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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Seriously ? Not this again :

Come on where's the


Ukraine war latest: Moscow and US suggest talks to end war are possible; blow for Putin as public support collapses​

Biden and the Kremlin hint peace talks are possible; ex-diplomat warns trying to take back Crimea would be "dangerous for all of us"; listen to the Daily podcast while you scroll, with Deborah Haynes describing life in Ukraine with constant blackouts.

Key points​

Finnish PM says Europe is 'not strong enough' on Russia​

Sanna Marin has argued European countries are not doing enough to deter Russia and are relying on the US.
During a visit to Australia, she said: "I must be brutally honest with you, Europe isn't strong enough right now.
"We would be in trouble without the United States."

Finland, which shares a long border with Russia, is set to join NATO along with its Nordic neighbour Sweden.
It is true that the US has provided the most military assistance to Ukraine by a long way, committing $18.6bn in support in total.
The European Union is the second largest donor, followed by the UK.
The Finnish prime minister continued: "The United States has given a lot of weapons, a lot of financial aid, a lot of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Europe isn't strong enough yet."
She added that Europe must make sure it is "building those capabilities when it comes to European defence, European defence industry, and making sure that we could cope in different kinds of situations."

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11h ago10:45

Likelihood of meaningful talks with Russia is 'between slim and none', says Ukrainian official​

As we mentioned in our previous post, it seems incredibly unlikely for now that Russia and Ukraine will sit down for talks - and this has been further backed up by a Ukrainian official just now.
Yuriy Sak, adviser to Ukraine's defence minister, was responding to the possibility of talks between the US and Russia and said it is "normal that our partners are looking for a way to find a solution".
But he told Sky News the "likelihood of meaningful negotiations with the Kremlin is between slim and none" - and that Ukraine will therefore need to defeat its opponent on the battlefield.
Ukraine's position remains that Moscow will need to start withdrawing its troops and "this is not going to change", Mr Sak said.
"That has been our non-negotiable pre-condition for any talks, pretty much since the first day of this large-scale invasion," he said.
The official added that Ukraine must first "restore our territorial integrity within the internationally recognised borders" before negotiations can happen.
This suggests Ukraine is still set on taking back territories occupied by Russia since 2014, including Crimea and parts of the Donbas region, as these are internationally recognised as part of Ukraine.


Russia accuses US of 'direct' participation in Ukraine war, but Lavrov open to talks​

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Russia is open to talks with US despite pulling out of nuclear New START Treaty talks​

Caitlin McFall

By Caitlin McFall | Fox News

Russia attacks civilian targets in Ukraine as winter sets in

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the U.S. and NATO on Thursday of "direct" participation in its war in Ukraine but claimed Moscow was still open to talks.
In an annual news conference from Moscow, the foreign minister began his comments by defending Russia’s barrage of missile fire on civilian targets like Ukraine's energy sector and attempted to claim it was a defense tactic to halt Western arms.
"We disable energy facilities [in Ukraine] that allow you [the West] to pump lethal weapons into Ukraine to kill Russians," Lavrov said, according to a translation by Reuters.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Cody Brown, right, with the 436th Aerial Port Squadron, checks pallets of 155 mm shells ultimately bound for Ukraine, April 29, 2022, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Cody Brown, right, with the 436th Aerial Port Squadron, checks pallets of 155 mm shells ultimately bound for Ukraine, April 29, 2022, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)
"So don't say that the U.S. and NATO are not participants in this war - you are directly participating," he continued. "Including not only with the supply of weapons, but also with the training of personnel – you train the [Ukrainian] military on your territory."
Lavrov was referring to international efforts to train up Ukrainian servicemen with NATO tactics in nations like Britain, Germany and Italy – comments which were made after reports surfaced this week suggesting that Washington may expand its training of Ukrainian soldiers on U.S. bases in Germany.
Russia has been accused by NATO of using winter as a "weapon of war" by forcing Ukrainian citizens to endure increasingly harsh conditions without electricity, heat or running water as the cold months set in.
Ukrainian troops ride upon a repaired Russian tank in a wooded area outside the city on Sept. 26 2022, in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Ukrainian troops ride upon a repaired Russian tank in a wooded area outside the city on Sept. 26 2022, in Kharkiv, Ukraine. (Paula Bronstein /Getty Images)
The West has further claimed that Moscow is targeting civilian populations as a way to try and force Kyiv to capitulate as Russian forces have seen significant losses on the front lines.
It remains unclear what the general sense in Russia is when it comes to Moscow’s deadly war in Ukraine, though cities across Russia have canceled their Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in recognition of the costly war.

Western estimates regarding the toll that the war has taken on Russian troops suggest that they have seen at least 80,000 casualties since the war began in February.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he will not engage in peace talks until Russia completely withdraws all troops from Ukraine.
Diminished relations between Russia and the West remains a major geopolitical concern, particularly after Moscow pulled out of scheduled talks with Washington this week on the nuclear New START Treaty.
Sitting next to South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov listens during the ASEAN Australia-New Zealand Trade Area in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Nov. 13, 2022.

Sitting next to South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov listens during the ASEAN Australia-New Zealand Trade Area in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Nov. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith, File)
Lavrov on Thursday suggested that Russia remains open to talks with the U.S. and NATO member nations, but said it was "naive" of the U.S. to think it would engage in nuclear talks at this time.
"For now we aren't hearing any meaningful ideas," he said. "If there will be proposals from the president [Biden] and from other members of his administration, we'll never shy away from contacts."
Caitlin McFall is a Reporter at Fox News Digital covering Politics, U.S. and World news.
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RIP Russia

The B-21 Raider
Russia is a poor version of USSR. Won’t ever return. Building such bombers require advanced chips and immense computer powers. How to get them under western sanctions? Putin agents even try to buy modern western fridges to steal their microcontrollers inside. Had USSR not invade Afghanistan who knows USSR would have survived. Now Putin makes the same mistake with Ukraine.
You don't need to go there to know they are serious are the Ukrainian.

around 30 million of Ukrainian was offered a way-out including Zelenskyy back in Feb this year, only 10 million left, and about 1/3 had returned. I mean, back then they don't even know if Kyiv are going to get overran. If you are okay to live in a warzone, in the cold no less (Feb still cold in Ukraine) do you think you will leave if it's now only the cold but no war to be seen??

People want to leave had left already, I mean those people who stay are quite diehard. They don't get zapped just because Russia keep bombing their electricity grid. On the other hand, if push comes to shove, they can evacuate the entire Eastern Ukraine and keep them in western part, there are 3 nuclear plants generating enough power to power half the Ukraine which mean those amendity are almost certainly guaranteed.
Considering the U.S., Europeans, South Korea, Japan and other countries are providing generators of all kinds from big to small that can bring power to hospitals, government institutions and banks to homes and businesses. Diesel to gas generators of different varieties. Obviously those types of generators can't be use for indoors. There are the electric versions of the power station that can be used safely indoors and have solar panels to recharge the power station and use it for night time to warm themselves with a electric heater as well as charge their phones and so on. Ukrainians able to get through the winter with the technology and equipment provided, the Russians already lost another weapon to use.

Not to mention the countries providing transformers and other electrical related equipment to replace damage or destroyed ones.

There are several report floating around within the US intelligence community stating that ATACAMS are already provided to Ukraine via Turkey or Romania and indirectly by the US.

The reason why the Russian hollow out their airbase even as far as Crimea is a testament of something they scare of, and I don't think there are anything other than SF group can reach that far other than ATACAMS
Makes me think of using special forces to hit Russian bombers based far in Russia with long range loitering munitions from a distance.
What a load of BS: Here's the interview

NV: How big are their human losses?

Kuzyk: They are colossal. They don't even count bodies. The fields, the woods in front of the positions are all littered with corpses. I watched them: they dragged their people back to bury them, take off their warm sweaters, and start to put it on themselves. But, nevertheless, each assault group has a grenade launcher, a machine gunner, and their machine guns more or less perform their tasks. They have herds.

The thing is doesn't matter if the Ukrainians had suffered far more losses compared to Russia, which I doubt it. But lets say they did, history has shown that it doesn't always factor into victory. The Russians killed millions of Afghans during the Soviet-Afghan war and lost. The U.S. killed tens of thousands of Taliban compared to our own losses, but we still lost the war. Same for killing Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army in hundreds of thousands compared to our casualties but still lost.
Nope, Egyptians blocked the Straits of Tiran, effectively making a naval blockade on Israel, which is an act of war. Also their "We will destroy Israel soon" shouts weren't helping.
west of teiran island blocked which was inside Egyptian territorial water , you could pass east of it

Nope, Israel got it in a defensive war. It's legitimate Israeli land.
keeping it was illegitimate after establishment of UN according to UN

Europe is condemning Israel right and left, all of the "human rights" groups that act against Israel are European funded and organised.
west of teiran island blocked which was inside Egyptian territorial water , you could pass east of it
Nope, they blockaded Israel and got ****ed as a result like they deserved

keeping it was illegitimate after establishment of UN according to UN
UN and their oil money funded *** can suck our nuts lol
They're wrong for it though, because Palestinians deserve to be thrown out, because they started all the wars against Israel.
in 1948 neighboring countries started war not Palestinian who were thrown out.
and as Israel is considered occupier , you must expect resistance

Nope, they blockaded Israel and got ****ed as a result like they deserved

UN and their oil money funded *** can suck our nuts lol
only in their territorial water
in 1948 neighboring countries started war not Palestinian who were thrown out.
and as Israel is considered occupier , you must expect resistance

only in their territorial water
Because Palestine was never a country lol, Palestinians volunteered into Arab countries and got ****ed and now they cry. And up until 1967 West Bank was controlled by Jordan and Gaza by Egypt, not Palestine. You know why? Because Palestine never existed as a country.

only in their territorial water
Which blocked Israel from the rest of the world, creating a naval blockade.
Russia is super angry. The EU goes ahead with oil price cap of $60 per barrel. That will crush Russia gov budget for military spendings. Russia GDP sinks from $2.3 trillion, before the war with Ukraine in 2013, to $1.6 trillion this year and will sink further in coming years.


As you can see Arabs started terror attacks 17 years prior to Jewish retaliation
sure but this not according to me but according to French consulate about 1920 Quds riot
While the first half of the procession was passing through the Jaffa Gate, the riot began between Christaki's pharmacy and the Credit Lyonnais. Available sources do not clarify the exact trigger, and it is arguable that more than one event functioned as a catalyst. In the vicinity of the Arab rally, some Zionists were listening to the speeches. It is likely some belonged to the self-defence force organized by Vladimir Jabotinsky, by this time already enlisting six hundred troops performing military drills on a daily basis." Already in early March, Jabotinsky was working to inflame the atmosphere, and he began to publicly predict a pogrom. Some evidence suggests that these Jewish spectators were quite provocative. Allegedly, a Jew pushed an Arab carrying a nationalist flag, and he tried to spit on the banner and on the Arab crowd. According to testimony gathered by the French consul, some young Jews standing near Jaffa Gate attacked some Arabs after the speech delivered by Muhammad Darwish of the Arab Club (one of the Christian-Muslim associations). All of these reports suggest only Jewish provocation; however, it is possible, though unreported, that Arab activities also triggered the riots.

and battle of Tal Hai was part of franco Syrian war not a sectarian terror attack

Jaffa Riot started by a violent attack between two rival Jewish group , then Arabs pulled into it , it didn't start by Arabs it started by violence between Jewish communist party and rival socialist Ahdut HaAvoda group (honestly! jew started communism and then started different sect of it ?) When the two processions met, a fistfight erupted.[4] Police attempted to disperse the about 50 communist protestors, and Muslims and Christians intervened to help the police against the Jews. A general disturbance quickly ensued and spread to the southern part of town.

1929 riot
Joseph Klausner who formed the Pro–Wailing Wall Committee helped organize several demonstrations, beginning on 14 August 1929 when 6,000 youths marched around the wall of the old city of Jerusalem.[21]

On Thursday, 15 August, during the Jewish fast of Tisha B'Av, several hundred members of Klausner's right-wing group – described by Professor Michael J. Cohen as "brawny youths with staves"[23] – marched to the Western Wall shouting "the Wall is ours," raised the Jewish national flag, sang Hatikvah (the Jewish anthem).[11] The group included members of Vladimir Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism movement Betar youth organization, under the leadership of Jeremiah Halpern. Rumors circulated among the Arabs that the procession had attacked local residents and cursed the name of the Prophet Muhammad.[24][25][26][27][21] The Shaw report later concluded that the crowd was peaceful and allegations that the crowd were armed with iron bars were not correct, but that there may have been threatening cries made by some "undesirable elements" in the Jewish procession.

well i look at 4 first incident , 2 actually started by jew , one was part of Franco Syrian war and another started by jews a in form some undesired radical element in Jewish community started to insult holy prophet and use let just say provocative slogans

Because Palestine was never a country lol, Palestinians volunteered into Arab countries and got ****ed and now they cry. And up until 1967 West Bank was controlled by Jordan and Gaza by Egypt, not Palestine. You know why? Because Palestine never existed as a country.

Which blocked Israel from the rest of the world, creating a naval blockade.
no they left battlefield area and then refused return to their homer . also in area like Quds they literally being killed or thrown out of their home in some area of the city without participating in the war or leaving their homes .
Which blocked Israel from the rest of the world, creating a naval blockade.
it didn't block Israel from the rest of the world and you very well knew why
Well what part of the definition of a country Israel lacks? I'm waiting
in 1948 neighboring countries started war not Palestinian who were thrown out.
and as Israel is considered occupier , you must expect resistance

only in their territorial water

Guys!! Can you simply stop with these off-topic BS post? This is the Ukrainian war thread and the Israel/Arab conflict is irrelevant and off topic… so from now on I will negatively rate each of your post until you stop. Simply start a new one but stop here.

@waz @The Eagle
Guys!! Can you simply stop with these off-topic BS post? This is the Ukrainian war thread and the Israel/Arab conflict is irrelevant and off topic… so from now on I will negatively rate each of your post until you stop. Simply start a new one but stop here.

@waz @The Eagle
I mean I got 40 negative ratings so I don't care but I'll stop promise lol

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