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Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi Islamisation in India will not be tolerated

Alaudin Khilji, the sultan of Delhi, once passed a law that every hindu's mouth was a dustbin for a muslim to spit paan in. If a hindu declined to open his mouth when a muslim had to spit paan, he would be committing an offense and most probably killed.

Fellow Indians,

If what is said above is true, then please do deface in fact burn anything that is in name of such a ruler. There is nothing Islamic about making other humans open their mouth so a superior Human can spit pan in it. I fully support removing anything that is in name of such a tyrant.

After his death his successor Khusro Khan ordered every minister to sit on Quran while Qutub Ud dib Mubarak khilji used to wear women clothes.

And 600 rule on Delhi :lol:

Are you considering Bahadur Shah Jafar as ruler of Delhi who was Hiding in his ancestors Mausoleum when British assisted by Gurkhas and Sikhs Dragged him out and Humiliated before kicking him Burma to Rot like Pig :lol:

Did you know Bahadur Shah was only a spiritual head of the men fighting the "Indian war of independence"? Are you supporting the massacre of your predecessors, who got murdered by mercenaries from Nepal, and Punjab? Sikhs supported the Brits against proper Indians for the proper Indians from Bengal and Bihar had helped Brits defeat Sikh empire, and because of the fact that Sikh jagirdars feared muslims gaining power over Punjab if they(the Sikhs) sided with Indian mutineers.

And it wasn't Bahadur Shah who suffered the worst fate, it was actually those hindu Indian mutiny leaders mostly who got blown from cannons. Also, how did exchanging your muslim overlords for Christian overlords make it better for you bottom feeders, that you're celebrating it like this? lol.

Fellow Indians,

If what is said above is true, then please do deface in fact burn anything that is in name of such a ruler. There is nothing Islamic about making other humans open their mouth so a superior Human can spit pan in it. I fully support removing anything that is in name of such a tyrant.

"fellow Indians"? So you're a rather successful Indian false flagger, or a confused soul maybe? And I'm not praising such a man. I'm just reminding Indians that there's no such thing as Islamization when muslims have been the historical rulers of the same city from 1200 ro 1800s.
Did you know Bahadur Shah was only a spiritual head of the men fighting the "Indian war of independence"? Are you supporting the massacre of your predecessors, who got murdered by mercenaries from Nepal, and Punjab? Sikhs supported the Brits against proper Indians for the proper Indians from Bengal and Bihar had helped Brits defeat Sikh empire, and because of the fact that Sikh jagirdars feared muslims gaining power over Punjab if they(the Sikhs) sided with Indian mutineers.

And it wasn't Bahadur Shah who suffered the worst fate, it was actually those hindu Indian mutiny leaders mostly who got blown from cannons. Also, how did exchanging your muslim overlords for Christian overlords make it better for you bottom feeders, that you're celebrating it like this? lol.

"fellow Indians"? So you're a rather successful Indian false flagger, or a confused soul maybe? And I'm not praising such a man. I'm just reminding Indians that there's no such thing as Islamization when muslims have been the historical rulers of the same city from 1200 ro 1800s.
You know nothing about me my Clan and my ancestors served under British Indian Army,1857 it was not a Hindu Muslim thingy but a mutiny initiated by Hindu troops of Bengal Army and subdued by Hindus,Sikhs and Gorkha,Muslims had little role except for some Zamindars or petty princes.

And Muslims ceased to be a ruler of Delhi once the Mughal emperor became Pensioner of Marathas.
You know nothing about me my Clan and my ancestors served under British Indian Army,1857 it was not a Hindu Muslim thingy but a mutiny initiated by Hindu troops of Bengal Army and subdued by Hindus,Sikhs and Gorkha,Muslims had little role except for some Zamindars or petty princes.

And Muslims ceased to be a ruler of Delhi once the Mughal emperor became Pensioner of Marathas.

Mughals' major demise was brought on by Nadir Shah's invasion rather. But I must give credit to the Marathas for putting up a brave, successful fight.

Shiv Sena teams should definitly also stop anyone from travelling on these roads.

When are they burning down the Taj Mahal? And Red fort?
To get that answer you need to get acquainted with Indian politics. I feel pity on you to see you missing all the fun of politics in largest democracy in the world.

Mughals' major demise was brought on by Nadir Shah's invasion rather. But I must give credit to the Marathas for putting up a brave, successful fight.
Even they fell down to Ahmedshah Abdali, thanks to snake in the court.
Regardless of majority support or minority support, they will go to jail. Painting places is a stupid idea. A sit in would have had more value in India. Aurangzeb's road in Delhi is a great humiliation. Akbar's name is not so at all. Utterly idiotic and fail attempt to gain recognition(this is a new org).
Akbar was a known love jihadi .. His name too? Aggoor paap !
In India, they have problems with invaders. Irrespective of relegion invaders shud never be honoured.

In Pakistan, invaders ger the highest place in history only coz they have same religion as urs. All your ancestor's sacrifices and facing of brutality is disregarded completely. Even Hassan Nisar pointed out this problem of forgetting BulleShah and Bhagat Singh who shud be the true heros of Lahore.

How about invasion of local Indian Dravidians by Vedic people from Pakistan and nearby regions in the distant past? They enslaved you (with the long term effect existing in the form of caste system) yet they have the highest place in your history!

@Atanz @ghoul @save_ghenda @Color_Less_Sky
Yeah, invaders and tyrants should never be glorified. That breeds bad culture.
Your coward ancestors should have fought and resisted against the "tyrants". They didnt, so accept the signs of past muslim rule in india. Bad culture my as$, curse your ancestors who lived in fear and got ruled by minority.
Your coward ancestors should have fought and resisted against the "tyrants". They didnt, so accept the signs of past muslim rule in india. Bad culture my ***, curse your ancestors.
How do you know that his ancestors did not fight?
At the end the Pakistanis are the ones who use the Arab writing system and who follow
an Arab religion.
I think historic names should be left as they are. In Pakistan there are lots of places named after Sikhs and Hindus, there is no need to change their name I think.

India is trying to erase Muslims from India like how Hitler erased the Jews from Germany. Any Muslim who value life should get a 1way ticket out of India.
India is trying to erase Muslims from India like how Hitler erased the Jews from Germany. Any Muslim who value life should get a 1way ticket out of India.

So let me get this right - Your erasing "Muslims" like these ....?

You know nothing about me my Clan and my ancestors served under British Indian Army,1857 it was not a Hindu Muslim thingy but a mutiny initiated by Hindu troops of Bengal Army and subdued by Hindus,Sikhs and Gorkha,Muslims had little role except for some Zamindars or petty princes.

And Muslims ceased to be a ruler of Delhi once the Mughal emperor became Pensioner of Marathas.

Actually Pakistani muslims had very big role to play. Sikhs also joined British army otherwise they could have lost all their influence in Punjab to muslims. In fact British didn't bother to recruit sikhs till 1857 when some Pakistani muslims revolted against against British empire. Only after that they decided to recruit sikhs.
Actually Pakistani muslims had very big role to play. Sikhs also joined British army otherwise they could have lost all their influence in Punjab to muslims. In fact British didn't bother to recruit sikhs till 1857 when some Pakistani muslims revolted against against British empire. Only after that they decided to recruit sikhs.
Why would Sikhs joined British Army when they were already employed by Sikh Empire it was only after second Anglo Sikh war 1849 that Sikhs were started recruited by British as there was no Sikh empire left.
SarthakGanguly said:
Yeah, invaders and tyrants should never be glorified. That breeds bad culture.

The invaders always brought with them culture and civilization.

First wave of invaders, the Vedic people, brought them the original form of Hinduism (polluted over thousands of years with local rituals), the second wave brought Islamic civilization and the third wave brought Western civilization. All three came from either the western frontier or over the seas.

If there were no Himalayas, an extra wave of invasion would have brought the Chinese civilization. :D @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @TaiShang
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