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Revolution for Pakistan

You think our munafiq mullahs are not corrupt? You do realise our new "leaders" will be drawn from the same population of corrupt asshats? And you think the incompetent leaders will be able to decide on a new form of government?
The people who stand up against them are told to be tolerant but the sects are given a free hand.
What do you mean by standing up to them? Physically threatening them? Killing them? Taking law into your their hands and forming sectarian gangs?
What do you mean by standing up to them? Physically threatening them? Killing them? Taking law into your their hands and forming sectarian gangs?

Ofcourse not. You trying to make me a extremist. Am talking about challenging them verbally, debating them, exposing their fitna and educating the Muslims on the real concept of Islam. You can't do much else because the corrupt states give the fitna people a free hand. I always find that the state fails to deal with fitna people.
Ofcourse not. You trying to make me a extremist. Am talking about challenging them verbally, debating them, exposing their fitna and educating the Muslims on the real concept of Islam.
I am not giving you any label.
But unfortunately in Pakistan people are quick to pick up a gun to settle scores when they feel offended. Little has room has been left for debate or winning over the other side with dialogue
Day by day Pakistan’s situation is getting worse. With TLP marching to Islamabad, rise in TTP attacks, political instability, civilian government vs establishment, rising inflation, worsening economy and, rupee falling in value the future for Pakistan doesn’t look so bright. The current system has failed the people. No political party is free from corruption and there’s no Justice in Pakistan. Any group turns up and holds the whole country hostage as TLP is doing that right now. If that wasn’t enough, Imran khan and ghq were just feuding over who becomes isi chief. Additionally, almost everyday threats from pdm to send the government home and rising inflation.
Pakistan needs a revolution a PEACEFUL revolution. We need a new system in place! A system that can ensure justice for the poor. A system that can deal with these corrupt elites ruining and looting Pakistan. A peaceful revolution now will save Pakistan from a bloody revolution in the future. With all the troubles we have in Pakistan right now more and more people will be pushed to support a revolution and it will lead to violence.
Parliament should be dissolved and a intern government set up for 90 days. In the meantime we decide what type of new system we want in Pakistan since the existing system failed us. IMO we need a Islamic presidential system. Pakistan was created on the name of Islam not nationalism or secularism. If we stray away from Islam and act secular or nationalistic than we’ll never be successful. We need a system where we have powerful leaders who make good decisions for the public and where there’s Justice for all.

Yeh we seem to be going round and round that's the closest we get to a revolution. As long as we are not being setup for a Yugoslavia type implosion we should be ok.
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yeah stopped taking you serious after the Islamic thing.
I am not giving you any label.
But unfortunately in Pakistan people are quick to pick up a gun to settle scores when they feel offended. Little has room has been left for debate or winning over the other side with dialogue

The state should lead by example. When people in power abuse authority and give no justice to awaam then destruction Will come. Majority public wants a peaceful life, justice and security. The corrupt government officials are busy looting but no action is taken. All this noise on media is just propaganda. If the state really wants to they can bring corruption down in big numbers but won't because a thief will not catch a thief.
Let me say it, if only those TTP people believed in Pakistani nationalism instead of islamism, 80,000 people would still be alive today this is something people need to know and realize.

Captain Khurram Ashiq from SSG and Major Haroon Ashiq turned their against their own brother because of very same reason. Brig Ali and co were going to bomb corps commander meeting because they also believed in "Islamic revolution".
Day by day Pakistan’s situation is getting worse. With TLP marching to Islamabad, rise in TTP attacks, political instability, civilian government vs establishment, rising inflation, worsening economy and, rupee falling in value the future for Pakistan doesn’t look so bright. The current system has failed the people. No political party is free from corruption and there’s no Justice in Pakistan. Any group turns up and holds the whole country hostage as TLP is doing that right now. If that wasn’t enough, Imran khan and ghq were just feuding over who becomes isi chief. Additionally, almost everyday threats from pdm to send the government home and rising inflation.
Pakistan needs a revolution a PEACEFUL revolution. We need a new system in place! A system that can ensure justice for the poor. A system that can deal with these corrupt elites ruining and looting Pakistan. A peaceful revolution now will save Pakistan from a bloody revolution in the future. With all the troubles we have in Pakistan right now more and more people will be pushed to support a revolution and it will lead to violence.
Parliament should be dissolved and a intern government set up for 90 days. In the meantime we decide what type of new system we want in Pakistan since the existing system failed us. IMO we need a Islamic presidential system. Pakistan was created on the name of Islam not nationalism or secularism. If we stray away from Islam and act secular or nationalistic than we’ll never be successful. We need a system where we have powerful leaders who make good decisions for the public and where there’s Justice for all.

Growup man. Pakistan is doing fine.
Do some research on economics, Sociology, Geo Politics, Foreign policy, Public Administration etc. Then Analyze problems of Pakistan. Then suggest changes and write about them.

Simply saying "We need a revolution and become Islamic country" is just a churan sold to public. Who ever gives you motivational talks like these. Ask him logical questions and logical connection between the solutions they give and the problems we have with your own "Aqal" Given to you by your creator.

Revolution how? Revolution by whom? What is Islamic system? Who will head it? What will be structure? Is our current system Anti Islamic? Is this a zero sum equation? Is their a successful example of this system they are talking about?
Their IS a path from BAD to GOOD
but their is also very vivid examples of BAD to WORSE.
Study Analyze open your mind. Strengeth your logic. Only then we can make our country and society progress.
There is no Single slogan solution.
Day by day Pakistan’s situation is getting worse. With TLP marching to Islamabad, rise in TTP attacks, political instability, civilian government vs establishment, rising inflation, worsening economy and, rupee falling in value the future for Pakistan doesn’t look so bright. The current system has failed the people. No political party is free from corruption and there’s no Justice in Pakistan. Any group turns up and holds the whole country hostage as TLP is doing that right now. If that wasn’t enough, Imran khan and ghq were just feuding over who becomes isi chief. Additionally, almost everyday threats from pdm to send the government home and rising inflation.
Pakistan needs a revolution a PEACEFUL revolution. We need a new system in place! A system that can ensure justice for the poor. A system that can deal with these corrupt elites ruining and looting Pakistan. A peaceful revolution now will save Pakistan from a bloody revolution in the future. With all the troubles we have in Pakistan right now more and more people will be pushed to support a revolution and it will lead to violence.
Parliament should be dissolved and a intern government set up for 90 days. In the meantime we decide what type of new system we want in Pakistan since the existing system failed us. IMO we need a Islamic presidential system. Pakistan was created on the name of Islam not nationalism or secularism. If we stray away from Islam and act secular or nationalistic than we’ll never be successful. We need a system where we have powerful leaders who make good decisions for the public and where there’s Justice for all.


I've been to Pakistan as recent as January 2020 and the living standards in Pakistan have increased drastically since the 1980s/90s. With the advent of CPEC, things are improving in Pakistan much more than at anytime in our history. Long may it continue.
This thread is the problem with Pakistan.

1 guy mentioned jobs.
1 guy mentioned corruption.
1 guy mentioned army and elite.

The rest ignored these and fought like cats and dogs.
Nationlism won’t work in a country that’s as ethnically diverse as Pakistan.
If we support nationalism the Pakistani Pashtuns will support afghans blindly, the Pakistani baloch will support afghan and irani baloch blindly and, the Pakistani Punjabis will support Indian Punjabi blindly.
If we start believing in nationalism we won’t ever be united we’ll always be divided.
Pakistan was created on the basis of Islam not nationalism!

PAKISTANI NATIONALISM is the ONLY solution. NOT ETHNIC nationalism. If ALL Pakistanis worked for the betterment of Pakistan then everything would be great. ONLY Pakistan and Islam in Pakistan works. ALL ELSE fails.
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