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Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces

Good God! She wasn't Queen then.

Yes she was. Elizabeth Windsor is Head of State in England since 1952. English death camps in Kenya where Mau Mau people were slaughtered existed since ... 1952 till at least 1960s.

Please make sure you take some antihistamine tablets just incase you get an allergic reaction.

“The name of His Royal Highness is associated with many important events in your country’s recent history,” Putin said in a telegram to Queen Elizabeth.

“He rightfully enjoyed respect among the British and internationally,” Putin said.

The Kremlin said Russia’s president wished the 94-year-old monarch “courage and spiritual fortitude in the face of a heavy and irreparable loss.”

Russia’s Embassy in London linked Prince Philip to Russia's last imperial family in a tweet sending condolences on his passing.

“The Duke of Edinburgh, great-great-grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I, was admired and will be mourned by many Russians,” it said.

Simple condolences.
He was 99... Probably the most unluckiest prince who never became a king
Maybe he wasn't. Were he to stay in Greece, Col. Papadopoulos would've not stopped at taking his crown, and would've taken his head too.
Good God! She wasn't Queen then.

Please make sure you take some antihistamine tablets just incase you get an allergic reaction.

“The name of His Royal Highness is associated with many important events in your country’s recent history,” Putin said in a telegram to Queen Elizabeth.

“He rightfully enjoyed respect among the British and internationally,” Putin said.

The Kremlin said Russia’s president wished the 94-year-old monarch “courage and spiritual fortitude in the face of a heavy and irreparable loss.”

Russia’s Embassy in London linked Prince Philip to Russia's last imperial family in a tweet sending condolences on his passing.

“The Duke of Edinburgh, great-great-grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I, was admired and will be mourned by many Russians,” it said.

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When presidents and diplomats speak, you have to parse their words carefully. The first paragraph's "associated with important events" is not a compliment, it's a statement of fact. The next two phrases are general platitudes and condolences.

The last paragraph is a quote from the embassy, not Putin, and specifically mentions "many Russians" (not saying anything about Putin) and it points out that Phil was descended from a Russian emperor, thus 'permitting' acknowledgement that at least three (which is what "many" logically means) Russians admired him.
Yes she was. Elizabeth Windsor is Head of State in England since 1952. English death camps in Kenya where Mau Mau people were slaughtered existed since ... 1952 till at least 1960s.

Still she had nothing to do with it. The government of the time is responsible.

Simple condolences.

Yes sure.
When presidents and diplomats speak, you have to parse their words carefully. The first paragraph's "associated with important events" is not a compliment, it's a statement of fact. The next two phrases are general platitudes and condolences.

The last paragraph is a quote from the embassy, not Putin, and specifically mentions "many Russians" (not saying anything about Putin) and it points out that Phil was descended from a Russian emperor, thus 'permitting' acknowledgement that at least three (which is what "many" logically means) Russians admired him.

Rightfully enjoyed
RIP,The Old man with a lot of dignity and pride has gone, Now it will more difficult for his life partner to survive in this busy world where young are preoccupied with smartphones.
Pdf are in deep sorrow after the death of the true great sultan. What a tragedy for Pakistan.
RIP Sir!!! 99 is a fantastic innings, and 2 months short of getting a post card from her majesty the Queen.

Thankyou for your service sir !!!
RIP,The Old man with a lot of dignity and pride has gone, Now it will more difficult for his life partner to survive in this busy world where young are preoccupied with smartphones.
Passing racist comments ,hurting people sentiments ,eating and enjoying a privileged life without sweating a drop and doing hardwork all life,causing famine in the bengal killing millions , enslaving people .
What a dignity and proud full life.
The more you are going to read about these royals the more you are going to hate them.
I hope he has a special place reserved in hell.
RIP Sir!!! 99 is a fantastic innings, and 2 months short of getting a post card from her majesty the Queen.

Thankyou for your service sir !!!
Too many english bootlickers in this thread.
English has left in 1947 but left their illegitimate offspring.
A true son/ daughter of the soil be it a Pakistani,indian or a bangladeshi should truly hate these british royals from the core of his/her heart.
Showing up somewhere and stealing land from locals at gunpoint doesn't make you "of" that place. It doesn't matter if the locals bled you a little, it doesn't give you any more legitimacy, thief.

@denel is a black native of Africa.
I have had discussions about racism with him in the past and trust me he is black.
I edited my post above a bit since you quoted it. I pointed out that he uses an Afrikaner defense company's name as his username. His knee-jerk anti-China reactions and other political views are typical of whites. There's little reason for a black South African to spread Western propaganda about Uighurs or even care about the "issue" like he does.
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