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Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life

Oh so Indian women aborting fetus when their found out that they’re female is a non story. Ok I see how it works thanks for enlightening me :disagree:
Congrats for getting enlightened. If u have anymore questions then plz start a new thread, will discuss it to death. Now plz stick to the topic or stay out. Tnx.
Why is pakistan accepting him back,allowing him entry..ban this shit from entry asap..he will only ruin pak image if its seen pak harbouring paedophille sicko.
Okkk...an opportunity to bash the neighbour and then put on the hypocritical face of friendly relationships :whistle:
Do you actually think every expat is or was that just to suit your agenda of bashing?

Question should be asked exactly why was this foul creature allowed out of UK?

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online
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And seriously what the hell is wrong with Pakistani security....letting such assholes in the country? Shouldnt his passport be stamped as an asshole and arise red alert and which retarded aircraft flew him in?

Arre koi hypocricy nahi hai re. Its all bout showing the mirror. U dont know me it seems. I have always been open with my views. I hate Pakistani attitude but not Pakistanis. I dislike Pakistanis in homeland but I always prefer expat Pakistani company when abroad. They are a different specie altogether once outside Pakistan. Be it the retrospective nature. Thats why I so openly talk bout Pakistani thotprocess. Been there done that kind of thing u c.

Thats why I started this thread.

Saala I dont wanna be fighting some mental melanin-less dork abusing Pakistanis and be in trouble. Thats not why I go abroad for. Dont take it as hypocricy. I respect retrospective and introspective attitude. Even those Indians who are misguided are always away frm me and the Pakistanis who try to improve themselves by looking into their shortcomings are my best buddies.
Arre koi hypocricy nahi hai re. Its all bout showing the mirror. U dont know me it seems. I have always been open with my views. I hate Pakistani attitude but not Pakistanis. I dislike Pakistanis in homeland but I always prefer expat Pakistani company when abroad. They are a different specie altogether once outside Pakistan. Be it the retrospective nature. Thats why I so openly talk bout Pakistani thotprocess. Been there done that kind of thing u c.
All fingers are not even....You cant pick up some polluted water and state that all the oceans in the world are polluted!

Saala I dont wanna be fighting some mental melanin-less dork abusing Pakistanis and be in trouble.
Its not he. Its their whole gang. It was a racket going on.
But 1400 even for a gang is strange isn't it?
I know some people going in jail for really less, and they say police cover that, but what do they fear?
But 1400 even for a gang is strange isn't it?
I know some people going in jail for really less, and they say police cover that, but what do they fear?
But still the question arise, Did the Police purposely cover this. Were they involved in this? Interesting to see the facts behind the curtain. Lets the investigation result come out.
a very sick & an unacceptable attitude this guy has shown, he should be bought back & send to Gitmo, this sick guy needs to get a taste of the high life there
Wrong reference buddy. I can for once agree to you about the shit within our countries. But for the underdeveloped country India is according to you, why dont Indians do all this shit? Why are Indians respected in western countries and are one of the most established immigrants even after the under developed country that India is as per you.

You simply cant put local issues responsible for shit we do abroad.

Again this showz the mentality of Pakistanis to shift the faultline. Try find the scapegoat. Better look into your ownselves before finding culprit outside. Be it Pakistani, Indian or any nationality person.

Some of them probably do.(That doesn't mean all of them) I don't blame the shit within our countries for what we do abroad, be it Pakistan or India, neither am I trying to shift the faultline. There is no doubt that those people were monsters and criminals, and that they were Pakistani. That doesn't mean that all Pakistanis are like that.
Criminals will remain criminals, doesn't matter if they move to the UK, they remain criminals. The reason I even mentioned the incompetence of our authorities is that they now have a place to escape to. If Pakistani authorities were competent, these criminals wouldn't have been able to escape like this.

So you don't accept that India is under developed? Seriously, do you believe that India is on the level of UK/US when it comes to development? I didn't say India is Somalia. I said it is under-developed, like Pakistan is. From what I have seen, Indians are just as respected as Pakistanis are, atleast in the UK. Maybe a larger amount of lower-middle class Pakistanis migrate than Indians. (e.g : Majority of taxi drivers are Pakistani, very less Indians), while high-class Indians migrate more. It has nothing to do with Indian "superior mindset" or anything that you would like to believe.
But still the question arise, Did the Police purposely cover this. Were they involved in this? Interesting to see the facts behind the curtain. Lets the investigation result come out.
It's BS, westerners police never cover foreigners. They rather punish them (much) more than the white people

Afro-americans have much more chances to be jailed than a white, and a lot of unfaire arrests are made against them
It's BS, westerners police never cover foreigners. They rather punish them (much) more than the white people

Afro-americans have much more chances to be jailed than a white, and a lot of unfaire arrests are made against them
Well. If thats da case then why do we see such a large scale crime been hidden till date? Dont tell me that the complaints werent made. 1400 is not a small amount. Even if we consider very less percentage of these incidents reported, still it wud be enough to get police serious. Something is fishy. Either the Police was involved or they were lazy enough to be indifferent to such crimes.

It is only fair he gets raped in Pakistan.
Hes getting high in Pakistan. Hope you guyz give this piece of shit lot of highs with good anal orgasm.
Well. If thats da case then why do we see such a large scale crime been hidden till date? Dont tell me that the complaints werent made. 1400 is not a small amount. Even if we consider very less percentage of these incidents reported, still it wud be enough to get police serious. Something is fishy. Either the Police was involved or they were lazy enough to be indifferent to such crimes..
Actually JEW NATO only cover this case to make a big scandal against the muslims. because 1400 is huge.
They probably encourage him and his gang to do so, just like they encourage Al Qaeda to make crimes in Syria & Iraq

But in normal time they do not cover the asians gangs.
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