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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

It has gone above and beyond, this is highly targeted, very open kind of hate. And it goes beyond just racist comments and attitudes, entire campaigns have been set up sometimes lone individuals and organised entities acting against all Muslims.

Very well said, I hadn't read your post until now, but one of my posts is in total agreement with this.
well, yes its very vicious and targetted. Newspapers have completely gone nuts.
The reason why are driving conversation is, in the prevailing environment they can get away with it.
Lot of thinking and well educated british people are also swayed by such constant barrage of negative news.

I dont think muslims can reform their own community easily, nor can they change perception, but if we see more muslims in leadership position in law, education, art, music, dance, politics, industry, sports etc, it will slowly balance out negative news.

and then they complain of islamophobia ! funny people !
but if we see more muslims in leadership position in law, education, art, music, dance, politics, industry, sports etc, it will slowly balance out negative news.

You're asking for diversity quotas on the basis "oh some of us did some very bad things, now just put a few of us in power and all will be well".
In my humble opinion, Muslims are even more likely to hush everything under the carpet, because they wouldn't like bad publicity, and giving them power, like you very "nobly" suggest, gives them the position to do exactly that.

Negative news are there for a reason. i am not for generalization or excess vilification, but what you're suggesting simply can't work. I've had the benefit of reading Jungibaaz's post below and i remembered the incident how that headmaster was expelled under some conspiratory activity of the Muslim teachers if im not mistaken. The same would be happening if your suggestion would be put to practice.
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There is nothing wrong with that...Jews do that all over the west...I dont hear anyone calling them with a superiority complex! Have you ever seen a practicing Jew eat non Kosher or go out of his house without that hat?

There is, there definitely is, especially if you use it irrationally. You won't believe the stupid shit I've seen some Muslims do here that defies all logical thinking, all done in the name of religion. See there is a difference, living a life in compliance with religion, shoving religion in every bit of life you walk, including in other people's faces.

Actually I am not sure which part of London you are from and which community you are living with and what happened to you but you have just turned into the same kind of people you are complaining about...

Really? Please explain. I'm not sure what you mean here.

Honestly speaking that kind of shit flies well in "secular" societies where you are not judged based on your fiqh nor do people confuse you....

People don't judge, they never do. But when you have Muslims setting up Shariah zones, putting bans on alcohol consumptions in areas where they have a majority, that is not only against secularist values of society, it is also against the law.

When Muslims who can't fit in prayer halls, block roads and pray in the middle of the road, blocking all traffic.

Every Friday prayer, right outside my mosque I know a guy who has a driveway and a place to park, he sometimes need to leave his home or come back around this time, more than a few times, someone has parked directly in front of his car, blocking his driveway, preventing him from leaving. He has to then wait sometimes almost an hour before we're done with prayers and out. And even then at least twice Ive seen the person who parked his car there, making excuses and actually picking a fight with the guy.

I've heard from a friend who works in a school in Birmingham, of how the Muslim teachers plotted and got the White British headteacher kicked out because they did not like her personally and because she wasn't like them.

I see radical preachers in London who defame us in the media with their lies. I see a merry band of zealots, silent or vocal who speak with them. And then the not so merry band of moderates who have so much faith, but they dare not speak out.

but you initially already showed you were pissed about people who practiced their faith in UK...that their lives revolved around it....well if you dont allow practicing it...then how to show what it is about and how it is not an evil that the media portrays?

No, I meant what pisses me off is when Muslims who know nothing, think they know everything, apply the idea of perfection of their religion to perfection of themselves, in doing so whatever daft and outrageous thought that comes in their mind they view as divine. The egotism doesn't stop there, I mentioned some more in that large post of mine.

Anyway, none of it would matter if their ego-maniacal nature wasn't there at a societal level.

The main reason why I think the silent majority won't be heard is because .. unlike these radicalized "unemployed youth" normal Muslim people are hard working middle class citizens. Even if they genuinely want to take control of this situation, they won't be able to because they are not being backed by rich "manipulators" based in the ME. No one would agree to leave their job and just concentrate on tackling this menace head on.

There is a big mess of problems why the silent majority is silent. But those are very irrelevant. If they don't get their act together, the problems causing their silence won't even be half of their problems if trends continue.

My point being also that soon everyone of them, unless they're brain dead will realise how much hate there is for them, whether they see it in the world around them or by an attack on their person. It will be a very rude awakening, and I no for a fact I'm not the only one who perceives these events.
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The funny thing is the worst kind of racism comes from the worst part of british people the kind that never work and blame immigrants for their predicamant.It started with blacks then asians then poles now muslims and it will be someone else turn next

That's just textbook discrimination.

And you're 100% right.

If I go to Richmond, and I get to know locals really well there, none of them, almost none of them would even hint at any form of racism whatsoever. They're all pretty progressive/liberal, successful and well educated. If I go to a council estate somewhere else in a poorer area, I will find plenty of working class people who on the whole have very different attitudes.

Islamophobia is a blanket under which even basic condemnation is aggressively stopped. Not even allowing the right to the victims to condemn the regression by labelling them "racists" or "Islamophobic" does and will not solve the extremism situation of Muslims in any country.

the eg..here - no decent investigation was conducted for years in Rotham so that the Muslim community dont object smacks of misplaced appeasement even when the thousands of victims were small children. Such appeasement will not bring any tangible benefits neither to the brits nor to the muslims. Infact, such benefits will only embolden people to push the envelope further.

The problem is first and foremost with extremists, who would not only defy all morals and laws, but they would use their own victimhood against others, even if it does not belong to them.

Now tell me, am I using Islamophobia which I perceive to stop anyone from doing anything against them?

That's bloody absurd, I'm of the opinion that it should be dealt with harshly, maximum sentences. Now why would I use Islamophobia as a problem that affects me to cover the group of people who I hate most for crimes that I do not condone?

Is it correct to use the term Islamophobia?

Islamophobia means irrational fear of Islam/Muslims.

In the UK actions of certain Muslims have proven that these fears are not irrational.

The fear is most definitely irrational, I've heard people say that Muslims have a policy, an official Islamic policy of lying to you to spread their so called 'agenda'.

They vilify us in the most absurd and disgusting ways. I'm sorry if you're blind to it. I can't properly empathize with the plight of Black people in the UK and the racism they face, but we face our very own, and very unique sort of hate, it's gone beyond just comments, it's hate campaigning.
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That's just textbook discrimination.

And you're 100% right.

If I go to Richmond, and I get to know locals really well there, none of them, almost none of them would even hint at any form of racism whatsoever. They're all pretty progressive/liberal, successful and well educated. If I go to a council estate somewhere else in a poorer area, I will find plenty of working class people who on the whole have very different attitudes.

The problem is first and foremost with extremists, who would not only defy all morals and laws, but they would use their own victimhood against others, even if it does not belong to them.

Now tell me, am I using Islamophobia which I perceive to stop anyone from doing anything against them?

That's bloody absurd, I'm of the opinion that it should be dealt with harshly, maximum sentences. Now why would I use Islamophobia as a problem that affects me to cover the group of people who I hate most for crimes that I do not condone?

The fear is most definitely irrational, I've heard people say that Muslims have a policy, an official Islamic policy of lying to you to spread their so called 'agenda'.

They vilify us in the most absurd and disgusting ways. I'm sorry if you're blind to it. I can't properly empathize with the plight of Black people in the UK and the racism they face, but we face our very own, and very unique sort of hate, it's gone beyond just comments, it's hate campaigning.

Then stop calling condemnation as Islamophobia, it needs to be condemned and a certain group as you say needs to be targetted - but coming up with a blanket statement of racism or islamophobia - even when the victims were thousands of young children who's lives were ruthlessly destroyed. I agree to the brroader labelling is unwarranted, but under the broader labelling even genuine condemnation gets buried.

Imagine some buddhist or other religious guy hacking someone to death in the middle of London citing their religion or the beheading of a 82 year old woman - the whole introspection will squarely fall on buddhism and on what it taught the killers to indulge in such gruesome cruelty.
Then stop calling condemnation as Islamophobia, it needs to be condemned and a certain group as you say needs to be targetted - but coming up with a blanket statement of racism or islamophobia - even when the victims were thousands of young children who's lives were ruthlessly destroyed. I agree to the brroader labelling is unwarranted, but under the broader labelling even genuine condemnation gets buried.

There's a way to condemn something, blanket statements against an entire group of people, making fun of someone religion to incite them at every given opportunity, to spew hate against each and every being from every walk of life of that group, is far far beyond just condemnation.

And if you agree with that, then I say I agree with you in the part in bold. Islamophobia and widespread hate is COMPLETELY undermining all efforts to get rid of extremists and radicalism.

I don't understand why that is so hard for some people to understand, the entire concept is so very simple and true.
You're asking for diversity quotas on the basis "oh some of us did some very bad things, now just put a few of us in power and all will be well".
In my humble opinion, Muslims are even more likely to hush everything under the carpet, because they wouldn't like bad publicity, and giving them power, like you very "nobly" suggest, gives them the position to do exactly that.

Negative news are there for a reason. i am not for generalization or excess vilification, but what you're suggesting simply can't work. I've had the benefit of reading Jungibaaz's post below and i remembered the incident how that headmaster was expelled under some conspiratory activity of the Muslim teachers if im not mistaken. The same would be happening if your suggestion would be put to practice.
i was not asking for quotas but implying how individual muslims can make difference without trying to change the whole community.
as an individual muslim you are forced to defend or comment upon anything thats happening anywhere in the world (as long as a muslim is involved), or take part of blame (indirectly). But you cant do anything about society other than do something for yourself.
I was pointing that in this age of eye grabbing headlines, even if a few muslims rise up to be heroes, they can influence the public perception.
It will also influence the younger ones in your community to be more like you, because they identify themselves with you.
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There's a way to condemn something, blanket statements against an entire group of people, making fun of someone religion to incite them at every given opportunity, to spew hate against each and every being from every walk of life of that group, is far far beyond just condemnation.

And if you agree with that, then I say I agree with you in the part in bold. Islamophobia and widespread hate is COMPLETELY undermining all efforts to get rid of extremists and radicalism.

I don't understand why that is so hard for some people to understand, the entire concept is so very simple and true.

One needs seperate the wheat from the chaff here, distinguish between who's spewing venom for the heck of it against who is genuinely concerned about the developing grim situation. Some people are genuinely concerned for both sides of the divide. People will be concerned that the overall hatred will even target the peaceful Muslim which in turn brings acrimony and possibly more extremism.

Only when there is noise will there be a concerted action against it.
i was not asking for quotas but implying how individual muslims can make difference without trying to change the whole community.
as an individual muslim you are forced to defend or comment upon anything thats happening anywhere in the world (as long as a muslim is involved), or take part of blame (indirectly). But you cant do anything about society other than do something for yourself.
I was pointing that in this age of eye grabbing headlines, even if a few muslims rise up to be heroes, they can influence the public perception.
It will also influence the younger ones in your community to be more like you, because they identify themselves with you.

This is fail argument and you most likely know it. Whitewashing, turning the other cheek and hoping for the best.

List of British Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not enough examples for youth in above list? How many more do you want to see in politics, being able to pass laws.?

You talk about grabbing headlines, really? How about the years when nothing was written?
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Have you ever wondered why the British society dont have this racism mistrust hatred towards other ethic minorities especially Sikhs whom they respect so much more than the average Muslim yet to white British person they are both foreign and alien to white british culture
This is fail argument and you most likely know it. Whitewashing, turning the other cheek and hoping for the best.

List of British Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not enough examples for youth in above list? How many more do you want to see in politics, being able to pass laws.?

You are like totally sounding like 5th column now. Gib moar powr to Moozlems. It's gonna work out, eventually!
looks like you got comprehension problem... or it might be deliberate :lol:
dont want to repeat myself but will leave some keywords for you to join... muslim heroes... in many fields.. made by individual effort ... inspire other muslims... balance the view of society.. :coffee:
we need more people like ... james caan(enterprenure)... ameer khan(boxer) and mishal hussain(news presenter)..
looks like you got comprehension problem... or it might be deliberate :lol:
dont want to repeat myself but will leave some keywords for you to join... muslim heroes... in many fields.. made by individual effort ... inspire other muslims... balance the view of society.. :coffee:

You have list above. The list encompasses every field, from arts to politics, just like you mentioned it should. And there's quite a few individuals on that list. They are all Muslim. You can call them heroes. It certainly took some effort to come to where they came.

Now, tell me, how did that list help? It ticks all your boxes. But somehow Muslim problem is getting worse. Where's the inspiration you foresaw so eloquently?

You're just an apologist man. I have 0 comprehension problems, the problem is that i can see quite clearly what you're advocating here. In essence, my first comment was correct, you want Muslims to have more power, even when they already proved they cannot stop the attrocities and downright hypocrisy in their own ranks.

And you want to give them more power. Good job. 5th column.
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The fear is most definitely irrational, I've heard people say that Muslims have a policy, an official Islamic policy of lying to you to spread their so called 'agenda'.

They vilify us in the most absurd and disgusting ways. I'm sorry if you're blind to it. I can't properly empathize with the plight of Black people in the UK and the racism they face, but we face our very own, and very unique sort of hate, it's gone beyond just comments, it's hate campaigning.

Islamofacism is on the rise in UK for several years.

The Respect Party with the jihadi galloway and IS supporters like Anjem Choudhary. Recently a woman was beheaded in heart of London.

The racism against non-muslims by muslims is a very serious matter.
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