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Prahaar Missile to be test-fired on Sunday

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I thought we were discussing the Prahar and not Mallus??
Shiv Aror: Prahaar test postponed to later this week


Prahaar Test Postponed
The test of India's new tactical missile Prahaar, scheduled for today, has been postponed to later this week for unspecified reasons. Details later.
Please dont talk out of your @ss...if you do not know ....When was nuclear submarine declared to the world ? Only after India constructed it..Did DRDO or governement official came out and said that 'Hey we are going to Launch a nuke submarine in the next 1 year' ? ..Did they ? No...Why do you think that is ? Hmmm what about K - series of missiles ? Did they announce that ? No they went and quietly did their work...What about electronic warfare....did they ever declare that to the world....we all know about 'MAYAVI'....but do we know what is it..but we know that DARE is working on something .........

what others are you talking about...what anti-tank missile..ohh you must be referring to Nag.. - ones that have not been inducted by Indian army ? After hmm lets say more than 2 decades of development ...if you wont call that baby steps, then what exactly would you call that....DRDO has a long way to go - before it can be considered a competent defence agency......till then work hard and work silently.......anyways best of luck to the prahaar....

No one can argue with a stupid and idiot. As someone said it is waste of time and your lies are funny. :tdown:
Its better to be postponed than giving a failure when it is known that there is some fault in countdown.
Oh.. I'm sure you are telling the truth that you are a mallu ( keralite ).... Only a Mallu can be so condescending and jealous ... They look down upon everything and are quick to find fault in every achievement no matter who does it... It's in their DNA ..!!! So ignore this anathema dude for he'll never understand and be satisfied with any rebuttal .. this guy is just a waste of time...!!!

Let me think....you have a boss or collegue or some past experience with someone who was a Mallu ...and who whoops your @ss every now and then.....looks like a cry baby syndrome....You have one post...and you choose to belittle your own countrymen...does it really matter ? or do you have anything to add ? ...dont be so quick to pass judegement which exposes your alma matter in a severely de-graded condition....and rajusri...pitty ..you thank such low quality posts.....
No one can argue with a stupid and idiot. As someone said it is waste of time and your lies are funny. :tdown:

End of discussion it is ...when you dont have anything to add...and everytime someone contradicts your view..you call him liar..instead of engaging in a good discussion....you sir dont have a clue what you are talking about...and you prefer to stick to your delusional theory without knowing something......anyways...carry on...my last reply..since your trash posts are not worth replying....
Calm down buddy .... I think your point of view is telling to be moderate .... But credit should be given where it's due 'cause it works as fuel for them to achieve much more.

Ohhh absolutely...and i fully agree with that....credit should be given...and DRDO is doing a fabulous job given resources and bureaucracy ...i never had that in contention...my only gripe is ...take all the credit you what ..after you demonstrate the product....instead releasing the news upfront which says 'we are going to do this and that'..... I loved the way DRDO went about doing their K-series missiles and are goign about Mayavi....everyone knows about it...but no one still has real clue....anyways lets hope for the best.....best of luck to DRDO....
DRDO should do first and then declare. This will starve the trolls atleast ;)

I'm not saying fool our own population into believing into 'zero failures' kind of stories as is the norm in some countries, because Indians are too smart to lap it up, but also don't give the impression that they are too media hungry.
its mandatory to inform nearby country a week ahead of testing ballistic missile...
its a confidence building measure...
The Prahaar test-firing is scheduled for tomorrow morning thats 18 th of july. depending upon weather conditions.
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