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Rohingya Muslims: Zardari writes letter to Myanmar president

The conditions for the minority genocide were created in August 14, 1947 when Islamic state of Pakistan was born. Conditions got accelerated in 1970's and 80' during the regime of ZA Bhutto and Zia-ul-Haq, with the Islamic radicalisation of Pakistan.

Evidence of the Pakistani minoritys genocide is in the Pakistani population & demographic numbers over the decades.

so you have nothing concrete other than posting just words which you are told in your school... i tell you what genocide is..


the same is now going on in Myanmar.. which needs to be stopped hence Pakistan is raising its voice the same way pakistan has raised its voice in UN and other forums about kashmir..
Elections are coming and he wants dua what better month than Ramadan to get some Dua, how selfish

What about the other ethnic cleansing being done in Pakistan against the common citizens by Zardari and Co.
How did you equate discovery of mass graves with genocide? Just because the army disposed off the bodies of the dead terrorist scums in a big pit in the earth, does not mean mean there is a genocide. At least the souls of the terrorists should be grateful that they got some decent burial, instead of just letting them rot in the open or allowed to be eaten up by wild animals. Did you expect the soldiers to give these dead terrorists, who came over the border to murder them, some ****** shaheed burial??
Also, can you prove that whether there was any decline in the population of the Kashmiri Muslim population due to the anti-terrorist operations of the Indian army? On the contrary, the population of the Kashmiri Muslims has only grown in past two decades, both in absolute numbers and percentage of population of K&K state.
Exactly the opposite has happened to the non-Sunni Muslims & non-Muslim population of Pakistan, whose numbers over the past few decades has almost approached ZERO..

if this so then why doesnt GoI allows independent body to come and investigate to prove those mass graves are of terrorist.. even than it is shameful but for instance to prove the point!!! why are you focusing on decline of population again and again.. do you know many factors are involved in demography??.. just to cut the story short come up with a good example that Pakistan killed so many thousand minority people and didnt allow any independent investigation in it.. thats it!!!

bottom line is that writing letter to Burma was a worthwhile decision by GoP taking into account the massacre and genocide of Muslims being done there on which all human right activists are raising the voice including Amnesty international..
if this so then why doesnt GoI allows independent body to come and investigate to prove those mass graves are of terrorist.. even than it is shameful but for instance to prove the point!!! why are you focusing on decline of population again and again.. do you know many factors are involved in demography??.. just to cut the story short come up with a good example that Pakistan killed so many thousand minority people and didnt allow any independent investigation in it.. thats it!!!

bottom line is that writing letter to Burma was a worthwhile decision by GoP taking into account the massacre and genocide of Muslims being done there on which all human right activists are raising the voice including Amnesty international..

What about Baluchistan? Will PAK govt Allow? when you didn't allowed rape victim (dr) to travel foreign country. It is nothing but pocking into other internal affairs and when some one yours , u started hue n cry.
Is TROLLING only ALLOWED for INDIANS? Or Can we also troll?

Post # 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15 are troll posts. I hope mods will take serious action & deal with these trolls strictly.

@ Topic, Finally some good work, also Pakistan should open it's doors for these Rohingyas & settle them inside Pakistan.
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

Someone can everyone has.
The biggest culprit would be the US, ever since WWII trying to police the world and protect us from the horrors of communism and lack of corporate capitalism.

We are worried about what's going on there.
What about Baluchistan? Will PAK govt Allow? when you didn't allowed rape victim (dr) to travel foreign country. It is nothing but pocking into other internal affairs and when some one yours , u started hue n cry.

instead of providing some logical answer to my question you are continously jumping my balls and trolling... looking qround yourself.. the sikh genocide in operation blue star and Muslim masscare in gujrat still speaks volumes of minority rights in India.. not to mention about Kashmir...

for balochistan pak govt has already allowed everything.. UN, red cross, UNHCR and Amnesty International is still active there... and whatever happens there goes to international media first and then comes to local media.. In balochistan we are holding Afghan refugees for decades now.. gawadar is port is being operated by Singapore.. what are you talking about.. some extra judicial kilings and abduction on which Supreme Court of pakistan hearing on daily basis...

wherever human rights will be voilated Pakistan will raise its voice on every forum... I am proud that Ansaar Burni and Edhi have announced to go to Burma to help stranded Muslims ... you got problem, nobody gives a flying f..
Even though he is unpopular in PAK I applaud this guy for this initiative at the same time I curse the dalal fagots ruling BD. There had not been such jahili dajjal party like AL that is ruling us right now. I thank PAK for at least caring about the issue among all the problems they are going through right now.

Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

You being a nose poking dirty internet hindu should just STFU. Bunch of ignorant foul mouth extremist.
Zardari ki jai ho.

I hope he remains the eternal Dear Leader President of Pakistan...:pakistan:
bhai badua to na day :lol:

Is TROLLING only ALLOWED for INDIANS? Or Can we also troll?

Post # 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15 are troll posts. I hope mods will take serious action & deal with these trolls strictly.

@ Topic, Finally some good work, also Pakistan should open it's doors for these Rohingyas & settle them inside Pakistan.
nope pakistan should not
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????
Internal affairs? Are you a ******* idiot? Okay then, what's happening in Syria, that is Syria's internal affair too, why is the west getting involved? Do Indians have to make everything negative about Pakistan? Stop watching your NDTV bullshit, you're getting brainwashed you idiotic imbecile.

Is TROLLING only ALLOWED for INDIANS? Or Can we also troll?
@ Topic, Finally some good work, also Pakistan should open it's doors for these Rohingyas & settle them inside Pakistan.
No they should not. Pakistan has been housing Afghans since the Soviet invasion and look where it got them, the Pashtun have fu*ked the country up. Why should Pakistan always take care of the 'Ummah'? No one cares for Pakistan, the Arabs don't care about them. They should put Pakistan first.
Indians have entirely hilarious double standards. On one side, they want US to meddle in Syria's affairs and chastise Pakistan for the army's alleged role in Baluchistan, however on the other hand, they want to tell Pakistan that it has no right to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries when they try to write a letter.

As they say, you can't have your cake and eat it too!
Indians have entirely hilarious double standards. On one side, they want US to meddle in Syria's affairs and chastise Pakistan for the army's alleged role in Baluchistan, however on the other hand, they want to tell Pakistan that it has no right to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries when they try to write a letter.

As they say, you can't have your cake and eat it too!

Indians dnt have double standard for human life ... here you are talking about deplomacy

Pakistani on other hand can cry for muslims in India or Burma but in case of China no one have any thing to say .. this is called double standard

Even though he is unpopular in PAK I applaud this guy for this initiative at the same time I curse the dalal fagots ruling BD. There had not been such jahili dajjal party like AL that is ruling us right now. I thank PAK for at least caring about the issue among all the problems they are going through right now.

You being a nose poking dirty internet hindu should just STFU. Bunch of ignorant foul mouth extremist.

why you are not worried for muslims in other parts of world ??? or you choose with your comfort ??
Just ignore Indian trolls, unfortunately they have been cursed with eternal khujli.
Even though he is unpopular in PAK I applaud this guy for this initiative at the same time I curse the dalal fagots ruling BD. There had not been such jahili dajjal party like AL that is ruling us right now. I thank PAK for at least caring about the issue among all the problems they are going through right now.

You being a nose poking dirty internet hindu should just STFU. Bunch of ignorant foul mouth extremist.

Are you saying that all Hindus are extremists on the internet "Bunch of ignorant foul mouth extremist"....Just wanted clarity thats all.
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