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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well what part of the definition of a country Israel lacks? I'm waiting
Well its a country in a broad sense, and exercises sovereignty. But so does Artsakh and so does Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

You lack legitimacy amongst Muslims and most catholics. This may not be a problem for you presently as neither have an empire currently. But they will at some point. And the anglo Saxon empire will not be the undisputed global power forever.

The Vatican will never be ok with a jewish state in the holy lands. In fact Muslims will agree to this before the catholics.

And this is why I'm ok with Israel, and I tell all people I meet to be ok with Israel, Its just not worth the hassle. It cant be defeated until the Anglo Saxon empire falls. Just as Ukraine cant be defeated with all the help it is getting. US and UK are just so much more powerful than anyone and will be for maybe another 100 years. maybe 70 years.

Israel has the power to conquer Egypt and all its neighbours, if they really wanted to, it can expel and kill every last Palestinian within a week. And the Israelis would in a heartbeat, problem solved. But the empire says, no, no, no.

The Anglo Saxon empire will never allow a large & powerful self sufficient Israel, they don't trust the jews, they have given them the little patch in the sand to do the empires bidding and thats it.
Well what part of the definition of a country Israel lacks? I'm waiting
A country does not meet the definition of a country in countries that refuse to recognize that it is a country.
A country meets the definition of a country in countries that have recognized it as a country.
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well , EU and USA must not have invaded and destroyed middle east for 2-3 decades , were they ever felt sorry for what they did in middle east?
about second part , well thank god they don't have the power to export their wars anyplace else and I'm not that much worried about limited border skirmish like what we see in Ukraine right now, give it time and It will resolve itself, and then we have another cold war and another Russia that awaken from 3 decade of sleep , which result to a tripolar universe , which I believe is better than the unipolar universe that we have right now
sometimes war no matter how brutal it seems ais a blessing in disguise
The EU has never invaded anything.

Middle East has created this problem and you are trying to shift blame on those you harmed.

Maybe the Middle East
* should not have started killing Jews and tried to invade Israel in 1948
* should not have stolen the Suez Canal, causing the 1956 war
* should not have committed acts of war in resulting in the six-day war in 1967.
* should not have started the October War in 1973.
* should not have stolen the Iranian oil industry.
* should not have supported terrorism in Europe.
* should not have invaded Quwait
* should not express hatred against non-muslims
* should show respect for the UN charter
* should follow treaties.
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Well its a country in a broad sense, and exercises sovereignty. But so does Artsakh and so does Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

You lack legitimacy amongst Muslims and most catholics. This may not be a problem for you presently as neither have an empire currently. But they will at some point. And the anglo Saxon empire will not be the undisputed global power forever.

The Vatican will never be ok with a jewish state in the holy lands. In fact Muslims will agree to this before the catholics.

And this is why I'm ok with Israel, and I tell all people I meet to be ok with Israel, Its just not worth the hassle. It cant be defeated until the Anglo Saxon empire falls. Just as Ukraine cant be defeated with all the help it is getting. US and UK are just so much more powerful than anyone and will be for maybe another 100 years. maybe 70 years.

Israel has the power to conquer Egypt and all its neighbours, if they really wanted to, it can expel and kill every last Palestinian within a week. And the Israelis would in a heartbeat, problem solved. But the empire says, no, no, no.

The Anglo Saxon empire will never allow a large & powerful self sufficient Israel, they don't trust the jews, they have given them the little patch in the sand to do the empires bidding and thats it.
Israel does not meet the definition of a country in countries that refuse to recognize that Israel is a country.
Israel meets the definition of a country in countries that have recognized Israel as a country.
Well what part of the definition of a country Israel lacks? I'm waiting

Can we finally STOP these constant plain stupid discussions on Israel, its legal status and Arabs or whatever!??? :crazy: :hitwall:

If you like, then start a new, separate thread to discuss this, but in the Ukrainian War thread it is OFF-TOPIC!! Period. :mad:

@waz @The Eagle
Personnel training Russian mobilized military personnel at a training ground near Kazan. Fire on various types of training targets is not carried out at a distance of 100 to 400 meters with tracer bullets, it is reported that combat experience is taken into account in the preparation.

The mobile group of Ukraine was hit by artillery. The servicemen loaded the mortar into the car, the area was patrolled by a Russian UAV and immediately transmitted the data to the artillery crews. As a result of an artillery strike, a mortar was thrown and one of the soldiers was wounded.

An episode of the battle of the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut. The video shows the use of the American 60-mm mortar M224 LWCMS with a range of fire from 45 to 3500 meters and a rate of fire up to 20 rounds per minute. The mortar was adopted by the US Army in 1977, now being replaced by the M224A1 version. The video also shows a low-altitude flight of a pair of Su-25s and one MiG-29 of the Ukrainian Air Force in the Bakhmut direction. The fighting in the Bakhmut area is now one of the most intense, the Russian army is gradually surrounding the city.

The result of the impact of the Russian Lancet drone on the D-20 howitzer, shooting of Ukraine. The consequences of this strike were shown by a unit of the Ukrainian army. According to a soldier of the 57th separate motorized infantry brigade of Ukraine, only the wheel of the howitzer was damaged. But the operator does not show another part of the howitzer, where all the controls are located.

well , EU and USA must not have invaded and destroyed middle east for 2-3 decades , were they ever felt sorry for what they did in middle east?
about second part , well thank god they don't have the power to export their wars anyplace else and I'm not that much worried about limited border skirmish like what we see in Ukraine right now, give it time and It will resolve itself, and then we have another cold war and another Russia that awaken from 3 decade of sleep , which result to a tripolar universe , which I believe is better than the unipolar universe that we have right now
sometimes war no matter how brutal it seems ais a blessing in disguise

Are you trying to justify one evil by another evil ?

So it is now ok that millions of Ukrainians are homeless refugees , cause some other sh*t that happened in the middle east ?

I don't miss the cold war, nor seeing half the countries in Europe enslaved behind the iron curtain.

You should wake up.

If instead of working together to save our planet , nations waste money on weapons , what future you think there is for the next generation ?

I am sure you are familiar with this :

" The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it " . . .

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Israel does not meet the definition of a country in countries that refuse to recognize that Israel is a country.
Israel meets the definition of a country in countries that have recognized Israel as a country.
Yeah exactly, even though being a country is an objective thing and not a subjective thing, they think simply not recognising Israel makes it not a country.
Her claims of Russian casualties are not reliable because she doesn't have access to them and she is also part of the countries waging war on Russia. So anything that Ursula Von Der Leyen states about Russian casualties is a pure propaganda, and we should take a grain of salt with any of her claims with respect to Russian casualties.

With respect to Ukrainian casualties, the EU that she is the president is the main backer of Ukraine, US being the other one. Therefore, she has full access to Ukrainian casualties. So when she admitted 100,000 Ukrainian military officers' casualties, that should tell you she is referring to the data that she has access to.

It is also very possible that she is downplaying the Ukrainian casualties because she doesn't want to say anything that Russians can use as a propaganda. So she is most likely hiding the real casualties - meaning the real death and wounded of Ukrainians must be way above 500,000. And this is the reason why the Ukrainians are in their 6th or 7th mobilization phase.

Let us not forget the Ukrainians have increased the age of military service to 60 years of age. And one should ask himself (or herself) why would they need men who are 60 years of age. The only explanation is the attrition rate must be very high.

So Mr @jhungary, you and others can believe in your fairy tales, but as we've seen, the truth has strange way of revealing itself.

The EU is in damage control now. :lol::lol:

But just like I told your friend @jhungary, truth has strange way of revealing itself. The death of 100,000 Ukrainian military officers has been admitted by the EU president, And this proves why Ukrainians are in their 6th or 7th mobilization phase.
The Europeans aren't reliable, but you 100% believe the parts of the information that go with your confirmation bias.

Got it. 👍👍👍👍
The russians, the wagners assaulting Bakhmut since how long? 6 months? whatever the costs. Terrible sacrifice. How close they come to Bakhmut? 200 meter from the city outer border.

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