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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

Muslims are such a hypocritic people. they want west to treat islam with respect while they give no rights to minorities in pak , Arabia etc. im tired of this shit.

So you signed up to spray your shit on your face dear neighbour?
UK has something called "handouts" which US doesn’t . You actually make money for having kids and doing nothing (claiming unemployment disability etc ) . Going by government stats of poverty as it is the true picture of welfare Bangladeshis are on the top of the list ( 70 percent ) with Pakistanis close second ( 60 percent ) .

Actually in the US there is such a thing as well. The illegal Mexicans have children here and then sign up for this service known as WIC which basically pays for the childs foodstuff for the first few years along with other benefits they can sign up for to help them out. There is also welfare and disability over here and many people who are lazy and don't want to work just sign up for welfare.
In uk if you earn less than 10 000 pounds you pay no income tax but you will pay national insurance contributions.

Thanks for the info, here in the states if you work you are automatically paying federal tax out of the paycheck but whether or not you get charged state and city tax depends on where you live in the country. So even if you barely make enough to make ends meet the government is taking their cut before you even see your paycheck.
I signed up after reading these whiny comments on how muslims should be treated by the west and how Europe doesn't allow you guys to build mosques etc.. cmon guys show some shame. Work on making your govt secular. every hindu in pak should have the right to build new temples and convince muslims to revert back to Hinduism. If you don't do that, please stop whining where you immigrated for money.

Aankhey bhar aayi trolling skills dekh ke . Young Pawadan you still have a lot to learn from masters here .

Thanks for the info, here in the states if you work you are automatically paying federal tax out of the paycheck but whether or not you get charged state and city tax depends on where you live in the country. So even if you barely make enough to make ends meet the government is taking their cut before you even see your paycheck.

Even in India if you work for a Company . Its called TDS ( Tax Deduction at source ) :angry:
It their own fault. Where are the representatives of British Muslims when you need them? Why not officially condemn these radicals when people like Anjem Choudary proudly calls for to impose jihad and sharia in the UK? Why stay quiet when scores of British Pakistanis are moving abroad to join 'Holy War' in Syria? Why ignore the threats against ordinary British citizens by these extremists?
Well the problem also arises from the mindset of some craploads...I mean you do a crime in Asia you run and seek asylum in Western countries...Why are the West harbouring criminals and wondering why Asian crime rates are increasing?

Now, what are these vulnerability factors?
All this means we have people who can barely speak a word of English, who refuse to work, who raise their children in a very bad way, and those children then go on to do more or less the same, entire generations of socially vulnerable families being raised, all it takes is a few radicals in the mix to spoil and already dead bunch.
WELL...Unfortunately it includes all that you said and lack of responsibility..yes the mindset too...

The help that the government provides for it's citizens Pakistanis take for granted and don't like to understand who pays for it and how.
This can also be said about the Whites, Eastern Europeans as well....when they can do it sure enough others will fall in...why single out Pakistanis? It is the problem with the system...In Scandinavia yes they have an excellent welfare system but after about 2 yrs in the system and you are still unemployed, they cut a little of how much they support you with and it keeps getting cut so the need to seek a job is made and pushes the idiot to move his large *** and not leech on the system! Not sure why hasnt UK adopted this!

if they are religious, I'd bet a few things on them right off the bat.
You are also ready to paint every religious brat with the same brush like the gori chamri is ready to paint all Pakistanis and Muslims as terrorists....How different are you from whom you have a problem with?

They have a terrible superiority complex and the ones that don't show it, most certainly have it in their subconscious. Only a few are free of this. They feel that their religion is supreme, and that all their affairs inside the home or outside should revolve around their religion.
There is nothing wrong with that...Jews do that all over the west...I dont hear anyone calling them with a superiority complex! Have you ever seen a practicing Jew eat non Kosher or go out of his house without that hat?

All of it should revolve around THEIR own religion, little do they know that this sorta shit doesn't fly well in most secular societies.
Actually I am not sure which part of London you are from and which community you are living with and what happened to you but you have just turned into the same kind of people you are complaining about...

Honestly speaking that kind of shit flies well in "secular" societies where you are not judged based on your fiqh nor do people confuse you....

'I know my religion better than you and you'd better believe, the Qur'an says this..., hadith says that..., this a sunnah, and that my brother is haram!'.
Well that is why I suggested knowing your religion and shutting that kind of asshole! I used to have a problem with such creatures than I started doing my own reading up now I dont worry coz I know when I hear a joker or wanna be Mullah....Its easy to shut such creatures why? Coz in all reality they dont know the truth and start screaming when they cant answer...that is why I go Prophet never did that...and that just makes them shut up coz they were saying they know better but they cant know better and not know how softly the prophet spoke...and hadiths also speaks of manners of how to behave and talk ....basically to counter shitholes you need to know your basic right...
actually in the UK , muslims like Anjem chaudhry live on alms and say it is their right because that is the jaziya paid by british to muslims.

As a courtesy I will respond to this post but in the future do not quote me because I do not respond to people with less than 100 posts since half of you do not make it past 50. Going by the way you have started you will probably be wearing a pink sari soon as well so do not waste my time.
I signed up after reading these whiny comments on how muslims should be treated by the west and how Europe doesn't allow you guys to build mosques etc.. cmon guys show some shame. Work on making your govt secular. every hindu in pak should have the right to build new temples and convince muslims to revert back to Hinduism. If you don't do that, please stop whining where you immigrated for money.
Yo Indian ...too afraid to show your flags? Do you not comprehend English or is that an attempt to show how useless you are at it?

@Jungibaaz here was saying that religious shit doesnt work in secular countries...so making our govt secular will not give any rights to any Hindu in Pak :azn:

2ndly, not every Muslim was a Hindu...so keep your Hindu mentality to yourself

3rdly, People immigrate coz of many reasons...some do it coz they dont get rights in their countries...so errr from your post we see you dont understand basic English...he was not demanding rights or anything from UK....

And as for immigrating...that made him part of the community ...he is Brit...he has his rights unlike a butthurt Indian from India roaming to look for some place to hide his frustration of himself and his govt...psychological projection at its best... boring stuff try something new!

thank you
Actually it does. My take on this politically correct term 'islamophobia' is that its false to claim there is an ongoing attempt in the media to malign Islam or Muslims. If you had checked the news lately, Western media is only reporting what British Muslims are actually doing in UK. If not all, but many of them do have jihadist tendencies.
Not too sure about that...when you categorize someone on media and then inplant it into the population...it doesnt take long before all Pakistanis fall into the category or all Muslims...so yes it is worrying....

British born Muslims, many from Pakistani background are being recruited for jihad in Syria behind the barbaric ideology of ISIS. Men and women of working age are leaving their peaceful and comfortable lives in Britain to become suicide bombers, beheaders and to participate in 'sex jihad' over there. While at the same time threatening to terrorize ordinary British fellow citizens on social media.
It is very questionable how or why are they? What pushed them? How easy is it for humans to become a bomb? If it is that easy then these kids should be utilized to do something productive...work or something..if its soo easy to push them to ending their lives...it cant all be peaceful and comfort! What gave the push factor? How easily can you convince a kid who has tasted comfort into blowing himself into pieces?

If that was not enough, it has been recently revealed the true magnitude of Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. It found that around 1,400 children (mostly white British) had been sexually exploited systematically in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape and sex trafficking of children. To make this matter worse, it was discovered that investigation authorities had themselves covered up the scandal for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism (Islamophobia?). One can argue if it was the lone case in one British town. But its not.
There has been reported similar cases of organized child sexual abuse by predominantly Muslim men from South Asian communities in Rochdale, Oxford, Derby and Telford.
Yea the media sure chose a good time to expose it? It is said that the authorities knew of it ...as a reporter himself gave some reports to authority but many were afraid to be labelled racist...i actually put up an article around that and so did that guy from Canada.. @WishLivePak

So no, the issue on hand is no longer political, far-right or Islamophobic. Its undeniable reality that radical Islam in Britain is making no contributions to the British society while only destroying the social fabric of once Christian majority country. Since I don't live in Britain, I cannot tell the causes of these obvious social problems. Maybe you can educate us better.
Wiki isnt the best source son!

As for radical Islam or whatever you wanna call it...it isnt very popular ALL OVER UK...unfortunately it IS popular in heavily desi populations...

Let me pose a counter-question: what if the silent majority indeed actually condones what is being done in their name?
This is a good question...

Let me tell you a story with this:

SOME of the masjids I went to in UK....we had this really old UNCLE who would be leading the prayer....he wouldnt be pronouncing the words correctly but he was the imam...I once asked one of the Pakistani ladies why he was the imam when his accent and pronunciation is horrible...She smiled and said he is the eldest in the neighbouhood and helped alot of people when they first came to UK....

So if you are having leaders based on such criteria...well...the voice of the silent majority rarely reaches anyone when UNCLE comes up first as an self elected "leader"

Has mostly to do with the rising Muslim population of UK,

The solution lies in the UK stopping it's welfare dole outs, better policing and controlling immigration - especially from certain countries.
That itself is a racist comment...

Thank you for identifying as one :tup:

UK being a secular country cant target any one country based on the doings of tens out of ten thousands of a population of a common nation...
This is a good question...
Let me tell you a story with this:
SOME of the masjids I went to in UK....we had this really old UNCLE who would be leading the prayer....he wouldnt be pronouncing the words correctly but he was the imam...I once asked one of the Pakistani ladies why he was the imam when his accent and pronunciation is horrible...She smiled and said he is the eldest in the neighbouhood and helped alot of people when they first came to UK....
So if you are having leaders based on such criteria...well...the voice of the silent majority rarely reaches anyone when UNCLE comes up first as an self elected "leader"

The blind leading the ignorant will go nowhere, as some of us can see.
You have so many people who disobey little rules here and there, only kept from crime because the threat the police and law carries.
Well we can thank god they actually are afraid of police...otherwise see Pakistan with no strict implementation of laws! even the educated lawyer can loot you and still call himself the moral one! :tsk:

If Muslims can't sort out petty differences, how do you expect them to set them aside at a national level, make a unified voice heard and make a unified effort to combat extremism. The only thing that has EVER united the Muslim community is solidarity for Gaza, charity to some extent and that is just about it.
Yea thank god they actually united for that cause!
But this I have to agree their incapability to unite is the root cause of their downfall! Cause when they cant unite they wont learn anything new as they are not allowing new input in and sticking to clones of their own type...

What is needed in my opinion is a big effort by educated, successful young people in the UK. I tried this a while ago and got no response from anyone, I tried contacting my local university Islamic society, that worked, they were interested, I had less resources at hand back then and the society was in shambles, no leadership, no structure, just a bunch of badge wearing people, I tried to pressure them into contacting other societies, raise some sort of effort even in their local areas to combat extremism, go to their local mosques, prayer rooms even, do something, let the relevant social media and general media know what you're doing, raise awareness. It amounted to a bit of work by myself and a few friends and allegedly some people up in Nottingham and Birmingham, but nothing worth mentioning
The problem is everyone is earning for their own and too busy chasing that then to worry about other people's education or lack of it! Those who are gaining an education and not doing a part time job are too busy with their social life...those doing a part time job dont have the time to invest in teaching others...

Another problem is the newer generation are either too religious to teach anything new to or too free thinking to hold and teach anything to...

Most of the new generation I meet are either still living with their parents and hence easier to handle and control as we step up as educated elder sisters...

While the other extreme end are the kids who are like its my life dont lecture me :unsure: and some who want to drop out after O levels and start making some money...they are not interested in education...

As for the aunties...they attend 1 class...laugh alot gossip alot and end up educating you about their families :unsure:

As for the uncles...well I havent tried teaching any and dont wanna try....

We need to stop abusing the system here and start using it in a productive and positive way to ruthlessly stamp out extremists from our own ranks, make a clear division for all to see between us and those types and support causes loyal to our nation, change the image of Muslims, or at the very least reverse, stop or even slow down the trend of hate. Huge individual effort is the first step and then organization and unity where it is needed must be employed effectively. And we CANNOT have local mosques leaders starting this, they are not right for this effort, well adjusted, educated, well integrated young professional Muslims and students need to lead the effort and it is a dire need, ideally, we should have started this years ago.
All that sounds good...the image you are trying to change here is of individuals...coz the only way you can change the image of MUSLIMS or ISLAM is by actually showing people what ISLAM really is how? by behaving like a Muslim and a good human = Muslim are good....but you initially already showed you were pissed about people who practiced their faith in UK...that their lives revolved around it....well if you dont allow practicing it...then how to show what it is about and how it is not an evil that the media portrays?

I remember in Malaysia during Ramadan the masjids used to be open to anyone who wishes to enter and look in...even during prayer (I do admit not all masjid are like that but all the ones I knew were / not sure still are)....

The blind leading the ignorant will go nowhere, as some of us can see.
Yes...hence why I always oppose a certain type of UNCLES leading a community based on their age doesnt necessary come wisdom or you dont develop any form of experiences when all you did was do the same routine everytime....

People who have experiences are not allowed to move to the top coz they are not "as old" as "experienced" or as "popular" as uncle types...

It is best to advertise by making yourself a good example by doing what Islam tells us, rather than exhorting others to follow Islam as we see it. Leading by example works best. This is the mistake that most of us make.
Err did I not say that? :unsure:
Lmaoo in India and Pakistan the poor may not pay taxes but out west even the poor must pay. Idk about UK but in the US if you are working in some capacity at all then you are paying taxes by default.
In UK if you earn below a said income level you pay less and sometimes it seems negligible....I am not sure if there is a level below which you dont pay ....

Malaysia does not allow Christians to use the word allah to denote god.
Malaysia has thus said that allah is lower than God, because everyone agrees that God is the most powerful.
Oh go to hell ...Man you just read Malaysia and came up with your fart...I have already spent 2 days on a thread relating to that topic I dont have the patience with you!
There are millions of Muslims in Britain currently. They can demonstrate in streets every friday after prayers against growing Islamic extremism, jihad, grooming etc to give non-Muslims a message that majority of Muslims denounce such evildoers. Lack of collective response in social media, regular media and on the street is the cause of this growing anti-Muslim attitude you are witnessing these days.

Demonstrations don't solve anything. In fact, it makes it worse and British Muslims appear as 'apologists'. That's just the way it is. Regarding 'grooming', local communities can try urging locals to avoid that. In regards to 'Jihad', I have no clue what you're talking about. It's irrelevant. In regards to extremists, the British government knows them and purposely allows them to leave to Syria.

The current events in the Middle East are irrelevant. If you're going to try to expand this by saying Muslims in the ME should submit to Israel and should be denied their right to self determination then you're a bigot with an agenda.
After the lee rigby murder there was alot of anger which you can undrstand imagine if it happened in india or pakistan with our peoples love of mob violance.But to say britain is becoming intolerant is not true this country has been very accommodating to its immigrant populations.And its not asking to much for immigrants to intergrate into british society.
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