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Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life

British Authorities ARE to be blamed. No ones excusing them off their duty.

But its all bout cleaning ur house.

When a dork rapes a tourist in India, we not only talk bout stringent laws but also sense of responsibility withing common indian.

So do they, one or probably more of the houses of relatives of offenders involved in UK was pelted with eggs.
The relative said the family home was pelted with eggs and added: “Our family just want to get over it, we just want to be able to move on.

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online
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Though I wish they had pelted him, and with stones...

And Pakistanis have nothing to do with it, he is born and bred British it seems.
This is freaking pathetic. What da problem with our neighbours? What else do we expect now from u guyz? This loser went out of Pakistan and dint even think bout its people. Every expat is responsible and representative of his/her country. We Indians always take care of it but why not Pakistan?

I am really frustrated with all anti social activities by Pakistanis abroad. Their activities mostly are only anti social but most of da time its unique in nature. Like if there is some competition for most innovative shit one can come out with.

Now why am I so much talking bout it? NO I AINT IN TROLLING MODE. Rape is something any Indian will never make fun about.

I am talking coz we both Indians and Pakistanis' lives are interconnected outside subcontinent. What you wanna do inside ur country is your concern but once outside, it affects others too.

Some shit done by an Indian gets a Pakistani targeted and vice versa. Its coz of our color and looks. No matter how much u wanna be Arab, U are an Indian origin person and a white guy cares a horse's *** bout ur desperation to be different from India. Even trying so much doesnt refrain a pissed off white guy from labeling an Indian as ****. Why should other face coz of your misdeeds?

Do you guyz even know how much abuse Indian kids and students got in schools and colleges after this incident coz Europeans dont know nor they care bout the whole Indo-Pak thing? For them we all are same.

Why? What is our mistake?

It will be foolish to blame all Pakistanis for such shit but again, even you guyz know that even outside Pakistan more and more Pakistanis are getting into anti social stuff and thats alarming. Even if I dont talk selfish, atleast for your own country's image and for the sake of nationalism, STOP BEING A DORK IN OTHER'S COUNTRYS. HUMBLE REQUEST.

Once again, My intention is not to insult someone but a grave concern affecting lives of Indians abroad. Hence, my locus standi and outburst on this.

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online

terrible news ..however his high life reflects the sick society we have
Do you think we other Pakistanis support this kind of crap? Our name is being insulted too. This disgusting prick should be punished, unfortunately Pakistani authorities are too deep in their own shit to do anything about it, just like most under-developed countries (including India) What upsets me more is that the "superior" British law enforcement didn't do anything proper about it. Then they blame it on "Racism Fears". Racism fears my ***.
Wrong reference buddy. I can for once agree to you about the shit within our countries. But for the underdeveloped country India is according to you, why dont Indians do all this shit? Why are Indians respected in western countries and are one of the most established immigrants even after the under developed country that India is as per you.

You simply cant put local issues responsible for shit we do abroad.

Again this showz the mentality of Pakistanis to shift the faultline. Try find the scapegoat. Better look into your ownselves before finding culprit outside. Be it Pakistani, Indian or any nationality person.
simply incompetence which allowed the criminals to destroy 1400 lives over so many years. the entire British setup in that place shares the blame including schools, police, hospitals, social services.

But when we talk about British set up like this to an average white British guy first thing they demand from us is to get out from their nation.They dont care whether subcontinent people contribute developement to all of them or not .When a case like this surface that old racist mentality will again come out from their face.
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This is freaking pathetic. What da problem with our neighbours? What else do we expect now from u guyz? This loser went out of Pakistan and dint even think bout its people. Every expat is responsible and representative of his/her country. We Indians always take care of it but why not Pakistan?

I am really frustrated with all anti social activities by Pakistanis abroad. Their activities mostly are only anti social but most of da time its unique in nature. Like if there is some competition for most innovative shit one can come out with.

Now why am I so much talking bout it? NO I AINT IN TROLLING MODE. Rape is something any Indian will never make fun about.

I am talking coz we both Indians and Pakistanis' lives are interconnected outside subcontinent. What you wanna do inside ur country is your concern but once outside, it affects others too.

Some shit done by an Indian gets a Pakistani targeted and vice versa. Its coz of our color and looks. No matter how much u wanna be Arab, U are an Indian origin person and a white guy cares a horse's *** bout ur desperation to be different from India. Even trying so much doesnt refrain a pissed off white guy from labeling an Indian as ****. Why should other face coz of your misdeeds?

Do you guyz even know how much abuse Indian kids and students got in schools and colleges after this incident coz Europeans dont know nor they care bout the whole Indo-Pak thing? For them we all are same.

Why? What is our mistake?

It will be foolish to blame all Pakistanis for such shit but again, even you guyz know that even outside Pakistan more and more Pakistanis are getting into anti social stuff and thats alarming. Even if I dont talk selfish, atleast for your own country's image and for the sake of nationalism, STOP BEING A DORK IN OTHER'S COUNTRYS. HUMBLE REQUEST.

Once again, My intention is not to insult someone but a grave concern affecting lives of Indians abroad. Hence, my locus standi and outburst on this.

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online
Oh so being a Muslim makes you an Arab wannabe.

You could have made this thread without the inflammatory words if you actually wanted a rational debate about this issue
Oh so being a Muslim makes you an Arab wannabe.

You could have made this thread without the inflammatory words if you actually wanted a rational debate about this issue
Dude. Ignore my inflammatory words. I am focused on the issue. We can have a rational discussion rather than debate. There is no debate in this case for everyone agrees to the rot in this incident.

I tend to make inflammatory words in response to the general attitude of Pakistanis. I just want to so called PROVE that we are same species in both India or Pakistan no matter what u try to show and whole world treat us as same people. And thats what the crux of da matter is. Irrespective of what Pakistan try to manufacture, truth remains and no matter how much u try we guyz are interconnected in outside world. Hence, its our collective responsibility to earn a good name for our region.
Dude. Ignore my inflammatory words. I am focused on the issue. We can have a rational discussion rather than debate. There is no debate in this case for everyone agrees to the rot in this incident.

I tend to make inflammatory words in response to the general attitude of Pakistanis. I just want to so called PROVE that we are same species in both India or Pakistan no matter what u try to show and whole world treat us as same people. And thats what the crux of da matter is. Irrespective of what Pakistan try to manufacture, truth remains and no matter how much u try we guyz are interconnected in outside world. Hence, its our collective responsibility to earn a good name for our region.
Why should I ignore it when it shows your true intention, and I hope you’re as angry at the 1400 cases of female infanticide committed by the British Indian Community as you are with this story.
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Indian women 'aborting girls'
Why should I ignore it when it shows your true intention, and I hope you’re as angry at the 1400 cases of female infanticide committed by the British Indian Community as you are with this story.
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Indian women 'aborting girls'
OK. Even that is condemnable but u look foolish when comparing household decision to abort a fetus with child abuse and rape. I suggest u better not talk on the topic coz u wud simply talk senseless off topic.
OK. Even that is condemnable but u look foolish when comparing household decision to abort a fetus with child abuse and rape. I suggest u better not talk on the topic coz u wud simply talk senseless off topic.
Oh so Indian women aborting fetus when their found out that they’re female is a non story. Ok I see how it works thanks for enlightening me :disagree:


Did you know he committed 1400 crimes?
This is freaking pathetic. What da problem with our neighbours? What else do we expect now from u guyz? This loser went out of Pakistan and dint even think bout its people. Every expat is responsible and representative of his/her country. We Indians always take care of it but why not Pakistan?
Okkk...an opportunity to bash the neighbour and then put on the hypocritical face of friendly relationships :whistle:
Do you actually think every expat is or was that just to suit your agenda of bashing?

Question should be asked exactly why was this foul creature allowed out of UK?

She sobbed: “This is beyond disgusting. How can he be allowed leave the country?

"He shouldn’t have a passport or be on Facebook

Rotherham sex abuse monster flies to Pakistan and says: I'm living the high life - Mirror Online
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And seriously what the hell is wrong with Pakistani security....letting such assholes in the country? Shouldnt his passport be stamped as an asshole and arise red alert and which retarded aircraft flew him in?
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