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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

cant blame the hard-right hard-liners in UK......some shithead calling himself a Muslim beheaded a British soldier who returned back from Afghanistan

a whole bunch of radicalized losers with no future and no hope who call themselves Muslims ran away to Syria and Iraq - abandoning their distraight families....going to fight some fake jihad, beheading journalists etc.

then of course you have shit-headed clerics like that whackjob "anjem choudhary" who is basically an ISIS sympathizer and a fanatic

the only relief and the only light would be the MAJORITY Muslims in the UK....hard-working people who pay taxes, obey laws, are respectful of themselves and others in their host countries (or rather in many cases THEIR OWN country which is indeed UK)

UK is what it is partly because of the Muslim communities who have contributed towards the wealth TREMENDOUSLY

so those Islamophobes and the ISIS or other radical/misguided losers at least share the same levels of hatred and will take their hatred and anger with them to the grave
Interesting. Seems it give us answer to how a minority of ISIS jihadists managed to take a whole lot of Iraq and Syria: Silent peaceful majority of Muslims.
Iraq Syria is a different ball game altogether. In UK the system works, but the general population is frustrated by the pussyfooting of their Politicians to take on this menace head on in their own backyard. Which results in such Anti-Muslim attitude on the Social media and on streets.
I am not at all related to this thread and not sure whether muslims live in UK as one community regardless of their country or not.

But, wonder why do you guys think Muslims from other countries will support\condemn the mistakes made by Pakistanis\Pakistani origin people?

trust an indian like you to focus on Pakistanis alone - when they make up only a fraction of the Muslim community in UK

what exactly is your question anyways?
the only relief and the only light would be the MAJORITY Muslims in the UK
Yes, but they are afraid or too lazy to speak out united against this minority of fanatics and crazies that spew venom in mosques and Islamic schools.
How would Pakistani's be responsible for the anti sentiment ? I know a collegue british posted a picture of Muslim women in England walking and he was complaing what has our country become ...

I was shocked at his attitude , so I believe it , UK is not safe for Pakistanis unless they force the government to protect their rights.

Sue the government

No country in the world is going to be safe for Pakistanis,as long as they have this attitude that the world owes them something.

Sue the English government for what ? So called Muslims destroyed Pakistan to please the Arabs. Same Arabs who call Pakistanis extremist and put all kinds of restrictions on them. who do we sue?

Problem is simple when this was growing majority kept quite or cheered from behind closed doors,now the monsters is out of control and effecting all , but people like you still don't get it.
I am not at all related to this thread and not sure whether muslims live in UK as one community regardless of their country or not.

But, wonder why do you guys think Muslims from other countries will support\condemn the mistakes made by Pakistanis\Pakistani origin people?

Majority of extremist in Pakistan are deobandi and get help from India and Arabs world . including , but not limited to fatwas justifying their actions.

They will kill me in Pakistan cause I am Shia . And now I am suppose to apologize to the world for their actions?
Here's the story of a 7/7 survivor with a bit of history working against radicalization in the UK, and her take on rising Islamophobia.

Sajda Mughal - Face Your Fears with Louisa Peacock by Face Your Fears podcast on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

Okay, so I don't usually make threads, at least not threads with another particular value to the forum. But I've witnessed a shockingly widespread spike in the hatred for Muslims I see here in the UK. Especially on social media, people with names, reputations, friends and jobs are vocally and clearly showing their hate against us.

This has never bothered me before, I knew it was around, every British Muslim knows this fact. But lately, it's becoming so shockingly open, it has worried me greatly. Almost all the focus of the far-right parties and groups seems to be on Islam and Muslims.

Muslims, unfortunately, are only to willing to fuel the fire with their actions, but nothing can justify the kind of opinions people display.

It seems now that spewing ll sorts of heinous and ridiculous hate against Islam is a justifiable, socially accepted political position.

I want your input, discuss and raise awareness. Discuss ways to tackle this, prevention and treatment. Long term ideas that can both free Islam in the UK of it's own problems and hatred from others. The status quo is alarming.

@Jaanbaz @Oscar @Akheilos @Aether @Gunsnroses @AsianUnion @cleverrider @Windjammer @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Horus @WebMaster

I wanted to have a lengthy discussion on seniors cafe, but I made it here instead so that regular members can contribute, I've mentioned expats and people who've been abroad since they can contribute most.
The British are reacting to Pakistanis the same way Pakistanis reacted to Afghan refugees/immigrants.

When Muslims in Britain are joining ISIS like extremist groups, beheading British soldiers in the open streets, raping 1400 (real number is more than that actually) White girls, that too underage girls ( ten, eleven, fourteen year olds), implementing no-go-zones/shariah zones, demanding Islamic Laws be implemented on a national level, etc.... After all of this does one seriously expect the British to be welcoming and hospitable towards Muslims?? Why should they be hospitable towards a group of people who are hell bent on their subjugation??

More Than 1,400 Underage Girls Raped By Pakistani Migrants- BBC

Islamist Beheads British Soldier In Brutal Woolwich Attack- Huffington Post

Sunni-Shia War Comes To Britain After Violent Sectarian Clashes In London- Daily Mail

Shariah Zones Established By Radical Islamists In British Cities- Daily Mail

Muslim Vigilantes Jailed For 'Sharia Law' Attacks In London- The Guardian

Oxford Grooming Gang: We Will Regret Ignoring Asian Thugs Who Target White Girls- The Telegraph

Now, the bigger question is why is the Pakistani/Muslim community silent?? Why haven't the Muslim Scholars/Clerics given any fatwas or edicts condemning such behavior on the part of Britain's Muslim immigrants?? Or do they all secretly condone this behavior?? Are non-Muslim, young White girls legitimate prey for such subhumans??

As a Pakistani, imagine for a minute that Pakistan opens its borders to allow in millions of Hindus from india. Now imagine that these hindus start raping Pakistanis girls and women, imagine that they start implementing 'Hindu law zones' and demand that Pakistanis stop slaughtering cows, and that Hindu Law replace Pakistan's laws and that Pakistan should become a Hindu State, and imagine they start beheading Pakistani soldiers in broad day light on Pakistani streets, imagine these hindu immigrants start demanding that Masjids be converted into hindu temples. How would Pakistanis as Muslims feel??

No united voice, and no-one gives a damn if we do have a voice, you think the papers woild front-page a condemning statement by a Muslim authority?
You're right, perhaps they wouldn't if it were just one Muslim Authoritative figure. But i'm sure if a mass protest similar to the one staged for Gaza were to take place, im sure the message would get across clearly that majority Muslims oppose the vile behavior of their fellow Muslims who are in the minority. However, on the contrary, the Muslim majority has remained silent, as it did in the past when similar vile acts were committed by the supposed minority of bad apples.
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As a Pakistani, imagine for a minute that Pakistan opens its borders to allow in millions of Hindus from india. Now imagine that these hindus start raping Pakistanis girls and women, imagine that they start implementing 'Hindu law zones' and demand that Pakistanis stop slaughtering cows, and that Hindu Law replace Pakistan's laws and that Pakistan should become a Hindu State, and imagine they start beheading Pakistani soldiers in broad day light on Pakistani streets, imagine these hindu immigrants start demanding that Masjids be converted into hindu temples. How would Pakistanis as Muslims feel??

wow.. To understand simple situation also, Your Pakistani brain needs a story that got to be associated with India somehow. This is what called Indian obsession.
Damn straight, UK-Pakistani community is the most embarrassing community of our expats anywhere in the world.

And that goes for British Muslims too, especially Bengali people as well as Pakistanis.
This could change if the British were to apply the same strict measures towards Pakistanis and Bangalis as the Arabs have in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. Can you imagine a single Pakistani or Bangali coming out to protest the nude beaches and night clubs in the UAE?? Or a Pakistani grooming Arab girls?? Of course not, because he would either 1). be beheaded, or 2). be deported after being castrated.

wow.. To understand simple situation also, Your Pakistani brain needs a story that got to be associated with India somehow. This is what called Indian obsession.
What did you expect :lol:?? This is a Pakistani forum :pakistan:!! I'm sure your bharatragshag forum has a Pakistan obsession.
What did you expect ?? This is a Pakistani forum !! I'm sure your bharatragshag forum has a Pakistan obsession.

You did good job any way in explaining it. I don't want to troll this thread as some of you guys are adding very valid points.:-)
Yes, but they are afraid or too lazy to speak out united against this minority of fanatics and crazies that spew venom in mosques and Islamic schools.

the media hardly gives them any attention...just focuses on ISIS and these other groups which ONLY came about when western arms and tacit approval went towards something far more sinister

Damn straight, UK-Pakistani community is the most embarrassing community of our expats anywhere in the world.

And that goes for British Muslims too, especially Bengali people as well as Pakistanis.

Not all of them......just some of the morons that are born there and suffer from identity crisis; or they join gangs rather than focus on hard work.

How would Pakistani's be responsible for the anti sentiment ? I know a collegue british posted a picture of Muslim women in England walking and he was complaing what has our country become ...

I was shocked at his attitude , so I believe it , UK is not safe for Pakistanis unless they force the government to protect their rights.

Sue the goberment

well british colonized half the world over......karma is a bitch

in America - the Muslims are well integrated and they serve in ALL spheres of life including govt. military private sector, education sector, financial institutions. Despite some class warfare and racism, by and large theyre doing well and America benefits hugely from them

Muslims have billions invested in America....hell - you have rich people in Muslim countries who ran away and stashed their wealth overseas who - it would be nice if they kept their own native countries to heart rather than leave and re-settle. Who gained most from that.

The British are reacting to Pakistanis the same way Pakistanis reacted to Afghan refugees/immigrants.

When Muslims in Britain are joining ISIS like extremist groups, beheading British soldiers in the open streets, raping 1400 (real number is more than that actually) White girls, that too underage girls ( ten, eleven, fourteen year olds), implementing no-go-zones/shariah zones, demanding Islamic Laws be implemented on a national level, etc.... After all of this does one seriously expect the British to be welcoming and hospitable towards Muslims?? Why should they be hospitable towards a group of people who are hell bent on their subjugation??

More Than 1,400 Underage Girls Raped By Pakistani Migrants- BBC

Islamist Beheads British Soldier In Brutal Woolwich Attack- Huffington Post
Sunni-Shia War Comes To Britain After Violent Sectarian Clashes In London- Daily Mail

Shariah Zones Established By Radical Islamists In British Cities- Daily Mail

Muslim Vigilantes Jailed For 'Sharia Law' Attacks In London- The Guardian

Oxford Grooming Gang: We Will Regret Ignoring Asian Thugs Who Target White Girls- The Telegraph

Now, the bigger question is why is the Pakistani/Muslim community silent?? Why haven't the Muslim Scholars/Clerics given any fatwas or edicts condemning such behavior on the part of Britain's Muslim immigrants?? Or do they all secretly condone this behavior?? Are non-Muslim, young White girls legitimate prey for such subhumans??

As a Pakistani, imagine for a minute that Pakistan opens its borders to allow in millions of Hindus from india. Now imagine that these hindus start raping Pakistanis girls and women, imagine that they start implementing 'Hindu law zones' and demand that Pakistanis stop slaughtering cows, and that Hindu Law replace Pakistan's laws and that Pakistan should become a Hindu State, and imagine they start beheading Pakistani soldiers in broad day light on Pakistani streets, imagine these hindu immigrants start demanding that Masjids be converted into hindu temples. How would Pakistanis as Muslims feel??

You're right, perhaps they wouldn't if it were just one Muslim Authoritative figure. But i'm sure if a mass protest similar to the one staged for Gaza were to take place, im sure the message would get across clearly that majority Muslims oppose the vile behavior of their fellow Muslims who are in the minority. However, on the contrary, the Muslim majority has remained silent, as it did in the past when similar vile acts were committed by the supposed minority of bad apples.

you do bring up very valid points there that require introspection

shame on those misguided people for being fanatical - and even worse, for fighting eachother based on stupid man-made differences like sect!
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Here's the story of a 7/7 survivor with a bit of history working against radicalization in the UK, and her take on rising Islamophobia.

Sajda Mughal - Face Your Fears with Louisa Peacock by Face Your Fears podcast on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

Okay, so I don't usually make threads, at least not threads with another particular value to the forum. But I've witnessed a shockingly widespread spike in the hatred for Muslims I see here in the UK. Especially on social media, people with names, reputations, friends and jobs are vocally and clearly showing their hate against us.

This has never bothered me before, I knew it was around, every British Muslim knows this fact. But lately, it's becoming so shockingly open, it has worried me greatly. Almost all the focus of the far-right parties and groups seems to be on Islam and Muslims.

Muslims, unfortunately, are only to willing to fuel the fire with their actions, but nothing can justify the kind of opinions people display.

It seems now that spewing ll sorts of heinous and ridiculous hate against Islam is a justifiable, socially accepted political position.

I want your input, discuss and raise awareness. Discuss ways to tackle this, prevention and treatment. Long term ideas that can both free Islam in the UK of it's own problems and hatred from others. The status quo is alarming.

@Jaanbaz @Oscar @Akheilos @Aether @Gunsnroses @AsianUnion @cleverrider @Windjammer @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Horus @WebMaster

I wanted to have a lengthy discussion on seniors cafe, but I made it here instead so that regular members can contribute, I've mentioned expats and people who've been abroad since they can contribute most.
Good you didn't mention me. Not hate here at all.

I hope this isn't considered off topic but.... I expected Chinese to treat us good here, considering Pak China bhai bhai. But whites are so much better. Forget whites, hindus and sikhs live here as if Pakistan and India are one country. But the Chinese dislike Indians here too.

In Canada, we don't believe there is islamophobia just because 1 in a million mistreats us here. In fact, many whites laugh with us about the crazy people.

Remember, just because a few decide to blow themselves doesn't mean every muslim is terrorist. Similarly, just because a few decide to spew hate doesn't mean there exists islamophobia.

Also when I was in UK for a short visit, I didn't feel discriminated. I was in Germany and stayed there for a while and spoke to fellows who also said absolute no discrimination, only one or two incident. Same thing in France. In fact, I was treated VERY good in France.
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