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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Europe does stop. Oil embargo comes soon, gas is phased ou

Second Iraq War?

Did the US really achieve anything substantial, other than removing Saddam and destroying the whole country.

While it was distracted in Iraq, China grabbed the opportunity to become a peer competitor, without waging any wars. That is the true Art Of War. To Win without fighting.
Wars are inflationary, as we are observing today in Ukraine. To prop up Iraq/afghanistan wars, US had to depress interest rates to finance defense spending, which lead to 2008 financial crisis as housing bubble burst. The justification of lower interest rate of course was allowing China to completely dominate global supply chain and Ameican retail factories offshored, which is exactly the predicament America faces today. China has 28.7 % of global industrial output vs 16.8 % of US. US debt to gdp soared to 133.6% of GDP, over 30 trillion. If US loses hi tech race in the future, a repricing of global fiat currency will see US become another Banana Republic.
Putin May Just Be Winning the Information War | Time

While 141 countries in the UN voted to condemn Russia’s aggression, the number of African, Middle Eastern and South American countries who have imposed sanctions on Russia is 0.

Last week, President Joe Biden hosted a summit with eight nations of the Association of Southeast Asian nations, and pressured them to criticize Russia. Their response: silence.
China rise is not the same time as US being distracted in Iraq. In fact, war of Iraq cemented US as world number 1 Oil Production country, along with the dominance of USD, this development will mean the US have more grip in the world.

China, on the other hand, is not a competitor with US, have you ever imagine why China have second most GDP in the world yet only less than 3% hold on world currency? Not to mention China oil production is virtually non-existence, how do you compete with the US when US dictate world petroleum trade and currency trade?


China wasnt seen as a real threat back in those days. No one, probably not even most Chinese, could foresee how methodically clever the CPC has been steering the countries economy and innovation to the position where it is now. That is probably the main reason why China was not in the spotlight.

Of course US magnates earned tonnes of money with their factories in China, while the average american worker salaries has been on a standstill. Proven by the elephant curve i posted earlier in this thread. By moving factories to China the US and rest of the West transferred the industrial «knowledge», effectively helping it becoming the juggernaut of today. It was a trade off, China made cheap product and raised the material wealth of the West, in turn it got Industrialization and knowledge transfer, which created a massive middle class.

China today is not only a competitor, but in many ways has checkmated the US. The reason why Yuan is only a minor reserve currency and trade currency is because Peoples Bank want it to be that way. China wins by not letting its currency float freely, as it is pegged to the US dollar. Thus the CNY/USD exchange rate is manipulated, to make Chinese product price competitive.

Chinas economy is probably twice the size of Americas, or at least 50% larger. If Yuan was set free today, the exchange rate with USD would significantly strengthen in CNY favour in matter of months. Automatically making the GDP Nominal way larger.

With the US outsourcing, which is a fancy word for de-industrializing, the US capabilities has been compromized in many ways. There are many industries which will never come back, even if the US want to try revive them. Covid-19 showed how vulnerable the US is to steady delivery of goods from China. That is the real power of China. It dosent have to fire any bullets.

USA became the global powerhouse it is known as today on the back of its industrial might, which by now is mostly gone.
USA still has technological edge in IT and Millitary industry though, for now. But for how long?
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China wasnt seen as a real threat back in those days. No one, probably not even most Chinese, could foresee how methodically clever the CPC has been steering the countries economy and innovation to the position where it is now. That is probably the main reason why China was not in the spotlight.

Of course US magnates earned tonnes of money with their factories in China. Proven by the elephant curve i posted earlier in this thread. By moving factories to China the US and rest of the West transferred the industrial «knowledge», effectively helping it becoming the juggernaut of today. It was a trade off, China made cheap product and raised the material wealth of the West, in turn it got Industrialization and knowledge transfer, which created a massive middle class.

China today is not only a conpetitor, but in many ways has checkmated the US. The reason why Yuan is only a minor reserve currency and trade currency is because Peoples Bank want it to be that way. China wins by not letting its currency float freely, as it is pegged to the US dollar. Thus the CNY/USD exchange rate is manipulated, to make Chinese product price competitive.

Chinas economy is probably twice the size of Americas, or at least 50% larger. If Yuan was set free today, the exchange rate with USD would significantly strengthen in CNY favour in matter of months. Automatically making the GDP Nominal way larger.

With the US outsourcing, which is a fancy word for de-industrializing, the US capabilities has been compromized in many ways. There are many industries which will never come back, even if the US want to try revive them. Covid-19 showed how vulnerable the US is to steady delivery of goods from China. That is the real power of China. It dosent have to fire any bullets.

USA became the global powerhouse it is known as today on the back of its industrial might, which by now is mostly gone.
USA still has technological edge in IT and Millitary industry though, for now. But for how long?
First of all, have money is not the same as powerful.

And US went thru the same period what China went thru, that is not how US got its power from. In a traditional sense, money does not buy you both hard and soft power. US did not become the global powerhouse on the back of its industrial might, US dominate the world by the financial might, which specifically, modelled the global economy around USD. That is the might of the US. A real War can be fought with money, not bullet, and that's only US can do at this moment. Not a single country can pull this off

Problem for China is that they can be rich, but they don't know how the power game play, China right now is a richer form of Russia, and Russia in turn is a richer form of North Korea. That DOES NOT buy you power. Nor make you a competitor of any kind. Because power is both lead and command, China do not have either.

Again, take my previous example, why China is second biggest GDP in the world yet Yuan is only 3% of world currency? If money is power, then I can say this example can show you China didn't even get that. You cannot dominate currency market if you do not let it float freely, rather if Yuan is float freely, their price will be slaughtered, because a simple fact is no one are going to trade a currency that is going to be heavily controlled by the government, and if that happen, Chinese business base will suffer.

So, what's left? The massive population and its manufacturer base. Manufacturer base can be relocate, US and the world had learn a lesson, they are migrating their supply base back in the US and Europe. On the other hand, COVID 19 also show the weakness of Chinese economy, less than 3 months of shut down and Chinese economy tanked 0.2%, it may not seems a lot, and it's GDP has gone down to 4.8, half of what pre-COVID level. Factory shut down do more harm to the Chinese than to their buyer (US, EU and so on). And the massive population can be a double edge sword, it's all fine and dandy when the country is making money and everyone is happy, what if the money stop coming and people are unhappy??

China is similar to what we think about Japan in the 80s. It's a global factory where many thing were made in Japan back then. Japan is rich, probably as rich as the US if not richer, but does that mean power? I mean today, if I can't get stuff made in China, it is not the end of the world, I can simply pay 10-15% more and get the same stuff that made in Japan, Korea or in Europe.

By the way, CYN/USD is not pegged, HKD/USD is pegged. And I had explained the reason why in this post.
Ukraine has by now lost almost 80% of it's coast line to Russia which is a very bad news for them.... They are into a risk of loosing entire coast line to Russia and become a landlocked country..... Sea access is an opening for any maritime country to a globe..... You loose sea access you loose as a nation....
Ukraine has by now lost almost 80% of it's coast line to Russia which is a very bad news for them.... They are into a risk of loosing entire coast line to Russia and become a landlocked country..... Sea access is an opening for any maritime country to a globe..... You loose sea access you loose as a nation....
I think Ukraine made a huge mistake not preparing to block, defend or destroy the bridges near Kherson. Its only like 3 bridges crossing Dnepr in the entire southern part of Ukraine. I guess the southern part of Ukraine simply wasnt prepared for an attack.
First of all, have money is not the same as powerful.

Never said that.
US did not become the global powerhouse on the back of its industrial might, US dominate the world by the financial might, which specifically, modelled the global economy around USD.
Tomato Tomato… same same

US became dominant world power on the back of victory in WW2, where it safely could churn out massive war machinery, because it had the industrial power to do so. Rest of the world was in ruin. So the world was there to be taken, militarily then financially, with only the Soviet acting as a somewhat millitary counterweight. But Soviet never was a industrial or economic superpower the way China is.
Problem for China is that they can be rich, but they don't know how the power game play, China right now is a richer form of Russia, and Russia in turn is a richer form of North Korea. That DOES NOT buy you power. Nor make you a competitor of any kind. Because power is both lead and command, China do not have either.

China is very different from Russia and North Korea, both economically and industrial. China dosent rely on setting boots on the ground and historically hasnt been a nation that force its ideology on other nations. So it dosent have to fight constant war, or export its societal model in order to influence other nations. This goes way back to the time of Silk Roads.

You cannot dominate currency market if you do not let it float freely, rather if Yuan is float freely, their price will be slaughtered, because a simple fact is no one are going to trade a currency that is going to be heavily controlled by the government, and if that happen, Chinese business base will suffer.

By contrast its the Peoples Bank that keeps USD value higher vis avis CNY, by buying and taking USD out from the market.
So, what's left? The massive population and its manufacturer base. Manufacturer base can be relocate, US and the world had learn a lesson, they are migrating their supply base back in the US and Europe.

They are not gonna relocate to Europe or America. Maybe relocate to other developing nations like India, but then again you just create a counterwight to China, creating another powerhouse, which in the end will trade with China, both will become more powerful than today, hastening Multipolarity. That is exactly what i meant with Checkmated. In order for US to have allies and influence in Asia, it has to create big counterweights to China. Asian nations are reluctant to forge any millitary alliance against China and you end up with actually diluting US relative power.
On the other hand, COVID 19 also show the weakness of Chinese economy, less than 3 months of shut down and Chinese economy tanked 0.2%, it may not seems a lot, and it's GDP has gone down to 4.8, half of what pre-COVID level. Factory shut down do more harm to the Chinese than to their buyer (US, EU and so on).

And the US economy contracted waaay more. China didnt grow, yes, but calling 0,2% growth for tanked is a exaggeration, compared to the conditions in the rest of the world. OTOH China already has a massive base where 4-5% growth is good enough to add trillions every year.

China population growth is very slow these days, creating some labor shortages in certain sectors. So they themselves are gonna start outsourcing labor intensive industries (Guess to where!?). Compared to 15 years ago, the service sector makes up a much bigger cake of total GDP, i believe its close to 60% of GDP. Making it less vulnerable to export as it used to be. There is also a emerging market next door in Asia, and big markets in Latin America, Africa that also demand cheap goods.

China is similar to what we think about Japan in the 80s. It's a global factory where many thing were made in Japan back then. Japan is rich, probably as rich as the US if not richer, but does that mean power? I mean today, if I can't get stuff made in China, it is not the end of the world, I can simply pay 10-15% more and get the same stuff that made in Japan, Korea or in Europe.

Comparison with Japan makes little sense.
Japan is geographically small land of 120 million people, and in many ways a US protectorate with little to say in major defence and foreign policy matters. Thats why Japan was forced to accept Plaza Accord, which broke its back and has stagnated its economy. US could do that because Japan militarily was not a match. China can confidently defi any such agreement by sheer size of its economy, population and millitary power. Trump tried, but lost. Not a shocker.

More worrying for the west, China is actually becoming a very inventive country, by registering millions of patents each year. In many fields they are way ahead, like forexample drones. In high tech they are catching up fast and in some areas ahead of western tech (ref. US congress report). So again, they are not only depedent on selling cheap goods. This trend will only accelerate.
Good luck with getting Made in China products for mere 10-15% higher cost but produced in Europe. That wont happen with the wages here. To not talk about the profit margins. No business owner will move factories to higher cost nation and make less profit, just for sake of patriotism. It would kill many companies.
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Ukraine has by now lost almost 80% of it's coast line to Russia which is a very bad news for them.... They are into a risk of loosing entire coast line to Russia and become a landlocked country..... Sea access is an opening for any maritime country to a globe..... You loose sea access you loose as a nation....
That’s nonsense. This war will continue for 10-20 years. Ukraine is almost twice the size of Germany. Russia must have a million men army to control it. The army Putin doesn’t have.
That’s nonsense. This war will continue for 10-20 years. Ukraine is almost twice the size of Germany. Russia must have a million men army to control it. The army Putin doesn’t have.

Even if this war continues for 10-20 years till then Ukraine will be almost 80% without coast line.... That's a tragedy....
First they said the Ukrainians are giving stiff resistance because Russia is actually fighting NATO and not the Ukrainians. Now they claim the Ukrainians as former Russians are the one of the strongest and the best in the world because of Russian mentality.:woot:


@jhungary @F-22Raptor @Wood

Who exactly is "they"? Official Russian military spokesmen? Or random person, on random tv debate in Russia, having specific lines of a conversation taken out of context, and used to push a certain narrative?

Poor americans... they have been force fed soo much state propaganda by their shitstream media from birth.... That they literally dont even know anymore, and cant state what a "woman" is.. Because their media told them so.... i feel bad for you old man...


May 20, 2022 - Press ISW

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Karolina Hird, Frederick W. Kagan, and George Barros
May 20, 5:30 ET
Russian forces are focusing on digging in and reinforcing defensive positions in Kharkiv and along the Southern Axis in preparation for Ukrainian counteroffensives, while the majority of active offensive operations remain confined to Izyum-Donetsk City arc and especially the Popasna-Severodonetsk area.
The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces are creating secondary defensive lines on the Southern Axis, indicating that the Russian grouping in this area may be preparing for a major Ukrainian counter-offensive and a protracted conflict. Russian forces reportedly are holding defensive positions north of Kharkiv City following the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive since May 5 and have conducted limited spoiling attacks either to give Russian forces time to complete their redeployment back to Russia in good order or to allow reinforcements to arrive to defend territory in Kharkiv Oblast. Significant Russian offensive operations are confined to the area of Severodonetsk. Russian troops have made marginal gains to the north, west, and south of the city, especially around Popasna, in order to attempt to take control of Severodonetsk.
Key Takeaways

  • Russian forces may have made marginal gains to the north, west, and south of Popasna in order to continue their offensive on Severodonetsk from the south.
  • Russian sources may be overstating the number of Ukrainian defenders who have been evacuated from Azovstal to either maximize the number of Russian prisoners of war who may be exchanged for Ukrainian soldiers or to avoid the embarrassment of admitting they have been locked into a months-long siege against only “hundreds” of Ukrainian soldiers.
  • Russian troops reportedly regained certain positions taken by the Ukrainian counteroffensive north of Kharkiv City.
  • Russian forces are likely preparing for a major Ukrainian counteroffensive and protracted conflict on the Southern Axis.
Assessed Control of Terrain in Ukraine

We do not report in detail on Russian war crimes because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.
ISW has updated its assessment of the four primary efforts Russian forces are engaged in at this time. We have stopped coverage of supporting effort 4, ”Sumy and northeastern Ukraine,” because it is no longer an active effort.:

    • Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts);
    • Subordinate main effort- Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
    • Supporting effort 1—Mariupol;
    • Supporting effort 2—Kharkiv City;
    • Supporting effort 3—Southern axis.
Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine
Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces conducted unspecified offensive operations in the direction of Slovyansk but did not make any confirmed advances on May 20.[ii] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops are attempting to erect a pontoon bridge over the Severskyi Donets River in the vicinity of Yaremivka, about 25 kilometers southeast of Izyum in the direction of Slovyansk.[iii] Russian forces additionally conducted artillery strikes on Dovhenke and Dolyna, both southeast of Izyum heading towards Slovyansk.[iv]
Russian forces reportedly intensified efforts to break through Ukrainian defenses around Popasna in order to push towards Severodonetsk from the south on May 20. Pro-Russian news sources reported that Russian forces made advances through Ukrainian lines of defense in three directions. Russian Airborne (VDV) forces reportedly took control of Volodymirivka and Lypove, and broke through Ukrainian defenses in Komyshuvakha, all north of Popasna.[v] Troops of the Russian ”Wagner” Private Military Company reportedly took control of Trypillya and Vyskrivka to the west of Popasna.[vi] Ukrainian sources noted that offensive operations are on-going in Vyskrivka.[vii] Russian forces additionally reportedly took control of Troitske, south of Popasna.[viii] Such reports are consistent with Ukrainian General Staff statements that the Russian grouping around Popasna is trying to take new frontiers in the area.[ix] NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management (FIRMS) data, however, does not show a concentration of fires in this area, which may suggest that the Russian sources are exaggerating the scale or significance of the attacks, although the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence in this case.[x] The purported encirclement of the Popasna area may be an effort to break through Ukrainian defenses in order to provide support for the on-going battle for Severodonetsk, where Russian troops are making marginal gains and reportedly took control of Shchedryshcheve and Syrotne, just north of Severodonetsk.[xi]
Russian forces reportedly made marginal gains during ground attacks in Donetsk Oblast on May 20. Pro-Russian Telegram channels stated that Russian forces are trying to encircle a Ukrainian grouping around Svyatohirsk and are storming Yarova, both west of Lyman and within 10 kilometers of the border with Kharkiv Oblast.[xii] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces are continuing offensive operations around Lyman and will likely continue to push west to meet Russian forces in Southern Kharkiv Oblast.[xiii] Russian forces are additionally conducting unsuccessful assault operations around Donetsk City in the vicinity of Avdiivka and Novobakhmutivka.[xiv]

Control of Terrain Around Luhansk

Supporting Effort #1—Mariupol (Russian objective: Capture Mariupol and reduce the Ukrainian defenders)
Russian sources may be overstating the number of Ukrainian defenders who have been evacuated from the Azovstal Steel Plant as of May 20. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated that nearly 2,000 Ukrainian fighters have left Azovstal since evacuations began, whereas the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that it has registered only “hundreds” of Ukrainian prisoners of war.[xv] The discrepancy could result merely from delays in ICRC registrations or reporting. Official Russian sources may also be obfuscating the true number of evacuees for various reasons, however. The Russians might claim that they have captured more Ukrainian soldiers than they actually did in order to maximize the number of Russian prisoners that can be exchanged should they agree on a prisoner swap with Ukraine. The Russian leadership may also seek to avoid the embarrassment of admitting that their forces have been locked in a months-long siege by ”hundreds” rather than ”thousands” of Ukrainian defenders. Commander of the Azov Regiment Denis Prokopenko additionally stated that he has given the command to stop the defense of Mariupol to save the lives of the defenders of Azovstal, so evacuation numbers will likely rise in the coming days.[xvi]
The Ukrainian General Staff reports that Russian forces are continuing filtration measures in Mariupol.[xvii] Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko additionally made a number of claims that ISW cannot independently verify. He asserted that Russian troops are planning to use filtration camps in Mariupol to forcibly mobilize men into the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR).[xviii] He claimed that the Russian occupation administration in Mariupol is planning a census for men aged 18 to 50 to further force mobilization into the DNR.[xix] He also asserted that four schools in Mariupol are set to open by the end of May under ”Russian standards and Russian programs,” with a full implementation of Russian curricula reportedly slated for fall of 2022.[xx] Andryushchenko’s claims are consistent with overall trends of filtration and occupation processes in Mariupol that ISW has been able to verify through other sources, although these particular claims are unverified at this time.

Supporting Effort #2—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Withdraw forces to the north and defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum)
Russian forces focused on regaining positions taken by Ukrainian forces during the counteroffensive north of Kharkiv City on May 20.[xxi] Russian forces are reportedly fighting in Vesele, Tsyrkuny, Zolochiv, and Ternova and may have recaptured Ternova and Rubizhne, although ISW cannot independently confirm these claims at this time.[xxii] Such efforts are likely spoiling attacks meant to disrupt the Ukrainian counteroffensive in northern Kharkiv Oblast with the intention of either buying Russian forces time to withdraw and redeploy to other axes of advance or to reinforce defensive positions to the north of Kharkiv City. Russian forces additionally continued to shell Kharkiv City and its environs, likely to further distract Ukrainian forces from cohering offensive actions towards the Russian border.[xxiii]

Supporting Effort #3—Southern Axis (Objective: Defend Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks)

Russian forces focused on strengthening existing defensive lines and creating secondary defensive lines on the Southern Axis but did not make any confirmed advances on May 20.[xxiv] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops are bringing engineering equipment to frontlines on the Southern Axis to construct a second line of defense, which likely indicates that Russian forces are preparing to defend against possible Ukrainian counter-offensives and settling in for protracted operations in Southern Ukraine.[xxv] Russian forces conducted rocket, missile, and artillery attacks against Kherson, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa Oblasts.[xxvi]
The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian special services are continuing to destabilize the situation in Transnistria through disseminating disinformation about the mining of social infrastructure and state institutions in Tiraspol, Bender, Dubossary, and Rybnytsia.[xxvii]

Immediate items to watch

    • Russian forces will likely complete their withdrawal from the vicinity of Kharkiv City but attempt to hold a line west of Vovchansk to defend their GLOCs from Belgorod to Izyum. It is unclear if they will succeed.
    • The Russians will continue efforts to encircle Severodonetsk and Lysychansk at least from the south, possibly by focusing on cutting off the last highway connecting Severodonetsk-Lysychansk with the rest of Ukraine.
    • Russian forces are likely preparing for Ukrainian counteroffensives and settling in for protracted operations in Southern Ukraine.

no credible military would use the term "evacuate" to describe the mass surrender at azovstal.. that alone is enough to throw this piece into the same trash pile as your everyday CNN propaganda. please dont post such long gibberish, nonesense.. once they learn the difference between a "surrender" and a "evacuation" then they can start doing some complex analysis..

Learn the Basic ABCs before trying to write paragraphs.
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