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Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack

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Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack

Moscow in aggressive move to stop another “humanitarian intervention”
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 18, 2011
Russian warships have entered Syrian territorial waters in an aggressive move designed to prevent any NATO-led attack on the country under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention”.

“Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country’s civil unrest,” reports Haaretz.
Russia has stepped up efforts to defend Syria in recent days, with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov keen to frame the violence in the country as a civil war in defiance of claims by western powers that President Bashar al-Assad has overseen a bloody crackdown on innocent protesters.
As we saw prior to the attack on Libya, which was also framed as a “humanitarian intervention,” NATO powers are keen to demonize Assad’s government by characterizing attacks by his forces as atrocities while largely ignoring similar attacks by opposition forces, such as this week’s raid on a Syrian air force intelligence complex that killed or wounded 20 security police.
U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner rejects Russia’s claim that Syria is in a civil war, stating, “We believe it’s very much the Assad regime carrying out a campaign of violence, intimidation, and repression against innocent protesters.”

Of course, we heard similar rhetoric even as NATO-backed Al-Qaeda rebels were commandeering fighter jets and firing rocket-propelled grenades in Libya, actions also undertaken by “innocent protesters,” we were told at the time.
As we have previously reported, despite overwhelming speculation that Iran will be the next target of a military assault, Syria is the likeliest target for the next salvo of NATO-backed regime change.
US President Barack Obama got the ball rolling back in August when he called on President al-Assad to step down. The UN has already withdrawn all non-essential staff from the country.
Without Russia’s help, Syria would be largely defenseless against a NATO attack. “I don’t see any purely military problems. Syria has no defence against Western systems … [But] it would be more risky than Libya. It would be a heavy military operation,” former French air force chief Jean Rannou commented.
Given that the western press has proven adept at manufacturing lies to justify military interventions, whether the actions of Assad’s regime represent genuine atrocities or legitimate conduct in the midst of a civil war remains unclear. Some have claimed the abuses are being embellished, while both former CIA agent Robert Baer and ex-MI6 officer Alastair Crooke point out that the Syrian people definitely want change, but not in the form of a NATO “humanitarian” assault.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
» Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The west is not going to militarily intervene in Syria and the Russians know it. The west will certainly try to incite Turkey to do it for them but I don't think Turkey is going to fall for that.
The west is not going to militarily intervene in Syria and the Russians know it. The west will certainly try to incite Turkey to do it for them but I don't think Turkey is going to fall for that.

Wrong. Turkey is getting negatively affected by Assad's insanity against his own people. Refugees are pouring in and that is a problem that Turkey or any country won't tolerate. This would be a unilateral Turkish action if at all taken. So much for "western inciting".

Check the geographical location of Syria and Turkey before jumping onto West's head.
Wrong. Turkey is getting negatively affected by Assad's insanity against his own people. Refugees are pouring in and that is a problem that Turkey or any country won't tolerate. This would be a unilateral Turkish action if at all taken. So much for "western inciting".

Check the geographical location of Syria and Turkey before jumping onto West's head.

If it is Turkey's problem why is the western media so obsessed with what is going on in Syria? Turkey's concern is legitimate but the western concern is nothing but hypocrisy.
If it is Turkey's problem why is the western media so obsessed with what is going on in Syria? Turkey's concern is legitimate but the western concern is nothing but hypocrisy.

West won't do anything. Put it this way, they do have an interest in removing Assad. Turkey would be glad if he steps down as well. With Afghanistan and Iran on its head do you really think that West can do something in that area? It will be doomsday for their economies. Europe is half dead. It will totally die if that happened.

Turkish concern is more than enough here to ensure a war takes place between Assad and Turks. Just check out the political response Ankara is giving.

few days before departure

looks like they will enjoy some changes in weather conditions :lol:
West won't do anything. Put it this way, they do have an interest in removing Assad. Turkey would be glad if he steps down as well. With Afghanistan and Iran on its head do you really think that West can do something in that area? It will be doomsday for their economies. Europe is half dead. It will totally die if that happened.

Turkish concern is more than enough here to ensure a war takes place between Assad and Turks. Just check out the political response Ankara is giving.

I think Turkey won't make the mistake of starting a war with Syria when israel will be the only beneficiary.
Wrong. Turkey is getting negatively affected by Assad's insanity against his own people. Refugees are pouring in and that is a problem that Turkey or any country won't tolerate. This would be a unilateral Turkish action if at all taken. So much for "western inciting".

Check the geographical location of Syria and Turkey before jumping onto West's head.

Britain has formally opened talks with the Syrian opposition movement as international pressure continues to mount against the beleaguered regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Frances Guy, a former ambassador to Lebanon, met members of the exiled opposition in Paris yesterday. The Foreign Secretary, William Hague, is to meet members of the Syrian opposition in London next week when they will also hold talks with senior officials in Downing Street.

Although the UK, along with other Western states like France – which appealed to the United Nations yesterday to impose tougher sanctions – has been in informal contact with the opposition for the last three months, the progression of the working relationship opens up the prospect of the rebels eventually being recognised as the country's representatives and supplanting the Assad regime.The West's Libyan mission started in a similar fashion with the country's revolutionaries, but senior diplomatic sources warned.

Britain in secret talks with Syrian rebels - World Politics - World - The Independent

Wrong your Gora sahib is deeply involved in all this

---------- Post added at 08:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 AM ----------

I think Turkey won't make the mistake of starting a war with Syria when israel will be the only beneficiary.

why do you think Indians want Turkey to attack Syria.
Do I see the good old days of Cold war coming back??

NATO vs Warsaw??

One thing for sure.. human civilization made the most rapid progress during that time.
The west is not going to militarily intervene in Syria and the Russians know it. The west will certainly try to incite Turkey to do it for them but I don't think Turkey is going to fall for that.

turkey is already falling for it
Russians these days are good enough only for sailing their ships in war possible places, and issuing fake warnings,

similarly as Iraq case.... no direct action seen from their side.....
good do not intervene let them kill each other !

and you are satisfied with nato intervening for human rights sake???, does nato care human rights which itself has a bad record in libya, afghanistan, pakistan, or is it for another colony and resources and puppet government which it can suck more oil
The west is not going to militarily intervene in Syria and the Russians know it. The west will certainly try to incite Turkey to do it for them but I don't think Turkey is going to fall for that.
It will be better for the Turkey not to involve itself in a conflict with its neighboring country nomatter what. They shold not look at NATO to be at its side...Turkey shold be smart and keep itself safe from the Western created conflicts...:smokin:
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