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The Monster Breathes Air

you need to answer where the hell you found PDF code you mentioned earlier. And then came back with indian bs that you are not fooling anyone? You indians never learn and pollute every thread you touch.

So, you mean to say I found an actual PDF code? :cheesy:

I suppose it's the same way you found all Indians to pollute every thread,isn't it? Your observations are asinine at best. You have only your conflated ego to blame for starting a flame war. Talk in a civil manner and you shall find that others will meet you half way.
No you are absolutely wrong...We will keep our Indian people who are Muslims....Because they are part of what we define India today....And regarding Hindu people....Of course we will explore our options how to leverage the sentiment of the Hindu people to whom you put in cantonment for our advatnage....I can not disclose that option of how to leverage that now in this foroum,,,:yahoo:.....Based on our benefit...we will decide next course of action....How about that?...

Good that you admit india and awami league had been making false flag attack on hindus and then pin it on Jamaat and Muslims for "leverage". That is out right indian sponsored terrorism in Bangladesh. You can brag about it but it has it's own consequence.

Any way....there is nothing wrong to look at Jamaat Islami...if they do not see India is a nation where Hindu people are evil people...If Jamaat Islami knows to respect the Hindu people then of course there is nothing wrong in changing the course of engagement with BD.....

After 42 years of lie and propaganda, india is 180 turn. Awami League must be feeling used.
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Good that you admit india and awami league had been making false flag attack and then pin it on Jamaat and Muslims for "leverage". That is out right indian sponsored terrorism in Bangladesh. You can brag about it but it has it own consequence.

After 42 years of lie and propaganda, india is 180 turn. Awami League must be feeling used.

What are you talking dude?..Just try to satisfy your though with some statements...
Looks like it is india, looking for ways to get back in. If you are angry about indian lie and propaganda being exposed go write to editor or better yet to indian establishment. No need to explode here with your guilt, as is we get enough indian rubbish here.
Money talks
The day Jamat wins elections in BD we will put a strap around its neck. No matter which party will be in power the government in BD will be India friendly
Truth About Jamaat

The best thing about Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (BJI) is that it doesn’t kill Hindus simply because of their faith.

How angelic :angel:. Thanks for small mercies.

Lets just round up all Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in concentration camps.

I'm sure Indians will love a mass migration by the millions. They'll repeat that to their 200 million Muslims......thats exactly what we want to see.

I guess they are your citizens, so do what you want. To be frank it's a statement on your mentality. Our 200 million ain't going anywhere since they are as much Indians as the rest of the 1 billion. And yes, our constitution does'nt discriminate on basis of religion, something which you guys can never match up to.
We have about 10 million of Cow worshippers in BD and many of them have reached powerful positions in the last 5 years. Most of the top ranking Civil adminstrators are now Hindu Malauns. Awamis have been ever so caring to put Hindus in top position as they are the ones who are truly loyal to AL and also to please their Hindutva masters in India.

I have interacted with many BD Hindus and honestly these people can be many things but not BD loyalist. You say anything against their promised land ie. the Hindustan you see their facial expressions have changed. You can feel their soul is burning from the inside but they wouldn't answer or try to refute you. I was watching the BD-India Asia Cup match last year in a Dhaka University campus hall and when Bangladesh won and everybody was celebrating like hell, to my utter surprise I saw one of my Hindu classmate was leaving the TV room with his head down, trying his level best to hide his tears. I would say, if BNP-Jamaat comes to power they should make sure the 10 million traitor parasites that currently live here are sent to their holy Ram-rajya for which their heart truly beats.
And you're supposedly a moderator.:hang2:

PDF code: Extremist=Moderator:tup:

Did i use my 'moderation powers' to supress your views?

I'm free to express mine, whinge when my 'powers are misplaced nd unfairly used' rather than whinging over my personal opinion.
Did i use my 'moderation powers' to supress your views?

I'm free to express mine, whinge when my 'powers are misplaced nd unfairly used' rather than whinging over my personal opinion.

Bhaijaan, I guess you'll have to declare beforehand when you are in 'Official-mode' and when you are in 'Personal-mode' here.:P
Bhaijaan, I guess you'll have to declare beforehand when you are in 'Official-mode' and when you are in 'Personal-mode' here.:P

Or maybe you need to keep a few 'common sense' tablets handy. :D
Looks like it is india, looking for ways to get back in. If you are angry about indian lie and propaganda being exposed go write to editor or better yet to indian establishment. No need to explode here with your guilt, as is we get enough indian rubbish here.

We have to admire one thing in Jamaatis like this Idune guy.! They live in a delusion, that BD is the most important, richest, powerfull (what not!) country in the world that every country (other than Muslim world. of course!) is out to destroy them..!
Its laughable to think, that every thing in BD happened cos of RAW and India, as if they sit on lotta oils, gold, steel etc ( BD has neither :cheesy:) . Strategic position to the world? Still it has none.!
BD can offer India transport to NE, and thats the only worthwhile thing it can offer in any strategic terms to India..! Jamaatis hate for India is nothing but a pure religious hatred against Hindus! Shameless people!
Lets just round up all Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in concentration camps.

I'm sure Indians will love a mass migration by the millions. They'll repeat that to their 200 million Muslims......thats exactly what we want to see.

Mass migration of Hindus from Pakistan and BD to India has already happened, but you dont see us returning the same behaviour to Muslims.

I think it has something to do with basic human values which Pakistani and Bdeshi muslims lack, which can be seen in this very forums and members like yourself.
We have about 10 million of Cow worshippers in BD and many of them have reached powerful positions in the last 5 years. Most of the top ranking Civil adminstrators are now Hindu Malauns. Awamis have been ever so caring to put Hindus in top position as they are the ones who are truly loyal to AL and also to please their Hindutva masters in India.

I have interacted with many BD Hindus and honestly these people can be many things but not BD loyalist. You say anything against their promised land ie. the Hindustan you see their facial expressions have changed. You can feel their soul is burning from the inside but they wouldn't answer or try to refute you. I was watching the BD-India Asia Cup match last year in a Dhaka University campus hall and when Bangladesh won and everybody was celebrating like hell, to my utter surprise I saw one of my Hindu classmate was leaving the TV room with his head down, trying his level best to hide his tears. I would say, if BNP-Jamaat comes to power they should make sure the 10 million traitor parasites that currently live here are sent to their holy Ram-rajya for which their heart truly beats.

Powerfull positions come by working hard, intelligence etc which BD muslims like you and others clearly lack!
If you want a high position, prove your mettle, do hard work, clear exams, instead of whining shamelessly in public!
We have about 10 million of Cow worshippers in BD and many of them have reached powerful positions in the last 5 years. Most of the top ranking Civil adminstrators are now Hindu Malauns. Awamis have been ever so caring to put Hindus in top position as they are the ones who are truly loyal to AL and also to please their Hindutva masters in India.

I have interacted with many BD Hindus and honestly these people can be many things but not BD loyalist. You say anything against their promised land ie. the Hindustan you see their facial expressions have changed. You can feel their soul is burning from the inside but they wouldn't answer or try to refute you. I was watching the BD-India Asia Cup match last year in a Dhaka University campus hall and when Bangladesh won and everybody was celebrating like hell, to my utter surprise I saw one of my Hindu classmate was leaving the TV room with his head down, trying his level best to hide his tears. I would say, if BNP-Jamaat comes to power they should make sure the 10 million traitor parasites that currently live here are sent to their holy Ram-rajya for which their heart truly beats.

Sure, but wouldnt you Bangladeshi muslims fall off into the Bay of Bengal when we squeeze 150 million odd Muslims in Bangladesh to return the favour :D
Lets just round up all Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in concentration camps.

I'm sure Indians will love a mass migration by the millions. They'll repeat that to their 200 million Muslims......thats exactly what we want to see.

Yea why not!! Lets round them up.. In today's world it will be relatively easy to carve a new nation from the existing one than we did it in 1971.. Jinnah will be very proud also!!
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