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'Roof of the World' rebels against Pakistan

A whore cries everywhere even after taking all money. You are such a whore.

I can post in same attitude but out of Forum's rules respect i will request,

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Emmie @Oscar @Jungibaaz @mods to kindly shut this troll in his cage.

Shimla agreement is related to LOC, and Siachen has no LOC.

For Pakistan it is all same thing. You cannot do whatever you wish. You wanna follow Shimla pact then first respect to stay in the area that you occupy.
Have you ever see Pakistani leader jumping for Shimla pact? Why they raise the issue in UN? Why they involve UN because they believe Shimla pact was nullified soon after Indian occupation of Siachen.

Again this is a conjecture/hypothesis on your part, Pakistani govt(which btw are much smarter than some teenage kid hopped up on red bull) does not/can not claim anything like as they know they will have no legal argument to stand on.

If we are making foolish claims, that as per UN resolutions.

A.1. As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council; the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

But Pakistani army is present in J&K and Siachen too.

Does that mean UN resolutions on Kashmir are null and void too??!!
They have been demanding GB to be made a province .. N they are right .. They have nothing to do with IOK.. They aren't Kashmiris.. Heck it was them who revolted against the British n siks .. And ceeded with Pakistan!!

I've been meaning to respond to this post in some detail, but was distracted by a young moron who insists on commenting on things in a hare-brained manner.

The princely state of Kashmir consisted of many diverse portions; these were:
  1. Jammu: a subordinate principality of the Sikh Kingdom of Ranjit Singh, which was ruled by its traditional Dogra rulers, who became rulers of Kashmir through treaty;
  2. Poonch: a subsidiary principality, also under the suzerainty of the Sikh Kingdom, which was ruled by a collateral branch of the ruling line of Jammu;
  3. Zanskar: subdued and brought under Jammu suzerainty, even before the fall of the Sikh Kingdom;
  4. Ladakh: subdued and brought under Jammu suzerainty, even before the fall of the Sikh Kingdom;
  5. Baltistan: conquered before the fall of the Sikh Kingdom;
  6. Gilgit: conquered by Sikh generals before the fall of the Sikh Kingdom, and under the suzerainty of the Sikh Kingdom, until assigned to a new suzerain, the Dogra Kingdom of Kashmir;
  7. Hunza : conquered by Dogra troops after they attacked Gilgit, which was under the suzerainty of the Dogras at the time;
  8. Chitral: defeated by Dogra troops, and accepted Dogra suzerainty;
  9. The Vale of Kashmir: conquered by the Sikhs from the Afghans, and acquired by the rulers of Jammu by treaty from the British, after the British had defeated and annexed the Sikh Kingdom of Ranjit Singh;
I was surprised to read your reference to 'them' who revolted against the British and the Sikhs; as it happens, they did no such thing. The situation was complicated, but more or less, this is what happened:
  1. The Gilgit Scouts, egged on by their British officers, declared their independence of the Dogras;
  2. They expelled their Dogra officers and annexed Baltistan;
  3. They then captured Skardu and Kargil, and advanced into Ladakh;
  4. They besieged Leh;
  5. During the intervention of the Indian Army, the IA left wing drove back the tribal invaders from Baramula, while the right wing raised the siege of Leh, and drove the Chitral state troops and the Gilgit Scouts back into Baltistan.
I hope that this will be found useful.
I don't have time to read that giant thing that is not even an article but pdf files. Kindly point out on what page/line/para it says that Pakistan has done anything to change the demography.

As it happens, these two PDFs are more reliable than 'articles'; they are papers written by experts on the subject, not sensationalist journalists.

Again, when you ask for the page, para and line for corroboration, it seems reasonable that you should read the papers first.
Again this is a conjecture/hypothesis on your part, Pakistani govt(which btw are much smarter than some teenage kid hopped up on red bull) does not/can not claim anything like as they know they will have no legal argument to stand on.

If we are making foolish claims, that as per UN resolutions.

Whatever makes you sleep better, Sir.

But Pakistani army is present in J&K and Siachen too.

Does that mean UN resolutions on Kashmir are null and void too??!!

Pakistan Army is not present in IOJ&K/Maqbooza Kashmir. In Siachen it is mostly NLI troops to protect GB from Occupiers.
Whatever makes you sleep better, Sir.

Pakistan Army is not present in IOJ&K/Maqbooza Kashmir. In Siachen it is mostly NLI troops to protect GB from Occupiers.

It is again a fail on your part.

My dear friend NLI is a regular regiment of Pakistan army.
Yes out of UN resolution respect unlike India.

That is a strange reply, considering that the original UN Resolution could not be implemented due to Pakistani intransigence, and that subsequently, in 1972, Pakistan agreed that all disputes should be resolved by mutual dialogue and that no third party should have any locus standi on Indo-Pakistani issues or disputes.
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