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Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi Islamisation in India will not be tolerated

I hope ISI is watching all this and like India is doing in Pakistan I hope we are fanning the flames. It is nothing personal just realpolitic.

Wuahah. Me too wants ISI to take notice. Chinese must already be observing.

Basically, now India is already crackling under her own weight. Some more time to crumble.
Ran with my pants down? Do you think I run from men who throw tantrums like little girls? You became way too saddened, and stopped making any sense hence I stopped replying to you.

If I had thrown tantrums like little girls I would not have been warned by a senior mod :D

Rest get well soon, hatred begets hatred, and you according to my evaluation are near to becoming a full-fledged extremist. Have courage enough to listen to a person who disagrees with you instead of labeling him and cursing him. (Heck I just provided you links only and those links got you going rabid) :D

And you are liar too. If you look at your own very recent post here you would see how you started labeling me first with mix of personal attack and then went on to rest of your argument.
Dear @Irfan Baloch now I am gonna say something to this idiot and you will send me a warning email. I already replied to your email that I will take note of the warning but guys who keep provoking me should also be dealt with then, otherwise what I did was tit for tat. Here my grievances are listed below for your information and reference

This particular guy labelled me

  • ASWJ worker
  • LEJ wroker
  • Infidel
  • Khawarji a hell dog
  • Cursed me and my family and has shown every willingness to kill me and my kind (I don't which kind I am and by the way I wish I could meet him in person :rolleyes:)
  • And now I am a false flagger ( @SarthakGanguly buddy please do help in getting Indian citizenship) and a confused soul
I hope you do take care of this nonsense because I had enough of his personal attacks.
Better to apply for a world citizenship. :D we can fish in the international waters.

Yeah we the remaining Dravidian people of NE and South should unite against these tyrants :D

@SarthakGanguly @WAR-rior
United we stand, divided we drown. In the Bay of Bengal. :(
Better to apply for a world citizenship. :D we can fish in the international waters.

Which bank or office sells the application form? Do they have any pre requisites and conditions to be met before applying, like skin color should be black, white fair? hair should be blond, grey, black? Weight? Height? Eye color :undecided:
Your coward ancestors should have fought and resisted against the "tyrants". They didnt, so accept the signs of past muslim rule in india. Bad culture my as$, curse your ancestors who lived in fear and got ruled by minority.
They fought, they resisted, they collaborated, they conspired, they won. I am here. And you are not here. And we will do whatever suits our fancy. We don't hate any Muslim for being one, unlike you, so we don't owe you any explanation. We will do as please.

Which bank or office sells the application form? Do they have any pre requisites and conditions to be met before applying, like skin color should be black, white fair? hair should be blond, grey, black? Weight? Height? Eye color :undecided:
Ummm, that's a toughie. Let me check... :P

I dont understand your vilification of Aurangazeb. It seems that in your blind hatred, you have missed the point that India under Auragazeb's rule had reached its zenith, in terms of geographical area and yearly tributes - which was the highest in the world. He ruled for around 50 years!!

Now explain to us, why shouldnt Aurangazeb be honored? He was born of this land, ruled this land and died here. Every emperor during his regin was influenced by his religion. You talk as if Hindu rulers didnt commit atrocities against followers of other religions and castes! So why so much ignorant hate?
Sorry. We have some self respect. Can't commemorate someone who killed and converted our own forefathers. You go ahead.

He was your secular king. You glorify him. Don't impose his glorification on the rest of the country.
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They fought, they resisted, they collaborated, they conspired, they won. I am here. And you are not here. And we will do whatever suits our fancy. We don't hate any Muslim for being one, unlike you, so we don't owe you any explanation. We will do as please.

Ummm, that's a toughie. Let me check... :P
Nah, they lived in silence and fear and survived..........thats why there are so many of you today.
I fully agree. Start with Red Fort and Agra fort. Then move southwards.
They are already protected monuments. Though Indians need to respect historical places. They often tend to try to put x loves y lines in places...embarrassing.

Nah, they lived in silence and fear and survived..........thats why there are so many of you today.
Both are true. Otherwise you would still be ruling. You can lament the loss of power, but for us it was a mixed bag of resistance, coexistence and collaboration, all in equal measure....
Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi
  • HT Correspondent,Hindustan Times, New Delhi
  • Updated: May 15, 2015 10:41 IST
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Signs of roads in the national capital named after Muslim personalities such as Emperor Akbar and Firozshah have been defaced and posters of the right-wing group Shiv Sena Hindustan were pasted on them.

The names on the signs were blackened late on Wednesday. The posters in Hindi read: “Islamisation in India will not be tolerated. Our courage only grows when there are difficulties in our journey. Our need only grows when our path is blocked by someone. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!”

The names of Shiv Sena Hindustan national president Rajinder Singh and other leaders Charan Singh, Dinesh Kumar and Vinay Sonkar were on the posters.

Rajinder Singhtold The Indian Expressaround 17 members of the group, working in three teams, carried out the “operation” to deface the signs on May 13-14.

He said the group was ready to face action by the police for its “symbolic protest”.

“Let them file a complaint. If the law of the land finds us guilty, we are ready to face the punishment that violating the law entails. We have not caused any real damage. It was a symbolic protest,” he said.

Rajinder Singh said his group had written to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a couple of times to protest the naming of roads after Muslims.

“All Hindus look up to a leader like our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We are hopeful that he will pay some heed to our concerns,” he said.

Sonkar described the group as a splinter faction of the Shiv Sena.

“We parted ways with the Shiv Sena because it was too limited to Maharashtra and its activities never ventured beyond the state. We have built our base in around 12 states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi. Our Delhi unit has around 1,300 members and we often meet to carry out our nationalist agenda,” he said.

Sonkar said the group wants roads to be named after leaders such as Subhash Chandra Bose and others who fought for independence.

The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has filed a complaint with police over the defacing of the signs.

“We have already filed a complaint and an FIR is being registered in the case. We are in the process of replacing the vandalised boards,” NDMC spokesperson Jagjiwan Bakshi said.

DCP (New Delhi) Vijay Singh said, “The PCR received a call last night from a local resident who alerted us about the defacement of one of the road signs. We will be registering an FIR under charges of defacement of public property and other appropriate section soon. We are going through CCTV camera footage to ascertain the identity of the miscreants.”

Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi

Who ask you to tolrate. Bring a strong Hindu government to power. Situation shall improve.
The places I quoted are from Czech Republic, Polen and Nederland. Not Russland. Nazis were very much a history of the place. Also see this...

There's a difference between people who hijack history and those who make it. You're forgetting that when Aurangzeb ruled India, it had a much bigger muslim population than is seen today. Among them he was called 'Zinda Pir', so while Hindus were against him, muslims weren't. And in the same way while Shivaji and several great Sikhs were great leaders for their communities, among muslims they were as hated as you hate Aurangzeb. You cannot look for absolute goodness as a criteria here. Live with the fact Aurangzeb did have a huge impact on Indian Hiistory.

So Congi Moron,

Once you assertion that roads in Delhi are named after people who ruled Delhi was unraveled by my pointing out to existence of Joseph Titi Marg, and Nelson Mandela marg, or even Kasturba Gandhi marg in Delhi ;people who never ruled from Delhi ; at the same time absence of Hemu Vikramaditya marg who actually ruled Delhi for howsoever short period of time; you have denigrated to a moronic rant about "part of history"! What happened to "Roads in Delhi are named after erstwhile rulers"?

So tell me loyal Congi, why your appeaser Congi govt named that road as Aurangzeb road?

I do not see roads named as Adolf Hitler road in Tel Aviv.

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