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'Roof of the World' rebels against Pakistan

Gilgit BAltistan only demand is that they want to be a province of Pakistan ... They want full Provincial rights

It is not possible, it is a Part of India under Pakistan occupation.

GB and AJK should be made into two provinces.

Not possible, it will be illegal according to article 257 constitution of Pakistan ( Jammu and Kashmir). If you do this, you will lose Kashmir for ever.
About the issue in question.

If it were up to me I'd institute wide-spread structural changes throughout Pakistan starting from:

(i) enormous autonomy to each & every single Province or Federating Unit of Pakistan because of which they're practically Independent Countries with only Foreign Policy, the Armed Forces & 1-2 other Portfolios being controlled by the Federal Government !

(ii) abolish the National Assembly of Pakistan & replace it with the Senate as an elected body of the Federating Units/Provinces of Pakistan on an equal basis for all Provinces & Federating Units with 1/4th of the seats being for men, 1/4th the seats for women, 1/4th for the religious minorities & 1/4th purely on merit !

(iii) that the Federal Government is weak but the Provinces/Federating Units are Strong - a little like Switzerland !

(iv) abolish the AJK President & PM's post !

(v) hold a plebiscite in both AJK & GB on whether they wish to stay with Pakistan or whether they wish to join India (under the auspices of the UN) - Something that India will most certainly oppose & it won't go through but we'd place our desire to end this issue once & for all on record nonetheless !

So follow that up by making both AJK & GB as de-facto Provinces of Pakistan while including a clause in their respective constitutions (I want each Province to have a sub-national constitution) that their final fate be linked with a plebiscite to be held in Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir !

Have the above vetted by people from the UN & incorporate any changes that they propose so as that isn't prejudicial to the Kashmir Issue !

If the Sino-Pak Border Agreement isn't prejudicial to the Kashmir Issue because it includes a clause that border will be revisited once the final solution to the Kashmir Issue is arrived at, I don't see why the UN would find this prejudicial especially if GB is already a de-facto Province !

(vi) follow that up with massive development in GB to truly make it the Switzerland of the East that it is !
It is not possible, it is a Part of India under Pakistan occupation.

Not possible, it will be illegal according to article 257 constitution of Pakistan ( Jammu and Kashmir). If you do this, you will lose Kashmir for ever.

The only solution to Kashmir is to make LOC the defacto border. Nothing more or less. Pakistan is not going to give up it's share that it already has, neither will India. So even if Pakistan makes GB and AJK provinces, it doesn't really lose much. IOK is pretty much confused at the moment. They want independence and we can't deal with that BS even if we get it. We need to do a good job of what we have. And GB and AJK people can truly see differences in their lives compared to the IOK people under the Indian Army. So they shouldn't have a problem of integrating into Pakistan, where they have been for the past 67 years.
"Pakistan is seeking that the United Nations solve the Kashmir dispute, and is unwilling to officially integrate Gilgit-Baltistan into its political system," said Ahsan Ali, the head of the Gilgit-Baltistan High Court Bar Association, and an expert on constitutional law in the region.

According to those two papers, there are vague and unquantified reports of Sunnis moving into areas that were hitherto exclusively Shia, and of Sunnis adding to the numbers of Sunnis in areas of mixed population.

The papers mention clearly that a significant segment of the Sunnis are Kashmiris.

The equivalent position is that of Kashmiris from the Vale moving to Kargil. While the Vale is almost wholly Sunni, Kargil - like much of its former neighbourhood in Gilgit-Baltistan - is Shia. According to the law prevailing in India, which is protected by Article 370, people from outside Kashmir cannot move in and buy property, but people from within Kashmir can move in and can buy property. That is more or less what is happening in Baltistan, from my brief reading of those papers cited.
THE ******* PROBLEM is that a Sheikhpuria lootera Barjis Tahir an MNA from pmln is the minister GB affairs from federal who gets all the funds for GB.. ........................
.............. how ridiculous that GB gets to rule by a guy from sheikhupura.

You problem is not that a guy from Sheikhupura is Minister GB affairs, because any MNA picked to be Minister GB affairs has to be from somewhere, which might as well be Sheikhupura.

Your problem is not that minister GB affairs gets to spend funds, because those funds of course are meant for GB and not Sheikhupura or where-ever-else any Minister GB affairs might be from.

Your problem is that the MNA belongs to PML-N and not PTI. You think that PML-N are all devils and PTI are all angels. However, seeing that PML-N constitutes the federal government, I do not see any problem as such. Why use filthy language for something which is pretty routine and normal as expected.

If you have any specific allegations supported by half-decent proofs, please bring forward. Otherwise tell us why we should put up with your holier-than-thou rants?

Sad state of affairs.

Sir, the real sad state of affairs is that you fell for a strawman argument, which used words like F******, Lootera, Sheikhupura, etc... Is that all it takes to sway your opinion? I've read the article and the crux of the problem seems to be that the people want rights like the rest of Pakistanis. How come you ignore that and fall for specious and hollow case made by a PTI fanatic?
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I have mentioned facts and articles from your constitutions with the ground realities. Please do no try to sabotage my posts

Your posts are worth sabotaging. They just have bit of a nuisance value in that you waste people's time with never-ending circular arguments that you keep repeating. Once you are caught lying, you just jump to another nonsense argument. When caught lying with that, you jump to another equally futile argument or back to first stupid one.

Joe Shearer tried to straighten you out, but you do not seem to have gift of intelligence that normal people have. You are blessed instead with enough stubbornness that would be more than enough for a pack of 100 mules.

Do you realize that we in Pakistan get to change our constitution without anybody else's permission?
The only solution to Kashmir is to make LOC the defacto border. Nothing more or less.

Why would Pakistan accept Indian stance? It is like accepting defeat & ditching Kashmiris including those who sacrificed themselves.
Your posts are worth sabotaging. They just have bit of a nuisance value in that you waste people's time with never-ending circular arguments that you keep repeating. Once you are caught lying, you just jump to another nonsense argument. When caught lying with that, you jump to another equally futile argument or back to first stupid one.

Joe Shearer tried to straighten you out, but you do not seem to have gift of intelligence that normal people have. You are blessed instead with enough stubbornness that would be more than enough for a pack of 100 mules.
Do you realize that we in Pakistan get to change our constitution without anybody else's permission?

Do you even know what Joe Shearer and I were disusing?

We in Pakistan refers to Military to my knowledge as it is Military which does not change but over rule the constitution, like article 257.

Why would Pakistan accept Indian stance? It is like accepting defeat & ditching Kashmiris including those who sacrificed themselves.
Atleast you can your own constitution , article 257
GB becomes the 5th province of Pakistan, Fata becomes the 6th.

Azad Kashmir remains under Pakistani control.
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