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India test-fired new Supersonic interceptor missile today from Odisha coast


Seeker for AAD.A bigger version could be used in PDV.

PDV is supposed to intercept at 150 km and above ....so what we have tested now PAD or PDV ?

On second thought ...this is most likely to be PDV rather than PAD .

This month is a missile festival ....

Like I said,a really crappy reporting it was....a real clasterfuck,couldn't make out a shit from this piece.So can't say for sure.But earlier it was reported that PDV would be test fired,so it could indeed have been PDV.
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deleted....feel embarrassed because of stupid news channel..
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But in our OTV and KanakTV it is showing in scrolls that the missile has failed!!

Sorry, it was 30 minutes ago....now it is showing to be successful again....Bloody news Channel..

Most of those reporting guys do not know the difference between SAM and an interceptor test. Even though both of them do the same job.
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