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Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces

This is pure gold. Not many of us are aware of this.
One day this won't be true. One day medicine will advance to the point where aging and its attendant diseases and disabilities will all be amenable to medical intervention. When that day comes, I assure you that in the capitalist West this technology will only be available to the ultra-wealthy and everyone else will just keep going to their graves on schedule.

It's already happening to a limited extent. Take note of when people like Phil here die: 99. His wife is in her 90s. Rupert Murdoch is still alive. Why? Because they have access to expensive experimental treatments the rest of us have no hope of getting, if we even know they exist. These treatments are still far from perfect and these people still die, but take note of the disparity between the average lifespans of the top 0.1% and the 99.9%.
One day this won't be true. One day medicine will advance to the point where aging and its attendant diseases and disabilities will all be amenable to medical intervention. When that day comes, I assure you that in the capitalist West this technology will only be available to the ultra-wealthy and everyone else will just keep going to their graves on schedule.

It's already happening to a limited extent. Take note of when people like Phil here die: 99. His wife is in her 90s. Rupert Murdoch is still alive. Why? Because they have access to expensive experimental treatments the rest of us have no hope of getting, if we even know they exist. These treatments are still far from perfect and these people still die, but take note of the disparity between the average lifespans of the top 0.1% and the 99.9%.

Why would the Gods want that? Better to cull most everybody on the planet first. Ensure they can continue to play God. tic toks ticking away like a bomb.
(...) She is a head of state figure not PM.

Coup against Gough Whitlam proves that Elizabeth Windsor has real power in England and English empire. She is not a head of state figure as you claim.
Coup against Gough Whitlam proves that Elizabeth Windsor has real power in England and English empire. She is not a head of state figure as you claim.
Read the constitution of Australia pal and role of Queen - It is different role.

Better dismiss a PM vs having Soviets cause a coup in Poland - you prefer that?
Yep, apparently he organised deaths camps according to a couple of posters (...)

What exactly do you deny – existance of English death camps in Africa or a fact that Elizabeth Windsor is Head of State in England ?

(...) but he fought against the Nazis and Imperial Japanese.

Like English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ?
chamberlain hitler.jpg
Racist clown Philip is in hell now, soon racist Elizabeth Windsor will follow.

‘Are you a woman?’ Prince Philip’s worst racist and sexist gaffes revisited
4 May, 2017 15:34 / Updated 3 years ago

View attachment 732492

As the Duke of Edinburgh retires from public life, RT looks through a back catalogue of wince-inducing comments and diplomatic gaffes spanning decades.
The Duke’s colorful language has frequently seen him face accusations of racism.
On one occasion, he warned a British student he met in Hong Kong that if he stayed there too long, he’d go “slitty-eyed.
He also once congratulated a young man who hiked across Papua New Guinea on not being eaten by the locals.
In 2002, he asked Australian aboriginals whether they still
“chucked spears at each other.”

The Prince once asked Filipina nurses working for the National Health Service (NHS) if there was anyone left in their country, and told an Indian businessman with the surname ‘Patel’ at an official event at Buckingham Palace “there’s a lot of your family in tonight” in reference to the 400 Indian guests in attendance.

Some of the Prince’s comments on women have also attracted criticism.

While receiving a gift from a Kenyan woman in 1984, the Duke saw fit to ask: “You are a woman, aren’t you?

He also told the Scottish Women’s Institute that “British women can’t cook” during a visit in 1961.

When told by a female Sea Cadet that she worked in a nightclub in 2009, the interested Duke asked: “Is it a strip club?

Although he is the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip has ruffled a few Scottish feathers over the years. He once asked a Scottish driving instructor: “how do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?” during a 1995 visit.

Besides non-white people, women, and the Scots, other targets have included Welsh singer Tom Jones – who he suggested gargled with pebbles and sang terrible songs – and a koala in Australia, which he refused to pet because he feared it would give him a “ghastly disease.

Straight up British humour, he was an absolute legend.

May he Rest in Peace.

British heroes lol
Still paying the price for this family’s cock up in sub continent

millions millions suffered and still suffering in what they call British India .

he’s dead he’s gone but I don’t give a rats arse about him

God bless the poor of the world who suffered are suffering due to this family all over the world .
Read the constitution of Australia pal and role of Queen - It is different role.

Elizabeth Windsor as a Head of England could stop English death camps in Africa but she didn't. It mean Elizabeth Windsor accepted English death camps like her predecesors accepted genocide in North America and Australia.

Are you English colonist living on land stolen from Africans ?
What exactly do you deny – existance of English death camps in Africa or a fact that Elizabeth Windsor is Head of State in England ?

Like English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ?
View attachment 732509

Your post makes no sense. The Queen never oversaw any of that.
Oh by the way, your hero Putin praised him hahahahah. I bet that annoys you.
Elizabeth Windsor as a Head of England could stop English death camps in Africa but she didn't. It mean Elizabeth Windsor accepted English death camps like her predecesors accepted genocide in North America and Australia.

Are you English colonist living on land stolen from Africans ?
You are totally incoherent pal.

Firstly, you know nothing about me, my hertiage, my country and my continent. My family has shed blood for my country. We are of Africa.

If I am to complain about British Genocide, I can because it happened right here 90km from here.

I think you definitely are a russian trolling on this forum.
It makes no sence to imply that English Head of State Elizabeth Windsor was not aware about English death camps in Africa.

Good God! She wasn't Queen then.

Where did Putin praised Philip Windsor ? He simply send condolences.

Please make sure you take some antihistamine tablets just incase you get an allergic reaction.

“The name of His Royal Highness is associated with many important events in your country’s recent history,” Putin said in a telegram to Queen Elizabeth.

“He rightfully enjoyed respect among the British and internationally,” Putin said.

The Kremlin said Russia’s president wished the 94-year-old monarch “courage and spiritual fortitude in the face of a heavy and irreparable loss.”

Russia’s Embassy in London linked Prince Philip to Russia's last imperial family in a tweet sending condolences on his passing.

“The Duke of Edinburgh, great-great-grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I, was admired and will be mourned by many Russians,” it said.

May he rest is peace

Shocking but understandable. He wasnt well for a long time and coming in and out of the hospital for various reasons

He was 99... Probably the most unluckiest prince who never became a king and had to live like a Prince despite his wife being the Queen

When a King's wife is called Queen. Why was he always called 'Prince' and not 'King'?
RIP Good Man

Royal Family and the Queen herself has been very good to Pakistanis

British Pakistanis owe alot to the Royal Family more specially the Queen and Ayub Khan from their deal in 1960s to bring Pakistanis to UK + Citizenship

in 1960s all the Indians used to travel to Karachi and get fake Pakistanis passports so they can come to the UK and swap the Pakistani passport for a 1-1 British passport, because UK had a agreement with only Pakistan and not with any other country

all Indians who arrived in UK in 1960s did so via Pakistan using fake passports

the law changed in the 1970s and again in 1980s and now its pretty much standard

over 1 million Pakistanis arrived between 1960-1980 and now are millions more

the UK may have done bad things 100 years ago but today we have a very vibrant and successful community in UK with freedom to even make Azan from Mosques using loud speakers even out of hours

as they say I England, he had a good innings

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