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Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack

So the credibility of this article is shown right here

As we saw prior to the attack on Libya, which was also framed as a “humanitarian intervention,” NATO powers are keen to demonize Assad’s government by characterizing attacks by his forces as atrocities while largely ignoring similar attacks by opposition forces, such as this week’s raid on a Syrian air force intelligence complex that killed or wounded 20 security police

the Arab nations themselves have thrown out Syria after the slaughtering of over 4000 women, children and civilians.

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Syria should go for some peaceful resolve and stop action agaisnt civilians.No more war in the region.Turkey can play role but should avoid any direct conflict as it will indulge Turkey in problem that Pakistan is facing due to Afghan war.Arab league should platy some constructive role for peace and should not encourage NATO for any type of attack.

Only peace no blood in region.
Syria should go for some peaceful resolve and stop action agaisnt civilians.No more war in the region.Turkey can play role but should avoid any direct conflict as it will indulge Turkey in problem that Pakistan is facing due to Afghan war.Arab league should platy some constructive role for peace and should not encourage NATO for any type of attack.

Only peace no blood in region.
i agree with your points .... War will bring much destruction in the region and peaceful solution is the best option
i agree with your points .... War will bring much destruction in the region and peaceful solution is the best option

The question is, how? Assad doesn't give a damn. His crazy actions are costing Turkey in terms of economy because of refugees fleeing. I don't see why there should not be any action against Assad by the Turks. Do remember that Turkey had warned and advised dozens of times before of not taking this too far. But that tinpot dictator won't listen. Others could care less whether he's a dictator or not but his actions are affecting others. Then naturally military confrontation has to take place. Turks are strong enough to take control in a matter of days if not hours. The right of action is theirs right now.
Thank you Russia a true friend now we can finish off fighting the islamist radicals.

would that be the 12, 13 and 14 year old boys who were shot in the head before their nails were removed and tortured , oh so called christian? would be the murdering of women and children that goes on daily... or the non violent protesters shot and killed daily . show me where your bible would be proud...
would that be the 12, 13 and 14 year old boys who were shot in the head before their nails were removed and tortured , oh so called christian? would be the murdering of women and children that goes on daily... or the non violent protesters shot and killed daily . show me where your bible would be proud...

That is the case of Bahrain also. Isn't it ?? Then why U.S. is not planning to attack Bahrain ?? Double standard... :cheesy:

---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------

why dosent harame obama intervens on humanitarian grounds in kashmir,palestine and bahrain?

What about Kurdistan and East Turkmenistan ??? :azn:
would that be the 12, 13 and 14 year old boys who were shot in the head before their nails were removed and tortured , oh so called christian? would be the murdering of women and children that goes on daily... or the non violent protesters shot and killed daily . show me where your bible would be proud...

Like we actually care what an Indian in the USA thinks :coffee: we need to finish off the islamists otherwise another iraq will come.
Like we actually care what an Indian in the USA thinks :coffee: we need to finish off the islamists otherwise another iraq will come.

Hey, Don't go with his words. All Indian don't think like that at least in Syria case.

I support Syria/Iran. It's U.S./Turkey/KSA double standard that they are ignoring Bahrain and targeting Syria. :tup:

Assad is better than any Saudi stooge in Syria. :agree:
Like we actually care what an Indian in the USA thinks :coffee: we need to finish off the islamists otherwise another iraq will come.

Well this isn't Islamist issue at all. Honestly, do you think that everyone on the street that Assad is shooting is an Islamist? Basically I don't really concern myself with that but the discussion here is that your leader's actions is having consequences in another country that borders you. No one is against Syria here and for maintaining a non-religious and rational form of leadership I respect Assad's family considering the fundamentalist location that Syria is situated in. However, his actions are being a little too extreme and too open.

But what do you say about Syrians fleeing to Turkey?
Hey, Don't go with his words. All Indian don't think like that at least in Syria case.

I support Syria. It's U.S./Turkey/KSA double standard that they are ignoring Bahrain and targeting Syria. :tup:

Assad is better than any Saudi stooge in Syria. :agree:

I'm a nationalist first my country comes before my religion, and it's not the christians who i'm worried for it's the alwais i know what happened to minorities in libya who supported gaddafi and let me tell you the town i live in is a alwai christian one most former military men all armed with ak-74u and glocks we won't let what happen in libya.
I'm a nationalist first my country comes before my religion, and it's not the christians who i'm worried for it's the alwais i know what happened to minorities in libya who supported gaddafi and let me tell you the town i live in is a alwai christian one most former military men all armed with ak-74u and glocks we won't let what happen in libya.

I hope Assad and his followers with support of Iran & Russia will give hard reply to U.S. + KSA + Turkey. :tup:
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