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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

I have a question, are there people/orgs such as Edhi in UK? If not, educated and well to do Pakistanis should take such initiatives to show the other side of the coin. It's like my brother shat in the neighbor's lawn and I will clean it so that nobody talks bad for my family.

There are plus work of Ahmediyya community in UK has been damn impressive .


:blink: aysay nai kehtay khullum khulla! araam say piyaar say thappar mar tay hain :D

Bahot pyaar dikha chuka hoon per kuch type ke bhoot batoon se nae mantey :P

The main reason why I think the silent majority won't be heard is because .. unlike these radicalized "unemployed youth" normal Muslim people are hard working middle class citizens. Even if they genuinely want to take control of this situation, they won't be able to because they are not being backed by rich "manipulators" based in the ME. No one would agree to leave their job and just concentrate on tackling this menace head on.

Not to mention working middle class apne baccho ko paaley aur jiye ki iss jhameley me padey ...
The funny thing is the worst kind of racism comes from the worst part of british people the kind that never work and blame immigrants for their predicamant.It started with blacks then asians then poles now muslims and it will be someone else turn next
Actually after siding British...after a while I just feel it is Karma...this nation used to drag all its culture and ideas (some being stupid) into every country it stepped into ....they refused to integrate into their colonies back then...I just see karma kicking in....
You know what that reminds me of my dads friend .who was a lazy man and lived on the dole his excuse britain robbed india now he getting his own back
There are plus work of Ahmediyya community in UK has been damn impressive .


Bahot pyaar dikha chuka hoon per kuch type ke bhoot batoon se nae mantey :P

Not to mention working middle class apne baccho ko paaley aur jiye ki iss jhameley me padey ...

That's the problem with them collectively. Why only Ahemdiya how about taking counter protest to Anjem Choudhary's protest against the returning soldiers/ I read somewhere that 75% of mosques refused to condemn the grooming scums in their after prayer sermons on fridays.

Middle class need to come on and speak about because they would be at receiving end of the general population's frustration.
A guy dealing in food stamps and selling alcohol to minors isn't a threat to national security syed sahib.Terrorist ,well trained and willing to kill is?
you do know that, child grooming gangs get alcohol to the minor girls along with fancy gifts and promise of unending love.
There are plus work of Ahmediyya community in UK has been damn impressive .
That is true they have been very vocal against extremism we have quite a few in my town of gillingham kent and just built a new mosque here.
UK has made immigration already damn tough and it will keep on getting stricter with time and that applies for everyone .

By the looks of things - not tough enough, OTOH, I am secretly glad what the BDians, Pakistani's, Nigerians or the Somali's are doing to UK. They had to pay for what they did In India for e.g.
sad situation, never good to see a society divided along religious/racial lines but with David Cawthorne Haines next on Brit IS terrorist jihad john's list, I imagine it might get a bit worse.
By the looks of things - not tough enough, OTOH, I am secretly glad what the BDians, Pakistani's, Nigerians or the Somali's are doing to UK. They had to pay for what they did In India for e.g.

It's pretty tough now . Possibility of STudent visa to PR is virtually non existent until you are simply EPIC in your field of study . They have even dropped down the number of people they take as refugees and there's a chance that if you engage in terrorism/crime etc and you are a dual citizen your british citizenship will be revoked .
Islamophobia is a blanket under which even basic condemnation is aggressively stopped. Not even allowing the right to the victims to condemn the regression by labelling them "racists" or "Islamophobic" does and will not solve the extremism situation of Muslims in any country.

the eg..here - no decent investigation was conducted for years in Rotham so that the Muslim community dont object smacks of misplaced appeasement even when the thousands of victims were small children. Such appeasement will not bring any tangible benefits neither to the brits nor to the muslims. Infact, such benefits will only embolden people to push the envelope further.
Hatred of anything will increase in all countries because all of our countries are full for the most part of idiots, even people with degrees are often simpletons who really have no comprehension of life/living.

Rising hatred of Muslims isnt helped by lots of muslim youths (most arent really muslim atall but they are from that background) being fairly violent, lots of no go areas in many cities for white people etc.

Me personally, I dislike Islam for the same reasons as any other religion, its another man made religion that makes wild claims and claims to be the true religion when for the thousands of years preceding it there were otehrs claiming the same things, eventually the dumb will die off and we wont have to hear stories from a time when record keeping was poor and the last person alive then would be my great grandfather 100 TIMES over, the stupidity of man never fails to amaze me.
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