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Revolution for Pakistan

All major political parties and generals have played the religious card to justify their corrupt rule and gotten away with it. Because people buy it.

It's only now that the clergy have become emboldened enough that they think they can rule directly without the need for an alliance with an mainstream political party
Yeah, and even if Pak wasn't religious at all, the same generals and parties will use some other card.

It's how corrupt people work.

In the West, when there's a sniff of suspicion against minorities, we see parties take advantage of it (e.g. Trump).

It's called pragmatism. The issue is, why are people letting the corrupt off the hook? Why keep blaming other things?
How many people were killed for being shia or Sunni in 2021? And compare those murders with murder for other reasons

Ethnic/liberal terrorist groups like bla kill more people and soldiers than sectarians
Uh and they're called terrorist groups for that..
They're negative characters?
I don't know where you're going with this?
How many people were killed for being shia or Sunni in 2021? And compare those murders with murder for other reasons
You only have to look at the toxic trends on social media to see how blood-thirsty these groups are

Ethnic/liberal terrorist groups like bla kill more people and soldiers than sectarians
The war on terror, APS school massacre and attacks on our military bases were all caused by ethnic/liberal terrorists, right?
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Day by day Pakistan’s situation is getting worse. With TLP marching to Islamabad, rise in TTP attacks, political instability, civilian government vs establishment, rising inflation, worsening economy and, rupee falling in value the future for Pakistan doesn’t look so bright. The current system has failed the people. No political party is free from corruption and there’s no Justice in Pakistan. Any group turns up and holds the whole country hostage as TLP is doing that right now. If that wasn’t enough, Imran khan and ghq were just feuding over who becomes isi chief. Additionally, almost everyday threats from pdm to send the government home and rising inflation.
Pakistan needs a revolution a PEACEFUL revolution. We need a new system in place! A system that can ensure justice for the poor. A system that can deal with these corrupt elites ruining and looting Pakistan. A peaceful revolution now will save Pakistan from a bloody revolution in the future. With all the troubles we have in Pakistan right now more and more people will be pushed to support a revolution and it will lead to violence.
Parliament should be dissolved and a intern government set up for 90 days. In the meantime we decide what type of new system we want in Pakistan since the existing system failed us. IMO we need a Islamic presidential system. Pakistan was created on the name of Islam not nationalism or secularism. If we stray away from Islam and act secular or nationalistic than we’ll never be successful. We need a system where we have powerful leaders who make good decisions for the public and where there’s Justice for all.


I want to understand the line of reasoning that started from political agitiation, economic strife and culminated at an "Islamic" revolution. How does a lead to b here? So, Pakistani nationalism in PAKISTAN is antithetical to the idea of Pakistan? Is Pakistan the jageer of "Ummah"? Are we back to sqaure one? Has this nation learned nothing after seeing the swift changes all over the globe and the literal shattering of the concept of "Ummah" at the altar of real politik? Pakistan was created to protect the political, religious, and economic rights of Muslims of the subcontinent. After the creation of Pakistan those rights have been secured from coming under the Hindu majority's hegemony in a United India. After any country's creation, nationalism is what drives the nation building. Without nationalism there is no nation, no Pakistan.
Islam is the solution without a doubt. Pakistan was created by Muslim league but unfortunately Pakistan government does not teach which great religious personalities stood with Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah till end, who gathered the people, held conferences in Lahore etc to push for Pakistan Islamic Republic.
If the public wants to do corrupt then Islam cannot be blamed for it because they don't follow it, same if molvis are after the dunya then it's not Islam fault. Still i would say the most corruption in Pakistan is done by the secularists, as stated by PDF members the molvis are from the middle/poor class whilst the secularists/ruling people are from the higher class, they are the masters of corruption and deception, they launder billions a year from Pakistan to their foreign bank accounts. Unfortunately no action is ever taken because they are from the elite.

Talking about Bangladesh and Pakistan split, blame the secularists, they are the one who fought over power, not the molvis, they discriminated against Bangladeshi people, tried to keep them lower class, wouldn't even accept their rule even though they won the elections.

In the Indian subcontinent there was only one old Islam for nearly 700+ years. Which people promoted these new sects? They funded them? Spread corruption in the religion? This was done on purpose and these new sects were promoted to spread fitna in the Muslim ranks, we are only seeing the outcome now.

The solution is simple, read the Islamic history and follow the old real Islam, speak against corruption and do justice to people, spread education. People like TLP will not protest, stop supporting terrorist parties and no terrorism will take place. Hilary Clinton on record stated it was Usa/Saudi with Pakistan backing who spread extremism in our region. Now the same people are saying oh Islam is evil and is the problem? They created this mess and now playing the blame game, pointing fingers.

Their final plan is to spread so much religious hatred that the whole environment will become toxic, then the people will automatically turn away from the religion. Exactly the same was done in the western world and they slowly left Christianity.
Islam is the solution without a doubt. Pakistan was created by Muslim league but unfortunately Pakistan government does not teach which great religious personalities stood with Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah till end, who gathered the people, held conferences in Lahore etc to push for Pakistan Islamic Republic.
If the public wants to do corrupt then Islam cannot be blamed for it because they don't follow it, same if molvis are after the dunya then it's not Islam fault. Still i would say the most corruption in Pakistan is done by the secularists, as stated by PDF members the molvis are from the middle/poor class whilst the secularists/ruling people are from the higher class, they are the masters of corruption and deception, they launder billions a year from Pakistan to their foreign bank accounts. Unfortunately no action is ever taken because they are from the elite.

Talking about Bangladesh and Pakistan split, blame the secularists, they are the one who fought over power, not the molvis, they discriminated against Bangladeshi people, tried to keep them lower class, wouldn't even accept their rule even though they won the elections.

In the Indian subcontinent there was only one old Islam for nearly 700+ years. Which people promoted these new sects? They funded them? Spread corruption in the religion? This was done on purpose and these new sects were promoted to spread fitna in the Muslim ranks, we are only seeing the outcome now.

The solution is simple, read the Islamic history and follow the old real Islam, speak against corruption and do justice to people, spread education. People like TLP will not protest, stop supporting terrorist parties and no terrorism will take place. Hilary Clinton on record stated it was Usa/Saudi with Pakistan backing who spread extremism in our region. Now the same people are saying oh Islam is evil and is the problem? They created this mess and now playing the blame game, pointing fingers.

Their final plan is to spread so much religious hatred that the whole environment will become toxic, then the people will automatically turn away from the religion. Exactly the same was done in the western world and they slowly left Christianity.
Wahabis?, Salafists?
Cause whenever someone says "real","old" Islam
It usually comes with slafist overtones
Sects.were a British product IMHO
I want to understand the line of reasoning that started from political agitiation, economic strife and culminated at an "Islamic" revolution. How does a lead to b here? So, Pakistani nationalism in PAKISTAN is antithetical to the idea of Pakistan? Is Pakistan the jageer of "Ummah"? Are we back to sqaure one? Has this nation learned nothing after seeing the swift changes all over the globe and the literal shattering of the concept of "Ummah" at the altar of real politik? Pakistan was created to protect the political, religious, and economic rights of Muslims of the subcontinent. After the creation of Pakistan those rights have been secured from coming under the Hindu majority's hegemony in a United India. After any country's creation, nationalism is what drives the nation building. Without nationalism there is no nation, no Pakistan.
I thaught this was simple
But concept of being a patriot or nationalist Pakistani offends islamists

How will we go anywhere with this deplorable attitude?
Wahabis?, Salafists?
Cause whenever someone says "real","old" Islam
It usually comes with slafist overtones
Sects.were a British product IMHO

Read the Indian subcontinent history. There were no salafis or wahabis back then. Am talking about the real old Islam which made Muslims a world power. Yes British funded these new sects and divided the Muslim ummah.
I thaught this was simple
But concept of being a patriot or nationalist Pakistani offends islamists

How will we go anywhere with this deplorable attitude?

Nothing wrong with being patriotic or Nationalist Pakistani. Islam is only against discrimination/bullying/harassment. For example you can be a Pakistani and love your country but when you meet a for example Iraqi Muslim, then you treat him like a brother and not look down on him, you don't oppress him because he is from a different country. We may be from different nations/tribes/colour but as a Muslim we are equal. Islam aim is to unite us, bring peace between us and not divide us.
I won't let these guys anywhere near my dog and you want Thier world view to be imposed

Classic Sentence mate ! Pretty much sums up what these goons calling themselves islamic really are. THESE ARE SOME VERY VERY BAD, MORALLY CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS, FORMING GANGS OF THESE HIGHLY REPREHENSIBLE PEOPLE.
Read the Indian subcontinent history. There were no salafis or wahabis back then
Sects within Islam aren't going anywhere. There will always be sects. What is lacking is the abiltly to tolerate the other sides view
Topic was blood shed due to shia Sunni divide in Pakistan
No it is not.
But you are free to believe it is all hunky-dory on that front
For example you can be a Pakistani and love your country but when you meet a for example Iraqi Muslim, then you treat him like a brother and not look down on him, you don't oppress him because he is from a different country. We may be from different nations/tribes/colour but as a Muslim we are equal. Islam aim is to unite us, bring peace between us and not divide us.
We treated Afghans as our brothers and gave them refuge. Look where it has taken us. Brotherly love is a two way street. If the other side does'nt even consider you human then hell with them
Day by day Pakistan’s situation is getting worse. With TLP marching to Islamabad, rise in TTP attacks, political instability, civilian government vs establishment, rising inflation, worsening economy and, rupee falling in value the future for Pakistan doesn’t look so bright. The current system has failed the people. No political party is free from corruption and there’s no Justice in Pakistan. Any group turns up and holds the whole country hostage as TLP is doing that right now. If that wasn’t enough, Imran khan and ghq were just feuding over who becomes isi chief. Additionally, almost everyday threats from pdm to send the government home and rising inflation.
Pakistan needs a revolution a PEACEFUL revolution. We need a new system in place! A system that can ensure justice for the poor. A system that can deal with these corrupt elites ruining and looting Pakistan. A peaceful revolution now will save Pakistan from a bloody revolution in the future. With all the troubles we have in Pakistan right now more and more people will be pushed to support a revolution and it will lead to violence.
Parliament should be dissolved and a intern government set up for 90 days. In the meantime we decide what type of new system we want in Pakistan since the existing system failed us. IMO we need a Islamic presidential system. Pakistan was created on the name of Islam not nationalism or secularism. If we stray away from Islam and act secular or nationalistic than we’ll never be successful. We need a system where we have powerful leaders who make good decisions for the public and where there’s Justice for all.


1. About TLP, you should ask its ambassador on PDF - @Kaleem.61.

2. About Pakistan needing a peaceful Islamic revolution then Pakistan has to look at the Libyan revolution of 1969 that was arranged by Gaddafi and co.
Sects within Islam aren't going anywhere. There will always be sects. What is lacking is the abiltly to tolerate the other sides view

I agree but these sects were created on purpose, these hold private meetings and try to come out with things which are offensive to Islam, ie on purpose mistranslate the Quran, make haram things halal etc they do it on purpose in order to cause fitna. The people who stand up against them are told to be tolerant but the sects are given a free hand.
We treated Afghans as our brothers and gave them refuge. Look where it has taken us. Brotherly love is a two way street. If the other side does'nt even consider you human then hell with them

Pakistani state still treats Afghanis as brothers. They fully support Taliban government, relations will improve soon and borders will be open again(at check points).

My point was Islam says don't look down on them. If for example your neighbouring Muslims are traitors then close the border because they will harm you. But don't discriminate just because of their colour, colour of eyes, or because they from different state or ethnicity, tribe etc.

Most people misunderstand this because the islamist parties misuse Islamic slogans to divide Muslims and then twist things to get votes.
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