhere near Russia in terms of aerial rufuelers, strategic transport, helicopters, attack aircraft or fighters.

But please keep convincing yourself otherwise.

lol. Now if they start using basiy hygienic standards we might find a common point. Serious, do you honestly believe anyone takes this Nigeria of the north serious anymore? A country that can barely feed its own people, has a life expectancy of an african nation. Russians aircraft are mostly build in the 60th. Their technology is stone age. I guess a single Eurofighter can take out the entire russian fleet...

Beside that, wars are not fought like this in the 21st century. Clip them off with sanctions, isolate them and let them starve, fund internal uprisings and watch the party go up.

I told you before, i don´t take countries serious where the majority earns in a year what we earn per month.
Sinan with all respect. Did you ever had to participate in such an event? The EU sends many million € each year as help to Bangladesh. That shows that we take care for them. But as the article states, the security was not there so our diplomats did not go.

Nope, but cousin does. :)

But it's not hard too empathize.. you are giving a party and non of your friends come...

Anyways, @BDforever how is Turkey's reputation in BD nowadays... From what i remember, Erdogan said some thing execuation of a Mullah and BD viewed as a intereference in Internal affairs. Things got back to normal ?
Anyways, @BDforever how is Turkey's reputation in BD nowadays... From what i remember, Erdogan said some thing execuation of a Mullah and BD viewed as a intereference in Internal affairs. Things got back to normal ?
yes all getting normal now :)
lol. Now if they start using basiy hygienic standards we might find a common point. Serious, do you honestly believe anyone takes this Nigeria of the north serious anymore? A country that can barely feed its own people, has a life expectancy of an african nation. Russians aircraft are mostly build in the 60th. Their technology is stone age. I guess a single Eurofighter can take out the entire russian fleet...

Beside that, wars are not fought like this in the 21st century. Clip them off with sanctions, isolate them and let them starve, fund internal uprisings and watch the party go up.

I told you before, i don´t take countries serious where the majority earns in a year what we earn per month.

Nice to see how the racist in you is poking it's head. All I see is a lot of off topic rants from you in order to deviate from the subject.

The SU-30s, SU-34s, SU-35s, Mig-29M, ect are all newer then both the Typhoon and Tornado, even original SU-27s are from the 1980s which, for comparison are 1 to 2 decades newer then the 1960s and 1970s Phantoms and Tornados.

Russia has the ability to neutralize aircraft on the ground with cruise missiles and with ground-to-ground missiles.
Nice to see how the racist in you is poking it's head. All I see is a lot of off topic rants from you in order to deviate from the subject.

The SU-30s, SU-34s, SU-35s, Mig-29M, ect are all newer then both the Typhoon and Tornado, even original SU-27s are from the 1980s which, for comparison are 1 to 2 decades newer then the 1960s and 1970s Phantoms and Tornados.

Russia has the ability to neutralize aircraft on the ground with cruise missiles and with ground-to-ground missiles.

Does russia also has the ability to feed its own people or give them proper healthcare?

Nope, but cousin does. :)

But it's not hard too empathize.. you are giving a party and non of your friends come...

Anyways, @BDforever how is Turkey's reputation in BD nowadays... From what i remember, Erdogan said some thing execuation of a Mullah and BD viewed as a intereference in Internal affairs. Things got back to normal ?

Of course its good to viist a party of a friend. But the thing is, that security issues existed in 2011 and our diplomats were in danger. Because of that they try to avoid it there. Thats also understandable, isn´t it?
Isn't this ironic, the EU and the US has been threatening Russia for months now, prior to that countries such as Lybia, Iraq, Venuzuela, Cuba, North Korea, Ukraine, Iran, and Syria have been or are still threatened.

We know who the real thugs are :lol:

Did they threaten you with cruise missiles or that soon "they'll show you what's what and who you are" ?

North Korea,Lybia? What's that got to do besides the fact that they're russian buddies ?

Heck,did you even see Romania badmouthing you like Poland or the Baltics during the whole crisis(apart from the usual condemnation that every EU country issued) ? Did you even hear one single rumour about Ukr nationalists being trained in Romania like there was about the Baltics and Poland ? Did you hear us screaming about more NATO troops ? Did you hear us calling for tougher sanctions on Russia ? No,no,no,the general feeling was that there was no need to be hysterical or antagonise Russia,but,as usual the Russians came like the uneducated twats you always were and started shit around.Thanks alot,another proof that coexistence with you and good relations are pipe dreams,no matter what you do.At least this is a reality call for some of my country men who really thought that Russia could be a partner.I ,personally,knew it all along.
That's true,just venting out :P

I like how calm and serious your leader reacts. That he reminds the russian baboon rogozin that romania is part of EU and NATO. The time that russia can bully eastern european countries are over. Putin is still butthurt that we kicked his puppet out of Ukraine. And now romania showed backbone and took care that EU sanctions are hold in place. :)

Well done romania. Keep the south eastern boarder of EU safe.
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