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'Roof of the World' rebels against Pakistan

Now, you see plebiscite in whole kashmir is not possible as PAK administred Kashmir has been infiltrated by non-Kashmiri population.

no it hasnt, if a region was once combined ruled under dogra doesnt meant that it was always same, people of GB are not kashmiris they are genetically/culturally related to Chitral in KPK, even the dynamics of independence movement in 1948 against dogras was very different from mainland Kashmir/Jammu.
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Shimla agreement may pose a hinderence to this process.
there is no doubt one of the most patriotic region of Pakistan deserves a province of its own, things are moving in right direction since 2009, need to pace it.
I don't have time to read that giant thing that is not even an article but pdf files. Kindly point out on what page/line/para it says that Pakistan has done anything to change the demography.

You don't have to !

The first one doesn't mention any talk of Demographic Changes by Mainland Pakistan but the Demographic Changes within GB due to the construction of KKH !

Whereas the second one provides as 'reference' an article by a certain Mr.Senge H. Sering President of Washington-based Institute of GB Studies printed here Talibanization of Gilgit-Baltistan and Sectarian Killings | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses where in turn Mr.Senge fails to provide a shred of evidence to support his claim !

So you can well imagine the credibility of a Mr.Senge & his GB Institute of Studies or the GB Congress in DC ! :lol:
Shimla agreement may pose a hinderence to this process.

Actually, not the Shimla agreement, but UN resolutions which will cause hindrance to the process.

If some area is declared by UN as disputed territory and Pakistan declaring it as province of Pakistan, would tantamount to throwing UN resolutions under the bus.(which might not be the worst thing do)

Indian response to any future Pakistani rhetoric of Kashmir being a disputed territory, would be simple,

"If GB a disputed terr as per UN res is now a province of Pakistan, then why the hell should J&K be considered disputed, just because UN resolution say so!"
Actually, not the Shimla agreement, but UN resolutions which will cause hindrance to the process.

If some area is declared by UN as disputed territory and Pakistan declaring it as province of Pakistan, would tantamount to throwing UN resolutions under the bus.(which might not be the worst thing do)

Indian response to any future Pakistani rhetoric of Kashmir being a disputed territory, would be simple,

"If GB a disputed terr as per UN res is now a province of Pakistan, then why the hell should J&K be considered disputed, just because UN resolution say so!"

Exactly! If Gilgit-Baltistan can be delinked from the larger Kashmir issue and made into a separate province, so can Jammu and Ladakh.
Exactly! If Gilgit-Baltistan can be delinked from the larger Kashmir issue and made into a separate province, so can Jammu and Ladakh.

Delinking it from the Kashmir Issue & making it a separate Province are two separate things !

GB is already a de-facto separate Province with its own Legislative Assembly & a devolution of all the Departments of the State after the passage of the 18th Amendment of the Pakistani Constitution & the Presidential Order of 09 which granted them Self-Rule similar to AJK !

It does not however become a de-jure Province of Pakistan so as to not prejudice the larger Kashmir Issue !
Delinking it from the Kashmir Issue & making it a separate Province are two separate things !

GB is already a de-facto separate Province with its own Legislative Assembly & a devolution of all the Departments of the State after the passage of the 18th Amendment of the Pakistani Constitution & the Presidential Order of 09 which granted them Self-Rule similar to AJK !

It does not however become a de-jure Province of Pakistan so as to not prejudice the larger Kashmir Issue !

And de-jure is where all the noise on the Kashmir issue is made. Because, we all know nothing's going to change de-facto wise.:D
it will be good to make more province ... but our parliament will never do that . all politicians will start crying " humain Aitemaad mai nai liya "
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