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Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life

I believe this POS was covered by JEW NATO police to make the muslims look ugly
They also send beheaders to make the muslims look like psychos

aahahhahaha, you made my day.:rofl:

simply incompetence which allowed the criminals to destroy 1400 lives over so many years. the entire British setup in that place shares the blame including schools, police, hospitals, social services.

I agree with you completely. Our officals/authorites always try too much to be politically correct to the point of being insane. Just like in this case, they were afraid to point out that it was Asians who were responsible. WTH, someone nationality shouldnt cover them from being punished for their crimes. Our system is such that the government is so lax with laws so much that most muslims extremist/lunatics and child predators like these gang dont have much to fear, since we have the least effective/stringent laws in Europe, reason why we attract so much scums like these ones and other who are now fighting in Syria in the 100s if not 1000s. Indeed a pathetic situation by our government. Had it been in U.S they wouldnt have ever go bail like this idiot got which enabled him to travel back to Packistan. The law system should be reviewed, this indeed is really disturbing.
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aahahhahaha, you made my day.:rofl:

Yeah it's very good for them, so they can pretend the muslims hold the society

But actually the only people who hold NATO are the JEWS, and the only ones unpunished are the JEWS
Yeah it's very good for them, so they can pretend the muslims hold the society

But actually the only people who hold NATO are the JEWS, and the only ones unpunished are the JEWS

:rofl::lol:...please bro stop making me laugh so much....im almost crying of laughter here.:lol::lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::cry::cry::cry:
it seems Muslims cannot get a break. If it is not the pyscho British muslims in ISIS killing people it is criminal and perverted Muslims raping children.

Crime is a crime regardless of the colour and the authorities failed these vulnerable children. Including a collective failure by the guardians and parents of these children and we should all feel ashamed that these crimes have taken place.

The protection of children and vulnerable people is a collective responsibility and we have all failed.

As a rainbow nation there are many people for all over the world. The pakistani diaspora is well represented with around 3 million people from the land of the pure. So these criminals represent a small percentage but their actions have a massive impact on the collective reputation of Pakistani Muslims in Britain. These are shameful acts and we must condemn these actions.

However, for our Indian friends, please before you throw the first stone, take a look at your Hindustan and read the apalling treatment of women and children including the rape of thousands of women and girls every year. Or how about the collective genocide of 10 million females from the population during the last 15 years.

So explain that national crime in your shit infested world.
LOL! People from the Commonwealth can differentiate between Indians and Pakistanis.

It gets tricky when it comes to Indian Muslim's though.
He came out of jail through judicial procedure. Whether he is living a high or low life, its his business. If you have a problem with that then go back to court and get a warrant.
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@Chak Bamu, @ Desert Fox, @ MastanKhan @
waz, @ Abingdonboy

'Muslim leaders fully aware of problem but did nothing': Pakistani community worker makes explosive claims on Rotherham's religious leaders who 'talked in mosques but not to police'

Pakistani community worker makes explosive claims on Rotherham's religious leaders | Mail Online

A few things in the article.

Parveen Qureshi, director of the United Multicultural Centre in Rotherham, revealed the shocking issue was widely discussed between leaders who were privately ‘trying to resolve the problem’.

Speaking to BBC Radio Sheffield, she said: ‘It was discussed, a discussion was going on in the community with community leaders and organisations and other agencies who were aware of what was happening and were trying to resolve the problem.

There was an active effort going on to combat this then, according to her, but it hadn't been made public.

They were trying to solve it though, and the term leaders means many things e.g. local community leaders, Imams in mosques, council leaders of Pakistani extraction. How much influence these "leaders" had it also open to question, as many folks call themselves leaders but can't deliver.

From Lord Nazir.

‘I came to Rotherham in 1969 when the first mosque was opened and we were taught moral and ethical values and mixed with the community.

That's fine, if they bothered coming to the mosque. These men did not and were hardened criminals. He also talks of them being "lost".

As for the filth the original post was based on, it's simply bravado and nothing more. He will go abroad, become bored and come back, to lifetime of unemployment, due to his criminal record and he will always have to watch his back from gangs seeking payback on him. What a life! He can brag all he wants.
This is just another Indian way of showing or telling India is clean & tidy & there is nothing bad in India, all bad is in Pakistan.
How come its always the british pakistani playing the monster??I have never heard of pak expats in US doing the same.

What is the reason ? Is it the Goverment? IS it the difference in conduct of native people?? Or is it the Pakistani diaspora in the two countries?
Aug 28, 2014 22:04
By Jeremy Armstrong, Alun Palmer, Lucy Thornton

Sick Umar Razaq – released from jail after appealing the length of his sentence – posted a picture of himself in sunglasses on Facebook

One of the abusers at the heart of the Rotherham child sex scandal today boasted he was “living the high life” – leaving his victim distraught.

Sick Umar Razaq – released from jail after appealing the length of his sentence – posted a picture of himself in sunglasses on Facebook as he flew off to Pakistan.

Earlier he had boasted: “Can’t wait... Roll on to the lifetime holiday.”

He added: “Three days and I’m outta this country for a very long time. Feeling happy.”

Taunt: Razaq’s online boast sickened victim

The 28-year-old sex attacker, one of the ring leaders of the child grooming gang, also whinged about women crying rape in a disgusting dig at his victim.

The taunt left the girl – now 19 and named only as Lizzie – in tears.

She sobbed: “This is beyond disgusting. How can he be allowed leave the country?

"He shouldn’t have a passport or be on Facebook. This man beat me, strangled me and abused me.

"He has stalked me since he got out.”

She went on: “Umar was the worse one. He was really violent. He strangled me twice and threatened to kill me.

"It’s disgusting he can do this to us. It’s horrible.”

Monsters: Zafran Ramzan, Umar Razaq, Adil Hussain, Mohsin Khan and Razwan Razaq

Umar – who lived close to a park where the Asian gangs preyed – left the message online just hours after police revealed there were 173 live investigations into grooming in South Yorkshire.

Umar was one of five vile predators jailed in 2010 for grooming school children in Rotherham.

Lizzie, who described the men as “pure evil” said she was 12 the first time she was raped and she was “abused hundreds of times”.

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online
1400 children!

Who are the perpetrators? The flyers suggest only Asian gang - are the Chinese, Koreans and Malaysians involved too? I am not sure about the extent - so pls elaborate in points.

Also I don't understand another thing - some of the criminals are 2nd or 3rd gen British. So why on earth are they being called Pakistanis?

However, for our Indian friends, please before you throw the first stone, take a look at your Hindustan and read the apalling treatment of women and children including the rape of thousands of women and girls every year. Or how about the collective genocide of 10 million females from the population during the last 15 years.
So explain that national crime in your shit infested world.
Agreed. We are introspecting - flag marches, Youtube campaigns, political manifestos. The problem exists and steps are being taken to remedy it. Thanks.
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