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Review ratings-II

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Why not just disable Jhungary's ability to give other members a negative rating?

Jhungary gave me 10 negative ratings in a row when we disagreed in one thread.

Just disable his rating button and the problems with other PDF members will be resolved.

To date, I have received negative ratings from only two people.

One Japanese guy gave me 3 negative ratings over two days.

Jhungary gave me 10 negative ratings in a few hours.

Remove Jhungary's rating button and it will stop the discord with other long-time PDF members.

I've been here for six years. Jhungary has been around for only three years. He's angering a lot of long-time PDF members.

Dude, I did not give you a negative on all those thread because I disagree with you, I gave you a negative rating because you insult other people, including me

Unless you think language like this is acceptable

Who do you think the prospective Vietnamese submarines are intended for? Dumb Indian.

Russia will Launch the First of Six Submarines for the Vietnam Navy

I agree. SicSheep is an idiot.

David beat Goliath and this means David will always beat Goliath. No, you SicSheep idiot. It means David beat Goliath once and Goliath will never underestimate or lose to David again.

Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats | Page 6

Thankfully, "Korean" has been banned.

All of us have been given a reprieve from his garbage. The idiot had never heard of erosion (in another thread on China's Great Wall) or has any understanding of history and China's discovery of the Daiyou/Senkaku Islands in 1403.

What an annoying troll.

Activists sail from Hong Kong for Diao Yu Dao | Page 2

Oh really? Tell me the post numbers in this thread. You're an idiot.

I know this is the first time I've posted it in this thread.

China 1992, India 2012 | Page 12

You're the idiot. This is my last reply unless you say something intelligent.

Mongolian doesn't have an army. There is nothing to stop China's PLA.

Daniel Russel dares China to follow Crimea. Let's do it!

Try reading about Russian nuclear policy. Show me a statement by a high ranking official that Russian nuclear forces will be used to defend Mongolia. God, you're a moron.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/china-always-has-mongolia.190695/page-11#ixzz3tv8kVP8R

You moron. The U.S. won't thermonuke India. However, China might.

As armchair generals, we discuss weapons that are likely to come into play during a conflict. We exclude weapons that we know won't be used. There is no territorial dispute between the U.S. and India. Hence, discussing American weaponry is pointless.

4 Missing After China Vessel Rams Philippines Fishing Boat | Page 8

Institutional memory can't launch a person into space

Explain to me how institutional memory enables a country to launch a person into space.

It can't. You moron.


This is called REAL launch capability. If you can't launch taikonauts into space then you're behind China. This is common sense.

SZ-9 launched successfully`!!! | Page 6

"Focus TAIWAN" is a Taiwanese news source and not from the mainland. Moron.

US lawmakers urge Manila to apologize over shooting | Page 4

You keep going to call other Idiot this and Moron that, you're lucky you only have 13 negative rating. Before you judge my ability to lay -ve rating on you, why don't you look at the language you choose to use, being in this forum 6 years does not give you the right of calling other moron or idiot.

Using a search function, putting the word "idiot" with your user name it return 31 search result. It return 21 search result with "Moron" and your name on the search box, that is just a tip of the iceberg, and you are calling me biased

@Slav Defence this is the problem we have talk about over in private message, these people don't think insulting someone is something you should not do in this forum, and while they insult someone and resulting a negative rating, they won't see it as their faults, they will think it's the person who leave the rating are at fault.

This has gone over the critical point where this kind of behaviour has been a norm here, and I don't know what you are going to do about it, but you better do it quick

By the way, you had 13 negative rating, a look at your rating report, 4 were given by the member @Wholegrain if you say 3 were given by the Japanese Guy @Nihonjin1051 I supposed?, a simple math will show I can only give you at most 6, so where is the 10 negative rating in a few hour come from?
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Thanks for your concern! I don't know if the issuie was resolved or not. I have put him on my ignore list.

He has reverted his ratings.
Now I hope that you will not say something bad in future.

He has reverted his ratings.
Now I hope that you will not say something bad in future.


He decides to give me negative ratings bit by bit. I just receive two in the last hour. If PDF can not remove the bad mechanism so you won't get rid of scum even though he is on my ignore list!
He decides to give me negative ratings bit by bit. I just receive two in the last hour. If PDF can not remove the bad mechanism so you won't get rid of scum even though he is on my ignore list!

I cannot stop him if he has legal reasons to rate you.For example,if you are using abusive language or ridiculing some person or abusing some nation as whole or getting racist.Do not give him chance,by posting such content.... make high quality posts,and then if he issue you rating due to disagreement,then I will deal with him.

I cannot stop him if he has legal reasons to rate you.For example,if you are using abusive language or ridiculing some person or abusing some nation as whole or getting racist.Do not give him chance,by posting such content.... make high quality posts,and then if he issue you rating due to disagreement,then I will deal with him.


I found the two negative ratings were on my posts from 2014. He is doing his revenge. I don't understand the system here how he could rate my posts after he was put on my ignore list.

I cannot stop him if he has legal reasons to rate you.For example,if you are using abusive language or ridiculing some person or abusing some nation as whole or getting racist.Do not give him chance,by posting such content.... make high quality posts,and then if he issue you rating due to disagreement,then I will deal with him.


Why would you give him a thumbs up for calling me scum?
I found the two negative ratings were on my posts from 2014. He is doing his revenge. I don't understand the system here how he could rate my posts after he was put on my ignore list.


Why would you give him a thumbs up for calling me scum?
1-I did not rate him because he called you scum,I have taken it back.The post was liked b/c I was encouraging him to express his concerns.

2-Please,rate not his old posts,rate only when he violates law.Be ''legal''

1-I did not rate him because he called you scum,I have taken it back.The post was liked b/c I was encouraging him to express his concerns.

2-Please,rate not his old posts,rate only when he violates law.Be ''legal''


So, can I leave a negative on him calling me "Scum"?
Dude, I did not give you a negative on all those thread because I disagree with you, I gave you a negative rating because you insult other people, including me

Unless you think language like this is acceptable

Russia will Launch the First of Six Submarines for the Vietnam Navy

Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats | Page 6

Activists sail from Hong Kong for Diao Yu Dao | Page 2

China 1992, India 2012 | Page 12

Daniel Russel dares China to follow Crimea. Let's do it!

Try reading about Russian nuclear policy. Show me a statement by a high ranking official that Russian nuclear forces will be used to defend Mongolia. God, you're a moron.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/china-always-has-mongolia.190695/page-11#ixzz3tv8kVP8R

4 Missing After China Vessel Rams Philippines Fishing Boat | Page 8

SZ-9 launched successfully`!!! | Page 6

US lawmakers urge Manila to apologize over shooting | Page 4

You keep going to call other Idiot this and Moron that, you're lucky you only have 13 negative rating. Before you judge my ability to lay -ve rating on you, why don't you look at the language you choose to use, being in this forum 6 years does not give you the right of calling other moron or idiot.

Using a search function, putting the word "idiot" with your user name it return 31 search result. It return 21 search result with "Moron" and your name on the search box, that is just a tip of the iceberg, and you are calling me biased

@Slav Defence this is the problem we have talk about over in private message, these people don't think insulting someone is something you should not do in this forum, and while they insult someone and resulting a negative rating, they won't see it as their faults, they will think it's the person who leave the rating are at fault.

This has gone over the critical point where this kind of behaviour has been a norm here, and I don't know what you are going to do about it, but you better do it quick

By the way, you had 13 negative rating, a look at your rating report, 4 were given by the member @Wholegrain if you say 3 were given by the Japanese Guy @Nihonjin1051 I supposed?, a simple math will show I can only give you at most 6, so where is the 10 negative rating in a few hour come from?
Firstly, you deserved to be called a moron for dumb reasoning.

Secondly, calling someone a moron when you deserve it is within forum rules.

Look at many of the posts on this forum, people call others moron or worse.

You used that excuse to jack up my negative ratings. Now, you're doing it to other people.

Most of the forum posters have been here for years longer than you. It is obvious to everyone that you're abusing the rating system.

Also, I called you a moron after losing patience with your stupidity. You wrote some of the worst comments that I've seen in six years. Furthermore, you kept insisting you were right. Anyone that reads that read would realize you're an idiot.

I have been here for six years and I have 10,548 "up" ratings. I am going on the record in filing a complaint against Jhungary.

Sanchez has been here for five years and he has a problem with Jhungary.

Jhungary has been here for only three years. Let's impose a three-strike rule.

If one more Senior Member files a complaint against Jhungary, let's remove the "negative" rating button from the new guy Juhngary (who has been here for only three years).

Jhungary is disruptive and an irritant to the long-term PDF members.
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Firstly, you deserved to be called a moron for dumb reasoning.

Secondly, calling someone a moron when you deserve it is within forum rules.

Look at many of the posts on this forum, people call others moron or worse.

You used that excuse to jack up my negative ratings. Now, you're doing it to other people.

Most of the forum posters have been here for years longer than you. It is obvious to everyone that you're abusing the rating system.

Also, I called you a moron after losing patience with your stupidity. You wrote some of the worst comments that I've seen in six years. Furthermore, you kept insisting you were right. Anyone that reads that read would realize you're an idiot.

I have been here for six years and I have 10,548 "up" ratings. I am going on the record in filing a complaint against Jhungary.

Sanchez has been here for five years and he has a problem with Jhungary.

Jhungary has been here for only three years. Let's impose a three-strike rule.

If one more Senior Member files a complaint against Jhungary, let's remove the "negative" rating button from the new guy Juhngary (who has been here for only three years).

Jhungary is disruptive and an irritant to the long-term PDF members.

So you admit that you call everyone a moron? Just because you stuck here longer then everybody else?

@Slav Defence I don't know calling someone a moron when you deserve it is within forum rules. Please do clarify
So you admit that you call everyone a moron? Just because you stuck here longer then everybody else?

@Slav Defence I don't know calling someone a moron when you deserve it is within forum rules. Please do clarify
As far as I know.

Plenty of Indian members call me a moron or worse. I don't see them receiving negative ratings.

The truth is that you push the negative rating button as revenge against people that you are debating with.

The number of complaints against you will keep piling up.

Eventually, they'll realize you're a problem and take away your "negative" rating button.

I disagree with Gambit and Nihonjin. I don't have a problem with them or anyone else on this forum.

I have a problem with you.

Sanchez feels the same way.

Other people will come forward and the PDF moderators will have to do something about you.

You have a vicious streak in pushing up the negative ratings of long-term members. New members will not argue with you, because they know you'll push that negative rating. You have a chilling effect on the forum. You (Jhungary) are the problem.
So you admit that you call everyone a moron? Just because you stuck here longer then everybody else?

@Slav Defence I don't know calling someone a moron when you deserve it is within forum rules. Please do clarify
Im sure there are alot of senior and elite members backing you up,dont worry about these trolls,we know them well.
You are :tup:
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