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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK


Jul 4, 2010
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Here's the story of a 7/7 survivor with a bit of history working against radicalization in the UK, and her take on rising Islamophobia.

Sajda Mughal - Face Your Fears with Louisa Peacock by Face Your Fears podcast on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

Okay, so I don't usually make threads, at least not threads with another particular value to the forum. But I've witnessed a shockingly widespread spike in the hatred for Muslims I see here in the UK. Especially on social media, people with names, reputations, friends and jobs are vocally and clearly showing their hate against us.

This has never bothered me before, I knew it was around, every British Muslim knows this fact. But lately, it's becoming so shockingly open, it has worried me greatly. Almost all the focus of the far-right parties and groups seems to be on Islam and Muslims.

Muslims, unfortunately, are only to willing to fuel the fire with their actions, but nothing can justify the kind of opinions people display.

It seems now that spewing ll sorts of heinous and ridiculous hate against Islam is a justifiable, socially accepted political position.

I want your input, discuss and raise awareness. Discuss ways to tackle this, prevention and treatment. Long term ideas that can both free Islam in the UK of it's own problems and hatred from others. The status quo is alarming.

@Jaanbaz @Oscar @Akheilos @Aether @Gunsnroses @AsianUnion @cleverrider @Windjammer @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Horus @WebMaster

I wanted to have a lengthy discussion on seniors cafe, but I made it here instead so that regular members can contribute, I've mentioned expats and people who've been abroad since they can contribute most.
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U.K is still alright dude.

Other parts of Western world are just filled with Islamohate. This is not phobia. They KNOW that they have nothing to fear from Muslims. But (some, many...most?!) westerners just hate Muslims/Islam and anything related with it.

Building of mosques has been faced with obstacles, politically charged rhetoric, opposition, and down right hate.

Saying racist, offensive things about Muslims/Islam is norm on Western media. Western media deliberately dehumanizes Muslims globally.

The solution is in the hands of Muslims I guess.

Muslims, specially young Muslims, are increasingly becoming engaged in politics, media, film, arts, law, and wider society in Western world.

Young Westerners will have more and more interaction with Muslims..and hopefully, this deliberately manufactured hate and dehumanization of Muslims/Islam will go away.


Muslims must learn the languages and laws of Western lands. And if there is any discrimination, Muslims should use the law to demolish the discriminating entity.
Muslims, unfortunately, are only to willing to fuel the fire with their actions, but nothing can justify the kind of opinions people display.

Actually it does. My take on this politically correct term 'islamophobia' is that its false to claim there is an ongoing attempt in the media to malign Islam or Muslims. If you had checked the news lately, Western media is only reporting what British Muslims are actually doing in UK. If not all, but many of them do have jihadist tendencies.
British born Muslims, many from Pakistani background are being recruited for jihad in Syria behind the barbaric ideology of ISIS. Men and women of working age are leaving their peaceful and comfortable lives in Britain to become suicide bombers, beheaders and to participate in 'sex jihad' over there. While at the same time threatening to terrorize ordinary British fellow citizens on social media.
If that was not enough, it has been recently revealed the true magnitude of Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. It found that around 1,400 children (mostly white British) had been sexually exploited systematically in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape and sex trafficking of children. To make this matter worse, it was discovered that investigation authorities had themselves covered up the scandal for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism (Islamophobia?). One can argue if it was the lone case in one British town. But its not.
There has been reported similar cases of organized child sexual abuse by predominantly Muslim men from South Asian communities in Rochdale, Oxford, Derby and Telford.
So no, the issue on hand is no longer political, far-right or Islamophobic. Its undeniable reality that radical Islam in Britain is making no contributions to the British society while only destroying the social fabric of once Christian majority country. Since I don't live in Britain, I cannot tell the causes of these obvious social problems. Maybe you can educate us better.

My brother, the suicide bomber: why British men go to Syria | World news | The Guardian
David Cameron unveils new terror crackdown as Scots girl incites massacre on Britain | Mail Online
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rochdale sex trafficking gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxford sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Derby sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Telford sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crackdown on British jihadis 'will push youth further towards extremism' | UK news | The Guardian
Murder of Lee Rigby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this deliberately manufactured hate and dehumanization of Muslims/Islam will go away
LOL. Ever checked the news in British media lately? British born jihadis beheading, suicide bombing their muslim "brothers" in Syria under the command of ISIS?
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U.K is still alright dude.

Other parts of Western world are just filled with Islamohate. This is not phobia. They KNOW that they have nothing to fear from Muslims. But (some, many...most?!) westerners just hate Muslims/Islam and anything related with it.

Building of mosques has been faced with obstacles, politically charged rhetoric, opposition, and down right hate.

Saying racist, offensive things about Muslims/Islam is norm on Western media. Western media deliberately dehumanizes Muslims globally.

The solution is in the hands of Muslims I guess.

Muslims, specially young Muslims, are increasingly becoming engaged in politics, media, film, arts, law, and wider society in Western world.

Young Westerners will have more and more interaction with Muslims..and hopefully, this deliberately manufactured hate and dehumanization of Muslims/Islam will go away.


Muslims must learn the languages and laws of Western lands. And if there is any discrimination, Muslims should use the law to demolish the discriminating entity.

It was never a problem here in all my years in London. Not once, I've not witnessed any anti-Muslim comment to my person for almost 10 years. But the social media is exploding and with that the offline abuse is rising too.

It's slowly becoming the norm to vilify all Muslims and Islam, it's slowly shifting towards being considered a valid political stance.


Look at those increases from 2013 to 2014. 450%????

Actually it does. My take on this politically correct term 'islamophobia' is that its false to claim there is an ongoing attempt in the media to malign Islam or Muslims. If you had checked the news lately, Western media is only reporting what British Muslims are actually doing in UK. If not all, but many of them do have jihadist tendencies.
British born Muslims, many from Pakistani background are being recruited for jihad in Syria behind the barbaric ideology of ISIS. Men and women of working age are leaving their peaceful and comfortable lives in Britain to become suicide bombers, beheaders and to participate in 'sex jihad' over there. While at the same time threatening to terrorize ordinary British fellow citizens on social media.
If that was not enough, it has been recently revealed the true magnitude of Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. It found that around 1,400 children (mostly white British) had been sexually exploited systematically in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape and sex trafficking of children. To make this matter worse, it was discovered that investigation authorities had themselves covered up the scandal for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism (Islamophobia?). One can argue if it was the lone case in one British town. But its not.
There has been reported similar cases of organized child sexual abuse by predominantly Muslim men from South Asian communities in Rochdale, Oxford, Derby and Telford.
So no, the issue on hand is no longer political, far-right or Islamophobic. Its undeniable reality that radical Islam in Britain is making no contributions to the British society while only destroying the social fabric of once Christian majority country. Since I don't live in Britain, I cannot tell the causes of these obvious social problems. Maybe you can educate us better.

My brother, the suicide bomber: why British men go to Syria | World news | The Guardian
David Cameron unveils new terror crackdown as Scots girl incites massacre on Britain | Mail Online
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rochdale sex trafficking gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxford sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Derby sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Telford sex gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crackdown on British jihadis 'will push youth further towards extremism' | UK news | The Guardian
Murder of Lee Rigby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL. Ever checked the news in British media lately? British born jihadis beheading, suicide bombing their muslim "brothers" in Syria under the command of ISIS?

I've mentioned several times on this forum that Muslims have bought it on themselves this bad press. You can see hundreds of my posts on this issue around here.

The ones that aren't directly involved are also to blame, ME and YOU, our silence is criminal. If we are under the illusion that keeping quiet and waiting for the storm blow over is a good approach, we need to wake up.

All things considered, what I've seen in previous years is bad press, what I see now is something way beyond bad press, actual campaigning and efforts to vilify and abuse. This is no longer bad press, this sort of venomous hate took years to brew and now it is most shockingly surfacing in areas and at societal levels that I did not EVER expect to see.

If you told me I'd witness this sharp a rise 5 years ago, I wouldn't believe it.
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It's slowly becoming the norm to vilify all Muslims and Islam, it's slowly shifting towards being considered a valid political stance.
It their own fault. Where are the representatives of British Muslims when you need them? Why not officially condemn these radicals when people like Anjem Choudary proudly calls for to impose jihad and sharia in the UK? Why stay quiet when scores of British Pakistanis are moving abroad to join 'Holy War' in Syria? Why ignore the threats against ordinary British citizens by these extremists?
It their own fault. Where are the representatives of British Muslims when you need them? Why not officially condemn these radicals when people like Anjem Choudary proudly calls for to impose jihad and sharia in the UK? Why stay quiet when scores of British Pakistanis are moving abroad to join 'Holy War' in Syria? Why ignore the threats against ordinary British citizens by these extremists?

No united voice, and no-one gives a damn if we do have a voice, you think the papers woild front-page a condemning statement by a Muslim authority?

On the other hand, ISIS, grooming gangs, Islamic extremism are best sellers and excellent for headlines. I'm not trying to turn this into a conspiracy. It is 100% the fault of Muslims, but the response is very disproportionate, unjustifiable and needs to be tackled one way or the other
I've mentioned several times on this forum that Muslims have bought it on themselves this bad press. You can see hundreds of my posts on this issue around here.

The ones that aren't directly involved are also to blame, ME and YOU, our silence is criminal. If we are under the illusion that keeping quiet and waiting for the storm blow over is a good approach, we need to wake up.

All things considered, what I've seen in previous years is bad press, what I see now is something way beyond bad press, actual campaigning and efforts to vilify and abuse. This is no longer bad press, this sort of venomous hate took years to brew and now it is most shockingly surfacing in areas and at societal levels that I did not EVER expect to see.

If you told me I'd witness this sharp a rise 5 years ago, I wouldn't believe it.

It takes time to change people's perceptions. Remember no one believed that Nazi propaganda of hating Jews would eventually result in Holocaust. Now the British authorities have been fighting racism and xenophobia for decades. Yet some Muslim criminals were willing to use these freedoms to bring collective hate and criticism towards their own Islamic communities by committing these organized crimes.
The party who is at "100% at fault" is the party to provide 100% of the solution.

Aye, which is why I made this thread. I can't expect the hate mongers and the confused social media dwellers to change or stop without giving them a damn good reason.

I've said it before, a huge and prolonged effort is needed to be conducted by the Muslim community, starting with an inner purge, to rid itself of extremists and idiots from it's ranks. Let there be no confusion or lack of clarity as to where we stand on these issues.
No united voice, and no-one gives a damn if we do have a voice, you think the papers woild front-page a condemning statement by a Muslim authority?

On the other hand, ISIS, grooming gangs, Islamic extremism are best sellers and excellent for headlines. I'm not trying to turn this into a conspiracy. It is 100% the fault of Muslims, but the response is very disproportionate, unjustifiable and needs to be tackled one way or the other

There are millions of Muslims in Britain currently. They can demonstrate in streets every friday after prayers against growing Islamic extremism, jihad, grooming etc to give non-Muslims a message that majority of Muslims denounce such evildoers. Lack of collective response in social media, regular media and on the street is the cause of this growing anti-Muslim attitude you are witnessing these days.
Aye, which is why I made this thread. I can't expect the hate mongers and the confused social media dwellers to change or stop without giving them a damn good reason.

I've said it before, a huge and prolonged effort is needed to be conducted by the Muslim community, starting with an inner purge, to rid itself of extremists and idiots from it's ranks. Let there be no confusion or lack of clarity as to where we stand on these issues.

Let me pose a counter-question: what if the silent majority indeed actually condones what is being done in their name?
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