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Article 257 is for IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir only. The liberated part of Kashmir i.e Azad Kashmir is almost an independent country with own PM's, parliament, etc. Gilgit Baltistan is different case - it was historically never a part of Kashmir & only sold to DOG ra by Britishers. People of GB fought Britishers and then DOG ra's army & Indians & merged their territory with Pakistan. Their demand is to grant them provincial status as they do not see themselves as part of dispute, Pakistan is respecting UN which is the only reason that it had not grant provincial status to GB. But IMO Pakistan should held referendum in GB under UN monitoring & annex it legally...when the final plebiscite in Kashmir will held this % will be counted too as according to UN this territory was part of dispute.

Northern Light Infantry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GB Tribune: History & Dispute

These people of GB fought all three of you i.e Britishers, DOG ras & Indians & merged with Pakistan.

Pakistan Military is there on the request on Azad Kashmir govt to keep 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists out of the liberated parts. However in Gilgit Baltistan there is only Gilgit Baltistan Army(also known as NLI[Northern Light Infantry]). These people are local of that area i.e Gilgitis, Baltis, Brushos, Wakhis, Khowars, Baltees, Shins, Yashkuns, Mughals, Kashmiris, Pathans, Ladakis and Turks.

Northern Light Infantry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First of all as per the Simla agreement 1972, article 257 is not applicable for total J&K. Secondly if Pakistan had owned Kashmir, article 257, referring the referendum would have been abolished. jammu and Kashmir is one, including Azad Kashmir(Azad kashmir, Gilgit B)

Article 2 clause (D) of Azad Jammu and Kashmir interim constitutional act 1974, clearly states that Azad Jammu and Kashmir is a part of greater Jammu and Kashmir.

under section 21 of the AJK Interim Constitution Act, 1974 with clearly defined executive, legislative and judicial sphere enumerated in the third schedule of the Act. Which contradicts Article 2 clause (D) of AJK constitutional act of 1974.

Still your Military is there, which contradicts article 257 of Pakistani constitution through section 21 and Article 2 clause D. Which is illegal. This is one reason.

Other reason is:
By diving a vanilla cake into 4 parts, it won't become a chocolate cake.

Jammu and Kashmir is an integral Part of India and Pakistan illegally holds its Part, and tries to change the demography of the Azad Kashmir, through illegal formation of acts in Azad Kashmir:
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Other reason is:
By diving a vanilla cake into 4 parts, it won't become a chocolate cake.

If you mix Chocolate cake with vanilla cake it will not become vanilla cake...same was the case there.

Jammu and Kashmir is an integral Part of India and Pakistan illegally holds its Part, and tries to change the demography of the Azad Kashmir, through illegal formation of acts in Azad Kashmir:

IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir is illegally occupied by 7lakh Indian Occupier terrorists who tries to r@p3 & change demography of that territory. Indian Army & Govt illegally brings Indians into IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir to change the demography.

First of all as per the Simla pact, article 257 is not applicable for total J&K. Secondly if Pakistan had owned Kashmir, article 257, referring the referendum would have been abolished. jammu and Kashmir is one, including Azad Kashmir(Azad kashmir, Gilgit B)

Article 2 clause (D) of Azad Jammu and Kashmir interim constitutional act 1974, clearly states that Azad Jammu and Kashmir is a part of greater Jammu and Kashmir.

under section 21 of the AJK Interim Constitution Act, 1974 with clearly defined executive, legislative and judicial sphere enumerated in the third schedule of the Act. Which contradicts Article 2 clause (D) of AJK constitutional act of 1974.

Still your Military is there, which contradicts article 257 of Pakistani constitution through section 21 and Article 2 clause D. Which is illegal. This is one reason.

Don't repeat same thing like a parrot...read my post # 75 again.
If you mix Chocolate cake with vanilla cake it will not become vanilla cake...same was the case there.

IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir is illegally occupied by 7lakh Indian Occupier terrorists who tries to r@p3 & change demography of that territory. Indian Army & Govt illegally brings Indians into IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir to change the demography.

Don't repeat same thing like a parrot...read my post # 75 again.

Please talk about Gilgit region of Kashmir, what have you done, snatched their rights, snatched their future.

Secondly according to Shimla agreement, Pakistani Constitution recognizes LOC as de facto till Point NJ9842. So article 257 is not valid in Kashmir because it is also NOT valid in Azad Kashmir(AJK) but AJK says that AJK and Azad Kashmir are part of greater Jammu and Kashmir.

So ultimately article 257 collapses in Kashmir.

Shimla Agreement has to be respected by both the countries. You should ask your government and they will give the same answer what I am writing it here.
Which country in the world supports other without strategic interest.
Please talk about Gilgit region of Kashmir, what have you done, snatched their rights, snatched their future.

An Indian talking about the rights of Kashmiris. Now that is a new low. :lol:

well one more "bangladesh in making" pehle baloochistan , fir sindhudesh aur ab ye ... ab maza ayega khel ka ;)

Baita pehlai apnai liye toilet to bana lo phr barhai barhai khwab daikhna. Poori qaum khait main ja kar hagti hai aur khwab daikho itnai barhai barhai. :D

Don't repeat same thing like a parrot...read my post # 75 again.

Chor yaar. Why wasting time on these idiots?

If it were up to me I'd institute wide-spread structural changes throughout Pakistan starting from:

(i) enormous autonomy to each & every single Province or Federating Unit of Pakistan because of which they're practically Independent Countries with only Foreign Policy, the Armed Forces & 1-2 other Portfolios being controlled by the Federal Government !

(ii) abolish the National Assembly of Pakistan & replace it with the Senate as an elected body of the Federating Units/Provinces of Pakistan on an equal basis for all Provinces & Federating Units with 1/4th of the seats being for men, 1/4th the seats for women, 1/4th for the religious minorities & 1/4th purely on merit !

(iii) that the Federal Government is weak but the Provinces/Federating Units are Strong - a little like Switzerland !

(iv) abolish the AJK President & PM's post !

(v) hold a plebiscite in both AJK & GB on whether they wish to stay with Pakistan or whether they wish to join India (under the auspices of the UN) - Something that India will most certainly oppose & it won't go through but we'd place our desire to end this issue once & for all on record nonetheless !

So follow that up by making both AJK & GB as de-facto Provinces of Pakistan while including a clause in their respective constitutions (I want each Province to have a sub-national constitution) that their final fate be linked with a plebiscite to be held in Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir !

Have the above vetted by people from the UN & incorporate any changes that they propose so as that isn't prejudicial to the Kashmir Issue !

If the Sino-Pak Border Agreement isn't prejudicial to the Kashmir Issue because it includes a clause that border will be revisited once the final solution to the Kashmir Issue is arrived at, I don't see why the UN would find this prejudicial especially if GB is already a de-facto Province !

(vi) follow that up with massive development in GB to truly make it the Switzerland of the East that it is !

After this post by nihari butt, I don't think we need to discuss much on this thread. :)
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My dear friend, Pakistan does not own Kashmir or Azad Kashmir. Pakistan supports Kashmir. Pakistan endorses Kashmiris' right to independence and as rightly referred by

Only thing which needs elaboration in this clause is that when greater Jammu and Kashmir gets independence from India, through plebiscite, as declared in UN resolution. Pakistan is providing assistance to AJK in shape of defence, finances, administration, etc. They have their own elections & own government. Most of Pakistani's misinterpret the phrase "Kashmir Pakistan ki Seh Rag hai" and considers it to be something similar to what Indians claim of ATOOT ANG. Whereas, it is incorrect. Indians want to own and hold Kashmir against their will. Pakistan want to have Kashmir by its side and provide full support as an independent country. Proof is existence of AJK flag, government, constitution, etc etc. Yes our support is for Kashmiris & their cause and because of this relationship it is our juggler vain.
They have that here too
The development contribution to these areas and many other areas is negligible.

Idiots like Zardari get elected only because of the lack of land reforms in the country since 1947 and illiteracy.

Hoping Nawaz Shareef and future governments (Imran Khan, etc) can equally develop Pakistan as a whole.
Please talk about Gilgit region of Kashmir, what have you done, snatched their rights, snatched their future.

Refer to my post # 75 about that. I' ve talked exclusively about GB & backed it with proper(non-Pakistani) sources. The only right that Pakistan has not given them is, "provincial status" which is strong demand of the people of GB.

Secondly according to Shimla agreement, Pakistani Constitution recognizes LOC as de facto till Point NJ9842. So article 257 is not valid in Kashmir because it is also NOT valid in Azad Kashmir(AJK) but AJK says that AJK and Azad Kashmir are part of greater Jammu and Kashmir.

So ultimately article 257 collapses in Kashmir.

Shimla Agreement has to be respected by both the countries. You should ask your government and they will give the same answer what I am writing it here.

Pakistan Own Kashmir or Azad Kashmir has long demanded the liberation of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. It is time for 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists to GTFO. Indian Army & govt is illegally changing demographics of the territory by bringing in hindutva extremists & terrorists belonging to various notorious Indian terrorists organizations i.e RSS, VHP, Modhi, Tamil Tigress, etc etc.

Shimla Agreement said that Pakistan & India will solve the issue but India has always shown hypocrisy & demand to put IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir issue on back burner.
Refer to my post # 75 about that. I' ve talked exclusively about GB & backed it with proper(non-Pakistani) sources. The only right that Pakistan has not given them is, "provincial status" which is strong demand of the people of GB.

Shimla Agreement said that Pakistan & India will solve the issue but India has always shown hypocrisy & demand to put IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir issue on back burner.

(ii) In Jammu and Kashmir, the line of control resulting from the ceasefire of December 17, 1971, shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognized position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat or the use of force in violation of this line.

this what Shimla agreement says..

Its al jazeera. And in anyways you lost the right and moral standing to talk for Kashmiris or Gilgitis or Baltis long time back.

That means we have been following Shimla agreement, but looks like need to revoke and ask for Human rights for Gilgit Balistan.
and tries to change the demography of the Azad Kashmir, through illegal formation of acts in Azad Kashmir:

It hasn't changed and I explained this in detail on other thread to do with Kashmir. You keep on repeating the same thing. You're even arguing with Joe about it!
That means we have been following Shimla agreement, but looks like need to revoke and ask for Human rights for Gilgit Balistan.

Revoke or no revoke. You have no right to talk about the rights of Kashmiris. That is one major reason we never listen to your rants on Kashmir and follow our own policy on it.
Revoke or no revoke. You have no right to talk about the rights of Kashmiris. That is one major reason we never listen to your rants on Kashmir and follow our own policy on it.

We have full rights to talk about greater Kashmir. It's not yours.

It hasn't changed and I explained this in detail on other thread to do with Kashmir. You keep on repeating the same thing. You're even arguing with Joe about it!

There are a lot of things, which happen covertly. You will not get any proof of it.
We have full rights to talk about greater Kashmir. It's not yours.

No you don't. After killing thousands and thousands of Kashmiris you have no moral standing. But then we know you guys very well. You are the most shameless creature God created in this world ever so you won't stop. And we won't listen you for the reasons stated.
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