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Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces

Should she live for a further 3 years and change she will be the longest reigning monarch in known history. Although with her husband gone, she may go soon after from the heart break.

Operation “Fourth Bridge” is underway (the plan for Philip’s death)

RIP Philip. You have completed your duty to your Queen.
Forth Bridge is down.
London Bridge to go.
Condolences to the Royal family and to the British pdf members here.
However he was, I see a lot of hate and mockery of Prince Philip on twitter, a huge amount of the snowflakes are happy someone has passed away and are celebrating it. let the man rest in peace.

Yep bunch of disrespectful morons (mostly young) who haven't got a clue about values and make nothing of themselves either.
However he was, I see a lot of hate and mockery of Prince Philip on twitter, a huge amount of the snowflakes are happy someone has passed away and are celebrating it. let the man rest in peace.
Just been following the news on twitter and I have to agree the response is shocking but not surprising, we have regressed so far that even loss of life makes people numb in their heads. He was like my grandad - outspoken with no filter, what most people don't realise is that they were brought up in a different world, our world has changed so much so fast even people in their 50's and 60's struggle to keep up with all the changes.
The Queen is next. No matter who you are and how much money you have, how powerful you are or pretend to be, you will still end up in a grave like everyone else including a poor man. This is the ultimate truth.
No one knows who is next.
This life is very unpredictable my freind.
Who knows me or you are going to die next and queen will outlive both of us.
I was not surprised when I heard as he had been ill for some time.

He was so close to making it to 100 and he was key to helping the Queen have such a successful reign.
It seems "Her Majesty"'s loyal subjects here feel devastated by this news. My heartfelt condolences to you all.
Racist clown Philip is in hell now, soon racist Elizabeth Windsor will follow.

‘Are you a woman?’ Prince Philip’s worst racist and sexist gaffes revisited
4 May, 2017 15:34 / Updated 3 years ago


As the Duke of Edinburgh retires from public life, RT looks through a back catalogue of wince-inducing comments and diplomatic gaffes spanning decades.
The Duke’s colorful language has frequently seen him face accusations of racism.
On one occasion, he warned a British student he met in Hong Kong that if he stayed there too long, he’d go “slitty-eyed.
He also once congratulated a young man who hiked across Papua New Guinea on not being eaten by the locals.
In 2002, he asked Australian aboriginals whether they still
“chucked spears at each other.”

The Prince once asked Filipina nurses working for the National Health Service (NHS) if there was anyone left in their country, and told an Indian businessman with the surname ‘Patel’ at an official event at Buckingham Palace “there’s a lot of your family in tonight” in reference to the 400 Indian guests in attendance.

Some of the Prince’s comments on women have also attracted criticism.

While receiving a gift from a Kenyan woman in 1984, the Duke saw fit to ask: “You are a woman, aren’t you?

He also told the Scottish Women’s Institute that “British women can’t cook” during a visit in 1961.

When told by a female Sea Cadet that she worked in a nightclub in 2009, the interested Duke asked: “Is it a strip club?

Although he is the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip has ruffled a few Scottish feathers over the years. He once asked a Scottish driving instructor: “how do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?” during a 1995 visit.

Besides non-white people, women, and the Scots, other targets have included Welsh singer Tom Jones – who he suggested gargled with pebbles and sang terrible songs – and a koala in Australia, which he refused to pet because he feared it would give him a “ghastly disease.

Oh boy, look at the sympathies from users of this forum.

This family is famous for many evil things, from Mass mirdering natives of Australia, America and Muslims, colonizing, slavery, etc. This family is still representing colonialism.

This evil family in order to keep its dirty bloodline untouched, have done interfamily marriages among incests.

The most racist family that you could find out there. An evil less, thank God.
Since when being against racism mean being a snowflake ?

People have every right to celebrate death of monsters like Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler or Philip Windsor.

That butcher Elizabeth Windsor will soon also go to hell. She supervised English death camps in Africa.
Get your facts right... where did Elizabeth supervise anything. She is a head of state figure not PM.
His outright racist jokes will be missed. At least he was honest about what he thought and not a nonce like his son Andrew. Recently overturned his Land rover driving too fast. Sounded like a lad.
He had a wicked sense of humour. He really did not have any role just to chaperone the Queen.

While I have zero tolerance for anything royal; they have provided some sense of stability to the commonweath.
Get your facts right... where did Elizabeth supervise anything. She is a head of state figure not PM.

He had a wicked sense of humour. He really did not have any role just to chaperone the Queen.

While I have zero tolerance for anything royal; they have provided some sense of stability to the commonweath.

Yep, apparently he organised deaths camps according to a couple of posters, but he fought against the Nazis and Imperial Japanese.


Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan praised the Duke for his support for the second largest country in the commonwealth, which he last visited with the Queen in 1997 for a six-day tour.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he sent the Queen a telegram expressing his 'deep condolences', wishing her 'courage and fortitude in the face of a grievous and irreparable loss.'

'The name of His Royal Highness is associated with many important events in the recent history of your country,' he said.

'He rightfully enjoyed respect among the British and international prestige.'

The Russian embassy in London issued a separate statement pointing out that Philip was the 'great-great-grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I' and saying that he will be 'mourned by many Russians.'

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