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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The EU has never invaded anything.

Middle East has created this problem and you are trying to shift blame on those you harmed.

Maybe the Middle East
* should not have started killing Jews and tried to invade Israel in 1948
* should not have stolen the Suez Canal, causing the 1956 war
* should not have committed acts of war in resulting in the six-day war in 1967.
* should not have started the October War in 1973.
* should not have stolen the Iranian oil industry.
* should not have supported terrorism in Europe.
* should not have invaded Quwait
* should not express hatred against non-muslims
* should show respect for the UN charter
* should follow treaties.
European satisfied
the decade comment was a mistake that fixed into century, it was century . and in 1948 and prior it was Israel terror group that start the killing
Suez canal is not your property , it pass through Egyptian land and belong to them
1967 started by Israel
1973 started because Israel occupied Egypt and Syria land
the oil belonged to Iran not England, it was not your property , and England refused to compensate Iran after devaluation of pound
don't recall supporting terrorism in Europe on other hand there are hundreds of case of Europeans committing terror acts and supporting terrorist group around the world .
you yourself propped the one who attacked Kuwait and it was 1990 not 2003 and certainly didn't happen by Afghanistan
the Europeans non-Muslim first stop express hatred against anybody else
good then show respect by condemning Israel for occupying its neighbors and throw Palestinian out of their home and don't let them come back
that is something you must follow , as I recall , its you guys that don't follow treaties whenever you don't like it

its you who always export your wars to other countries , now having fun with another war in Europe but this time you are so week and can't export it to others
Are you trying to justify one evil by another evil ?

So it is now ok that millions of Ukrainians are homeless refugees , cause some other sh*t that happened in the middle east ?

I don't miss the cold war, nor seeing half the countries in Europe enslaved behind the iron curtain.

You should wake up.

If instead of working together to save our planet , nations waste money on weapons , what future you think there is for the next generation ?
no I point to them that an eye for an eye and an ear for an ear , they can have fun with the dishes they served others .
ok or not ok is not the case here , the case is did they care that their wars in last century resulted in tens of millions of middle eastern become refuge and homeless ? if they don't care why I must care ?
half of them slaved behind the iron curtain , another half slaves on the other side of the curtain , how you explain the practices and policies that this guy implement in the so called cradle of freedom in those era . so don't tell me USA and Europe were holier than Russians and Chinese


If instead of working together to save our planet , nations waste money on weapons , what future you think there is for the next generation ?

I am sure you are familiar with this :

" The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it " . . .
working together to save the planet , good sentiment , but let be honest why it only apply when its the others that must work with us, but we never find it in our heart to forgive others .
have you ever stopped searched for and punishing 90+ year old grandpas who once were teenage guard of some camps in the third Reich era and didn't even knew what happen inside the camps ?

by the way Galadriel said that , but did it stop her from sending elven army to war ?

What a load of BS: Here's the interview

NV: How big are their human losses?

Kuzyk: They are colossal. They don't even count bodies. The fields, the woods in front of the positions are all littered with corpses. I watched them: they dragged their people back to bury them, take off their warm sweaters, and start to put it on themselves. But, nevertheless, each assault group has a grenade launcher, a machine gunner, and their machine guns more or less perform their tasks. They have herds.

Well what part of the definition of a country Israel lacks? I'm waiting
It's not a country but a Cuckoo illegitimately laid by the UK colonialists. You are just renegade Egyptians who have come back in a circle thousands of years later. Palestine is not your country so go back to Egypt where you belong.

You really should not think like that.

War stinks where ever it happens. And when it happens in a place that had already known the two most bloody wars in human history , it is something that should worry you as a human being.

If Europe resort to war , where does that leave the rest of the world.

in a better place?
@jhungary LMAO,why not make it 1 million ? It seems the entire Ukrainian armed forces were killed but the anglo saxon black satanic magic is bringing them back to life.
Nah bro it's the biolab pegions reviving them not the black magic
European satisfied
the decade comment was a mistake that fixed into century, it was century . and in 1948 and prior it was Israel terror group that start the killing
Suez canal is not your property , it pass through Egyptian land and belong to them
1967 started by Israel
1973 started because Israel occupied Egypt and Syria land
the oil belonged to Iran not England, it was not your property , and England refused to compensate Iran after devaluation of pound
don't recall supporting terrorism in Europe on other hand there are hundreds of case of Europeans committing terror acts and supporting terrorist group around the world .
you yourself propped the one who attacked Kuwait and it was 1990 not 2003 and certainly didn't happen by Afghanistan
the Europeans non-Muslim first stop express hatred against anybody else
good then show respect by condemning Israel for occupying its neighbors and throw Palestinian out of their home and don't let them come back
that is something you must follow , as I recall , its you guys that don't follow treaties whenever you don't like it

its you who always export your wars to other countries , now having fun with another war in Europe but this time you are so week and can't export it to others
Start another thread and I will counter your lies.
the decade comment was a mistake that fixed into century, it was century . and in 1948 and prior it was Israel terror group that start the killing

As you can see Arabs started terror attacks 17 years prior to Jewish retaliation

1967 started by Israel
Nope, Egyptians blocked the Straits of Tiran, effectively making a naval blockade on Israel, which is an act of war. Also their "We will destroy Israel soon" shouts weren't helping.

1973 started because Israel occupied Egypt and Syria land
Nope, Israel got it in a defensive war. It's legitimate Israeli land.
don't recall supporting terrorism in Europe on other hand there are hundreds of case of Europeans committing terror acts and supporting terrorist group around the world .
Not only supporting but committing those attacks. All are Muslims.

then show respect by condemning Israel for occupying its neighbors and throw Palestinian out of their home and don't let them come back
Europe is condemning Israel right and left, all of the "human rights" groups that act against Israel are European funded and organised.

They're wrong for it though, because Palestinians deserve to be thrown out, because they started all the wars against Israel.
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