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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I guess so much "winning" for Ukraine that they now banned their people from leaving the country! :lol:

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Uh, looks like fighting for Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Frederick Kagan, and Kimberly Kagan is causing Ukrainian reserves to being decimated in the Donbas. What a disaster!

Being a citizen brings certain responsibilities. Helping to defend the country from attack is one in Ukraine. There is nothing wrong with making your able bodied males fight in a defensive war
The Rationale in the case of the Korean war was stopping communism from spreading in Asia..and for Iraq..it was preventing Saddam from controlling 25% of world OiL by adding the Kuwaiti reserves to the Iraqi ones..
But wasn't kuwait stealing oil ?
Saddam invasion of kuwait was thus justified

But wasn't kuwait stealing oil ?
Saddam invasion of kuwait was thus justified
Nope.. the reason was that Saddam wanted to add Kuwait to Iraq based on some historical facts..he even went to the UN asking that and tried to prove that Kuwait was historically a part of Iraq..then Kuwait started asking Saddam to pay its due for the kuwaiti support during the the Iraq-Iran war..around $20 billion..That seemed to be too much asking and hence the invasion of Kuwait..these are the facts..Kuwait shared some oil fields with Iraq near their borders..but not the main Kuwaiti Oil fields and reserves.. and another important fact to remember; the US was still much dependent on the ME Oil at that time..
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I know its not related to the millitary objectives, as i already pointed out.
There is a reason the US Army still is World No1.

The rationale as you said is a political question thus the answer rests on policymakers. Still i ask the question because shouldnt it matter if a millitary victory is helpful or not? Pondering those questions could help make policymakers use hard power more selectively in the future.
victory on what?

As I said, most, if not all war today themselves are policy, so exactly how you can define a "Victory" on Policy? There are no victory or defeat in war in terms of Policy, the only reason why war are fought in some way, shape or form are the extension of political life of the leader

Grunts? We do what the top ask us to do, no question asked

Come on man. Why would Russia accept such conditions. Its not a Venezuela or Iran.
This is not about acceptance

Those condition are "imposed" whether or not Russia accept it or not is not the question here.

Russian have two choice, either they keep using Rouble and once they run out of USD/EURO reserve and default on their debt, or do this to buy time and hopefully either the sanction is lifted before they run out?

Either, there are pretty much nothing else the Russian government can do, because they don't print Euro or USD.

Forwarded from MoD Russia

⚡Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥High-precision long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles near the Malin railway station in Zhytomir Region have destroyed a large batch of weapons and military equipment delivered from the USA and European countries for a grouping of Ukrainian troops in Donbass.

💥Russian air-based missiles near Odessa, at the Odessa Port Plant, have destroyed fuel storages intended for Ukrainian nationalists' armoured vehicles.

▫️In addition, high-precision airborne missiles have hit 3 command posts, including the command post of the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade near Bakhmut, 36 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 8 ammunition depots in Galitsinovo, Nikolaev Region, Nyrkovo in Lugansk People's Republic, Krasnyi Liman and Ocheretino in Donetsk People's Republic.

✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 4 command posts, 47 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 1 ammunition depot near Drobyshevo.

▫️The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 270 nationalists and up to 52 armoured and motor vehicles.

▫️Also, 1 Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft have been shot down by fighter aircraft during an aerial battle near Belitskoe, Donetsk Region.

💥Russian air defence means have shot down another Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near Novoaleksandrovka, Kherson Region.

▫️Also, 14 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down in the air near Slavnoe, Krutaya Balka, Aleksandrovka, Krasnogorovka, Petropavlovka, Pervomaisk in Donetsk People's Republic, Popasnaya in Lugansk People's Republic, Novaya Kakhovka, Aleksandrovka in Kherson Region, Chervonyi Yar, Malye Prokhody, Kun'e and Brazhkovka in Kharkov Region.

▫️In addition, 8 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets have been shot down near Malaya Kamyshevakha, Kamenka, Brazhkovka in Kharkov Region and Chernobaevka in Kherson Region.

💥Missile troops and artillery have hit 77 command posts, 602 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, including 1 training camp for AFU special operations forces with personnel near Lake Sasik in Odessa Region, 43 artillery and mortar units at firing positions, 2 MLRS Grad batteries, 10 ammunition depots and 1 Buk-M1 anti-aircraft system launcher near Mayaki in Kharkov Region.

📊In total, 174 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 966 unmanned aerial vehicles, 315 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,182 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 402 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,614 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,054 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing

As it is known, the Russian sapper robots "Uran-6" were delivered by Russia to Ukraine, previously reported, we show the direct work of the operator to control the mine clearance robot "Uran-6" in Ukraine. The robot's reservation allows you to withstand the explosion of even an anti-tank mine. The control of the military robot "Uranus-6" is remote. The main task of the sapper robot is to make passages in minefields and quickly clear the areas.

The Rationale in the case of the Korean war was stopping communism from spreading in Asia..and for Iraq..it was preventing Saddam from controlling 25% of world OiL by adding the Kuwaiti reserves to the Iraqi ones..

Second Iraq War?

Did the US really achieve anything substantial, other than removing Saddam and destroying the whole country.

While it was distracted in Iraq, China grabbed the opportunity to become a peer competitor, without waging any wars. That is the true Art Of War. To Win without fighting.
Second Iraq War?

Did the US really achieve anything substantial, other than removing Saddam and destroying the whole country.

While it was distracted in Iraq, China grabbed the opportunity to become a peer competitor, without waging a war. That is the true Art Of War. To Win without fighting.
For the second Iraq War the objective itself was removing Saddam and bringing a regime change in Iraq..

As for China it was on its way to competing on the global markets anyways.. Most Western big companies were manufacturing their products in China..
For the second Iraq War the objective itself was removing Saddam and bringing a regime change in Iraq..

Would be interesting to know why!

As for China it was on its way to competing on the global markets anyways.. Most Western big companies were manufacturing their products in China..
Thats true.
Iraq War gave China the breathing space it needed in order to grow without being a target like it is today. If the US had choosen to contain China insted of fighting Iraq, Americans wouldnt have to deal with a vastly more powerful China today.
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