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Rohingya Muslims: Zardari writes letter to Myanmar president

why you are not worried for muslims in other parts of world ??? or you choose with your comfort ??

When did I say I am not worried about other parts of the muslim world. My heart equally cries for my palestanians, kashmiri, xingiang and afghan brothers. But the problem is muslim countries are ruled by corrupt thugs and mostly foreign dalals like my own country for example.

Are you saying that all Hindus are extremists on the internet "Bunch of ignorant foul mouth extremist"....Just wanted clarity thats all.

Most hindus are in that category. I would say more than 90%. Posters like Black widow, Rajaraja Chola, fateh71 ,Bhairava are downright xenophobic trolls. You will find all of them spouting venom
on islam and muslims in almost all threads. They have some inherent allergy to words like Islam, muslims brotherhood, Ummah and seems to love words such as jihadist, terrorist, extremist etc.

Not that its at all out of the blue. But I would say Indians are inherently islamophobic by character. Its nothing surprising but rather expected from such a country.
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

Apparently that poking is for Muslims to understand-
Hindus must be having a field day-
Admiring evil monks for what they cant-
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

going by the same logic US and NATO should have never poked their nose in syria, iraq or in many countries they have in the past or are currently . When it comes to killing muslims its internal matter but when a single jew, christen or hindu is killed it certainly becomes external and everyone tries to poke her nose

Attack on sovereign countries is justified but writing a peaceful letter to a country which is involved in the massacre and brutal killing of muslims is not ....good luck with your hypocrisy
Most hindus are in that category. I would say more than 90%. Posters like Black widow, Rajaraja Chola, fateh71 ,Bhairava are downright xenophobic trolls. You will find all of them spouting venom
on islam and muslims in almost all threads. They have some inherent allergy to words like Islam, muslims brotherhood, Ummah and seems to love words such as jihadist, terrorist, extremist etc.

Not that its at all out of the blue. But I would say Indians are inherently islamophobic by character. Its nothing surprising but rather expected from such a country.

Yeah I caught a virus seeing you..
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

then why indians feel so joyful poking nose in pakistan's matters?

lol come up with some valid logic. India raise concern coz pakistani terrorists are hurting us,are burmese hurting ur interests?

enough with your poking nose in our matters, we can write letter about who ever and what ever pakistan wants, its not of your poking nose matters, if you cant appreciate it then dont bother and dont poke nose in this thread
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3286660 said:
then why indians feel so joyful poking nose in pakistan's matters?

Congenital anomaly to be precise.. Gene coding self-criticism is missing.
Elections are coming and he wants dua what better month than Ramadan to get some Dua, how selfish

What about the other ethnic cleansing being done in Pakistan against the common citizens by Zardari and Co.

what ethnic cleansing you dumb arab licker?? change your flags to arab flag
When did I say I am not worried about other parts of the muslim world. My heart equally cries for my palestanians, kashmiri, xingiang and afghan brothers. But the problem is muslim countries are ruled by corrupt thugs and mostly foreign dalals like my own country for example.

Most hindus are in that category. I would say more than 90%. Posters like Black widow, Rajaraja Chola, fateh71 ,Bhairava are downright xenophobic trolls. You will find all of them spouting venom
on islam and muslims in almost all threads. They have some inherent allergy to words like Islam, muslims brotherhood, Ummah and seems to love words such as jihadist, terrorist, extremist etc.

Not that its at all out of the blue. But I would say Indians are inherently islamophobic by character. Its nothing surprising but rather expected from such a country.

Dude!...You are totally mistaken..Indians are not that islamophobic....I am not trolling..just want your view on this and a little education as well....This is what my opinion on Islam is...I am ready to correct my opinion..I mean that. All you have to do is read the Total Guide to the Universe (the Quran) and it will show you everything you need to know in life. You don’t need to think for yourself, find out anything for yourself, or even plan your own future. It’s all written in Quran! You don’t have to worry about people who get beheaded, enslaved, or killed. And you certainly don’t have to feel sorry for any of them… because the Quran is taking care of it, and the Quran is always right.

Sura 4:34 says:

. . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (Haleem, emphasis added)

If there is one thing I hate is when Men dont respect Women....I for one think they are the mentally stronger than Men.

if you dont know any thing about Islam it is not neccessary you tell it to the world.. delete it by yourself otherwise this discussion will turn very ugly if i start posting the extracts from your holy scriptures about women..
Poking nose in someone's internal matters, so bad. Does Other country head had ever wrote such letter to Pakistan??? I am just asking to know if someone can poke there node in other's internal matters?????

Calling international humanitarian crisis "poking nose in internal matter".

That real face of india and Indians...shame!
I am no fan of Zardari but this is worthy of applause. Burma must understand it cannot murder Muslims with impunity. Every little action by leaders of the Muslims countries will add up and every action will receive media attention which will make more Muslims aware of the state directed pogroms directed against the rohinga.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt and now Pakistan have raised this formally in addition to the OIC. Malaysia and Indonesia in ASEAN have been active in trying to reign back the murdering burmese. The pressure has lead the burmese to invite the Turks in.

Indian hindutva trolls love the idea of Muslims being butchered hence their reaction is quite predictable.

In a bizarre way the unprincipled position of the Bangladesh have kept the issue in global focus unlike before where Rohingas were allowed into Bangladesh and it made no news and the burmese were successful in ethnic cleansing the Muslims. This time not so, the indian directed actions of the BAL government to facilitate a massacre of Rohingas by keeping quiet to make burma beholden to india is backfiring.

India is irrelevant to this thread. A good action deserves commendation and I for one appreciate the effort of the PM. He has done what BD Prime Minister has failed to do
Dude!...You are totally mistaken..Indians are not that islamophobic....I am not trolling..just want your view on this and a little education as well....This is what my opinion on Islam is...I am ready to correct my opinion..I mean that. All you have to do is read the Total Guide to the Universe (the Quran) and it will show you everything you need to know in life. You don’t need to think for yourself, find out anything for yourself, or even plan your own future. It’s all written in Quran! You don’t have to worry about people who get beheaded, enslaved, or killed. And you certainly don’t have to feel sorry for any of them… because the Quran is taking care of it, and the Quran is always right.

I am taking this part of your post as ignorant trolling or sarcasm. :disagree:

QURAN is guide to how people should lead their lives. It gives a comeplete code and commandants
on how our society and state , private and public life should be run. And it has been ordained by
our creator as a mercy upon us . It will always be there till the end of time in its pure and original form as it was revealed 1400 years ago and its up to you whether you want to accept it or not. You have been given a free will by Allah(swt) and this life is a test for the here after. Quran is a guideline about how to pass this test.

Sura 4:34 says:

. . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (Haleem, emphasis added)

If there is one thing I hate is when Men dont respect Women....I for one think they are the mentally stronger than Men.

Well I am not a scholar or anything but hope this answer helps. When you read the Quran you will have to read it in context and read the commentry of the said verse in the hadit i.e how the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained the verse to his companions.Allah(SWT) in the verse previous to 4:34 says that men are the guardians of women and have to stand up for them and hence the head of the family since men naturally have been given more physical strength than women. The arabic word here equates to beating lightly and this is to be done as a last resort to overcome the said disagreements and prevent the breakage of the marriage. This is for rebellious women, women who are not listening to their husbands rightful and just advise/commands/orders etc . The prophet Mohammad (pbuh) also put conditions on how that last resort i.e beating can be done. The men cannot beat her in the face or any sensitive area, there should not be any bleeding in any parts of the body or any scars. The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) compared that with beating with a toothbrush. SO you see its a symbolic statement, not physical beating meant as a last resort or an ultimatum. Even after all that if it doesn't work out the women & the men has the right to divorce each other as explained in the next following verses.

Allah(swt) is the The Exceedingly Merciful and The All Knowing and being our creator knows what's best for us and how to lead our social and family lives.

Please watch the following videos as I just explained what being said there. You will have a better explanation than my reply upon watching them::)

You can also view the following videos too:

Beating Wife in Islam - Islamist Preacher Zakir Naik - YouTube
Beat her hard or lightly - Zakir Naik [Part 2] - YouTube
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Indian hindutva trolls love the idea of Muslims being butchered hence their reaction is quite predictable.

In fact they are frustrated that there Congress govt is not doing the kind of "good work" that Burmese monks are doing.
Dude!...You are totally mistaken..Indians are not that islamophobic....I am not trolling..just want your view on this and a little education as well....This is what my opinion on Islam is...I am ready to correct my opinion..I mean that. All you have to do is read the Total Guide to the Universe (the Quran) and it will show you everything you need to know in life. You don’t need to think for yourself, find out anything for yourself, or even plan your own future. It’s all written in Quran! You don’t have to worry about people who get beheaded, enslaved, or killed. And you certainly don’t have to feel sorry for any of them… because the Quran is taking care of it, and the Quran is always right.

Sura 4:34 says:

. . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (Haleem, emphasis added)

If there is one thing I hate is when Men dont respect Women....I for one think they are the mentally stronger than Men.

Islam is the only religion that gives rights to the women..

What about your Hinduism?? there you go...

women in Vedas

'Rig Veda' itself says that a women should beget sons. The newly married wife is blessed so that she could have 10 sons. So much so, that for begetting a son, 'Vedas' prescribe a special ritual
called 'Punsawan sanskar' (a ceremony performed during third month of pregnancy). During the ceremony it is prayed:

"Almighty God, you have created this womb. Women may be born somewhere else but sons should be born from this womb" - Atharva Ved 6/11/3

"O Husband protect the son to be born. Do not make him a women" - Atharva Ved 2/3/23

In 'Shatpath Puran (shatpath Brahman)' a sonless women has been termed as unfortunate.

'Rig Veda' censures women by saying:
"Lord Indra himself has said that women has very little intelligence. She cannot be taught" - Rig Ved 8/33/17

At another placein Rig Veda it is written:
"There cannot be any friendship with a women. Her heart is more cruel than heyna" - Rig Ved 10/95/15.

'Yajur Ved (Taitriya Sanhita)'m- "Women code says that the women are without energy. They should not get a share in property. Even to the wicked they speak in feeble manner" - Yajur Ved 6/5/8/2

Shatpath Puran, preachings of the 'Yajur Veda' clubs women, 'shudras'(untouchables), doga, crows together and says falsehood, sin and gloom remain integrated in them. (14/1/1/31)

In 'Aiterey Puran', preaching of the 'Rig Veda' in harsih chandra -Narad dialogue, Narad says: "The daughter causes pain"


To insult and humiliate women further, the religious books speak of women having sexual intercourse with animals or expressing desire for intercourse with them. What further insult can be heaped on women.
In 'Yajur Veda' such references are found at a number of places where the principal wife of the host is depicted as having intercourse with a horse.

For example consider the following hymn:
"All wife of the host reciting three mantras go round the horse. While praying, they say: 'O horse, you are, protector of the community on the basis of good qualities, you are, protector or treasure of happiness. O horse, you become my husband.'" - Yajur Veda 23/19.

After the animal is purified by the priest, the principal wife sleeps near the horse and says: "O Horse, I extract the semen worth conception and you release the semen worth conception'" - Yajur Veda 23/20.

The horse and principal wife spread two legs each. Then the Ardhvaryu (priest) orders to cover the oblation place, raise canopy etc. After this, the principal wife of the host pulls penis of the horse and puts it in her vagina and says: "This horse may release semen in me." -Yajur Veda 23/20.

Then the host, while praying to the horse says:
"O horse, please throw semen on the upper part of the anus of my wife. Expand your penis and insert it in the vagina because after insertion, this penis makes women happy and lively" - 23/21.

In the Vedic age, the customs of polygamy was prevalent. Each wife spent most of the time devising ways and means to become favorite to her husband.

Clear references are available in 'Rig Veda', (14/45),' and Atharva Veda (3/81)'

For example consider the following hymn:
"All wife of the host reciting three mantras go round the horse. While praying, they say: 'O horse, you are, protector of the community on the basis of good qualities, you are, protector or treasure of happiness. O horse, you become my husband.'" - Yajur Veda 23/19.

After the animal is purified by the priest, the principal wife sleeps near the horse and says: "O Horse, I extract the semen worth conception and you release the semen worth conception'" - Yajur Veda 23/20.

The horse and principal wife spread two legs each. Then the Ardhvaryu (priest) orders to cover the oblation place, raise canopy etc. After this, the principal wife of the host pulls penis of the horse and puts it in her vagina and says: "This horse may release semen in me." -Yajur Veda 23/20.

Then the host, while praying to the horse says:
"O horse, please throw semen on the upper part of the anus of my wife. Expand your penis and insert it in the vagina because after insertion, this penis makes women happy and lively" - 23/21.

In the Vedic age, the customs of polygamy was prevalent. Each wife spent most of the time devising ways and means to become favorite to her husband.

Clear references are available in 'Rig Veda', (14/45),' and Atharva Veda (3/81)'

Custom of Polygamy

The Aryans in those days used to attack the original inhabitants of this place, or other tribe within their own race; loot them and snatch away their women. Thus, militant and wicked men had more wives. This custom of polygamy helped a great deal in bringing down the women.

In 'Rig Ved' (10/59) it is written that Lord Indra had many queens that were either defeated or killed by his principal wife.

In 'Aitrey Puran', preachings of 'Rig Veda', (33/1), there is a reference to the effect that Harish Chandra had one hundred Wives.

'Yajur Veda' in the context of 'Ashva Medha' (Horse Sacraficing ceremony), says that many wives of Harish Chandra participated in the 'Yagyna' (religious sacrafice).

In 'Shatpath Puran(Shatpath Brahmin)', preachings (13/4/1/9), of the Veda, it is written that four wives do service in 'Ashva Megha'. In another Puran (Tatiraity Brahamin, 3/8/4), it is written that wives are like property.

Not only one man had many wives (married and slave girls), but there were cases of many men having a joint wife. It is confirmed from the following hymn in 'Atharva Veda': "O men, sow a seed in this fertile women" - Atharva Veda 14/1

Both these customs clearly show that a women was treated like a moving property. The only difference between the two customs was that whereas according to former one man had a number of movable properties, in the latter, women a joint movable property.

'Vedas' also sanction 'Sati Pratha'

Widow was burnt at the funeral Pyre of her husband. The widow was burnt at the funeral pyre of her husband so that she may remain his slave, birth after birth and may never be released from the bonds of slavery.

The Atharva Veda says:
"O dead man following the religion and wishing to go to the husbands world, his women comes to you." In the other world also may you give her children and wealth in the same manner. In the 'Vedas', widow is treated inhumanly. For example it is mentioned that on death of her husband, the wife was handed over to some other man, or to her husband younger brother.

Swami Vivekananda opines that even at that time women used to have sexual intercourse with a person other than her husband to beget a child. The hymn says:
"O woman, get up and adopt the worldly life again. It is futile to lie with this dead man. Get up and become the wife of the man who is holding your hand and who loves you. - Rig Ved 10/18/8

Apparently this shows that woman is considered to be a property. Whenever and whosoever desired, could become her master. If the women was not remarried, then her head was shaved. This is evident from Atharva Veda (14/2/60).

This custom was obviously meant to disgrace her. For what connection does shaving of widows head has with the death of her husband ? The condition of widows was miserable. She was considered to be a harbinger of inauspiciousness and was not allowed to participate in ceremonies like marriage. This custom is still prevalent in some places. She has to spend her life alone In Rig Veda therre are references to slave girls being given in charity as gifts. After killing the menfolk of other tribes, particularly of the native inhabitants, their women were rounded up and used as slave girls. It was custom to present slave girls to one other as gifts. The kings used to present chariots full of slave girls to their kith and kin and preists (Rig Veda 6/27/8).
King Trasdasyu had given 50 slave girls. It was custom to present slave girls to Saubhri Kandav (Rig Veda 8/38, 5/47/6).

Intercourse without marriage

A slave girl was called 'Vadhu' (wife), with whom sexual intercourse could be performed without any kind of marriage ceremony. These girls belonged to the men who snatched them from the enemies, or who had received them in dowry, or as gifts. Only the men to whom they belonged could have sexual intercourse with them. But some slave girls were kept as joint property of the tribe or the village. Any man could have sexual rlations with them. These girls became the prostitutes. The 'Vedas' also talk about 'Niyog', the custom of childless, widow or woman having sexual intercourse with a person other than her husband to beget a child.

In simple words 'Niyog' means sending a married woman or a widow to a particular man for sexual intercourse so that she gets a son. Indication of this custom is available in 'Rig Veda' In 'Aadiparva' of 'Mahabharata' (chap. 95 and 103), it is mentioned that Satywati had appointed her son to bestow sons to the queens of Vichitrvirya, the younger brother of Bhishma, as a result of which Dhratrashtra and Pandu were born.

Pandu himself has asked his wife, Kunti, to have sexual intercourse with a brahmin to get a son (Aadi Parva, chapters 120 to 123).

Chastity of woman was not safe

In the name of 'beejdan' (seed donation), they used to have sexual intercourse with issueless women. This was a cruel religious custom and the chastity of the women was not safe. The so called caretakers of the religion were allowed to have sexual intercourse with other man's wife. From 'Niyog pratha' it csn be inferred withouth fear of contradiction that women were looked upon as mere child producing machines.

In 'The Position of women in Hindu Civilization' Dr. B. R. Ambedkar writes:
"Though women is not married to man, she was considered to be a property of the entire family. But she was not getting share out of the property of her husband, only son could be successor to the property."

Gajdhar Prasad Baudh says: " No woman of the Vedic age can be treated as pure. Vedic man could not keep even the relations brother-sister and father-daughter sacred from the oven of rape and debauchery/adultery named 'Niyog'. Under the influence of intoxication of wine, they used to recognize neither their sister nor their daughter and also did not keep the relations with them in mind. It is evident from their debauchery and adultery what a miserable plight of women was society in then. (Refer 'Arya Niti Ka Bhadaphor'. 5th Edition page 14).

In the 'Vedas' there are instances where daughter was impregnated by her father and the sister by her brother. The following example of sexual intercourse is found between father and daughter in the 'Rig Veda':
"When father had sexual intercourse with his daughter, then with the help of earth he released his semen and at that time the Righteous Devas (deities) formed this 'Vartrashak (Rudra) Devta' (Pledge keeper diety named Rudra)" - Atharva Veda (20/96/15).
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