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Putin: it is time to raise the BRICS' role to a new level

Yes. You used to. But Europe's ability to do that is declining each year. And this is a long term game.

This is a game that can easily be decided through science.
what about italy? is it third world country too ..hahaha

Poverty in Italy hits record levels| Reuters

Our poor are your upper class. Poverty like in india simply does not exist in italy. You are comsidered poor here when you make only 10.000€ per year. So our poor are ten times richer than your middle class.
No one asked if you support them or not or not. The EU has little influence outside of Europe.

South America, Asia, the middle east, and Africa are all heavily influenced by the BRICS; moreover, Europe is influenced by the BRICS, in fact Europe is more or less a subordinate to the BRICS. The BRICS controls much of Europe's energy, they are one the biggest markets for European goods, they have powerful militaries, they hold vast gold reserves, and the 5 BRICS are almost as wealthy as the 28 nation EU.

Nope, 90 % of people in the BRICS live in dirt and poverty. The BRICS control nothing. We buy rescources, pay the elites there and treat the rest like scum. Powerful militaries? We are talking about 3 rd world countries here.

I dont thinkanyone cares what you think. Youre not very bright.

and you are a fake ha ha
I don´t see why i should support developing countries having influence on first world nations. So...dismissed.
You are not part of Brics, no one asked for your support.

we were always developed. We are europe. alook at our history...and compare with yours...

Thats not racism, thats a simple fact. And i'm in no way intersted in some 3 rd world countries trying to push rules on us. You dont have your own country under control but want have imfluence over us? Sorry but that will not happen.
and still you are on Pdf?
You are not part of Brics, now one asked for your support.

My support is not necessary anyways. We westerners simply watch, laugh and see it fail. You have no agenda and no common ground. At the moment you are amusing us. You dont even agree where this play bank should be located. In the end BRICS only serves the others to be a parasite of Chinas whealth.
I'm not racist, i'm simply rational. The current system guarantees me and my people the highest living standard and i'm not going to give that up.
Well i do have to applaud your system, that dimwits like you are granted highest living standard, who do not have the decency or courtesy to carry out a civil discourse.
You really are quite a stupid individual. Everything you say, you pull out of your mongrel ***. You look like a third worlder and you live in Germany. That must not be very fun. No wonder you spew so much hate. Youre some greasy haired nerd with glasses that spends his life in front of a computer. Not surprised youre such a social reject. If you said half of the shit you say on the internet, in real life, youd get the shite kicked out of you.

Nope, 90 % of people in the BRICS live in dirt and poverty. The BRICS control nothing. We buy rescources, pay the elites there and treat the rest like scum. Powerful militaries? We are talking about 3 rd world countries here.

and you are a fake ha ha

Lol. Seek professional psychological help. Seriously. Im assuming you either have mommy or daddy issues. Or both. You dont look european. You look malaysian. Lets be serious. I bet it was hard growing up in white europe. All your angry rants about the third world are just you projecting your own insecurities. Pathetic sad little four eyed greasy haired creature.

My support is not necessary anyways. We westerners simply watch, laugh and see it fail. You have no agenda and no common ground. At the moment you are amusing us. You dont even agree where this play bank should be located. In the end BRICS only serves the others to be a parasite of Chinas whealth.
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You really are quite a stupid individual. Everything you say, you pull out of your mongrel ***. You look like a third worlder and you live in Germany. That must not be very fun. No wonder you spew so much hate. Youre some greasy haired nerd with glasses that spends his life in front of a computer. Not surprised youre such a social reject. If you said half of the shit you say on the internet, in real life, youd get the shite kicked out of you.

Lol. Seek professional psychological help. Seriously. Im assuming you either have mommy or daddy issues. Or both. You dont look european. You look malaysian. Lets be serious. I bet it was hard growing up in white europe. All your angry rants about the third world are just you projecting your own insecurities. Pathetic sad little four eyed greasy haired creature.

Lol why don't you come then and try to kick the shit out of me? I think i can fend for myself very well.


As for the rest of your bullshit. Do i say what i think? Yes i do, thats what i was told since i was a kid. Basic thing is that i have zero respect for poverty stricken shitholes that can't even feed its own people. What i read here is simply laughable. Countries want more influence on one side and on the other side they face famine, poverty and live in dirt. I'm conservative and you may "or may not know" that in italy people share little sympathy for some 3rd world countries. We say open what we think and i will vertainly not hold my ideas back, because you or other people think its "offensive". For me your poverty, dirt and bad management is offensive. And my rule is, that respect must be earned. I respect Brazil and China. Brazil because i have friends there, because it has hot girls, great nature and i love being there. China, because it is sucessful.

But the rest? India is a laughable 3 rd worldcountry with laughable hygienic standards and poverty levels. Russia is a dead country, ruled from a hidden homosexual. A once great nation in science and technology...now dependend on oil and gas sales. A northern nigeria.

And South africa? It has great nature. But so has Namibia.

My opinion is in no way against the normal people. Who often enough suffer in those corrupt countries, but infind it hilarious that their governments want play big game, while large parts of their people suffer under extreme bad conditions. Amd i dont want that governments gain influence in the world, who dont even manage their own countries.

As for your rant about talking openly. Im member in the youth division of the party that banned allnon italian restaurants in some cities in italy, because the smell of this stuff is disgusting and non italian. So you see we are pretty open with that and enough people vote for us, that we even take part in the government. :)

You look like a gay greasy haired version of the midget from game of thrones. With t rex arms. No wonder youre mad at the world. Yellow spandex. Lololol......

And im not even going to read that rant of yours. My post obviously hit home. No wonder youre so mad. Lol angry little gay dude.

Lol why don't you come then and try to kick the shit out of me? I think i can fend for myself very well.


As for the rest of your bullshit. Do i say what i think? Yes i do, thats what i was told since i was a kid. Basic thing is that i have zero respect for poverty stricken shitholes that can't even feed its own people. What i read here is simply laughable. Countries want more influence on one side and on the other side they face famine, poverty and live in dirt. I'm conservative and you may "or may not know" that in italy people share little sympathy for some 3rd world countries. We say open what we think and i will vertainly not hold my ideas back, because you or other people think its "offensive". For me your poverty, dirt and bad management is offensive. And my rule is, that respect must be earned. I respect Brazil and China. Brazil because i have friends there, because it has hot girls, great nature and i love being there. China, because it is sucessful.

But the rest? India is a laughable 3 rd worldcountry with laughable hygienic standards and poverty levels. Russia is a dead country, ruled from a hidden homosexual. A once great nation in science and technology...now dependend on oil and gas sales. A northern nigeria.

And South africa? It has great nature. But so has Namibia.

My opinion is in no way against the normal people. Who often enough suffer in those corrupt countries, but infind it hilarious that their governments want play big game, while large parts of their people suffer under extreme bad conditions. Amd i dont want that governments gain influence in the world, who dont even manage their own countries.

As for your rant about talking openly. Im member in the youth division of the party that banned allnon italian restaurants in some cities in italy, because the smell of this stuff is disgusting and non italian. So you see we are pretty open with that and enough people vote for us, that we even take part in the government. :)
How comes your country is so pathetic weak then? You are 15 times more people than italy...but your GDP is pathetic compared to us. We send food aid through caritas.


thousands of indians die of hunger each day. Poverty is gigantic.

And to be honest, i know the bad hygienic standards there, so i assure you that never anything produced in india would end up in my belly. I dont think its safe to eat.
haha..Mr missionary...we are well aware of what is happening in your Italy..poverty/unemployment hits all time high...poverty rate jumped from 4.9 (2011)to 6.2 (2012) in North Italy and from 23.3(2011) to 26.2(2012) in South...and same in the case of unemployment..no wonder,you are barking here..
Totally agree with President Putin。

Now let us work together to raise the average economic growth rate of BRICS to 6% minimum。

With economic size comes political clout。

You do realize that they only use you like a parasite?
haha..Mr missionary...we are well aware of what is happening in your Italy..poverty/unemployment hits all time high...poverty rate jumped from 4.9 (2011)to 6.2 (2012) in North Italy and from 23.3(2011) to 26.2(2012) in South...and same in the case of unemployment..no wonder,you are barking here..

How comes that an unemploeyed italian has 10 times the amount of money each month than what a working indian has per year? We are gods and you guys simply dwell in our shadow...pretty swampy shadow btw.

See it from another side. Imagine visitors from another planet come to earth. I would be ashamed if they would see your place. I feel deeply ashamed because we are basicly the same species but your people live on such low standards. Bad hygienic standards...chaos, bad smell...hunger, dirt, backwardness.

In all honesty, if i would be the leader in your country. I promise you it would take me just 5 years to make it a 1st world nation by force. I would ban and destroy anything that stands in the way of progress. I would force your country to evolve to an acceptable level.

1. population reduction down to 250 million people

2. destruction of evry single backwarded cultural practice, be it cultural or religious.

3. Intruduction of hygienic standards by force. Evry single place is checked for its hygienic standards. If it falls below a certain point, the place is burned down and annihilated without compensation

4. re naturation. I would order the forests to be replanted and the rivers to be banned for the public. The entire Ganges river would become a "no go area". Each side of the river would be walled. Evryone who goes near the river would be punished. All industrial complexes near the river would be closed and dismantled.

Thats the way our roman empire forced standards on its subjects. Its harsh and hard but in the end benefits the subjects as well.

I did read Caesars "de bello gallico". In his book he tells how he civilized the gallians. Its brutal but extremly effective. As Caesar said: "To create something new, you must always destroy something old. There is Creation in destruction. Our emperors are my rolemodels. I look up to Augustus, Marcus Aurelius, Hadrian and Vespasian.

And i´m sad about the state of your country and others. Because we failed with you. We ignored the problems far too long and our greed made us blind for it. The way you are now is our failure. But mistakes can be corrected. Better an end with terror than terror without end.
Stupid racist guy who think he is king of the world and talk shit about others country while hiding behind his mommy computer.

On topic : Very good points by president putin which shows his vision.
Stupid racist guy who think he is king of the world and talk shit about others country while hiding behind his mommy computer.

On topic : Very good points by president putin which shows his vision.

Where is this racist? It has nothing to do with race. Racism would be if i would see a genetic /biological reason, which i do not. Come back when you know what racism means. beside that, i use my own iPad. My mother doesn´t own one.

As for the topic: Putins "vision" can be seen in Russia. A 3rd world shit hole where even the most basic infrastructure is missing. I would not even want to be dead in russia. If India sees a shit hole like russia as prime example for its development...then good night. You should orientate yourself forward and not to losers.

In the end what we see here is for domestic use only. The BRICS nations hate each other. They want be important so use this a bit for theatre. In the end only two nations matter at all. China and Russia.

Brazil s a complete western country and can be seen as a mole in this group.

South Africa is a nobody.

India is india...

China and Russia at least have some international influence. They use the others to form a small diplomatic satellite group. Which is ok and understandable.
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