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Poll: Turkey's possible future union

In which union do you want Turkey in ?

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only need to erase that long border to the south. Now if only our beloved creator could use a brush to do that and not rock the world with earth quakes to do it.

I'd like to add that EU is in trouble because some of the member states don't follow the rules and guidelines. It's no secret that Germany has invested the most into EU and has give up the most. But I do not think it is possible to make the countries follow the common sense and hardcore politics of germany to gain the same economic power and stability.

EU is just too different when it comes to that.
Oh, I didn't know that.

What do you think? Isn't this desirable?
Hah, now i know you are living in a German speaking country.
How about a Turko-Persian union that could potentially include Iraqi & Syrian Kurdistan, Turkmeneli, Crimea, Idel-Ural / Tatarstan, and East Turkestan? :p:

Turko-Persian tradition


The composite Turko-Persian tradition[1] refers to a distinctive culture that arose in the 9th and 10th centuries (AD) in Khorasan and Transoxiana (present-day, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, minor parts of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan).[2] It was Persianate in that it was centered on a lettered tradition of Iranian origin and it was Turkic insofar as it was founded by and for many generations patronized by rulers of Turkic heredity. In subsequent centuries, the Turko-Persian culture would be carried on further by the conquering peoples to neighbouring regions, eventually becoming the predominant culture of the ruling and elite classes of West Asia (Middle East), Central Asia and South Asia (Indian Subcontinent).[3]






lol.. who added Ummah? there is nothing like Ummah Union and you guys are already part of good for nothing OIC.. Pakistan just become full member of SCO.. Iran may join next year.. hope u will find your match too..

anyways doesnt matter which bloc we belong we will always be good friends..
EU is not good
Ummah doesn't exist
What is Turan??!its imaginary place from the iranian mythology
What a contribution to the thread.... :rolleyes:

For foreign nations, Turan can have different meanies. For us It's the union of the Turkic countries. Actually i explained that in the first post.
I think turkey should be close to the east like Japan,Korea the Middle East right now is not good place to make business with or union
EU is not good
Ummah doesn't exist
What is Turan??!its imaginary place from the iranian mythology

Its a Turko-Persian mythology. The connection between Turkic and Turanian people were created by Iranic people themselfs. And its actually not imaginary.

That being said my idea for an union would still be an Oghuz Turkic union(Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Northern Cyprus). I just think that Turan would cause far to much trouble.
EU is bullshit.. the hatred and the enmity is far to much against us.. hope this thought is closed for now.. I cant understand (except the money bith thing) why someone should consider EU after all had been done to us..

I just think that Turan would cause far to much trouble.

and this is because the states wich wouold be turan are too weak.. first they must be stronger

but the best thing should be Turkey Azerbaycan Turkmenistan to have an union but this means that some behavior in these countries must change for excample the stupid book thing.. no one can bring a book to turkmenistan.. wtf..

than we need Kazakhstan, kyrgizstan ozbekistan union and here comes the worst part.. both have problems with ozbekistan..
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