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Pak Hindus seek refuge in Delhi.

Pakistani minorities have to pay extra tax called Jaziya and are not allowed to become Prime Minister. They are also subject to the (in)famous Blasphemy law. I'm sure you have already heard of that.

LOL where did you read Pakistani minorities have to pay Jaziya? :rofl:
There are over 3 million Indian Hindus who have sought Refuge in the US.

They are called " Economic Migrants "

Pakistanis Hindus are no different. They will go where ever they will find better Economic conditions.
Silence means acquiescence so I got your response! It is indeed a breath of fresh air to acknowledge your own (correct) history.

No you came off as an idiot that is all I acknowledged. If 500 Hindus are leaving yearly for a better life it is not a big deal more Muslims probably leave for the same reason.
No you came off as an idiot that is all I acknowledged. If 500 Hindus are leaving yearly for a better life it is not a big deal more Muslims probably leave for the same reason.
Dumbo, its the reason thats important not the NUMBER. They are NOT economic immigrants
There are over 3 million Indian Hindus who have sought Refuge in the US.

They are called " Economic Migrants "

Pakistanis Hindus are no different. They will go where ever they will find better Economic conditions.
If it helps you sleep at night.

It has everything to do with economics. You never hear rich Hindus leaving.
Why would they? They have means to protect themselves also why would they leave there wealth in Pakistan?
Why would they? They have means to protect themselves also why would they leave there wealth in Pakistan?

BS if Muslims wanted them gone the amount of money they had would not protect them.
The article says only 500 Hindus leave Pakistan in a year, Pakistan can live with that.

There shouldn't be any migration except for economic reasons that also to the countries like Australia, US or Europe not India, The ba$tards who targets minorities should be thrown in Arabian sea, but as it happens mostly in Sindh - Interior Sindh to be more specific, I don't think it's gonna happen soon unless people of Sindh stop voting fcuking PPP, but again how they can stop voting to these feudal after all they have been enslaved since centuries.
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