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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There’s new info coming in that another Russian BTG has been destroyed attempting to cross the Siverskyi Donets River….again.
think that the Taliban will certainly think twice about their policy decisions in the future.
Saddam and Gaddafi will not, unless there is a hell.

So you finally agree with me about Libya and Iraq war and what it was all bout. Only that it took you some days to admit it.
Same with India, but we saw their lack luster performance in 62 and 65

62 okay... 65 you opened mission to capture kutch and Kashmir and you had plans of having dinner in Delhi and end of the day you were defending lahore from India.....

@F-22Raptor don't believe in such lies....

Anyways I am not going to reply further as this thread belongs to Ukraine Russia war....
This have nothing to do with Military. We are talking about post war, US had not expanded their territories since 1840s after we took Texas and California off Mexico.
What about U.S. territories such as Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii etc?
So, yup, no fuss, Putler can absolutely make EU/NATO

No, even in case of nocasualty treatment whatsoever, and famine, and everything, you can only expect 100m in the most improbable scenario.

It's only 10% of populatio.
Hopefully Ukraine is going to win this war. But I honestly doubt Ukraine is any better than Russia carrying out offensive operations. I think it is going to be one long artillery duel with a static front line.

They have not a lot of choice there. They are extremely protective of their long range fires.

It means any push has to run through Russian artillery range.

And they don't have that much APCs to do that. They may have enough tanks on some directions, but APCs is the most urgent need for a counteroffensive.
62 okay... 65 you opened mission to capture kutch and Kashmir and you had plans of having dinner in Delhi and end of the day you were defending lahore from India.....

@F-22Raptor don't believe in such lies....

Anyways I am not going to reply further as this thread belongs to Ukraine Russia war....
Nice lying.

Im sure Arnab had a spot for you ar Republic TV or whatever the hell its called.

65 - you launched an unprovoked assault in the Rann of Kutch which was stalled by the FC and later defeated by the SSG (when they hit your supplies behind enemy lines). This unprovoked assault led to the failed operation Gibraltar, which then led to India declaring war on Pakistan, pushing past the IB claiming to have tea in Lahore after taking it. What happened was, the Indian army being stalemated and counter attacked by a nation 5x smaller than itself. As per the CIA, the land india gained was mostly inconsequential and unimportant, despite holding more land. The performance of the indian military against a much smaller Pakistan was 'uninspiring', and the losses were heavier. CIA puts losses for India at 6000 Infantry (KIA, WIA, MIA) 300 tanks lost and N/A for Air losses. Pakistans was 4000 infantry (KIA, WIA, MIA) 250 tanks lost and N/A for air force.

Same with India, but we saw their lack luster performance in 62 and 65

Ukraine has for the most part been performing exceptionally. They just needed the Western equipment and intelligence, which their getting. Their now funded until the end of the year.

The Ukrainians are currently training about 100K new recruits that will be sent to the front lines in the coming months.
Dubya having a hard time keeping up with american hypocrisy

Ukraine has for the most part been performing exceptionally. They just needed the Western equipment and intelligence, which their getting. Their now funded until the end of the year.

The Ukrainians are currently training about 100K new recruits that will be sent to the front lines in the coming months.
Too be honest, this war has seen a catalogue of failures and successes from both sides.

My respect goes with the soldiers actually fighting though. Regardless of their nationality or beliefs.
That’s nonsense. This war will continue for 10-20 years. Ukraine is almost twice the size of Germany. Russia must have a million men army to control it. The army Putin doesn’t have.
US cannot finance Ukraine forever especially at $200 million a day. Ukraine depends totally on NATO and US to provide weapons and humanitarian support for its entire population during the war. The cost are only going to escalate if you add in rebuilding costs + inflation. US has enough issues on its own, and Biden miscalculated that Sanctions and fierce resistance will break Russia financially. Much of those assumptions has not materialized. Russia is focusing efforts in the east only, so logistic issues will be more of a challenge for the Ukrainian army. Ukraine army was never configure for an offensive war, so Zelensky's fantasy to recapture the East will never materialize unless Putin is sacked/Russia collapsed. Indication are very abysmal so far for Ukraine. Zelensky also has to consider long term effects of War in Ukraine, which also has deep demographic issues due to losing 6 million refugees, and Donbass, Luhansk and Mariupol area is around 2 million. So ukraine lost 8 million people leaving the country and most never returning. If the war drags on, more and more people will be leaving. With only 25 million people, and such a large geographical size, and shattered infrastructure, Ukraine will be hemorrhaging for a very long time.
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